2017 - Histomorphometric Results of Different Grafting Materials and Effect of Healing Time on Bone Maturation After Sinus Floor Augmentation

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J Periodont Res 2016 © 2016 John Wiley & Sons A/S.

All rights reserved Published by John Wiley & Sons Ltd


Review Article
S. A. Danesh-Sani1,
Histomorphometric results S. P. Engebretson1, M. N. Janal2
Department of Periodontology and Implant

of different grafting
Dentistry, New York University College of
Dentistry, New York, NY, USA and
Department of Epidemiology and Health
Promotion, New York University College of

materials and effect of Dentistry, New York, NY, USA

healing time on bone

maturation after sinus floor
augmentation: a systematic
review and meta-analysis
Danesh-Sani SA, Engebretson SP, Janal MN. Histomorphometric results of
different grafting materials and effect of healing time on bone maturation after
sinus floor augmentation: a systematic review and meta-analysis. J Periodont Res
2016; doi: 10.1111/jre.12402. © 2016 John Wiley & Sons A/S. Published by John
Wiley & Sons Ltd

The aim of this systematic review was to evaluate histomorphometric variables,

the amount of new bone (NB), residual graft (RG) particles and soft tissue
(ST), related to various grafting materials and assess the effect of graft healing
time on different histomorphometric outcomes. Studies that were published
before October 2015 were electronically and manually searched in three data-
bases. We included human studies that reported the amount of NB, RG and
ST in the biopsies taken from the grafted sinuses. Based on the applied graft-
ing materials, extracted data were categorized into different groups. Further-
more, extracted data were classified into three groups based on healing time:
(i) ≤ 4.5 mo; (ii) 4.5–9 mo; and (iii) ≥ 9–13.5 mo. The search provided 791
titles. Full text analysis was performed for 258 articles resulting in 136 studies
that met the inclusion criteria. Autogenous bone (AB) resulted in the highest
amount of NB and lowest amount of RG compared to other grafting materi-
als. Based on this meta-analysis, a significant difference was noticed in the
amount of NB formation in grafts with a healing time of > 4.5 mo when com- Seyed Amir Danesh-Sani, DDS, Department of
pared to the grafts with less healing time. However, when comparing biopsies Periodontology and Implant Dentistry, New
taken at 4.5–9 mo of healing (average = 6.22 mo) to the ones taken at ≥ York University College of Dentistry, 345 E
24th St, New York, NY 10010, USA
9–13.5 mo (average = 10.36 mo), no significant difference was noticed in the Tel: 2032152487
amount of NB formation of various grafts except allografts that resulted in a Fax: 2129927040
significantly higher percentage of NB at 9.5 mo of healing. Based on histomor- e-mail: sds521@nyu.edu

phometric analysis, AB results in the highest amount of NB formation in com- Key words: biomaterials; bone regeneration;
guided bone regeneration; histomorphometry;
parison to the other grafting materials. Bone substitute materials (allografts,
maxillary sinus floor augmentation; sinus floor
alloplastic materials and xenografts) seem to be good alternatives to autoge- augmentation
nous bone and can be considered as grafting materials to avoid disadvantages Accepted for publication June 11, 2016
2 Danesh-Sani et al.

related to AB, including morbidity rate, limited availability and high volumet-
ric change. Combining AB with alloplastic materials and xenografts brings no
significant advantages regarding NB formation.

