2018 - Maxillary Sinus Floor Augmentation With Synthetic Bone Substitutes Compared With Other Grafting Materials

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Maxillary Sinus Floor Augmentation With

Synthetic Bone Substitutes Compared
With Other Grafting Materials: A
Systematic Review and Meta-analysis
Thomas Starch-Jensen, DDS, PhD,* Arne Mordenfeld, DDS, PhD,†‡ Jonas Peter Becktor, DDS, PhD (DrMed),§
and Simon Storgård Jensen, DDS, Dr. Odont¶

axillary sinus floor augmenta- Objective: To test the hypotheses based implant survival rate of 0.98

M tion (MSFA) using the lateral

window technique is the most
commonly used method to increase the
of no differences in implant treat-
ment outcome after maxillary sinus
floor augmentation (MSFA) with
(confidence interval: 0.89–1.08),
indicating no differences between
SBS and xenograft. SBS demon-
alveolar bone height in the posterior synthetic bone substitutes (SBS) strated significant less newly formed
maxilla before or in conjunction with
compared with other grafting mate- bone compared with autogenous
implant placement, and a favorable
treatment outcome has been docu- rials applying the lateral window bone graft, whereas no significant
mented in several systematic reviews technique. difference was revealed as compared
and meta-analyses.1–5 Materials and Methods: A to xenograft. High implant stability
A wide variety of grafting materials MEDLINE/PubMed, Embase and values, limited periimplant marginal
have been used in MSFA, and autoge- Cochrane Library search in combi- bone loss, and few complications
nous bone graft is generally considered nation with hand-search of selected were reported with SBS.
the preferred grafting material due to its journals was conducted. Conclusions: There seem to be
osteoinductive, osteogenic, and osteo- Results: Five randomized con- no differences in implant treatment
conductive properties.1–6 However, the trolled trials with low risk of bias outcome after MSFA with SBS com-
use of autogenous bone graft is associ- fulfilled the inclusion criteria. SBS pared to other grafting materials.
ated with risk of donor site morbidity disclosed high survival rate of supra- (Implant Dent 2018;27:1–12)
and unpredictable graft resorption.7–11
structures and implants with no sig- Key Words: dental implants, guided
Hence, various bone substitutes are fre-
quently used to simplify the surgical nificant differences compared to tissue regeneration, oral surgical
procedure by diminishing the need for autogenous bone graft or xenograft. procedures, paranasal sinuses, pub-
Meta-analysis revealed a patient- lications
*Professor, Consultant, Department of Oral and Maxillofacial
Surgery, Aalborg University Hospital, Aalborg, Denmark.
†Consultant, Department of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery,
Public Health Service, Gävle, Sweden.
‡Centre for Research and Development, Uppsala University/
Gävleborg County Council, Gävleborg, Sweden.
§Associated Professor, Consultant, Head, Department of Oral
and Maxillofacial Surgery and Oral Medicine, Malmö University,
bone harvesting and reducing graft various bone substitutes, although al-
Malmö, Sweden.
¶Consultant, Department of Oral & Maxillofacial Surgery,
resorption. Bone substitutes are gener- lografts, xenografts, and alloplastic
Copenhagen University Hospital (Rigshospitalet), Copenhagen, ally categorized as natural transplants materials seem to be good alternatives
(allografts and xenografts) and syn- to autogenous bone grafts.13,14 How-
Reprint requests and correspondence to: Thomas thetic materials (alloplasts).12 The use ever, bone substitutes of natural trans-
Starch-Jensen, DDS, PhD, Department of Oral and of bone substitutes is associated with plants involves a risk of contamination,
Maxillofacial Surgery, Aalborg University Hospital, 18-
22 Hobrovej, DK-9000 Aalborg, Denmark, Phone: +45 extra costs and provide only osteocon- activation of host immune, system and
97 66 27 98, Fax: +45 97 66 28 25, E-mail: thomas. ductive properties. Recently published disease transmission, as well as they
systematic reviews assessing histomor- can be refused by patients for religious
ISSN 1056-6163/18/02703-001 phometric variables after MSFA, con- reasons or because they are in contrast
Implant Dentistry
Volume 27  Number 3 cluded that autogenous bone graft with chosen lifestyle.15–17 Thus, the
Copyright © 2018 Wolters Kluwer Health, Inc. All rights
reserved. results in the highest amount of newly ideal grafting material for MSFA re-
DOI: 10.1097/ID.0000000000000768 formed bone in comparison with mains controversial.

Copyright Ó 2018 Wolters Kluwer Health, Inc. Unauthorized reproduction of this article is prohibited.

