Tutorials DMm (1)

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A Vidyabharti Trust Institution

SITARAMBHAI NARANJI PATEL Vidyabharti Campus, At. Ta. Bardoli, Dist. Surat-394345
Ph.02622-224581, 220581 Fax : 02622-227481,225458
INSTITUTE OF TECHNOLOGY AND RESEARCH CENTRE, UMRAKH Email : admin@snpitrc.ac.in, vbtdegree_umrakh@yahoo.co.in
Visit us on : www.snpitrc.ac.in

Computer Science & Engineering (31)

B.E. – 4thsemester | Subject: Discrete Mathematics (3140708)
Assignment 1 : Set Theory, Functions

If A = {4,5,7,8,10} B= {4,5,9} and C = {1,4,6,9:} then verify

A⋃(B⋂C)=(A⋃B) ⋂(A⋃C)

Q.2. Prove that: (1) (A⋃B)`=A`⋂ B` (2) (A⋂B)`=A`⋃ B`

Q.3. If S ={𝑎, 𝑏, 𝑐 } find non empty disjoint set A1 and A2 such that A1⋃ A2 =S

Q.4. Let 𝑓 ∶ 𝑅 → 𝑅 be given by 𝑓(𝑥) = −𝑥 2 and 𝑔 ∶ 𝑅+ → 𝑅+ be given by 𝑔(𝑥) = √𝑥, where 𝑅+ is the set of
nonnegative real numbers and 𝑅 is the set of real numbers. Find 𝑓 ∘ 𝑔. Is 𝑔 ∘ 𝑓 defined? Justify your
Q.5. If 𝑓 ∶ 𝐴 → 𝐵 and 𝑔 ∶ 𝐵 → 𝐶 are both one to one and onto then prove that
(𝑔 ∘ 𝑓)−1 =𝑓 −1 ∘ 𝑔−1
A Vidyabharti Trust Institution
SITARAMBHAI NARANJI PATEL Vidyabharti Campus, At. Ta. Bardoli, Dist. Surat-394345
Ph.02622-224581, 220581 Fax : 02622-227481,225458
INSTITUTE OF TECHNOLOGY AND RESEARCH CENTRE, UMRAKH Email : admin@snpitrc.ac.in, vbtdegree_umrakh@yahoo.co.in
Visit us on : www.snpitrc.ac.in

Computer Science & Engineering (31)

B.E. – 4thsemester | Subject: Discrete Mathematics (3140708)

Assignment 2 : Relations & Partial ordering (CO 3)

Let𝐴beasetoffactorsof positiveinteger𝑚andrelationisdivisibility on 𝐴.For𝑚=45,show that

POSET(𝐴,≤)isaLattice :
Q.2. Solvetherecurrencerelation: 𝑎𝑛+2−5𝑎𝑛+1+6𝑎𝑛=2.

Q.3. DrawtheHassediagramoftheset{1,3,9,18}underpartialorderrelation‘divides’and

indicate thosewhich arechains

Q.4. Define:Bounded,DistributiveandComplemented Lattices.

Q.5. Fortherelation{(2,2),(2,3),(2,4),(3,2),(3,3),(3,4)}ontheset {1,2,3,4}, decide

whether it is reflexive, whether it is symmetric, whetheritisantisymmetric,andwhetheritis

transitive..(Justifyyouranswerifthepropertyis not satisfied)

A Vidyabharti Trust Institution
SITARAMBHAI NARANJI PATEL Vidyabharti Campus, At. Ta. Bardoli, Dist. Surat-394345
Ph.02622-224581, 220581 Fax : 02622-227481,225458
INSTITUTE OF TECHNOLOGY AND RESEARCH CENTRE, UMRAKH Email : admin@snpitrc.ac.in, vbtdegree_umrakh@yahoo.co.in
Visit us on : www.snpitrc.ac.in

Computer Science & Engineering (31)

B.E. – 4thsemester | Subject: Discrete Mathematics (3140708)

Assignment 3 : Logic (CO 2)

Q.1. Use a Truth Table to verify the De’ Morgan’s laws

(i) ~(𝑝 ∨ 𝑞) ≡ (~𝑝 ∧ ~𝑞) :
(ii) ~(𝑝 ∧ 𝑞) ≡ (~𝑝 ∨ ~𝑞)
(GTUExaminationSummer 2022;7Marks)

Q.2. Let 𝑃(𝑥) be the statement 𝑥 = 𝑥 2 . If the domain consists of the integers, what are the truth values of the
(GTUExaminationSummer 2022;4Marks)
Q.3. Show that(𝑃 → 𝑄) ∧ (𝑄 → 𝑅) → (𝑃 → 𝑅) is a tautology.
(GTUExaminationSummer 2022;4Marks)
Q.4. Find the bitwise OR, and the bitwise XOR of the bit string 1 1 1 1 0 0 0 0, 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 0.
(GTUExaminationSummer 2022;3Marks)

Q.5. Show that ∃𝑥 𝑃(𝑥) ∧ ∃𝑥 𝑄 (𝑥) and ∃𝑥 (𝑃 (𝑥) ∧ 𝑄(𝑥)) are not logically equivalent.
Show that ∃𝑥 𝑃(𝑥) ∨ ∃𝑥 𝑄 (𝑥) and ∃𝑥 (𝑃 (𝑥) ∨ 𝑄(𝑥)) are not logically equivalent.
(GTU Examination Summer 2022 ; 4 Marks)
A Vidyabharti Trust Institution
SITARAMBHAI NARANJI PATEL Vidyabharti Campus, At. Ta. Bardoli, Dist. Surat-394345
Ph.02622-224581, 220581 Fax : 02622-227481,225458
INSTITUTE OF TECHNOLOGY AND RESEARCH CENTRE, UMRAKH Email : admin@snpitrc.ac.in, vbtdegree_umrakh@yahoo.co.in
Visit us on : www.snpitrc.ac.in