Alveolar bone resorption following maxillary sinus augmentation showed Exclusion criteria—The exclusion crite-
tooth extraction makes the implant that the amount of newly formed ria were as follows:
treatment planning more challenging bone (NB), residual graft (RG) parti-
by compromising the bone volume cles and soft tissue (ST) components 1 Case reports.
required to ensure the stability of (i.e. bone marrow and/or connective 2 Incomplete data (studies presenting
dental implants (1). tissue) are not the same with different mean values without standard devi-
Maxillary sinus floor elevation is grafting materials (9). ation).
one of the routine pre-prosthetic sur- The amount of NB is an important 3 Studies that were not published as
gical procedures performed for bone criteria to evaluate grafting materials, full reports, such as conference
augmentation in the posterior maxilla. as higher bone volume and bone den- abstracts and letters to editors.
There are two main techniques for sity results in a higher bone–implant
this procedure: the transalveolar (cre- contact and eventually higher survival
stal) and the lateral window. How- of implants (10). Histomorphometric Information sources and search strat-
ever, several authors have published a analysis is considered the gold stan- egy—An electronic search was con-
variety of modifications to these tech- dard method to estimate the amount of ducted on PubMed CENTRAL,
niques (2). NB, RG and ST in grafted sites (11). EMBASE and the Cochrane Library
The transalveolar osteotome sinus The purpose of the current system- up to and including 1 October 2015.
floor elevation procedure, first atic review of the literature and meta- The following search terms were used:
described by Summers, includes green- analysis was to evaluate histomorpho- ((maxillary sinus) OR (sinus)) AND
stick fracture of sinus floor, subse- metric variables (NB, RG, ST) related ((floor augmentation) OR (floor) OR
quent elevation of the membrane and to various grafting materials from a (augmentation) OR (grafting) OR
placement of grafting material and large group of patients and assess the (floor elevation) OR (lift)) AND ((his-
implant (3). This technique is a well- effect of graft healing time on differ- tolog*) OR (morphometric) OR (mor-
established surgical option for patients ent histomorphometric outcomes. phometry) OR (histomorphometric)
with more than 5 mm residual bone OR (biops*) OR (Histomorphome-
height (2). Various studies reported try)). We restricted our searches to
high survival rate, ranging between Material and methods human studies published in English.
93.5% and 100%, for the implants A detailed protocol was designed In addition, bibliographies of previous
placed with this technique (4). according to guidelines of the reviews were also evaluated to be cer-
Lateral window sinus augmentation PRISMA (Preferred Reporting Items tain that no appropriate articles were
was first described by Tatum and sub- for Systematic Review and Meta-ana- missed.
sequently, Boyne and James in 1980 lysis) statement and MOOSE (Meta- In addition, a hand search of rele-
(5,6). In this approach, entry into the analysis Of Observational Studies in vant studies published in dental jour-
sinus was made through the lateral Epidemiology) (12,13). The clinical nals between January 1990 and
wall to access the sinus. This technique questions were organized according to October 2015 was performed. The
has been recognized as a successful the these guidelines. journals included were International
approach for the augmentation of the Journal of Oral and Maxillofacial
severely resorbed ridges in the poste- Implants, European Journal of Oral
rior maxillary region, resulting in a Eligibility criteria Implantology, Clinical Oral Implants
high survival rate of implants (2,5,6). Research, International Journal of
Different types of grafting materials Inclusion criteria—For inclusion, the
Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery, Bri-
have been used for sinus augmenta- studies were required to meet the fol- tish Journal of Oral and Maxillofacial
tion including autograft, allograft, lowing criteria: Surgery, Journal of Oral and Maxillo-
xenograft, alloplastic materials and 1 Histomorphometric data needed to facial Surgery, Oral Surgery Oral
growth factors. The grafting material be present after the sinus floor ele- Medicine Oral Pathology Oral Radiol-
should be osteogenic, osteoinductive, vation procedure. ogy and Endodontology, International
osteoconductive and volumetrically 2 Comparative and non-comparative Journal of Oral and Maxillofacial Sur-
stable to provide us with the optimal prospective studies. gery Clinical Implant Dentistry and
outcome (7,8). Selecting the ideal 3 Human clinical studies. Related Research, Dental Clinics of
grafting material for the sinus aug- 4 Studies conducted in five or more North America, Journal of Prosthetic
mentation is a controversial subject. patients that contained relevant his- Dentistry, Journal of Clinical Peri-
Histomorphometric studies of tomorphometric data. odontology, Journal of Oral
Histomorphometric results of grafting materials 3

