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1. We have ___ neighbors in our apartment building. They have parties every night.
a. the noisiest
b. the more noisy
c. the noisyest
d. the noisy

2. I prefer apartments because they are ___ houses.

a. more modern than
b. the most modern
c. moderner than
d. modern than

3. All my children have dark hair, but my husband’s hair is ___.

a. short
b. curly
c. brown
d. blond

4. Sunday is very busy in my city. It’s ___ day of the week.

a. the busiest
b. the crowded more
c. the crowdest
d. busier than

5. The beach is pretty, but the town is ___. There are a lot of ugly buildings.
a. horrible
b. crowded
c. unfriendly
d. full

6. The new apartment is really ___. We always need to turn the lights on, even on a sunny day!
a. light
b. dark
c. ugly
d. dangerous

7. Let’s go to this restaurant. It looks ___ than the restaurants downtown.

a. more cheaper
b. cheapest
c. cheaper than
d. cheaper

8. Look, there’s my brother. He can’t see us. He isn’t wearing his ___.
a. glasses
b. hat
c. beard
d. mustache

9. I was shy when I was a child, but now I’m more ___.
a. boring
b. talkative
c. funny
d. popular

10. He cooked a meal ___ he arrived home.

a. before
b. when
c. then
d. and

11. We can have ___ pasta for lunch.

a. any
b. some
c. a
d. those

12. ___ are my favorite fruit.

a. Bananas
b. Peppers
c. Beans
d. Cheese

13. Can you make me ___ tea, please?

a. a bottle of
b. a can of
c. a cup of
d. a pot of

14. There’s ___ cheese, but we need more for the sandwiches.
a. a little
b. much
c. a few
d. no

15. Are you cooking dinner? I love ___ meals!

a. the
b. your
c. you
d. yours
16. I like a glass of ___ juice for breakfast.
a. milk
b. soup
c. tomato
d. pasta

17. I usually drink ___ cola on vacation.

a. many
b. much
c. a lot of
d. the

18. Do we have ___ bread?

a. any
b. a
c. an
d. some

19. “Would you like to try ___ this cheese?”

“Thanks. Mmm … it’s very good.”
a. a bag of
b. a piece of
c. a box of
d. a slice of

20. I don’t eat ___. I get my protein from fish.

a. meat
b. rice
c. salad
d. dairy

21. Karen was ___ in our family last year, but now my brother is.
a. the most tallest
b. the tallest
c. the most tall
d. taller

22. My grandmother is great. Things can be difficult, but she’s always ___.
a. happy
b. smart
c. cheerful
d. popular

23. I think math is ___ English!

a. easier than
b. difficult than
c. easy
d. easier

24. My mom is middle-aged and she’s ___. She goes to a gym and gets a lot of exercise.
a. fat
b. slim
c. young
d. tall

25. The band was great. It was ___ concert this year. I really enjoyed it!
a. their best
b. the better
c. their goodest
d. their most best

26. My brother is very ___. He always goes on adventure vacations!

a. thin
b. brave
c. smart
d. lazy

27. My dad is ___. He doesn’t have a good diet and he never gets any exercise.
a. overweight
b. underweight
c. thin
d. young

28. My mom is ___ my dad.

a. older than
b. most old
c. more old than
d. oldest than

29. The college is very ___ so it’s easy to meet new people.
a. crowded
b. friendly
c. beautiful
d. empty

30. ___ I was 18, I decided to study chemistry.

a. When
b. Then
c. So
d. After

31. We ___ onions. Can you go to the store, please?

a. don’t have any
b. don’t have some
c. don’t have an
d. doesn’t have any

32. We sometimes have ___ pasta for dinner.

a. a big piece of
b. a big jar of
c. a big bowl of
d. a few

33. I usually drink ___ with my lunch.

a. melon
b. yogurt
c. juice
d. tomato

34. There’s meat in the fridge, and I can buy ___ potatoes.
a. a
b. any
c. some
d. few

35. ___ time do we have to cook this meal?

a. How many
b. How much
c. How often
d. How long

36. Do you want to go to my friends’ new restaurant?

___ food is very good.
a. His
b. Your
c. Their
d. Her

37. Is there ___ cookies in the cabinet?

a. a glass of
b. any
c. a bar of
d. a box of

38. “Are there any books in your bedroom?” “Yes, ___!”

