Grammar Unit 7+8

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Grammar 3 Complete the text with the correct form of the verbs in
1 Choose the correct options to complete the sentences.
1 How fruit do you eat in a week?
a many
b often
c much
2 I have eggs every day for breakfast.
a an
b any
c two
3 There isn’t milk in the fridge.
a any
b some
c a
4 For this recipe, I need some peas and .
a any onions
b some onions Bel Pesce is a famous Brazilian
c a onion entrepreneur. When she 1
5 How are there for dinner? (be) seventeen she 2 (read)
a much people about the American university MIT
b many people and decided that she 3
c many persons
(want) to study there. She 4 (find) the name of the only
Brazilian graduate from the school and arranged to meet him.
6 There isn’t cheese.
She 5 (take) a box of awards with her and 6
a lot of
(spend) hours discussing her ideas with him. After that, she
b a lot of 7 (decide) to apply to MIT and, three months later,
c a lot they 8 (accept) her. She completed her studies and
7 Last night, there any bread in the store. then 9 (work) for Microsoft, Google, and other
a weren’t IT companies. She 10 (write) a book in 2013 called
b isn’t The Brazilian Girl from Silicon Valley.
c wasn’t
8 My nephew doesn’t like green vegetables.
a a
b much Vocabulary
c any

2 Rewrite the sentences with the simple past tense.

1 Circle the word that is different. Explain your answer.
1 apple juice pear banana
1 I sometimes work from home.
2 slice bottle jar box
Last Tuesday, I .
3 fridge microwave GPS dishwasher
2 He often goes to Paris.
4 cheese beef ice cream milk
Three weeks ago, he .
5 crackers beans carrots peas
3 She often eats out.
6 coffee tea cake water
Last night, she .
7 salad cereal pasta rice
4 They sometimes play tennis.
8 tablet smartphone freezer laptop
Last weekend, they .
5 I get up early.
Yesterday morning, I .
6 We visit friends most weekends.
Last weekend, we .
7 I call my sister most days.
This morning, I .
8 They see their parents every month.
Last month, they .

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Grammar 3 x PRACTICE SB page 74, exercise 3

1 Sts read the sentences and questions and choose the 1 Do the exercise as normal. When you check the
correct options to complete them. Check answers. answers, focus on each verb and ask: Regular or
irregular? What is the correct simple past form?
Answers 2 Ask sts to close their books. They work in pairs and try
1 c to remember as much as they can about Bel. You could
2 c write some prompts on the board to help them, e.g.,
3 a from? seventeen, MIT, meet, apply. They can check by
4 b looking in their books.
5 b 3 Sts work in pairs and imagine what the other Brazilian
6 b graduate said to Bel about his experiences of MIT.
7 c As a class, brainstorm some ideas first, e.g., I went to
8 c MIT because I wanted to get a good education. I enjoyed
studying there. Sts can practice saying their sentences.
2 Read out the task and remind sts to think about which Ask some sts to read their sentences to the class.
verbs are regular and which are irregular in the simple
past. Sts rewrite the sentences in the simple past. Check
answers. Vocabulary
Answers 1 Sts circle the word that is different in each set. Check
1 worked from home answers, and ask sts to explain in each case why the word
2 went to Paris is different. As an extension, sts could write two or three
3 ate out sentences using some of the words.
4 played tennis
5 got up early Answers
6 visited friends 1 juice (the others are all fruits)
7 called my sister 2 slice (the others are all containers)
8 saw their parents 3 GPS (you use all the others in the kitchen)
4 beef (the others are all dairy products)
3 Explain that MIT stands for Massachusetts Institute of 5 crackers (the others are all vegetables)
Technology, an American university that specializes in 6 cake (the others are all drinks)
science and technology, and Silicon Valley is an area of 7 salad (the others are all grains)
the U.S. where there are a lot of technology companies. 8 freezer (the others are all types of computer)
(NB American English speakers use both university and
college.) Ask sts to read the text through quickly for
general meaning. Ask: How many Brazilian students were
there at MIT before Bel applied? (one). Sts read the text
again and complete it with the correct verb forms. Check

1 was
2 read
3 wanted
4 found
5 took
6 spent
7 decided
8 accepted
9 worked
10 wrote


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2 Match definitions 1–8 with objects a–h.