Implantology, Journal of Craniofacial were contacted to provide missing The kappa value for inter-examiner
Surgery, Journal of Periodontology information as required. agreement in selecting the included
and Journal of Craniomaxillofacial studies was 0.87, showing high con-
Surgery. cordance between the authors who
Data analysis
selected the articles.
Study selection and data collection—Eli- Based on the applied grafting materi- If a meta-analysis for one group or
gibility assessment was performed als, extracted data were categorized subgroup would be based on only one
through title and abstract analysis into different groups including: auto- or two investigations, the result would
and full text analysis. Two reviewers genous bone (AB); AB + platelet-rich almost repeat the outcomes of the sin-
(SD, SE) screened titles and abstracts plasma (PRP); Allograft (AG); gle study. Therefore, it is reasonable
for possible inclusion in the review, AG + growth factors/stem cells (GS); to exclude groups with a limited num-
according to the inclusion criteria. alloplastic materials (AP), AP + GS, ber of studies. Table S1 summarizes
After selection, the full text papers AP + AB; Xenograft (XG); XG + the characteristics of included studies.
were read in detail by two reviewers GS; and XG + AB. Furthermore, In all studies, implants were placed
independently to check whether they extracted data were classified into following a staged protocol, except 10
met all inclusion criteria. Reasons for three groups based on healing time: studies in which implants were placed
study exclusion were recorded. (i) ≤ 4.5 mo (average = 3.43 mo); (ii) at the same time of a sinus augmenta-
Authors independently extracted data 4.5–9 mo (average = 6.22 mo); and tion procedure (15–25). In four stud-
using a pre-standardized data extrac- (iii) ≥ 9–13.5 mo (average = 10.36 mo). ies, implants were placed either
tion form. The concordance between For each group (grafting material) simultaneously with or after healing
reviewers was evaluated by means of and subgroup (healing time), weighted of sinus augmentation (15,17,18,24).
the Cohen’s Kappa coefficient. Dis- means and standard deviations were With regard to the use of a mem-
agreements were resolved by discus- obtained either directly from the brane over the lateral window, four
sion and consensus. paper or calculated where possible. studies used non-absorbable mem-
For prospective comparative studies branes (26–29), 46 studies did not use
Primary outcome—Percentage of NB involving more than one study group, membrane for at least one of the
based on histomorphometric analysis each study group was considered as a groups included in the study, 13 arti-
of the biopsies, as a percentage of the single entry. cles did not provide sufficient infor-
whole field of view. mation about the use of a membrane.
In all other studies, a resorbable
Secondary outcome—Percentage of RG membrane was used (Table S1).
and ST components based on histo- A total of 758 articles were identified Table 1 presents histomorphometric
morphometric analysis of the biopsies, after electronic searching of databases variables related to various grafting
as a percentage of the whole field of while hand-searching relevant bibli- materials at different healing times.
view. ographies yielded 33 articles. After Comparison of histomorphometric
excluding duplicate articles and 492 variables related to various grafting
Risk of bias assessment—All compara- studies that did not satisfy the selec- materials was performed in each time
tive and non-comparative prospective tion criteria, we reviewed the full texts frame (Table 2). Owing to a limited
studies, except for randomized con- of 258 articles. After the final analysis number of studies and excessive varia-
trolled trials, were assessed by the of the full text articles, 122 were tions between findings, we did not
Newcastle–Ottawa Scale indepen- excluded, resulting in 136 articles perform meta-analysis to compare
dently, by a blinded examiner, to included for review. The article selec- various histomorphometric variables
evaluate the quality of such studies tion process is presented in Fig. 1. between different grafting materials at
(14). Statistical heterogeneity was
assessed using the Q statistic and the
Ι2 statistic.
Publication bias was assessed quali-
tatively and quantitatively. Qualitative
analysis assessed the criteria for deter-
mining the quality of the research.
Publication bias was assessed quanti-
tatively using an effective sample-size
funnel plot and Egger’s test.
The random effects meta-analytical
model was used to evaluate the
pooled estimate of effect from various
studies with significant heterogeneity.
The authors of the included studies Fig. 1. Flow diagram (PRISMA format) of the screening and selection process.
4 Danesh-Sani et al.

≤ 4.5 mo of healing. Figures 2 and 3 NB in different time periods (Table 2).