a. lots of
b. a lot
c. a lot of
d. a lots of

39. In my country, we eat ___ products like cheese and eggs for breakfast.
a. dairy
b. vegetables
c. fruit
d. meat

40. I don’t like the idea of traveling ___ when the weather isn’t good.
a. by ship
b. on boat
c. in ferry
d. on foot

41. I ___ sightseeing and visit the museum.

a. want to definitely go
b. definitely want to go
c. want definitely to go
d. definitely am going to

42. “Does Danillo have to work late?” “No, ___.”

a. he hasn’t to
b. he hasn’t
c. he doesn’t
d. he isn’t

43. Clara is ___ tomorrow. It’s scary because the ocean is dangerous here.
a. going hiking
b. going surfing
c. relaxing on the beach
d. going shopping

44. Roberto prefers to go to work ___. It takes longer, but he can think about his day.
a. foot
b. in foot
c. by the foot
d. on foot

45. Greg doesn’t go to work ___ subway because it’s very expensive. He walks.
a. by
b. on
c. by the
d. with the

46. We ___ at a campsite because it’s too cold.

a. aren’t going to stay
b. go not to stay
c. are staying not
d. won't be stay

47. How old ___ be to start school in your country?

a. does children have to
b. children have to
c. do children have to
d. must children

48. They’re going to take the children to the beach after they ___.
a. relax by the beach
b. go surfing
c. go swimming
d. visit the museum

49. I’m going to be 30 ___.

a. next January
b. on January
c. last January
d. at January

50. There ___ eggs for breakfast!

a. isn’t any
b. aren’t any
c. aren’t some
d. isn’t

51. We always keep ___ chocolate in the fridge!

a. a can of
b. a bar of
c. a slice of
d. a box of

52. ___ bathrooms do you have in your house?

a. How many
b. How much
c. Is there a lot of
d. Is there any

53. I need ___ strawberries to put on top of this cake.

a. a little
b. any
c. a few
d. a
54. The new supermarket is open. ___ prices are pretty cheap.
a. It
b. Its
c. It’s
d. They're

55. I don’t want lemonade. ___ orange juice?

a. Is there any
b. Are there any
c. Are there some
d. Is there some

56. Can your sister cook tonight? ___ cooking is great!

a. Our
b. Her
c. The
d. My

57. Would you like some ___ in your coffee?

a. tea
b. ice cream
c. milk
d. water

58. Can you buy six ___ cola, please?

a. cartons of
b. jars of
c. cans of
d. bottles of

59. ___ homework do you usually have?

a. How much of
b. How much
c. How many
d. How often

60. We can go to the library and have ___ lunch in the café there.
a. our
b. your
c. its
d. we

61. When Marcella was a child, she ___ with the housework every day.
a. had to help
b. did have to help
c. have to help
d. was helping

62. “Are they going to go shopping this afternoon?” “Yes, ___.”

a. they are
b. they going to
c. they go
d. they aren’t

63. It’s pretty difficult to drive a ___ because it’s bigger than a normal car.
a. bike
b. motorcycle
c. scooter
d. truck

64. She ___ visit her grandparents every day, but she likes to see them.
a. doesn’t have to
b. have to
c. doesn’t has to
d. mustn't

65. Gina definitely wants to ___ so she doesn’t have to cook or clean!
a. stay at a hotel
b. stay at an apartment
c. stay at a campsite
d. stay with relatives

66. I enjoy ___ with my friends. We can get some exercise and see a lot of different places.
a. going hiking
b. going surfing
c. going to the beach
d. going to school

67. What are you going to do ___?

a. tonight
b. night
c. next night
d. tomorrow night

68. We ___ to the park this afternoon. Do you want to come, too?
a. are going probably
b. are probably going
c. probably are going
d. might go

69. We took a ___ around the islands for our vacation. It was nice to be outside.
a. boat
b. bus
c. taxi
d. subway

70. In the summer, I prefer ___. I love the countryside and hiking.
a. going to the mountains
b. going surfing
c. going sightseeing
d. go home

71. I ___ her some flowers for her birthday.

a. did gived
b. gave
c. gift
d. gives

72. Our apartment was very cheap when we bought it ___.

a. in the 1980s
b. on Saturday
c. last year
d. on the weekend

73. Do you want to play volleyball before or ___ we go swimming?

a. then
b. later
c. after
d. soon

74. I went to Paris five ___.

a. years ago
b. years
c. years before
d. decade ago

75. I want a new computer – my ___ is very old.

a. GPS
b. CD player
c. laptop
d. washing machine

76. They met at a restaurant for lunch and ___ they went bowling.
a. first
b. after
c. later
d. before
77. My ___ takes fantastic photos.
a. DVD player
b. video player
c. digital camera
d. toaster

