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a) Test for Normality

Ho: The data is normally distributed

Ha: The data is not normally distributed

Since the data has the p-value = 0.621 > α= 0.05, we accept Ho. Thus, the data is normally
Test for equal variance

𝐻0 : 𝜎 21 = 𝜎 2 2 = 𝜎 2 3 = 𝜎 2 4

𝐻𝑎 : At least two variances are different.

Test for Equal Variances: Density vs Temperature

Multiple comparison intervals for the standard deviation, α = 0.05

Multiple Comparisons
100 P-Value 0.801
Levene’s Test
P-Value 0.906




0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.5 0.6 0.7

If intervals do not overlap, the corresponding stdevs are significantly different.

Since the intervals are overlapping and p-value > α= 0.05, thus there is no significant evidence
to reject 𝐻0 . The responses have equal variance. Therefore, it can be said that the data is
normally distributed and with equal variance.
4. b)ii)

𝐻0 : 𝜇100℃ = 𝜇125℃ = 𝜇150℃ = 𝜇175℃

𝐻𝑎 : at least one of the temperature is different

One-way ANOVA: Density versus Temperature

Null hypothesis All means are equal
Alternative hypothesis Not all means are equal
Significance level α = 0.05
Equal variances were assumed for the analysis.

Factor Information
Factor Levels Values
Temperature 4 100, 125, 150, 175
Analysis of Variance
Source DF Adj SS Adj MS F-Value P-Value
Temperature 3 0.1940 0.06467 2.81 0.073
Error 16 0.3680 0.02300
Total 19 0.5620
Model Summary
S R-sq R-sq(adj) R-sq(pred)
0.151658 34.52% 22.24% 0.00%
Temperature N Mean StDev 95% CI
100 5 21.7400 0.1140 (21.5962, 21.8838)
125 5 21.5000 0.1225 (21.3562, 21.6438)
150 5 21.7200 0.1643 (21.5762, 21.8638)
175 5 21.7200 0.1924 (21.5762, 21.8638)
Pooled StDev = 0.151658

Interval Plot of Density vs Temperature

Residual Plots for Density

From the F-distribution table, 𝐹0.05,3,16 = 3.24

Since the F-value < 𝐹0.05,3,16 , we accept 𝐻0 and reject 𝐻𝑎 .

The mean density of bricks did not depend on the firing temperature.
4. c)

By referring to the figure above, the assumption of the model is hold. This is because:
1. Normal Probability Plot: The residuals are normally distributed as the plot resembles a
straight line, particularly on the central values of the plot then on the extreme ends.
2. Plot of Residuals Versus Fitted values: The plot does not reveal any obvious pattern. Thus,
the plot is normally distributed.
3. Histogram: The data is not normally distributed. The distribution is not a bell-shaped curve.
Also, the distribution is negatively skewed. Since the sample size <30, histogram is not
suitable to be used for analysis.
4. Plot of Residuals in time sequence: The plot does not exhibit a clear pattern. Thus, it is
normally distributed.

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