Yama Seiki GLS-2000L Test Report

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TYt utt

The longitudinal direction z-axis is defined as the lengthwise direction of bed and the direction at right angle

Tb it is defined as the transverse direction x-axis"

The accuracy tests on the main spindle and the parts connected with it ard carried out under the following

x Spindle revolutions. 3200r pm
* Temperature at the front pedestal of the main spindle. 28.40C

* Temperature at the back pedestal of the rnain spindle" 29.70C

i * Temperature in the roorn. 22.fC
*Spindle Center: - X -370mm

Swingover bed Measured
Inspection Measuring Method Figure value
ltem <500 500-1000 1000-2000

1g surlace oI tne De(]

Sr traight-ne 'lace a precision level on the slidtr I

SS;of I
rr on the square which is Place d on the sliding sur- I

face, and measure the level differ ence at 3 Points., both


T heia
sl iding the middle. Then the mtximum difference in 0.04/M
I Z -axis ends and 0.0s/M 0.06/M 0.01
SI rrface I direction the reading of the Precision le'vel shall the the me
lsl Ithe I tin ttre suredvalue.If the abovemethod . is not possible. Pla
ed I verlical :e the precision level on the caLrriage.take the readi
lptane) rg of the precision level at 3 points, at least:both
:nds and the middle of its molIepoints, at least:both
ends and the middle of its mcrvement,and the maxi
1 b mum difference of the reading on the level shall be
X-axis the measured value.
.in the 0.01
0.04/M 0.05,/I\4 0.06/M
plane) -

t-"t ttie tes-tinaEilor make

Runout of the 2

spindle contact with the fixing sec-

tion of the sPindle, such as 0.02
0.01 0.02
2 the face plate or the chuck: 0.002
the spindte rotates, then the
lmaximum difference shall be
Ithe maasured value.
Runout For Set a test-bar inside .the At the mouth of the
of the Tapered spindle taper hole, and let Test-bar
spindle Spindle the test indicator make con-
hole hole tact with the test-bar at 0.01 0,02 | 0.03
the mouth and at the tiP,
J then take the reading on the
At 300 position
Itest indicator while the sPin- 0.008
ldle rotates, and the max-
limum difference is the meas- 0.02 0.03 0.04

--ls.ta lured test-bar inside the

Per 300
betwcen u |tpirdle taPer hole,let the
the center In ltest indicator which is fixed 0.003
line ol the vertical lon the carriage make contact
d the mov
Plane lwith the test-bar,then take 0.01 0.02 0.03
(17) lthe reading on the test indi-
l.- lcator while the carriage
4 lrnent ln I'er 300
lz-r*is lu lffav"rs"s, and the maximum The test bar should be in- cli
l.iirection lin hori- Idiff...n.. shall be the meas- ned to the disk tunet side
lof the value,(l8)' 0.005
lzontal lured
lRlane 0.02
l(17) 0.02
I 0.01

Inspection Measured
NO. Measuring Method Figure Swingover bed
Item Value
<500 5 00- 1 000 1000-2000

Runout of the Let the test indicator make llead I Head 2

flange face of the contact with the outer part

of the flange face of the
spindle, find the maximum
difference of the readings
on the test indicator while tl-.
the spindle rotates. lll-r n
Next, move the test indi-
cator to the opposite side
--TE-U 0.015 0.02 0.02

of the center line of the

spindle and carry out the
same measurement, and the
largest difference of the
reading shall be the meas-
ured value.
Runout Workhead Set the center in the spindl
rf the e
senter taper hole or in the bush
hole and rnake the test 0.015 0"02 0.03 0.006
indicator contact the conica
Tailstock face of.the center at right
angled, take the reading on

the test indicator while the

spindle rotates,and the max

imum difference shall be t

he 0.015 0.02 0.03 0.005
measured value. This in-
spection intem shall be car
out for the spindle caenter
and the live center for the
tail stock.
Paral Fix the test indicator on th
lelism e Per 150
between a carriage and rnove the car-
the In ver- riage:the difference in the 0.005
move- tical readings of the test indicat
ment of plane or 0.02 0.03 0.03
the car- (1 7) which rnakes contact with
riage in the tip ol tlre tailstock a
the Z- spindle u'hen the spildie ktt
lt u Per 150
-_ When the carriage moves
7 axis is inside and outside shall !l

towards the workhead

direction be side,the tailstock spindle
and the b the rneasured ralue.(20) shoule not move away.
center ln hori- 0.004
line of zontal
Itn" tuit- plane
lstock ( l7)
I 0.01 0.015 0.015