78. Where did you play tennis ___ afternoon?

a. yesterday
b. today
c. last
d. ago

79. I ___ a lot of books when I was on vacation this year.

a. read
b. reading
c. red
d. have read

80. We have a ___. I’m so happy I can relax after dinner now!
a. dishwasher
b. smartphone
c. toaster
d. fridge

81. At school, I ___ wear a uniform. It was great!

a. didn’t has to
b. didn’t have to
c. don’t had to
d. wasn't to

82. Are you going to go to college ___?

a. next year
b. last year
c. yesterday
d. last week

83. Anna is going to Cancún for a week. I gave her the name of a hotel, but she’s going to ___.
a. stay at a hotel
b. visit a museum
c. go to the beach
d. stay with friends

84. ___ go to work on the weekend?

a. Do you have to
b. Have you to
c. You do have to
d. Must you have

85. James has a ___. It’s better than a motorcycle because it’s smaller and cheaper.
a. van
b. car
c. scooter
d. bicycle

86. We had a fantastic trip by ___ over New York. You can see everything from the sky!
a. helicopter
b. bus
c. boat
d. ship

87. Cara doesn’t have a lot of money. She ___ to go on vacation this year.
a. isn’t go
b. is not go
c. goes not
d. isn’t going

88. I think going hiking ___ the best way to spend a vacation.
a. is possibly
b. maybe be
c. not is
d. could

89. Shona wants to ___, but the children want to go to the beach!
a. visit an art gallery
b. go surfing
c. go swimming in the ocean
d. explore the beach

90. I think ___ are a good idea in a city because they are cleaner and quieter than buses.
a. trucks
b. planes
c. streetcars
d. bicycles

91. My sister prefers to ___, but I’m interested in getting out and seeing the island.
a. relax by the pool
b. go sightseeing
c. go hiking
d. go to mountains

92. I ___ in London, but I live and work in Italy now.

a. was born
b. retired
c. died
d. moved

93. We have a ___ in the garage. There isn’t enough space for it in the house.
a. laptop
b. freezer
c. CD player
d. bicycle

94. Alexey ___ the laptop because it was very expensive.

a. don’t buy
b. didn’t bought
c. didn’t buy
d. hasn't bought

95. I ___ to the company and asked for a job!

a. wrote
b. writes
c. write
d. have written

96. We ___ our visit very carefully. We saw everything!

a. planed
b. did plan
c. planned
d. have planned

97. What did you do ___ summer?

a. last
b. the
c. before
d. next

98. In Europe, most people ___ in their twenties or thirties.

a. get married
b. retire
c. finish school
d. start working

99. My brother has a very expensive ___. I hope he doesn’t lose it!
a. DVD player
b. fridge
c. toaster
d. watch
100. I ___ to finish my book last night.
a. tried
b. tryed
c. did tried
d. was trying

101. I went to college and ___ I got a good job in the U.S.
a. then
b. before
c. first
d. after

102. Ricardo doesn’t like going across the ocean by ___.

a. ferry
b. coach
c. van
d. truck

103. We ___ ties in my office.

a. don’t has to wear
b. don’t have to wear
c. have not to wear
d. aren't to wear

104. ___ to France by train?

a. Are you going to
b. Are you going to go
c. Are you go
d. Do you going

105. We prefer ___ in the winter because cities aren’t crowded then.
a. going sightseeing
b. staying with friends
c. going hiking
d. visiting museums

106. Mikel always goes to work by ___ because he likes the exercise.
a. bike
b. scooter
c. motorcycle
d. foot

107. I ___ at 7 a.m. every day for college.

a. has to get up
b. have to get up
c. do have to get up
d. must wake up

108. We like staying ___ on vacation. We enjoy being outside.

a. at a campsite
b. at a hotel
c. at an apartment
d. with relatives

109. ___ you can come with us on our vacation this year!
a. Maybe
b. Definitely
c. Certainly
d. Sure

110. I’m really excited because I ___ my friends in California this summer.
a. ’m going to visit
b. ’m going to
c. ’m go to visit
d. to see

111. We have a ___, but it’s expensive to use so we usually put our clothes outside in the sun.
a. washing machine
b. dishwasher
c. dryer
d. vacuum cleaner