This is something for:
Personal Best
1 cooking something quickly a digital camera
2 talking to your friends b freezer Less 7A Les
son 8A
3 keeping food frozen c dishwasher
4 taking photos d GPS
Name five Name five
5 helping you find your way e microwave kitchen
6 doing the dishes f smartphone objects.
7 watching TV shows you missed g fridge
8 keeping things cold h video recorder
3 Complete the sentences with the correct form of the Less 7A son 8A
verbs in the box.

meet finish get have go be born start retire Think of three Write a
kinds of food that sentence with
1 All of our children in July. are uncountable. there weren’t.
2 My daughter school when she was four
years old.
3 You normally can’t school before you are son 7B on
Les Less 8B
4 In the UK, students usually don’t live at home when they
Name two
to college.
pronouns and Name six
5 To get a good job, you need to a good degree. two possessive important life
6 People often their partners at work. adjectives. stages.
7 My sister her second baby last year.
8 My parents in 2010 at the age of 60.

4 Put the words in the correct columns. Lesson 7C son 8C

cereal onions freezer carton fridge Write two
rice carrots pepper dishwasher bread
Write two
questions, one sentences
bag glass cabbage microwave pasta with How much …? beginning a few
and one with How years ago.
many …?
Vegetables Containers Grains
son 7C Less 8C
List six
Write a regular verbs
sentence with and put them in
a few. the simple past.

son 7D son 8D
Les Les

Give three Write three

phrases for things you did
ordering food in yesterday with
a restaurant. first, then, and


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2 Sts match the definitions with the objects. Check answers.
Personal Best
1 e
At the end of each Review and practice double-page
2 f
spread, there is a Personal Best section. The aim here
3 b
is to provide a quick challenge to change the pace and
4 a
allow for language recall and personalization.
5 d These questions and prompts give sts the opportunity
6 c to revise a number of language and skills points from
7 h the preceding two units in a more productive way.
8 g The points being revised are referenced according to
which lesson they appear in (e.g., Lesson 8A). They
3 Sts read the sentences and complete them with the correct cover grammar, vocabulary, text builder language from
form of the verbs in the box. Check answers. reading and writing lessons, and conversation builder
language from speaking lessons. Sts work individually,
Answers in pairs or in groups, according to the class dynamic
1 were born and the time available. Set a time limit if you would
2 started like to add a competitive element. Encourage sts to
3 leave refer back to the relevant lessons if they are having
4 go difficulties. The aim is for them to respond to the
5 get (have is also possible) prompts and engage with the target language in a
6 meet personal way. Their answers will vary. Monitor and help
7 had as necessary and get feedback on sts’ answers.
8 retired


1 Do the exercise as normal. When you check the Students will find two pages of Review and Practice at the
answers, focus on each fill-in-the-blank sentence and end of each unit of their Workbooks.
ask: Which verb? Why? Which verb form? Why? Discuss Unit 7, pages 42 and 43
any differences of opinion and elicit the Unit 8, pages 48 and 49
correct answers.
2 Ask sts to close their books. Write the second part
of each life stage expression on the board, e.g., born,
school, college, degree. Sts work in pairs and try to
remember the sentence for each life stage. They can
check by looking in their books.
3 Sts work individually. They write four questions to
ask a partner about life stages, e.g., When did you start
school? When would you like to retire? Sts can work in
pairs to ask and answer their questions. Ask some sts
to tell the class something they learned about their

4 Sts add the words to the table in the correct columns.

Check answers and check that sts understand all the
words. As an extension, sts could work in pairs and add
more words to the table.

Vegetables: onions, carrots, pepper, cabbage
Containers: carton, packet, bag, glass
Kitchen equipment: freezer, fridge, dishwasher,
Grains: cereal, rice, bread, pasta


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