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1. Introduction:

A, Lead-in:

- People have differing views about whether to … or …

- People are facing the dilemma of whether or not…

B, Answer:

- Discuss:
· Recently, this phenomenon has been brought to public
attention with people standing on two different sides.
· However, as to whether it is a blessing or curse, there arises a
heated debate among people with different backgrounds.
· While some argue that…, others believe that….

- Discuss + Opinion: Although it can be stated that…, I would argue that…

C, Example

ð Discuss both views: People are facing the dilemma of whether or not they
should get Covid-19 vaccine. Recently, this phenomenon has been brought to
public attention with people standing on two different sides.

ð Discuss and give your opinion: People have differing views about whether to
move to urban areas or live in the countryside. While some argue that it is easier to
have a healthy lifestyle in rural areas, I would argue that there are health benefits
of living in cities.

2. Body:

A, Topic sentence:

- Body 1: On one side of the argument, there are many who claim that…
- Body 2: However, I would be inclined to argue against this as I believe

B, Supporting idea:

- Firstly, Secondly, …
- Reason:
· People speculate this might be due to the fact that …
· This might be explained by the fact that …
· The primary reason for … is …
- Result:
· It is rather clear to some extent, this may result in
· As a result, …
- Explanation:
· Under certain assumptions, this can be construed as …
· This means that …
- Example:
· One example they often reference is that …

· For example, …

3. Conclusion:

In conclusion, this essay supports the idea that…

4. Note:
- Với dạng đề này, hãy chỉ nói đến ưu điểm của mối vế đang đề cập đến,
tuyệt đối KHÔNG nói đến nhược điểm của vế kia.
- Với dạng discuss both views: body 1 nói về ưu điểm của vế 1, body 2 nói
về ưu điểm của vế 2.

- Với dạng discuss and give opinion: body 1 nói về ưu điểm của ý kiến nhóm
người khác, body 2 nói về ý kiến của bạn.

DẠNG 2: OPINION (Agree or disagree)

1. Introduction:

A, Lead-in:
- It is sometimes argued that
- Many/some people claim/believe that
- There is no denying that

- It is often said that

B, Answer:

- Completely agree:
· Personally, I totally agree that
· Personally, I cast no doubt on
- Completely disagree:
· I completely disagree with this view because I see no reason
- Partly agree:
· To a certain extent, I agree that it may be true in the case of
some societies. However, I also believe that others seem to be
unaffected by…
· To some extent, I agree that …, while I also believe that …

C, Example:

It is sometimes argued that printed newspapers will be replaced by online platforms

because of their convenience. Personally, I cast no doubt on this view.

2. Body:

A, Topic sentence:

- Completely (Dis)agree:
· Body 1: For a variety of reasons, …
· Body 2: There are stronger reasons to argue that
- Partly agree:
· Body 1:
+ On the one hand, the opinion to … is attractive for several reasons.
+ On the one hand, the idea of … is beneficial to some extent.
+ The argument that … is reasonable to some extent.
· Body 2:
+ On the other hand, there are a variety of reasons why I believe …
+ However, I believe that…

+ Apart from the practical benefits/disadvantages expressed above, I

believe that…
B, Supporting idea:

- Firstly, Secondly, …
- Reason:
· People speculate this might be due to the fact that …
· This might be explained by the fact that …
· The primary reason for … is …
- Result:
· It is rather clear to some extent, this may result in
· As a result, …
- Explanation:
· Under certain assumptions, this can be construed as …
· This means that …
- Example:
· One example they often reference is that …
· For example, …

3. Conclusion:
- Completely Dis(agree): In conclusion, for the reasons I have mentioned
above, I strongly believe that …
- Partly agree: In conclusion, while there are some benefits to…, I am of the
opinion that …

4. Note:
- Dạng này thực ra biến đổi khá nhiều, khó có thể lên một dàn bài cố định.
- Các bạn nên tham khảo các cấu trúc được cho và áp dụng cho phù hợp đối
với mỗi dạng.
- Đối với partly agree: Body 1 nói về ý kiến của người khác (lý do vì sao ý
kiến này đúng). Body 2 nói về ý kiến của mình (lý do vì sao mình thiên về nó
- Đối với dis(agree): 2 body đều support cho ý kiến của mình.

- Ngoài ra có một cách nhiều người áp dụng và điểm cao là dạng counterpart:
Body 1 bác bỏ ý kiến của người khác, body 2 nêu ý kiến của mình và lý do nó
đúng/ tốt hơn so với ý kiến của người khác.


1. Introduction:

A, Lead-in:
- There is a long-running controversy over …

- The issue of … has aroused people’s discussion.

B, Answer:

- Cause: This trend caused by several reasons

- Problem: Numerous negative effects have arisen as a result of this

- Solution: Societies can take steps to mitigate these potential problems.

C, Example:

The issue of overpopulation in urban areas has aroused people’s discussion. Recently,
numerous negative effects have arisen as a result of this and societies can take steps to
mitigate these potential problems.

2. Body:
- Cause: Topic sentence: There are two primary reasons why …
· In my opinion, the foremost cause of … is …
· Moreover, the problem is accentuated by/with
- Problem: Topic sentence: Several related problems can be anticipated when

· The possible effects of this problem include …
· Another problem is that …

- Solution: Topic sentence: There are a number of viable solutions to deal

with this problem. Hoặc: There are several actions that government could take to
solve those problems.

· The first solution would be

· A second measure would be

3. Conclusion:
- Cause: In conclusion, it is clear that there are various reasons for …
- Problem: there are various negative consequences of …

- Solution: and appropriate steps need to be taken to tackle these problems.

1. Introduction:

A, Lead-in:

- It is generally believed that …

- It is increasingly clear that …

- There is often much debate around the fact that …

B, Answer:

- Balance:
· This essay will discuss the benefits and drawbacks of this
· This (trend) could create certain benefits but there will also be
some drawbacks.
- Outweigh:
· There are certain advantages but its disadvantages are much
more considerable (Hoặc ngược lại).

· While this trend may bring about some benefits, I would argue
they are eclipsed by the drawbacks.

C, Example:

- Balance:
There is often much debate around the fact that there are many people moving to
the countryside to have a healthy lifestyle. This trend could create certain benefits
but there will also be some drawbacks.
- Outweigh:
There is often much debate around the fact that there are many people moving to
the countryside to have a healthy lifestyle. While this trend may bring about some
benefits, I would argue they are eclipsed by the drawbacks.

2. Body:

A, Topic sentence:

- There are numerous advantages to …

- It is said that … has some noteworthy positive effects.
- … is not without its advantages, however.

- Despite these attractions, several drawbacks do exist.

B, Supporting idea:

- Firstly, Secondly, …
- Reason:
· People speculate this might be due to the fact that …
· This might be explained by the fact that …
· The primary reason for … is …
- Result:
· It is rather clear to some extent, this may result in
· As a result, …
- Explanation:
· Under certain assumptions, this can be construed as …
· This means that …
- Example:
· One example they often reference is that …

· For example, …


1. Introduction:

A, Lead-in:

- These days, … has been one of the most concerning issues.

- In recent years, … has been one of the fiercely debated issues.

2. Note:
- Vì dạng bài này biến hóa khôn lường nên mình không lên cấu trúc cố định.
- Thường thì các vế của câu hỏi sẽ trùng với những dạng đề trên nên cũng có
thể áp dụng tùy hoàn cảnh.

- Phần supporting idea y chang các phần trên nha.

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