112. I ___ my husband five years ago and we got married last year.
a. meets
b. met
c. meet
d. have met

113. My mom ___ your mom at school! They were friends!

a. knew
b. knows
c. did know
d. has known

114. I ___ my grandmother last weekend. It was really nice!

a. seen
b. saw
c. seed
d. have seen

115. Pavel has a ___, but he always gets lost!

a. computer
b. DVD player
c. laptop
d. map

116. I went to college in Canada ___ 2015.

a. in
b. on
c. at
d. during

117. Some people ___ a healthy diet in the past.

a. didn’t eat
b. don’t eat
c. didn’t ate
d. haven't eaten

118. I love our new color ___. It’s really big and great to watch movies on.
a. TV
b. CD player
c. GPS
d. watch

119. We ___ a long way in the car last night.

a. drive
b. drived
c. drove
d. have driven

120. Come to my house ___ work this evening and we can play my new video game.
a. before
b. after
c. first
d. during

121. The play was really ___. I’m sure it was good, but I didn’t understand it.
a. sad
b. strange
c. fun
d. exciting

122. I ___ opera for years, but I’m not very good.
a. ’ve sung
b. sang
c. ’ve sang
d. have been sing
123. Jen loves ___ vacations! Her favorite activity is surfing.
a. – (no article)
b. the
c. a
d. this

124. “Do you like the book?” “It’s ___, but it isn’t great.”
a. all right
b. awful
c. boring
d. terrible

125. The concert was amazing. The ___ were from all over the world.
a. musicians
b. actors
c. players
d. dancers

126. Javier is a very good volleyball ___.

a. player
b. artist
c. dancer
d. singer

127. I don’t like opera. I think it’s really long and ___.
a. boring
b. sad
c. cool
d. happy

128. I ___ David Beckham three times!

a. did meet
b. ’ve met
c. ’ve meet
d. have meet

129. ___ French? “Yes, they have.”

a. Did they ever study
b. Have they ever study
c. Have they ever studied
d. Do they study

130. It’s very difficult to get a job as a professional singer in ___.

a. an opera
b. an exhibit
c. a play
d. a game

131. After I ___, I went on a job interview in Colombia.

a. die
b. got a degree
c. start school
d. retired

132. We have a ___, but I prefer to use the stove.

a. microwave
b. dishwasher
c. toaster
d. blender

133. ___ we met at the café and then we went to the movies.
a. After,
b. Later,
c. First,
d. Then,

134. The swimming pool ___ quite empty this morning.

a. was
b. were
c. didn’t be
d. has been

135. I’d like to ___ and get married.

a. retire
b. meet someone
c. start school
d. travel

136. We have a new ___, but it doesn’t keep the food very cold.
a. fridge
b. vacuum cleaner
c. dryer
d. oven

137. “Finish your homework ___ you practice the guitar!”

a. before
b. later
c. then
d. after

138. Does she want to ___ after she finishes school?

a. go to college
b. retire
c. start school
d. travel

139. There ___ a lot of students at the stadium yesterday for the game.
a. were
b. was
c. are
d. have been

140. She ___ in Australia when she was young.

a. lived
b. lives
c. live
d. has lived

141. “The exhibit was really great.” “What ___ there?”

a. did you saw
b. have you saw
c. have you seen
d. did you see

142. Did you go to the ___ last night? Were the dancers good?
a. ballet
b. opera
c. play
d. game

143. That new band is really ___ and they play great dance music, too.
a. sad
b. all right
c. cool
d. chill

144. We ___ on vacation together.

a. ’ve never been
b. ’ve ever been
c. ’ve ever be
d. never went

145. He gave me a present for my birthday. I didn’t like ___ present so I gave it to my sister.
a. the
b. a
c. them
d. it
146. ___ opera singing? “No, but I’d like to.”
a. Have you ever tried
b. You tried
c. Did you tried
d. Were you trying

147. Mark painted a lot of pictures last year and now he’d like to have ___ exhibit.
a. – (no article)
b. an
c. the
d. all

148. Vera plays the guitar really well now and she’d like to play in ___.
a. a festival
b. an opera
c. a play
d. a band

149. Oh, the concert was ___! I really enjoyed it.

a. stupid
b. strange
c. all right
d. fantastic

150. “Have you ever seen the band in concert?” “No, ___.”
a. I haven’t
b. I didn’t
c. I haven’t never
d. never have

151. “I ___ the exam.” “Don’t worry. You can take it again.”
a. passed
b. failed
c. got
d. attempted

152. I agreed ___ Alexa with her math homework.

a. to help
b. helping
c. help
d. for helping

153. “Was your girlfriend happy to get her new job?”