Synthetic bone substitutes (SBS) proceedings, animal or in vitro studies Information Sources
can be fabricated from calcium phos- and literature review articles were The search strategy incorporated
phates (eg, hydroxyapatite and trical- excluded. examinations of electronic databases,
cium phosphate), calcium sulfate, supplemented by a thorough page-by-
bioactive glass, polymers, or metals. Types of Studies page hand-search of selected jour-
SBS represent a large group of inor- The review included exclusively nals, including BioMed Research
ganic biomaterials with variating struc- randomized controlled trials comparing International, British Journal of Oral
tures, chemical composition, and the implant treatment outcome after and Maxillofacial Surgery, Clinical
physical properties, which serve as MSFA with SBS compared with other Implant Dentistry and Related
a 3-dimensional structural scaffold for grafting materials. Research, Clinical Oral Implants
cell in-growth and bone regeneration.18 Research, European Journal of Oral
SBS have been widely used in medical Types of Outcome Measures Implantology, Implant Dentistry,
and dental fields, showing biocompati- The primary outcome measures are International Journal of Oral and
bility and osteoconductive proper- the most important measures for evalu- Maxillofacial Implants, International
ties.19–21 High long-term implant ating the final implant treatment out- Journal of Oral and Maxillofacial
survival rate has been reported after come. Secondary outcome measures Surgery, International Journal of
MSFA with SBS mixed with particu- were also included in the present sys- Periodontics and Restorative Den-
lated autogenous bone graft.22 More- tematic review as surrogate measures. tistry, International Journal of Pros-
over, it has previously been concluded The primary outcome measures thodontics, Journal of Clinical
in a systematic review that SBS are included: Periodontology, Journal of Dental
associated with increased bone forma- Research, Journal of Oral Implantol-
tion, but lower graft resorption com- 1. Survival of suprastructures. Loss ogy, Journal of Oral & Maxillofacial
pared to xenograft.23 However, the of suprastructure was defined as Research, Journal of Periodontology,
implant treatment outcome after MSFA a total loss due to mechanical Journal of Prosthetic Dentistry, Jour-
with SBS compared to other bone graft- and/or biological complications. nal of Craniofacial Surgery, Journal
ing materials has not yet been assessed 2. Survival of implants. Loss of im- of Cranio-Maxillo-Facial Surgery,
specifically in a systematic review. plants was defined as mobility of Journal of Oral and Maxillofacial
Therefore, the objective of the previously clinically osseointe- Surgery, Periodontology 2000, Oral
present systematic review was to test grated implants and removal of and Maxillofacial Surgery, and Oral
the hypothesis of no difference in nonmobile implants due to pro- Surgery Oral Medicine Oral Pathol-
implant treatment outcome after MSFA gressive periimplant marginal ogy Oral Radiology. The manual
with SBS alone or in combination with bone loss (PIMBL) and infection. search also included the bibliogra-
particulated autogenous bone graft or phies of all articles selected for
an alternative bone substitute compared Moreover, the following secondary full-text screening and previously
with other grafting materials. outcome measures were assessed: published reviews relevant for the
present systematic review.
1. Implant stability. Estimated by
Protocol and Registration magnetic resonance frequency Search
The present systematic review was analysis or implant mobility due A MEDLINE (PubMed), Embase,
conducted in accordance with the Pre- to damping characteristics of the and Cochrane Library search was
ferred Reporting Items for Systematic surrounding tissue. conducted. Human studies published
reviews and Meta-Analyses (PRISMA) 2. Bone-to-implant contact (BIC). in English until week 46, 2017 were
statement for reporting systematic re- Estimated by histomorphometric included. The search strategy was
views.24 The methods of the analysis evaluation. performed in collaboration with
and inclusion criteria were specified in 3. PIMBL. Evaluated by radio- a librarian and used a combination of
advance and documented in a protocol. graphic measurements. Medical Subject Heading and free text
The review was registered in PROS- 4. Bone regeneration. Estimated by terms.
PERO, an international prospective histomorphometric measure-
register of systematic reviews. The pro- ments of newly formed bone, con- Selection of Studies
tocol can be accessed at: https://www. nective tissue, and remaining graft The PRISMA flow diagram
crd.york.ac.uk/PROSPERO/. Registra- material. presents an overview of the selection
tion number: CRD42017081991. 5. Graft material reduction (GMR). process (Fig. 1). The titles of the iden-
Evaluated by radiographic tified reports were initially screened.
Types of Publications measurements. The abstract was assessed when the title
The review included studies on 6. Patient-reported outcome meas- indicated that the study was relevant.
humans. Letters, editorials, PhD the- ures (PROM). Full-text analysis was obtained for
ses, letters to the editor, case reports, 7. Biological and technical those with apparent relevance or when
abstracts, technical reports, conference complications. the abstract was unavailable. The

Copyright Ó 2018 Wolters Kluwer Health, Inc. Unauthorized reproduction of this article is prohibited.