Computer Science & Engineering (31)

B.E. – 4thsemester | Subject: Discrete Mathematics (3140708)

Assignment 4 : Algebraic Structure (CO 4)


Q.1. Define algebraic structures,semi group and monoid. Also give related examples. Give an
examples of an algebraic structure which is semi group but not Monoid
Q.2. Define Cyclic group,Normal subgroup. Illustrate with an examples

Q.3. Is the algebraic system (Q ,*) a group?Where Q is the set of rational number and * is a binary
operation defined by a*b =a+b-ab where a,b in Q

𝑎 0
Q.4. Define the ring . show that the set M={[ ]} is not a ring under the operation of matrix
𝑏 0
addition and multiplication

Q.5. Write the equivalence classes for congruence modulo 4 that means 𝑧4 let the subset H =
{[0][2]} is a subgroup of G = 〈𝑍4, + 〉 where + is addition modulo 4 . Then determine all left
coset of H in G .
A Vidyabharti Trust Institution
SITARAMBHAI NARANJI PATEL Vidyabharti Campus, At. Ta. Bardoli, Dist. Surat-394345
Ph.02622-224581, 220581 Fax : 02622-227481,225458
INSTITUTE OF TECHNOLOGY AND RESEARCH CENTRE, UMRAKH Email : admin@snpitrc.ac.in, vbtdegree_umrakh@yahoo.co.in
Visit us on : www.snpitrc.ac.in

Computer Science & Engineering (31)

B.E. – 4thsemester | Subject: Discrete Mathematics (3140708)

Assignment 5 : Graph Theory (CO 5)

Q.1. Define Strong, unilateral and weak

components of a Graph and write
these components for the Graph given

(Chapter: Graph Theory, 7 marks)

Q.2. (i) Define Cyclic Graph, Null Graph and Strongly connected graph.
(ii) Define Adgacency matrix and Path matrix of a graph with examples.
(Chapter: Graph Theory, 7 marks)
Q.3. Define a Path in Graph. Define length of a path. What is the diffrence between a simple path and
an elementry path?
(Chapter: Graph Theory, 4 marks)
Q.4. Define Isomorphic Graphs. State wehether the following Graphs are Isomorphic or not?

(Chapter: Graph Theory, 7 marks)

Q.5. Find all indegrees, and out degrees of the
nodes of the Graph given in the
following figure.
List all the nodes wich are reachable from
the another node of the digraph.

(Chapter: Graph Theory, 7 marks)

A Vidyabharti Trust Institution
SITARAMBHAI NARANJI PATEL Vidyabharti Campus, At. Ta. Bardoli, Dist. Surat-394345
Ph.02622-224581, 220581 Fax : 02622-227481,225458
INSTITUTE OF TECHNOLOGY AND RESEARCH CENTRE, UMRAKH Email : admin@snpitrc.ac.in, vbtdegree_umrakh@yahoo.co.in
Visit us on : www.snpitrc.ac.in

Computer Science & Engineering (31)

B.E. – 4thsemester | Subject: Discrete Mathematics (3140708)

Tutorial 5 : Graph Theory (CO 5)

Q.1. Define Adjacency Matrix of a graph and obtain adjacency

matrix A(G) for the following Graph. State the indegree and
outdegree of all the vertices. Find 𝐴2 , 𝐵2 and: the Path matrix

(Chapter: Graph Theory, 7 marks)

Q.2. Obtain adjacency matrix A(G) for the

following Graph. Find the elementary paths
of length 1 and 2 from 𝑉1 𝑡𝑜 𝑉4 .
(Chapter: Graph Theory, 7 marks)

Q.3. Define Tree. Draw a graph of the tree represented by

(A(B(C(D)(E))(F(G)(H(J))))(K(L)(M(N)(P(Q)( R)))))
Obtain a Binary Tree corresponding to it.
(Chapter: Graph Theory, 7 marks)
Q.4. Apply Warshall’s Algorithm to find Path matrix of the
following Graph.

(Chapter: Graph Theory, 7 marks)

Q.5. Convert m - ary tree to a binary tree

A Vidyabharti Trust Institution
SITARAMBHAI NARANJI PATEL Vidyabharti Campus, At. Ta. Bardoli, Dist. Surat-394345
Ph.02622-224581, 220581 Fax : 02622-227481,225458
INSTITUTE OF TECHNOLOGY AND RESEARCH CENTRE, UMRAKH Email : admin@snpitrc.ac.in, vbtdegree_umrakh@yahoo.co.in
Visit us on : www.snpitrc.ac.in

Computer Science & Engineering (31)

B.E. – 4thsemester | Subject: Discrete Mathematics (3140708)

(Chapter: Graph Theory, 7 marks)

Q.6. Draw the unique binary tree when the in-order and pre-order traversal is given as follows:
In-order Traversal: {4, 2, 1, 7, 5, 8, 3, 6}
Pre-order Traversal: {1, 2, 4, 3, 5, 7, 8, 6}
(Chapter: Graph Theory, 7 marks)
Q.7. Determine the order in which a pre-order traversal and
post- order traversal visits the vertices of the given
ordered rooted tree.

(Chapter: Graph Theory, 7 marks)

Q.8. Determine the order in which a pre-order traversal and

post- order traversal visits the vertices of the given
ordered rooted tree.

(Chapter: Graph Theory, 7 marks)

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