Autogenous bone
show forest plots summarizing esti- Histomorphometric data about
mates of the effects of various grafting Table S2 presents studies using AB as amount of RG and ST were not
materials on the amount of NB and grafting material in 362 sinuses. Com- reported in most studies at various
RG, at 4.5–9 mo of healing, under pared to AB, each grafting material healing times. AB was mixed with PRP
the random effects model. results in a significantly less amount of in six studies. Owing to limited number
of studies at various time frames and
Table 1. Histomorphometric variables related to various grafting materials at different excessive variations between findings,
healing times we did not perform meta-analysis to
compare the amount of NB and other
No. sinuses NB (mean  SD) RG (mean  SD) ST (mean  SD)
histomorphometric variables between
Studies using autogenous bone mixture of AB + PRP to AB alone.
≤ 4.5 Healing time
27 19.31  26.5 18.39  3.18 68.74  24.27
4.5–9 Healing time Allograft
226 43.15  59.23 17.73  33.41 47.57  40.44 Table S2 presents studies using allo-
≥ 9 Healing time
graft bone as grafting material in 384
109 44.28  59.3 0.3  0.5 55.45  22.92
Studies using allograft sinuses. Various allograft materials
≤ 4.5 Healing time were used including freeze-dried bone
51 30.99  46.06 34.47  36.34 24.12  41.9 allograft, demineralized freeze-dried
4.5–9 Healing time bone allograft and fresh frozen bone.
218 25.02  55.36 25.32  34.36 50  63.75 AG was used in combination with
≥ 9 Healing time calcium sulfate, bovine bone (BB),
115 32.69  23.48 14.88  27.02 50.6  11.67
AB, PRP, two different concentra-
Studies using alloplastic materials
≤ 4.5 Healing time tions of bone morphogenic protein
25 17.59  28.55 27.73  60.85 46.89  8.13 (BMP) 2, and mesenchymal stem cells
4.5–9 Healing time in different studies (Table S2).
421 29.27  20.1 25.85  26.42 43.41  31.26
≥ 9 Healing time
117 32.45  45.75 28.72  20.41 42.7  9.94 Alloplastic bone substitutes
Studies using xenograft
Table S2 presents studies using AP
≤ 4.5 Healing time
184 19.38  29.43 35.22  40.15 41.11  31.81 bone substitutes as grafting material
4.5–9 Healing time in 563 sinuses. Various AP were used
604 26.82  26.54 29.33  46.74 44.86  21.26 including beta-tricalcium phosphate
≥ 9 Healing time (TCP), bioglass, calcium carbonate,
163 29.14  18.64 25.39  49.47 44.86  21.26 calcium sulfate, titanium granules,
Studies using xenograft + autogenous bone
synthetic hydroxyapatite (HA), coral-
≤ 4.5 Healing time
38 19.17  22.31 24.71  17.13 50.99  17.87
derived HA, mixture of HA and TCP.
4.5–9 Healing time Algae-derived HA was used in five
338 32.7  48.35 22.76  43.82 47.39  35.59 studies (24,28–31), in one of those
≥ 9 Healing time (28), HA was mixed with AB (10 : 1)
47 34.61  29.68 23.3  30.02 46.5  17.83 and applied with and without PRP in
Studies using alloplastic materials + autogenous bone the grafted sinuses. In the Bosshardt
≤ 4.5 Healing time
et al. (32) study, HA was combined
28 26.98  16.37 20.76  10.69 52.76
4.5–9 Healing time with a silica gel matrix and soaked in
98 28.33  22.35 23.5 + 29.33 48.32 + 15.93 blood while it was mixed with BMP-2
≥ 9 Healing time in one study (33). Mixture of HA and
61 34.28  24.91 17.56  36.08 49.19  20.59 TCP was used with different propor-
Studies using allograft + xenograft tions (Table S2). A 3 : 2 HA/TCP
4.5–9 Healing time mixture was used more routinely and
27 14.52  24.11 25.33  33.93 57.79  44.99
combined with fibrin sealant in one
≥ 9 Healing time
10 15.54  12.01 16.39  11.32 64.44  22.83 study (34). De Leonardis & Pecora
Studies using autogenous bone + PRP (35) used calcium sulfate with two dif-
≤ 4.5 Healing time ferent techniques for application of
28 22.74  36.77 19 76 the material. In one study, titanium
4.5–9 Healing time granules were used as a grafting mate-
16 21.03  25.76 – –
rial (21). Stavropoulos et al. (36) used
NB, new bone; RG, residual graft; ST, soft tissue; PRP, platelet-rich plasma. TCP in combination with rhGDF-5.
Histomorphometric results of grafting materials 5

Table 2. Comparison of histomorphometric variables related to various grafting materials at different healing times

New bone Residual graft Soft tissue components

Healing time (mo) Healing time (mo) Healing time (mo)

Comparison groups ≤ 4.5 4.5–9 ≥ 9–13.5 ≤ 4.5 4.5–9 ≥ 9–13.5 ≤ 4.5 4.5–9 ≥ 9–13.5

AB-AG NR p < 0.001 p = 0.001 NR p = 0.13 NR NR NR NR

AB-AP NR p < 0.001 p < 0.001 NR p = 0.02 NR NR NR NR
AB-XG NR p < 0.001 p < 0.001 NR p = 0.04 NR NR NR NR
AG-AP NR p = 0.02 p = 0.13 NR p = 0.84 p < 0.001 NR p < 0.001 p < 0.001
AG-XG NR p = 0.36 p = 0.16 NR p = 0.27 p < 0.001 NR p < 0.001 p = 0.01
AP-XG NR p = 0.1 p = 0.75 NR p = 0.19 p = 0.34 NR p = 0.64 p = 0.5
HA-HA + TCP NR p = 0.29 NR NR p = 0.006 NR NR NR NR
AP-AB + AP NR p = 0.69 p = 0.06 NR p = 0.47 NR NR NR NR
XG-AB + XG NR p = 0.08 NR NR p = 0.03 NR NR NR NR

AB, autogenous bone; AG, allograft; AP, alloplast; XG, xenograft; HA, hydroxyapatite; NR, not reported; TCP, tricalcium phosphate;
XG, xenograft.