NO. Measuring Method Figure S*irls"*. b.d
ltem .500 is00-tuou I ,,--
Parl- a Set the test bar in the hole Per 300
lel isni
in ver- of the tailstock spindle, and
tical let the test indicator which 0.008
0.02 0.03 0"03
move- plane is fixed on the carriage make
ment ( 17) contact with the bar and
of the move the carriage:the max-
Per 300
in the o
imum difference of the read- When thc carriage moves
8 ing shalt be the measured towards the'rvorkhead
Z-axis in hori- side,the test bar should
zontal value.(20).
and the not move away.
plane 0.009
line of (17)
thc tail- 0.02 0.03 0.03
Difference of heigh Suppofl the test bar by the
canters between the spindle
between the work-
and the tailstock spindle. let
head and the tail- the test indrcator which is
Stock fixed on the carrtage make
9 contact rvith the bar . and the 0.02 0.03 0.05 0.0M
diflerence ofthe reading of
the test indicator on both
ends ofthe test bar shall be
lhe measuretl value. ( 20 t
Head2 a Apply test indtcator
fixed on the Z axis
spindle in
sUde to a test har fitt-
center vertical ed to the Head 1 Per 200I0.02
aligned plane ;pindle and
with Head IJcad 2 sprndle.
10 Movc the Z axis slide
1 spindle b and obtain readings.
center- in The diflercnoe tn rea-
line horizo- dings obtained shall
be the measurement Per 200110.42
ntal Head 1 IHead 2
plane Head 1 // Head 2

Squareness ofthe F-ix the face plate or the Per 300

driving plate to thc spindle. 'l'he cross slide disk turrct
movement of the
fix the test indicator on 1he moves toward the center
cross slide to the cross slide, and in the hori- line ofthe spindle, this
center line of the zontal plane which oontains should not move away
'l'he center line of the spindle, from the workltead.
( l7)
the difference ofthe read-
ing on the indicator meas- 0.006

ured at a distance from tlie

center and measured at the 0.02 0.03 0.04
sarne point as the first time
aller rotating the facc plate
or the driving plate 1 80
dcgrees and nroving the
cross slide shall be the
measured value.

Note:(2o) ln the measurement, the lailstock and tailstock spindle should be fixed tightly.

(21)In the measurement, the test bar slrall be supportetl in the position in the direction oflhe measurcment so that it rvjll

shorv the rniddle value of the deflection of the center.

Tolerance Measured
Inspection Swi rgover bed Value
NO. Measuring N4ethod Figure
ltem 500- 1000-
< 500 Head I Head 2
1000 2000
Repeti" For each cariage or the tool
tional X-axis Turret etc, canl'. out the
position- direction Positioning to a fired point r0.003 +0.005 +0.007 r0.001
ing 7 times by rapid-feed.as a
accuracy rule (25), frorn the satne
of the direction, then tneasure the
I linear r Z-axis stop position, (2.1). i,2 value
motion direction of the maxirnurn difference
of the reading ri ith the sien 10.005 r0.010 10.015 +0.002
of (+) shall be the tneasured
<. ----+
Repeti- Let the fixed test indicator
tional make contact with the test
index- bar which is placed on the
ing tool turret, and carry out the
accuracy X-axis indexing 5 times by turning
of the direction the tool turret by 360 de- r0.003 r0.005 r0.007 r0.002
tool grees, l/2 value of the max-
turret ilmum difference of the read-
(26). ing with the sign of (+)
shall be the measured value
2 for each dir€-etion of the X-
axis, the z-axis aldthe
Y-axis (*l).But the test
indicator should be fixed at
the distance.
Z-axis ll:too+ol+ r0.002
r0.005 r0.010 r0.015
direction lWhon t 1:turret swivels, the
Itest indicator should be
lfixed at a position where it
not hit the carriage
ledee ofthe bed.
Note:(25) The amount ofrapid-feed shall be over the distance rvhich includes the automatic acceleration/deacceleration.

(26) 'fhis shall be carried out for eacli tool-fixrng hole or the fixing surface.

(* 1) This should be applied rvhen the mifing device is equipped.

Remarks: 1.'Ihemaximumdiffercncemeantstheclifferenceofthemaxirnuu.tvalueandthenrinimur.nvalueobtainedbythemeasuring

rnethod speci ficd

2.'I'he pitch-compensating device or backlash-compensating device, etg..should be used ifequipped.

3. D indicates the amount o[swing over tlie bed (nrn).

Size of workpiece Tolerance
Inspection Swingover
Measuring Method Figure bed Round-n Cylin-
d Ls LO
ESS drrcity
Accuracy Set the workpiece on the
<500 60-100 150 15 0.01 0.015
of inside chuck, perform the finish
turning cut by feeding the car-
riage, Measure the dia- 500-750 90- I 50 225 15 0.012 0.018

meter at 3 points, (27), a,

c, and b which is the 750-1000 120-200 300 20 0.014 0"020
center point, within the 4
planes with the angular 1000-1500 1 80-300 450 20 0.016 0.023
Interval of , approximately
45 degrees containing the 1500-2000 250-400 s00 25 0.018 0.025
axis, then find the max-
imum value of 4 dia- meters
of each meas- Measured Value
ured point, and the max-
imum value shall be the
measured value of round-
ness. Then, find the Cyindricity
Swingover bed Roundness
measured difference in
the 3 diameters within
each of the same plane, Head
0.001 0.01 2
and the largest value shall I
be measured value of <500
cylindricity. 2