Outcome [O], and Study Design [S])

guidelines (Table 1).
Inclusion Criteria
Randomized controlled trials in
humans reporting implant treatment
outcome after MSFA with SBS alone
or in combination with particulated
autogenous bone graft or an alternative
bone substitute compared with other
grafting materials were included by
addressing the previously described
outcome measures. The review exclu-
sively focused on studies applying the
lateral window technique with an obser-
vation period of at least 1 year after
functional implant loading. In addition,
at least 10 patients should be included in
the study, and the number of MSFA
procedures had to be clearly specified.
Exclusion Criteria
The following exclusion criteria
were applied: nonrandomized con-
Fig. 1. PRISMA flow diagram demonstrating the results of the systematic literature search. A total trolled trials, case series, and cohort
of 102 titles were identified and 42 abstracts were reviewed. Full-text analysis included 25 articles, studies. Moreover, studies with an
and 5 randomized controlled trials in humans were finally included in the present systematic review. insufficient description of the numbers
of performed surgical procedures,
length of the observation period, and
references of the identified articles were Study Eligibility studies involving MSFA with SBS
cross-checked for unidentified articles. The inclusion criteria were devel- blocks or implant placement in medi-
The study selection was performed by oped using the PICOS (Population [P], cally compromised patients were
one reviewer (T.S.-J.). Intervention [I], Comparison [C], excluded. Likewise, studies adding
growth factors, bone morphogenetic
proteins, fibrin glue, or platelet-rich
Table 1. PICOS (Population [P], Intervention [I], Comparison [C], Outcome [O], and
plasma to the grafting material, and
Study Design [S]) Guidelines
studies involving osteotome-mediated
Patient and Healthy patients with atrophy of the posterior part of the sinus floor augmentation or studies
population (P) maxilla. comparing the implant treatment out-
Intervention (I) MSFA using the lateral window technique with a synthetic come with placement of short implants
bone substitute alone or in combination with particulated or sinus membrane elevation without
autogenous bone graft or an alternative bone substitute. a grafting material were also excluded.
Comparator or MSFA with other graft materials, including particulated
control group (C) autogenous bone graft alone, a mixture of particulated Data Extraction
autogenous bone graft, and an alternative bone substitute Data were extracted by one
or an alternative bone substitute alone. reviewer (T.S.-J.) according to a data
Outcomes (O) Primary outcome measures include survival of collection form, ensuring systematic
suprastructures and survival of implants. Secondary recording of the outcome measures. In
outcome measures include implant stability, BIC, PIMBL, addition, relevant characteristics of the
bone regeneration, vertical graft height reduction, PROM, study were recorded. The correspond-
and biological and technical complications. ing author was contacted by e-mail in
Study design (S) Randomized controlled trials.
the absence of important information or
Focused question Are there any differences in the final implant treatment
outcome between MSFA with a synthetic bone substitute
alone or in combination with particulated autogenous bone Data Items
graft or an alternative bone substitute compared with MSFA The following items were collected
with particulated autogenous bone graft alone, a mixture of from the included articles and arranged
particulated autogenous bone graft and an alternative bone
in the following fields: patients, MSFA,
substitute or an alternative bone substitute alone.
implant placement, graft healing time,

Copyright Ó 2018 Wolters Kluwer Health, Inc. Unauthorized reproduction of this article is prohibited.