Fig. 2. Forest plots of the studies presenting the estimates of the effects of various grafting materials on the amount of new bone, after
4.5–9 mo of healing, under the random effects model. AB, autogenous bone; AG, allograft; AP, alloplast; HA, hydroxyapatite; TCP, tri-
calcium phosphate; XG, xenograft.
6 Danesh-Sani et al.

Fig. 3. Forest plots of the studies presenting the estimates of the effects of various grafting materials on the amount of residual graft parti-
cles, after 4.5–9 mo of healing, under the random effects model. AB, autogenous bone; AG, allograft; AP, alloplast; HA, hydroxyapatite;
TCP, tricalcium phosphate; XG, xenograft.

AB was used in conjunction with BMP-7, PRP, PRF, rhGDF-5,

AP including TCP, HA, calcium sul- PDGF, fibrin sealant and stem cells.
Table S2 presents studies using XG as fate, bioglass and polymer in 15 stud- The effect of adding GS to other
grafting material in 951 sinuses. Vari- ies. Table S2 presents various ratios grafting materials could not be evalu-
ous XG materials were used including of the mixtures between AB and AP. ated due to limited numbers of studies
BB, porcine bone and equine bone. AB was used in combination with and excessive variations between find-
In two studies, small particles and bovine and porcine bone with the ings.
large particles of BB were compared ratio of the mixture varied from 1 : 1
(37,38). In four studies, a combination (AB/BB) to 1 : 10. Hallman et al. Effect of healing time on the amount of
of BB and synthetic cell-binding pep- (45) used a mixture of AB/BB (1 : 4) new bone formation—We evaluated the
tide was used (26,39–41). BB was also and fibrin glue as grafting material. effect of healing time on the amount
used in combination with osteoinduc- The addition of AB to AP and XG of NB by comparing three different
tive materials including BMP-2, resulted in no significant change in healing times of biopsies taking from
BMP-7, PRP, stem cells, platelet- the amount of NB, compared to their sinuses grafted with AB, AG, AP, XG,
derived growth factor (PDGF) and single use at 4.5–9 mo of healing AP + AB and XG + AB. Average
PRF (Table S2). Only one study (pAP = 0.69; pXG = 0.08) (Table 2). healing time periods for each grafting
mixed BB with venous blood (42). material are summarized in Table S2.
Effect of adding growth factors/stem cells Owing to the limited number of stud-
Effect of adding autogenous bone to bone to grafting materials—Stem cells and ies, other combinations of grafting
substitute materials—AB was used in different growth factors used in com- materials and healing time period of
combination with allograft bone in bination with grafting materials, ≤ 4.5 were not included in comparisons
two studies only (43,44). including BMP-2 (4.2 mg, 8.4 mg), except for the studies using XG.
Histomorphometric results of grafting materials 7