Size of lblerance
Inspection .Figure Swingover Value
Measuring Method bed
(approx.) d Flatness
Head 1 Head 2

Facing Set the workpiece on the chuck

<500 002 0.003
Accuracy or the face plate and perform 213D-250
the finish cut by feeding the
cross slide. In two directions
perpendicular to each other qn 500-750 300 0.02
the finished surface, {ind the
difference ofthe distance be-
2 tween the finished surface and 750-1000 400 0.02
the datum level (for example, /
a square block). Ihe largest
value is convertcd to lhe value 1000-1500 500 0.03
olthe center point ofthe end do*d/2
surlace ofthc riorkpiece, (29),
and that value shall be thc 1 500-2000 500 0.03
measured value of thc llatness.

Nole: (27) Set the measuring points on iess irreqular places.

(28) The value ofg should be as snrall as possrble.

(29) The converted value can be obtatned as follous:

Conversion value = d/ d-d0 + (nrarinrunr r alue of distarce)

(30) lt should not be center-hrglr.

Remarks: 1. T'he maximum difference is defined as the dllTe r.n.re :e 1,.\een the rrarimum value and the minimum value obtained by

The measuring method specified

2. The tools to be used, the work materials, and the cutting conditions can be selected freely, but the depth of the final finish

Cut should be 0.2mm or less.

Measuring Method Fisure li f .

Accuracy of
Set the workpiece between
the centers (for center cutting) Swingover
inside and
(for chuck bed
d,5 d' o-< oo
t_ -
outside tum- or on the chuck
cutting),perform the fi nish
mg Dy numer-
cut as shown in Figure I and <500 0.010 r0.018
rrcak cihtrik
ligure 2 to the workpiece.
500-750 0.0t2 10. 020 t0. ..U
and tlren measure the follolv- 025 ,.i-
ing i1ems.
750-1000 0.014 r0. 023 10. 028 t0. 036
(1 )For the roundness, mearure
values rvithin an interal of 1000-1500 0.016 r0.026 r0. 031 t0.036
45 degrees in the plane include-
ing the axis for the diameters. 1500-2000 0.018 t0. 028 r0. 033 r0.036
d5 in Figure I and d2 in
F'igure 2, (27), and the max- For Measured Value
lmum value shall be thc See
Measured value. Figure
work Swingover bed d5 a.d5.d6 d3d4 L
I for
(2) For the accuracy of center
diameter. r.neasure the diame-
ters dl. d2,d3,d4,d5and work
d6 in Figure 1,or dl, d2, <500 0.002 0.004 0.003 0.002
d3and d4 in Figure 2 in two
directions perpendicular to
J each other. Then calculate
1he differences from the
specified value, (3 I ), for each
diameter and the laarger value
oftwo shall be the rneasured bed
a a.d4 d1.d3 L1 1.2
value for cach measuring t'roiut.
<750 0.012 r0. 02 t0. 025 r0. 03 r0. 02
For d6 in F'igure I or d4
ln Figure 2 the dirnension 7 50-1250 0. 014 r0. 023 r0. 028 t0. 03 r0. 02
before cutting is measured
and thc tool position is off-set t250-2000 0.018 t0. 028 r0. 033 t0. 03 t0. 02
according to the value:the
tool is not olf-set for the posi-
tions in Z-directron. Measured Value

(3) For the accuracy of

distance between surlaces in For Swingover bed d2 d2.d4 dl.d3 LI L2
Z-axis direction. measure the See
distances in Figure I or 2 in Figure
Figure 2 along 4 base-lines work
2 for Head
0.001 0.00s 0.003 0.002 0.003
which are perpendicular to 1

each other. and the marinrulr chuck

difference of the mcasured work
values shall be the nieasured
value for each dirnension.
Note: (3 l) The specified value in this inspection is defined as the diameter or the length to be processed.
Remarks 1. The maximum difference meaus tlie diffcrence betrveen the haxinrunr value and the minmum value obtaine d by the

2. The tools to be used and the cutting conditions can be selected freely. But use the workpiece rvhich is Ilnished with the

llnished-cut depth of 0.5mrn or less

3. The material ofthe vvorkpiece shall be 545C as specified in CNS 3828(orAISI 4140),the shape and the dirnensions shall

Be as besoribed in Figure I for center cuting. or rn Figure 2 for ohuck cutting.

4. 'l'he tools should be fixcd aftcr thc dillercnce is compensated.

5. I'he pitch-compensating device ancl back lash-cornpensatrng clevice should be used ifequipped.

6. 'l'lre cutting direction should be as shuln br the arrorv in Figure 1or Figure 1 or Figure 2. But the positioning should be carried out

by cuttrng-leed

7.lf the NC device does not have the capacrt) to profilc the shape sliorvn in Figure 1 or Figure 2. use as srniilar sa shape as



.shows the direction of cutting


Remark: (1) The value of h should be as small as possible.

(2) .shows the direction of cutting.


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