“Yes, ___!”
a. she was
b. she did
c. was she
d. absolutely

154. It’s easy to ___ at college.

a. make new friends
b. save more money
c. earn more money
d. find a job

155. I think it’s important for all children to study ___ or another arts subject.
a. music
b. chemistry
c. technology
d. P.E.

156. Why ___ a gym?

a. did you join
b. joined you
c. was you joining
d. you joins

157. My son is three. He goes to a ___.

a. nursery school
b. high school
c. college
d. elementary

158. My brother exercises every day now because he wants to ___.

a. get a new job
b. run a marathon
c. join a gym
d. gain weight

159. Ulrike saved a lot of money, ___ she can buy a new car now!
a. so
b. because
c. too
d. therefore

160. “Would you like to go shopping with me?” “___”

a. Yes, I’d love to.
b. No, I’d like.
c. Yes, I do.
d. Certainly, I wouldn’t.

161. Ben is very ___. He knows about so many subjects.

a. amazing
b. interesting
c. sad
d. stupid

162. I ___ a great vacation last week.

a. had
b. ’ve had
c. did have
d. have

163. My sister and I love dancing. I like ballet classes, but she ___ it.
a. hasn’t tried
b. has tried
c. hasn’t never tried
d. hasn’t try

164. Luisa loves painting. She wants to be an ___.

a. artist
b. actor
c. opera singer
d. author

165. Bianca thought the play was really ___ and she cried at the end.
a. happy
b. all right
c. sad
d. stupid

166. “I’ve seen Arsenal play against Real Madrid.” “Oh, where ___ them?”
a. did you see
b. have you seen
c. you saw
d. were you watching

167. You can’t be serious. That idea is ___! We can’t take the dogs to the exhibit with us!
a. stupid
b. scary
c. all right
d. possible

168. Jack ___ to the soccer game. He’s coming back later.
a. ’s gone
b. ’s been
c. ’s went
d. ‘s go
169. I went to ___ by my favorite artist in New York. She’s a great painter.
a. an exhibit
b. a play
c. a match
d. a concert

170. We went to the theater to see that new play last night. ___ was really good.
a. The play
b. A play
c. Play
d. An play

171. I need to ___. Then I can earn more money.

a. get a new job
b. get in shape
c. make new friends
d. improve my skills

172. How ___ the interview?

a. was
b. did
c. were
d. went

173. I’m getting up earlier every day because I want to ___.

a. be more organized
b. save money
c. improve my diet
d. go home

174. ___ is interesting because you learn how to make things.

a. Technology
b. Geography
c. History
d. Music

175. We decided ___ to Jamaica for our vacation.

a. to go
b. go
c. going
d. travel

176. I like ___ running in the evening.

a. going
b. to going
c. go
d. running

177. You need to talk to him more often. Then you can ___.
a. get a new job
b. improve your relationship
c. be more organized
d. earn more money

178. How far ___?

a. did you travel
b. traveled you
c. were you travel
d. have you gone

179. I don’t like science because we ___ a lot of homework.

a. do
b. take
c. pass
d. make

180. Josh doesn’t enjoy meeting new people ___ he’s really quiet.
a. because
b. so
c. then
d. but

181. My niece went to see a ballet and now she wants to be ___.
a. a dancer
b. an actor
c. a player
d. a singer

182. The trip was really ___ because we did a lot of new things.
a. exciting
b. strange
c. terrible
d. ugly

183. I ___ to an opera.

a. ’ve never been
b. ’ve ever been
c. haven’t went
d. always wanted to go

184. Sami doesn’t really like watching ___ movies on TV. He prefers going to the movie theater.
a. – (no article)
b. a
c. the
d. an

185. Toni is a tennis player, but she can’t play any ___ right now because of her knee.
a. games
b. concerts
c. plays
d. tours

186. My cousin is an actor and he’s in a new ___ this weekend.

a. play
b. concert
c. exhibit
d. game

187. ___ in a band? “No, she hasn’t.”

a. Has Sue ever played
b. Did Sue ever play
c. Has Sue ever play
d. Was Sue playing

188. Wow! That movie was very ___. I’m not going to sleep tonight.
a. scary
b. amazing
c. cool
d. sad

189. I’m going to go to ___ concert tonight in London. Do you want to come with me?
a. a
b. the
c. – (no article)
d. this

190. We’ve been to Peru. We ___ there in 2012.

a. went
b. ’ve been
c. ’ve gone
d. travel

191. ___ we got to the beach, the sun disappeared!