implant healing time, residual vertical important, (2) 30% to 60% may repre- lateral sinus wall, and the tuberosity
bone height, follow-up after loading, sent moderate heterogeneity, (3) 50% to area.28 In the remaining studies, Fisiog-
survival of suprastructures, survival of 90% may represent substantial hetero- raft Bone Granular (Ghimas S.p.A.,
implants, implant stability, BIC, geneity, and (4) 75% to 100% may rep- Italy)29 or Nanobone (Artoss GmbH,
PIMBL, newly formed bone, connective resent considerable heterogeneity.25 Rostock, Germany)30 was compared
tissue, remaining graft material, GMR, to Bio-Oss. The method used for ran-
complications, and reference number. domization was described in 4 of the
RESULTS included studies involving a com-
Assessment of Methodological Quality
Study Selection
puter-generated randomization code28
The quality assessment of the The search result is outlined in Fig- and sealed opaque envelopes.29,47,48
included studies was undertaken by ure 1. A total of 102 titles were identi- Different implant systems were used
one reviewer (T.S.-J.) as part of the data fied and 42 abstracts were reviewed. involving Straumann (Straumann AG,
extraction process. A methodological Full-text analysis included 25 articles, Basel, Switzerland),26–28 BnxEvo
quality rating system was used, and the and 5 randomized controlled trials in (Ghimas S.p.A.),29 and Camlog (Cam-
classification of the risk of bias potential humans were finally included in the log Biotechnologies AG, Wimsheim,
for each study was based on the follow- present systematic review.26–30 Three Germany).30 The created lateral win-
ing 5 criteria: articles were included as the result of dows were covered with a collagen bar-
hand-searching.27,29,30 rier membrane in all the included
1. Randomization of the included studies.26–30 The implant stability was
subjects (yes/no). Exclusion of Studies measured by magnetic resonance fre-
2. Definition of inclusion and exclu- The reasons for excluding studies quency analysis (Osstell, Integration Di-
sion criteria (yes/no). after full-text assessment were as fol- agnostics AB, Gothenburg, Sweden)49 or
3. Report of losses to follow-up (yes/ lows: the study could not be excluded by implant mobility due to damping char-
no). before meticulous reading (n ¼ 11),31– acteristics of the surrounding tissue (Peri-
4. Validated measurements (yes/no). 41 a nonrandomized controlled trial (n ¼ otest, Medizintechnik Gulden, Modautal,
5. Statistical analysis (yes/no). 4),42–45 delayed or immediate implant Germany).30 One of the included studies
placement not specified (n ¼ 1),46 and reported that the investigators were blind
The studies were grouped accord- 4 studies were excluded because the pri- to the allocation of the biomaterial, at the
ing to: mary outcome measures in the same 3-year clinical and radiographic examina-
patient sample was reported in publica- tion.30 PROM was not reported in any of
1. Low risk of bias (plausible bias tions with a 3-year30 and 5-year27 the included studies and therefore not
unlikely to seriously alter the re- observation period, respectively (n ¼ described in the following section. The
sults) if all above-described qual- 4).47–50 The secondary outcome meas- main results are described below and
ity criteria were met. ures from the previous publications summarized in Table 2.
2. Moderate risk of bias (plausible were included in the following section
bias that weakens confidence in and Table 2. Data Synthesis
the results) when one of these cri- Meta-analyses were to be con-
teria were not included. Study Characteristics ducted only if there were studies of
3. High risk of bias (plausible bias Partially or totally edentulous pa- similar comparison, reporting identical
that seriously weakens confidence tients with a residual vertical alveolar outcome measures. However, only few
in the results) when 2 or more cri- bone height of less than 6 mm in the studies were included in the present
teria were missing. posterior part of the maxilla were systematic review. Moreover, the stud-
enrolled in the included studies.26–30 ies included revealed considerable var-
Description of the used power calcula- iations in design, that is, patient
Assessment of Heterogeneity tion of sample size was only defined in demographics, unilateral and bilateral
The significance of any discrepan- one of the included studies.27,48 Patient MSFA, residual vertical alveolar bone
cies in the estimates of the treatment demographics revealed certain dissimi- height, dissimilar amount of grafting
effects of the different studies was larity, and smokers were excluded in 2 material used, length of healing period,
assessed by means of Cochran test for studies.26,28 SBS were used alone in all type of suprastructures and implants,
heterogeneity and the I2 statistic, which the included studies, and implants were length of observation period, and type
describes the percentage total variation inserted 5 to 9 months after MSFA. of outcome measures. Therefore,
across studies that is due to heterogene- BoneCeramic (Straumann AG, Basel, a well-defined meta-analysis was not
ity rather than chance. Heterogeneity Switzerland) was used in 3 of the applicable. However, the differences in
was considered statistically significant included studies and compared to Bio- the proportions of patient-based
if P , 0.1. A rough guide to the inter- Oss (Geistlich Pharma AG, Wolhusen, implant survival across 3 similar studies
pretation of I2 given in the Cochrane Switzerland)27 or autogenous bone assessing SBS and xenograft were
Handbook is as follows: (1) at 0% to graft harvested from the tuberosity analyzed, including a forest plot.27,29,30
40% the heterogeneity might not be area26 or the zygomatic buttress, the The patient-based implant survival rate

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Copyright Ó 2018 Wolters Kluwer Health, Inc. Unauthorized reproduction of this article is prohibited.

Table 2. Maxillary Sinus Floor Augmentation With Synthetic Bone Substitutes Compared With Other Grafting Materials
Materials and Methods Primary Outcome Measures

Delayed Healing Time (Mo) Follow-Up after Survival (%) Implant
Pt MSFA Implants Graft Implant RVBH (mm) Loading (Mo) ST Implant Stability BIC
30 15 sinuses with BoneCeramic BCP NR 9 2 4.1 (3–6) 12 NR 100 NR NR
15 sinuses with autogenous bone
11 11 sinuses with BoneCeramic BCP 24 8 8 wk ,5 60 100 91.7 3y 8 mo
68.5 64.6
11 sinuses with Bio-Oss DBB 23 91.3 70.4 55.0
10 10 sinuses with BoneCeramic BCP 52 6–8 4 ,5 12 100 100 NR NR
10 sinuses with autogenous bone
28 28 sinuses with Fisiograft Bone 55 6 4 2.0 (0.5–3) 12 100 96.4 NR NR
28 sinuses with Bio-Oss DBB 52 98.1
14 14 sinuses with Nanobone 26 7 (5–9) 6 ,5 36 NR 96.2 3y NR
14 sinuses with Bio-Oss DBB 27 96.3 −4.77

Secondary Outcome Measures

Bone Regeneration (%)


30 NR 9 mo NR None 26

26.7 39.6* 33.7

38.6* 0 60.6*
11 1/3/5 y 8 mo/3 y 5y None 27,47–49

0.4/1.3/1.4 41.1/29.0 NR/51% NR/20.0 6.6

0.3/1.1/1.0 41.6/32.0 NR/44.3 NR/24.0 5.8
10 NR 6–8 mo NR SMP: 2 28

28.2 38.9 32.9*

36.8* 58.4* 4.8 SMP: 3
28 NR 6 mo NR SMP: 3 29

34.9 44.5 20.6

38.5 43.5 22.3
14 NR 7 mo 7 mo None 30,50

19.0 44.2 36.8 28.5

23.7 48.7 27.6 22.4
BCP, biphasic calcium phosphate; COMP, complications; CT, connective tissue; DBB, deproteinized bovine bone; NFB, newly formed bone; NR, not reported; Pt, patients; Ref, reference; RGM, remaining graft material; RVBH, residual vertical alveolar bone height;
SMP, sinus membrane perforation; ST, suprastructures.
*Statistical significant difference.