Biopsies taken from sinuses grafted review, Shanbhag et al. (47) assessed required for high implant survival and
with XG + GS provide us data about the volumetric changes of grafted evaluates implant survival rate based
NB at ≤ 4.5 and 4.5–9 mo of healing sinuses over time and found that the on the histomorphometric data. The
only (Table S2). highest amount of volume reduction previous conclusion on the amount of
When comparing biopsies taken at is associated with AB, up to 45%, fol- vital bone and implant survival rate is
4.5–9 mo of healing (aver- lowed by allografts and other grafting only based on comparison of results
age = 6.22 mo) to the ones taken at materials. These findings are in agree- from evidence-based reviews and it is
≥ 9–13.5 mo (average = 10.36 mo), ment with the outcomes of the current possible to obtain the same or higher
only AG resulted in a significantly review that showed AB resulted in the implant survival rate with even
higher percentage of NB. Other graft- lowest amount of residual bone in < 29% vital bone.
ing materials showed a higher amount comparison to other BSMs. AG Comparing AG, AP and XG, no
of NB in biopsies taken at ≥ 9– resulted in the lowest percentage of significant difference was noticed in
13.5 mo, but the difference was not residual bone in comparison to AP the amount of NB in various healing
statistically significant (p = 0.06). and XG, while AP and XG showed time periods except AP resulting in a
When comparing biopsies taken at no significant difference in the amount small but significantly higher NB
≤ 4.5 mo of healing to the ones taken of residual bone (Table 2). It is compared to AG at 4.5–9 mo of heal-
at 4.5–9 mo, XG resulted in a signifi- important to know that a reduction ing (Table 2).
cantly higher percentages of NB in the graft volume should be It has been postulated that the ST
(pXG = 0.001). When comparing biop- expected with application of any related to b-TCP particles consists of
sies taken at ≤ 4.5 mo of healing to grafting materials, particularly in the osteoblasts and osteoclasts, which
the ones taken at ≥ 9–13.5 mo, XG earlier phase of graft maturation (47). may have possible beneficial effect for
resulted in a significantly higher Based on our findings, it is recom- maturation and healing of the grafted
amount of NB (p < 0.001). mended to over-build the grafted site area (51). Therefore the b-TCP con-
when using AB or AG as grafting stituent of HA + TCP mixture may
materials to compensate for the increase the osteogenic potential of
shrinkage related to these materials. this material by maintaining bone
The histomorphometric analysis has Minimum graft volumetric change remodeling cells in place (52). Owing
the capability to assess precisely the was found related to XG and AP to the limited number of studies and
inter-phase between the NB and RG (47). Even though some studies found excessive heterogeneity, we could not
particles (38). The present systematic that multinucleated giant osteoclasts- compare HA to TCP biopsies. Inter-
review investigated histomorphometric like cells surround BB particles during estingly, addition of TCP to HA
data (NB, RG and ST) in biopsies early phases of healing, but long-term resulted in a slight decrease in the
taken at different time periods from maintenance of the xenogeneic bone amount of NB compared to HA
sinuses grafted with various grafting RG was shown histologically at alone, at 4.5–9 mo of healing, but not
materials to assess graft maturation at 11 years by Mordenfeld et al. and at to a significant level. Furthermore,
different time frames. 9 years by Traini et al. (48–50). How- higher resorption of grafting materials
In the present systematic review, ever, sufficient long-term data are in sites treated with the HA + TCP
AB resulted in the highest percentage needed to verify whether volumetric mixture may be explained by the
of NB in comparison to other grafting changes are limited to the initial post- capability of TCP to recruit osteo-
materials. AB has been considered as operative period (6 mo–2 years) or clasts to the site (Table 2) (53).
“gold standard” of grafting materials not (47). It is noteworthy to mention that
as it is osteogenic, osteoinductive One interesting finding in the cur- various types of allograft showed dif-
and osteoconductive (2). However, rent study is the amount of vital bone ferent histologic and clinical behavior
increased morbidity rate and limited in the grafted sinuses that ranges that is influenced by their processing
availability are the main disadvan- between 19% and 44%. This shows and composition. Both demineralized
tages related to AB as a grafting that more than 50% of the grafted freeze-dried bone allograft (FDBA)
material (2,9). site is either RG particles or ST and mineralized FDBA have been
The results of previous reviews sub- rather than vital bone. In addition, used for sinus augmentation and
stantiate the finding that implant sur- based on a previous systematic review showed their ability to function as an
vival with bone substitute materials that showed 95% survival rate for osteoconductive scaffold for NB for-
(BSM) are equal or better than that implants placed into grafted sinuses mation (27,54). Unlike mineralized
achieved with AB (46). The lower sur- with bone substitutes, we can indi- FDBA, some studies found osteoin-
vival rate of implants placed into rectly conclude that with an average ductive potential related to demineral-
sinuses grafted with AB may be 29% vital bone and 25% RG, 95% ized FDBA, as a direct effect of
attributed to the high resorption rate survival rate of implants can be BMPs (55,56). Clinical properties of
of AB (9,46). Depending on the origin expected (46). However, it is not pos- allografts are also affected by their
of the AB, subsequent bone resorp- sible to design a study that shows processing and composition. In con-
tion may vary. In a recent systematic minimum amount of vital bone trast to mineralized FDBA,
8 Danesh-Sani et al.