a. First
b. When
c. Then
d. Because
192. I met my ___ friend at elementary school twenty years ago.
a. older than
b. oldest
c. more older
d. older

193. My office is really ___ on Saturdays.

a. unfriendly
b. empty
c. sad
d. humble

194. This area of the city is ___ than where he lived before.
a. less dangerous
b. peaceful
c. not dangerous
d. little dangerous

195. Jemma doesn’t understand why her grandfather is unhappy with her nose ___.
a. rings
b. piercings
c. glasses
d. earrings

196. Carla is the ___ person in my office. She knows everything!

a. most smart
b. smartest
c. smarter
d. more smart

197. I really like ___ hair, so I’m growing mine now.

a. curly
b. long
c. short
d. blond

198. The lecture today was ___ than studying in the library.
a. enjoyable
b. much more interesting
c. most interesting
d. much interesting

199. I was really busy, but my colleague was very ___ and helped me with my work.
a. kind
b. busy
c. confident
d. cheerful

200. My grandfather is ___ and my baby daughter loves putting her hands on his head!
a. tall
b. bald
c. elderly
d. young

201. Marco is wearing a suit because he ___ today.

a. is going on an interview
b. is going to buy a car
c. is going to join a gym
d. is doing exercises

202. I stopped eating potato chips and chocolate, ___ I lost weight very quickly!
a. so
b. but
c. because
d. however

203. “Did you find chemistry difficult in school?” “No, ___.”

a. I didn’t
b. it wasn’t
c. I didn’t find
d. I don’t

204. I ___ last year because I played tennis every day!

a. earn money
b. saved money
c. improved my diet
d. lost weight

205. In ___ you learn about people and places.

a. geography
b. biology
c. science
d. music

206. I hope ___ some new friends when I start my new job.
a. can make
b. making
c. make
d. to make

207. Join a club! It’s a great way to ___.

a. meet someone new
b. improve your relationship
c. earn more money
d. get in shape

208. ___ interested in science at all in school?

a. Were you
b. You were
c. Did you be
d. Have you been

209. Children between the ages of 14 and 16 usually go to ___.

a. high school
b. elementary school
c. college
d. kindergarten

210. I’m really bad with numbers, so I don’t like ___ at all.
a. math
b. geography
c. IT
d. literature

211. I studied art in college ___ I love drawing.

a. because
b. but
c. did
d. so

212. I’m going running because I want to ___.

a. get in shape
b. improve my diet
c. join a gym
d. gain weight

213. ___ music at school?

a. Have you study
b. You studied
c. Did you study
d. Were you studying

214. I’d like ___ some new clothes for my vacation.

a. buy
b. buying
c. to buy
d. bought
215. I enjoyed studying ___ because I like sports.
a. art
b. science
c. P.E
d. history

216. My sister wants ___ a marathon – she runs ten kilometers every day!
a. run
b. to run
c. running
d. to be running

217. I stopped buying books because I wanted to ___.

a. lose weight
b. earn more money
c. improve my diet
d. save money

218. Why ___ to college?

a. did you go
b. you did go
c. you went
d. have you been

219. It can be difficult to ___ college.

a. go
b. pass to
c. get into
d. did

220. Do you intend ___ French in college?

a. to study
b. studying
c. study
d. to be studying

221. My son is very ___. He often buys me presents.

a. generous
b. popular
c. shy
d. polite

222. Wow! Your bag is ___ than mine!

a. heavier
b. much heavier
c. heaviest
d. more heavier

223. I failed the test and I had ___ grade in the whole class.
a. the low
b. the worst
c. the baddest
d. the most bad

224. Be careful! The castle is very old and dark. It’s a little ___ to walk around it.
a. strange
b. dangerous
c. ugly
d. light

225. Her hair is beautiful – it’s ___, so you can see her easily in a crowd.
a. red
b. dark
c. gray
d. brown

226. My neighbor has ___ car on our road.

a. the most expensive
b. the more expensive
c. the cheap
d. the expensivist

227. My aunt’s hair was ___ when she was 50, but my mother’s hair is still dark.
a. gray
b. straight
c. wavy
d. blonde

228. I think working in an office is ___ than studying!

a. much fun
b. a lot easiest
c. a lot easier
d. a lot easy

229. I went to live in Canada ___ I was a child.

a. because
b. when
c. then
d. while

230. She wanted to get in shape and now she’s really ___.
a. fat
b. thin
c. elderly
d. short

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