was expressed as the mean percentage Summary significant difference compared with
with the 95% confidence interval (CI). MSFA with SBS demonstrated the use of autogenous bone graft or
Random effects model was used high survival rate of suprastructures xenografts.
because there were a substantial and sta- with no differences compared to autog- Meta-analysis. Fixed effect analysis
tistical significant amount of heteroge- enous bone graft or xenografts. and test for heterogeneity was incon-
neity among the few studies. The clusive due to the limited number of
analyses were conducted using STATA Survival of implants. The 5-year
implant survival after bilateral MSFA studies included. No statistically signif-
14 (Stata Statistical Software; Release icant difference in heterogeneity
14; Stata Corp. 2015, College Station, in 11 patients with BoneCeramic or
Bio-Oss and delayed placement of 24 between the included studies was found
TX: StataCorp LP). (I2 ¼ 0%, P ¼ 0.803). Meta-analysis
and 23 implants was 92% and 91%,
respectively.27 There was no statisti- revealed a mean difference of patient-
METHODOLOGICAL QUALITY cally significant difference between based implant survival rate of 0.98 (CI:
the 2 treatment modalities.27 0.89–1.08), indicating no differences
The quality of the included studies between SBS and xenograft (Fig. 2).
is summarized in Table 3. The 3-year implant survival after
bilateral MSFA in 14 patients with
Outcome Measures Secondary Outcome Measures
Nanobone or Bio-Oss and delayed
The results of MSFA with SBS placement of 26 and 27 implants was
compared with other grafting materials 96.2% and 96.3%, respectively.30 Implant stability. The 3-year Osstell
are presented below and outlined in There was no statistically significant implant stability quotient (ISQ) value
Table 2. All the reported numerical val- difference between the 2 treatment after MSFA with BoneCeramic or Bio-
ues are presented as mean values. For modalities.30 Oss was 68.5 and 70.4, respectively.27
each outcome measure, a summary is The 1-year implant survival was There was no statistically significant
finally provided. 100% after unilateral MSFA in 30 difference between the 2 treatment
patients with either BoneCeramic or modalities. The ISQ value increased
Primary Outcome Measures from 68.9 at abutment connection to
autogenous bone graft and delayed
placement of an unknown number of 71.5 after 1 year of loading after MSFA
Survival of suprastructures. The 5- implants.26 with BoneCeramic.27
year survival of suprastructure was The 1-year implant survival was The 3-year Periotest value after
100% after MSFA with BoneCeramic 100% after bilateral MSFA in 10 pa- MSFA with Nanobone or Bio-Oss was
or Bio-Oss.27 All patients were rehabil- tients with BoneCeramic or autogenous −4.42 and −4.77.30 There was no statis-
itated with a fixed prosthetic recon- bone graft and delayed placement of tically significant difference between
struction, which were all in function at a nonspecified number of implants.28 the 2 treatment modalities.30
the 5-year follow-up examination.27 The 1-year implant survival after Summary
The 1-year survival of suprastruc- bilateral MSFA in 28 patients with
ture was 100% after MSFA with Bone- MSFA with SBS demonstrate high
Fisiograft Bone Granular or Bio-Oss
Ceramic or autogenous bone graft.28 implant stability with no statistically
and delayed implant placement of 55
Patients were rehabilitated with a non- significant differences compared with
and 52 implants was 96.4% and 98.1%,
specified prosthetic solution.28 the use of xenografts after 3 years.
respectively.29 There was no statisti-
The 1-year survival of suprastruc- cally significant difference between Bone-to-implant contact. The 8-month
ture was 100% after MSFA with Fi- the 2 treatment modalities.29 BIC after retrieval of micro-implants
siograft Bone Granular or Bio-Oss.29 with a sandblasted, acid-etched surface,
All patients were rehabilitated with Summary inserted at the grafting procedure, was
screwed retained metal-ceramic pros- MSFA with SBS and delayed 64.6% after MSFA with BoneCeramic
theses, which were all in function at the implant placement demonstrated high compared to 55.0% with Bio-Oss.47
1-year follow-up examination.29 implant survival with no statistically There was no statistically significant

Table 3. Quality Assessment of the Included Studies

Definition of Report of
Randomization Inclusion and Losses to
of Included Exclusion Follow- Validated Statistical Risk of
Subjects Criteria Up Measurements Analysis Bias Reference
Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Low Tosta et al26
Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Low Mordenfeld et al27
Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Low Danesh-Sani et al28
Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Low Stacchi et al29
Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Low Lorenz et al30

Copyright Ó 2018 Wolters Kluwer Health, Inc. Unauthorized reproduction of this article is prohibited.