demineralized allografts showed significantly higher amount of bone could not be supported by this meta-
higher resorption rate and lower volu- formation after longer healing period. analysis and the effect of adding AB
metric stability (27,57). Unfortu- When comparing the histomorphome- to AP or XG appeared to be not sig-
nately, due to small number of studies tric data related to allografts at differ- nificant. However, it is important to
and excessive variations between their ent healing periods (6.1 vs. 9.7 mo of consider factors that may affect the
findings, we could not analyze various healing), we noticed approximately histomorphometric variables of the
allograft types separately. 10% decrease in the amount of RG AB + BSM mixture, including: (i)
Some studies found incomplete and 7.5% increase in the amount of source of AB: histomorphometric
mineralization of allogeneic–xeno- NB after 9.7 mo of healing, which variables of grafted sites with AB sig-
geneic graft after 6 mo of healing, shows a higher remodeling capacity of nificantly affected by the nature of
recommending to increase the healing allografts during this time in compar- donor site (65). Crespi et al. (66)
time up to 12 mo to improve the ison to other bone substitutes. found a significantly higher amount
quality of the grafted bone (58). Some Regardless of graft type, the bucco- of vital bone in sinuses grafted with
authors hypothesized that as BSMs palatal distance of the sinus cavity calvarial vs. iliac bone. When evaluat-
are osteoconductive rather than osteo- influences the mineralization and heal- ing intraoral donor sites of AB, chin
genic and osteoinductive, a longer ing of grafting materials (44,60). The bone results in less vital bone in com-
healing time is needed to obtain a amount of vital bone formation is parison to the retromolar region (65).
similar amount of NB as that found inversely proportional to bucco-pala- (ii) Various proportions of BB/AB
with AB (59). In the present review, tal sinus width (60). In addition, wide may affect the histomorphometric
all grafting materials showed a higher and large maxillary sinus heals and variables of grafted sites however,
amount of NB in biopsies taken at mineralizes slower than narrow and there are limited comparative studies
≥ 9–13.5 mo (average = 10.36 mo) small sinus (44). published, to our knowledge.
compared to the ones taken at 4.5– Several studies evaluated the clini- The addition of AB to XG and AP
9 mo (average = 6.22 mo), but the cal efficacy of AB + BB mixture as a resulted in a decrease in the amount
difference was statistically significant grafting material in maxillary sinus of residual bone compared to its sin-
in AG only. However, we found sig- floor augmentation (61). The efficacy gle use after 4.5–9 mo of healing,
nificant difference in the amount of of BSMs as sinus grafting materials which can be explained by the follow-
NB when comparing biopsies taken at has been proved by the histologic ing reasons: (i) it appeared that AB
≤ 4.5 mo of healing (aver- findings that show a pattern called has the highest resorption rate due to
age = 3.43 mo) to the ones taken at “bone bridging”; meaning that RG its capability of activating the cascade
4.5–9 mo or longer healing time. particles are surrounded and being of osteoclasts recruitment, and this
These findings reveal that with an interconnected by bridges of NB (2). could affect the resorption rate of
increasing healing time, the amount The rational of using composite graft, other grafting materials surrounded
of NB formation would increase and combination of AB and BSM, is to by AB (65), and (ii) for the same rea-
the grafted sinuses healed for an aver- take advantage of the properties of son, the AB part of combination
age time of 6 mo or longer showed a both combined materials. The BSMs graft, AB + BSM, resulted in a mini-
significantly higher amount of bone can provide us more stable graft with mum amount of residual bone after
formation in comparison to the ones lower resorption rate and volumetric healing time leading to lesser amount
that healed for an average time of changes, while AB is beneficial to the of combination graft residual bone
3.4 mo. However, the main dilemma graft as it provides a source of osteo- graft.
for clinicians is whether if they should progenitor cells, and inorganic and Biomimetic and stem cell technolo-
choose the 6 mo healing period or organic matrices for osteoconduction gies have been introduced to the field
wait for a longer healing time when and osteoinduction (62). AB revascu- of implant dentistry in the past dec-
doing sinus augmentation. Based on larizes in about 4 mo of healing, ade with a goal of achieving the same
our findings, there was no significant which may shorten the healing time or better results to that of AB and
difference in the amount of bone for- required for the vascularization and avoiding complications related to the
mation between the earlier healing subsequent maturation of newly using of AB (2).
time (average = 6.22 mo) and longer formed bone tissue of combined AB BMP is the most powerful osteoin-
healing time (average = 10.36 mo), if and BSM (61,63). In addition, com- ductive growth factor that can accel-
the sinus is grafted with AB, AP or bining AB and BSM avoids using erate differentiation of the
XG. Therefore, clinicians would not extraoral sources of AB, which usu- osteoprogenitor cells to osteogenic
achieve a significantly higher amount ally required general anesthesia, cells, resulting in faster bone forma-
of vital bone by waiting up to 10 mo increasing morbidity, time and cost of tion (67,68). BMP-2 has been exten-
if the sinus is grafted with AB, AP or the procedure (64). sively used in spinal fusion surgery
XG. However, it is recommended to While other investigations claimed before its introduction to the dental
increase the healing period if allograft that along with adding AB, the market. Boyne et al. and Triplett
is used as a grafting material as it is amount of NB would consequently et al. (67,68), evaluated efficacy of
the only biomaterial that showed a improve, this postulation, however, BMP-2 by conducting various
Histomorphometric results of grafting materials 9