reported in augmented areas with

Histomorphometric evaluation
revealed significant less newly formed
bone after MSFA with BoneCeramic
compared to autogenous bone graft,
after 9 months of graft healing.26 The
amount of newly formed bone with
BoneCeramic in the region close to
or distant from the native bone inter-
face was 33.7% and 26.7%, respec-
tively, whereas corresponding values
for autogenous bone graft was 41.0%
and 38.6%. BoneCeramic disclosed
significantly less bone formation in
the area distant from native bone inter-
face compared to the area close to
native bone, whereas no significant
differences were observed between
Fig. 2. Meta-analysis using a random effect assessing differences in the proportions of the 2 areas with autogenous bone
patient-based implant survival across 3 similar studies assessing maxillary sinus floor aug- graft.26
mentation with SBS and xenograft. A forest plot showing a mean difference of patient-based Histomorphometric evaluation
implant survival of 0.98 (CI: 0.89–1.08), indicating no differences between SBS and xenograft. also revealed significant less newly
formed bone after MSFA with Bone-
Ceramic compared to autogenous bone
graft, after 6 to 8 months of graft
difference between the 2 treatment after MSFA with BoneCeramic was healing.28 The amount of newly formed
modalities. 41.1%, 48.1%, and 10.8%, respec- bone was 28.2% with BoneCeramic
tively, compared to 41.6%, 46.4%, compared to 36.8% with autogenous
and 12% with Bio-Oss, after 8 months bone graft.28
The BIC after MSFA with SBS of graft healing.47 Corresponding The amount of newly formed bone,
revealed no statistically significant dif- connective tissue, and remaining graft
values after 3 years with BoneCeram-
ference compared with the use of xen- material after MSFA with Fisiograft
ic was 28.6%, 51.0%, and 20.4%,
ografts after 8 months of graft healing. Bone Granular was 34.9%, 44.5%,
respectively, compared to 31.7%,
Periimplant marginal bone loss. The 44.3% and 24.0% with Bio-Oss.49 and 20.6%, respectively, compared to
5-year radiographic PIMBL after There were no statistically significant 38.5%, 43.5%, and 22.3% with Bio-
MSFA with BoneCeramic compared differences in the histomorphometric Oss, after 6 months of graft healing.29
to Bio-Oss was 1.4 and 1.0 mm, respec- outcome between the 2 treatment There were no statistically significant
tively.27 The annual PIMBL was modalities at 8 months or 3 years. differences in the histomorphometric
0.14 mm with BoneCeramic compared outcome between the 2 treatment
However, significantly more Bio-
to 0.1 mm with Bio-Oss. There was no modalities.29
Oss particles were in contact with
statistically significant difference be-
newly formed bone compared to Summary
tween the 2 treatment modalities. The
BoneCeramic particles after 8 The amount of newly formed
marginal bone level was measured
mesial and distal to the implant from months, but the difference was not bone was significantly higher with
a defined reference point to the bone significant after 3 years.47,49 autogenous bone graft compared to
level at baseline (delivery of prosthetic The amount of newly formed bone, BoneCeramic. However, no signifi-
reconstruction), after 1 year, 3 years, connective tissue, and remaining graft cant difference in the histomorpho-
and 5 years.27 material after MSFA with Nanobone metric outcome between SBS and
was 19.0%, 44.2%, and 36.8%, respec- xenografts was disclosed. Short-term
Summary tively, after 7 months of graft healing.50 studies disclosed a significantly high-
The PIMBL after MSFA with SBS Corresponding values for Bio-Oss was er contact between xenograft particles
revealed no statistically significant dif- 23.7%, 48.7%, and 27.6%. There was and newly formed bone compared to
ferences compared with the use of no statistically significant difference in SBS, whereas a significant higher
xenografts. the histomorphometric outcome number of multinucleated giant cells
Bone regeneration. The amount of between the 2 treatment modalities. were found in biopsies obtained from
newly formed bone, connective tis- However, a significant higher number areas augmented with SBS compared
sue, and remaining graft material of multinucleated giant cells were to xenografts.

Copyright Ó 2018 Wolters Kluwer Health, Inc. Unauthorized reproduction of this article is prohibited.