randomized, clinical trials, and found A number of studies reported a variables between different grafting
implant survival rates similar to that great potential for bone formation in materials at ≤ 4.5 mo of healing; and
of AB. the sinus without using bone grafting (iv) another possible confounding fac-
However, it is important to con- materials (77,78). The sinus cavity tor, which may affect the histomor-
sider drawbacks related to the appli- acts as a contained defect surrounded phometric variables related to the
cation of BMP, including shrinkage by the bony walls nourishing the graft grafting materials, was the method of
of the graft, high cost and immature materials that helps bone healing taking biopsy cores that can be har-
bone quality and poor bone density takes place with greater ease; unless vested from the lateral wall or alveo-
at early time intervals (2). Different otherwise affected by complications lar crest. In addition, size of the core
studies try to combine BMP-2 with such as perforation of Schneiderian (diameter and height) and area of the
BSMs to resolve issues with poor membrane and sinusitis (77,79). The biopsy (apical, central or crestal)
density and graft shrinkage (69,70). excluded compartment, developed by could be influential on the amount of
However, Tarnow et al. (69) found the membrane elevation and main- NB formation.
higher resorption of allografts when tained by implants or synthetic scaf-
combined by BMP-2. In addition, folds, contained blood clot that
Kao et al. (70) showed negative effect eventually allowed bone formation
of adding BMP-2 to BB on bone for- according to the principle of guided The following conclusions can be
mation and found that sinuses tissue regeneration (80). drawn from this systematic review.
grafted with BMP-2 + BB resulted in While many clinicians using barrier Histomorphometric variables (NB,
less NB formation than those with membrane over the lateral window RG, ST) of various grafting materials
BB alone. osteotomy, fewer studies have com- are important to consider before their
PRP can be obtained by the cen- pared histomorphometric findings application in sinus augmentation
trifugation of freshly drawn autoge- achieved with and without barrier procedures as they may define the
nous venous blood and is considered membranes (81–83). Tarnow et al. quality, density and volumetric stabil-
a rich source of growth factors, (81) showed that using a barrier mem- ity of the future graft. AB resulted in
including transforming growth factor brane resulted in a significantly higher the highest amount of NB and lowest
b, platelet-derived angiogenesis factor, amount of NB formation compared amount of RG compared to other
PDGF, insulin-like growth factors, to the sites without membrane. How- grafting materials. Except for AP that
and extracellular matrix components ever, a recent systematic review showed higher amount of NB than
and vascular endothelial growth fac- showed that the application of a AG after 4.5–9 mo, none of the
tor (71). The major growth factor of membrane did not substantially affect BSMs showed a significant superiority
PRP is PDGFßß, which also has been the amount of bone formation (84). It regarding NB. Except for AG that
produced as recombinant human is important to consider different con- showed a lower amount of residual
PDGFßß. While some studies showed founding factors that may affect the bone than other BSMs after ≥ 9–
positive effects of using PRP on ST amount of bone formation in sinus 13.5 mo, none of other BSMs showed
and hard tissue healing, three evi- including lateral window osteotomy a significant difference in amount of
dence-based reviews have not sup- size, width of the sinus and, last but RG.
ported claims for improved histologic not least, the residual alveolar bone Combining AB with AP and XG
outcomes in maxillary sinus augmen- height (84,85). brings no significant advantages
tation (71–73). The present systematic review has regarding NB formation, rejecting
Application of biomimetic and stem several limitations: (i) histologic simi- hypothesis that the AB may have a
cell technologies may reduce the time larities between NB and RG particles role in favoring NB formation after
necessary for graft maturation, as in sites grafted with AB, compromised adding to BSMs.
shown in previous studies, but it is the accurate calculation of the per- Based on this meta-analysis, a sig-
unlikely to result in any dramatic centage of NB; (ii) most of included nificant difference was noticed in the
change on the amount of NB forma- studies did not provide information amount of NB formation in grafts
tion (74,75). In the current review, the regarding residual ridge height with healing time of > 4.5 mo when
effect of adding GS to other grafting between sinus floor and the alveolar compared to the grafts with less time
materials could not be evaluated due ridge. Residual ridge acts as a nour- during healing. However, when com-
to limited numbers of studies and ishment wall to the grafted sinus that paring biopsies taken after 4.5–9 mo
excessive variations between findings. affects the amount of NB formation. of healing (average = 6.22 mo) to the
In addition, different concentrations Therefore, thick residual bone, with ones taken after ≥ 9–13.5 mo (aver-
of growth factors affect the quality of more cancellous bone, has more age = 10.36 mo), no significant differ-
the bone and emphasize the need for potential of bone regeneration in ence was noticed in the amount of
further clinical studies to evaluate the comparison to thin cortical layer of NB formation of various grafts except
effect growth factors on histomorpho- atrophic bone; (iii) the number of AG that resulted in a significantly
metric variables of grafting materials studies included was limited to com- higher percentage of NB after ≥ 9–
(76). pare various histomorphometric 13.5 mo of healing. Biomimetic
10 Danesh-Sani et al.

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