Graft material reduction. The 6-year Summary present systematic review, which omits
radiographic GMR after MSFA with The frequency and severity of valuable data about BIC and histomor-
BoneCeramic was 6.6% compared to complications with the different treat- phometric characteristics with the dif-
5.8% with Bio-Oss.27 The height of the ment modalities seem to be compara- ferent treatment modalities. Moreover,
grafting material after MSFA with ble. Perforation of the sinus membrane considerable heterogeneity among the
BoneCeramic decreased from 14.7 mm was the most frequent biological com- included studies prevented a well-
at baseline to 14.0 mm after 2 years, plication but did not seem to influence defined meta-analysis from being per-
13.8 mm after 4 years, and 13.7 mm the final implant treatment outcome. formed and the diversity of the used
after 6 years. Corresponding measure- Technical complications were not re- evaluation methods, small patient sam-
ments for Bio-Oss was 14.8 mm at base- ported in any of the included studies. ples, dissimilar outcome measures, dif-
line decreasing to 14.2 mm after 2 ferent biochemical composition of SBS,
years, 14.1 mm after 4 years, and and various methodological confound-
14.0 mm after 6 years, respectively. DISCUSSION ing factors posed serious restrictions to
There was no statistically significant The objective of the present sys- review the literature in a quantitative
difference between the 2 treatment tematic review was to test the hypoth- systematic manner. Hence, the conclu-
modalities. However, BoneCeramic re- esis of no difference in implant sions drawn from the results of the pres-
vealed a statistically significant differ- treatment outcome after MSFA with ent systematic review should be
ence in GMR after 6 years compared to SBS alone or in combination with interpreted with caution.
baseline. Two-dimensional linear particulated autogenous bone graft or High long-term survival of supra-
measurements on conventional or digi- an alternative bone substitute compared structures after prosthetic rehabilitation
tal panoramic radiographs were used to with other grafting materials. The pri- with implants has been documented in
estimate the changes in the augmented mary outcome measures included sur- several systematic reviews.4,51–55 In the
vertical sinus height from baseline to 6 vival of suprastructures and survival of present systematic review, the survival
years after grafting.27 implants, considered the most impor- of suprastructures after MSFA with
The 7-month radiographic GMR tant measures for the assessment of SBS was high and seem to be in accor-
after MSFA with Nanobone was 28.5% long-term implant treatment outcome. dance with the previously reported sur-
compared to 22.4% with Bio-Oss.30 Secondary outcome measures included vival rate of suprastructures after
The average volume after MSFA with implant stability, BIC, PIMBL, bone implant placement.4,51–55
Nanobone decreased from 2.95 cm3 at regeneration, GMR, PROM, and bio- Placement of implants in partially
baseline to 2.11 cm3 after 7 months of logical and technical complications. A or totally edentulous patients without
graft healing. Corresponding measure- total of 5 randomized controlled trials bone augmentation have demonstrated
ments for Bio-Oss was 3.04 and 2.36 with low risk of bias fulfilled the high long-term implant survival rates,
cm3. There was no statistically signifi- inclusion criteria.26–30 SBS were used as documented in several reviews and
cant difference between the 2 treatment alone in all the included studies and long-term studies.56–59 Survival of im-
modalities. Three-dimensional radio- compared to particulated autogenous plants within the included studies of the
graphic measurements on computed bone graft26,28 or xenograft.27,29,30 present systematic review seems to be
tomography scans were used to esti- MSFA with SBS disclosed high sur- comparable to the implant treatment
mate the volume changes from baseline vival rates of suprastructures and im- outcome obtained after MSFA with
to 7 months of graft healing.30 plants with no significant differences autogenous bone grafts and xenograft.
compared to autogenous bone graft or A newly published systematic review
xenograft. Meta-analysis revealed and meta-analysis of long-term studies
The GMR after MSFA with SBS a mean difference of patient-based assessing MSFA disclosed high im-
revealed no statistically significant dif- implant survival of 0.98 (CI: 0.89– plant survival rates in noncomparative
ferences compared with the use of 1.08), indicating no differences studies regardless of the used grafting
xenografts. between SBS and xenograft. SBS dem- material.4 Thus, further long-term ran-
Biological and technical complications. onstrated significant less newly formed domized controlled trials assessing
No biological complications were re- bone compared with autogenous bone MSFA with different grafting materials
ported in 3 studies.26,27,30 Perforation of graft, whereas no significant difference are needed, before one treatment
the sinus membrane was the only re- was revealed as compared to xenograft. modality can be considered superior to
ported intraoperative complication and High implant stability and BIC values, others.
occurred rarely.28,29 The sinus mem- limited PIMBL and GMR, and few bio- Implant stability is a prerequisite
brane perforation was sealed with a col- logical complications were reported for the long-term implant survival.
lagen membrane in one study.28 In after MSFA with SBS. However, Periotest and Osstell are noninvasive
another study, patients with sinus mem- long-term randomized controlled trials techniques for determining the implant
brane perforations were excluded.29 comparing the different treatment stability. Periotest values ranging from
No technical complications were modalities are limited and several non- −8 to 50 and negative Periotest values
reported in any of the included stud- comparative studies are excluded due to indicate greater implant stability.60 The
ies.26–30 the types of studies included in the 3-year Periotest value after MSFA with

Copyright Ó 2018 Wolters Kluwer Health, Inc. Unauthorized reproduction of this article is prohibited.

Nanobone was −4.42 and −4.77 with surfaces. Thus, further studies evaluating phosphate, Bio-Oss alone, or mixtures
Bio-Oss, disclosing no statistically sig- BIC after MSFA with different grafting of autogenous bone graft and Bio-
nificant differences between the 2 treat- materials should involve unbiased ster- Oss.72 However, after a graft healing
ment modalities.30 Osstell measure the eologic methods and similar implant period of more than 9 months, no statis-
ISQ value ranging from 1 to 100, and surfaces.67,68 tically significant differences were
the implant stability increases with Several factors may influence found between the different treatment
a higher ISQ value.60 Previous studies PIMBL, including smoking habits, modalities.72 These results are in con-
focusing on ISQ revealed a significant poor hygiene practices, systemic med- trast to the results of the present sys-
association between ISQ values below ical conditions, parafunctional habits, tematic review. Moreover, a newly
40 and failed implants, whereas others different connections between the published systematic review and
concluded that ISQ values below 50 are implant and suprastructure, implant meta-analysis assessing the histologi-
critical for implant survival.61,62 In neck design, and implant surface.69–71 cal outcome after MSFA with calcium
addition, it has been reported that im- The 5-year radiographic PIMBL after phosphates or xenografts disclosed
plants with ISQ values higher than 50 MSFA with BoneCeramic was 1.4 mm a nonsignificant higher percentage of
resulted in an implant survival of 100% compared to 1.0 mm with Bio-Oss, newly formed bone with calcium phos-
after 12 months.63 The 3-year Osstell revealing no statistically significant dif- phates.73 The included studies in the
ISQ value after MSFA with BoneCer- ferences between the 2 treatment modal- present systematic review revealed
amic was 68.5 and 70.4 with Bio-Oss, ities.27 However, 2 implants inserted in a nonsignificant higher percentage of
disclosing no statistically significant sinuses augmented with BoneCeramic newly formed bone with Bio-Oss com-
differences between the 2 treatment had a marginal bone levels exceeding pared to SBS, and significantly more
modalities.27 Thus, MSFA with SBS 2.8 mm after 5 years.27 In addition, 2 Bio-Oss particles were in contact with
demonstrated high implant stability implants were lost in one patient due to newly formed bone compared to Bone-
with no statistically significant differen- periimplantitis and massive bone resorp- Ceramic particles after 8 months,
ces compared with the use of xenografts tion. The patient was a former smoker although the difference was not signif-
after 3 years of implant loading.27,30 and the implant loss occurred in sinuses icant after 3 years.27,29,30,47,49 Thus,
The percentage of hard tissue depo- augmented with BoneCeramic and Bio- further randomized controlled trials as-
sition on the implant surface is important Oss, respectively.27 Nevertheless, sessing the histomorphometric out-
for long-term implant stability. The 8- MSFA with BoneCeramic showed lim- come after MSFA with different
month BIC after MSFA with BoneCer- ited long-term PIMBL and in accor- grafting materials are needed to eluci-
amic was 64.6% compared to 55.0% dance with the criterion of successful date the amount of newly formed bone
with Bio-Oss, disclosing no statistically implant treatment, but further long- to ensure a higher osseointegration of
significant differences between the 2 term studies are needed.70,71 the inserted implants.
treatment modalities.47 A previous study Histomorphometric evaluation of The GMR after MSFA with SBS
using micro-computed tomography of biopsies obtained after MSFA with revealed no statistically significant dif-
retrieved experimental mini-implants SBS demonstrated significant less ferences compared with xenografts as
after different sinus membrane elevation amount of newly formed bone com- evaluated by 2-dimensional linear meas-
procedures revealed no statistical differ- pared with autogenous bone graft,26,28 urements on panoramic radiographs and
ences in BIC between the different pro- whereas no significant difference was 3-dimensional radiographic measure-
cedures, after 7 months of graft revealed compared to xenograft.27,29,30 ments on computed tomography
healing.64 Histomorphometric evalua- It has previously been concluded in sys- scans.27,30 GMR occurred predomi-
tion of different implant surfaces after tematic reviews that MSFA with autog- nantly during the first years,27 which is
MSFA with a 3:1 mixture of Bio-Oss enous bone graft results in the highest in accordance with previous publications
and autogenous bone graft revealed amount of newly formed bone in com- assessing dimensional changes of the
a BIC varying between 41.5% and parison to allografts, alloplastic materi- graft material after MSFA.74,75 Three-
94.1%, 6 months after implant loading.65 als, and xenografts.13,14 A single newly dimensional time-dependent graft vol-
BIC after MSFA with autogenous bone published study assessing MSFA with ume changes after MSFA in humans,
graft and Bio-Oss have been evaluated in bioactive glass, autogenous bone graft with different grafting materials have
a minipig study demonstrating a signifi- or a mixture of bioactive glass, and been assessed in a systematic review dis-
cantly higher BIC for different mixtures autogenous bone graft demonstrated closing GMR during the early healing
of autogenous bone graft and Bio-Oss no significant differences in new bone times.11 Moreover, less GMR was found
compared to Bio-Oss alone.66 The per- formation with the different treatment after MSFA with bone substitutes alone
centage of BIC seems to be influenced by modalities after 6 months of graft heal- or in combination with other grafting ma-
the topography of the implant surface ing.41 Moreover, a meta-analysis terials compared to autogenous bone
and the addition of autogenous bone graft showed a significantly higher propor- graft. However, the included studies
to the grafting material. However, the tion of mineralized bone during the were categorized as high risk of bias.11
above-mentioned studies may be com- early healing phase when autogenous Thus, more long-term randomized con-
promised by the use of biased histo- bone was used as grafting material for trolled trials using unbiased stereologic
morphometry and different implant MSFA as compared with tricalcium methods or 3-dimensional volume

Copyright Ó 2018 Wolters Kluwer Health, Inc. Unauthorized reproduction of this article is prohibited.

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