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Core Rulebook Ill v.3.5 ‘Heed othe orignal Dinos & Datos ome ‘eat ty F-Gary Gypeand Dae Aneion “This Wiens or vue Const gam probut contains 20 Open Gu Conte. without wren erin. Talear pega tie Ones orig heat pel be tyes tc. pleats stone sian condo ‘SIA EASE xd snEatCa ‘utoreay HEaDavanreas Wc of at 0 UA epore Egetronl to esiy6 ‘Ss ink ned sn tris othe noe tin ete else nc tn godatni e Visitour websiteat ot CREDITS ONSTER MANUAL DESIGN Seip WILLIAMS ONSTER MANUAL &D DESIGN, TEAM Mowe Coox, JonaTHan Tweet, Seip Wittians ADDETIONAL DESIGN Prope Apziioy, RrciaRo Bare, [4sox Cant, ‘Waa W. Conxors, Sean KRevNoups M ™ D Ba (pe en Jesntren Cranxe Witxes, Jon Prexens EDITORIAL ASSTTANCE Jeuta Marrs, Jeet Qurex, Ros HeINsoo, Davin, Noonan, PENNY WILLTANS MANAGING EDITOR “Kin Monan CORE D&D CREATIVE DIRECTOR Ep Starx DIRECTOR OF RPG RED Brit Stavresex, VISUAL CREATIVE DIRECTOR ‘Jox Scurspenerre ASOT EMD RE co 0 Daw Munn D&D CONCEPTUAL ARTISTS Tov Locxwoon, Sass Woon D&D LOGO DESIGN ‘Mart Apsrsprncen, Sureey Froxp CongO Jay Ores, “R ART Hexat Hroctnsornam INTEARTOR ARTIsT Ss Grex Axcus, Cairo Agpitano, Danex Baper, Toss Baxa, Can Crrrcnow, Barax Despatx, Tony Drrenizzt, Lanay EuMone, Scort Fisener, Revreca Guay, Pau Jaqwaxs, Micnars Katona, Dana Keorsox, Topp Locxwoop, Davip Mantis, Martunw Mrrouert, Moxre Moore, nk rost, AvaM Rex, Whxwi Rexxorps, Riekagp Sanprvna, Batax Syoppy, Marx Tzp1y, ‘“Axtuoxy Warzrs GRAPHIC DESIGNER ‘Sraw GLENN, SHERRY FLOYD TY P OvG RAP HE ROS Ear Donnins, AxopitxaLoxor7, Naxcy Wacker P HOO) Tt *OnG R°2 FO HE RK Crate CupNonursxy 22 N DL MA Nac BR Ryax Daxcer CATEGORY MANAGER Kerra Strout PROJECT MANAGERS Laney Wenvee, Jost Pisce DIGI-TEGH SPECTALIST Jor Feananpez PRODUCTION MANAGER «Gass DeLoxs SPECIAL THANKS Ginpi Rice, Jit Lin, Ricuanp Gaxsreip, een ‘DREW FINCH oe Oita pie MONSTER MANUAL REVISION ‘Rien Baxer Skt Writtams D&D REVISION TEAM Rick Baxex, Anpy Coutins, Dart Noonax, Ric Repaax, Smtr Wins tants ADDITIONAL DEVELOPMENT Davin Regeznzaay, Jenner CLARKE Witxes, Gwenporis EM. KesTREL, Brut Staviesex FRO OF 8 BaD ER Penxy WILLIAMS: MANAGING EDITOR Kin Moras: D&D CREATIVE DIRECTOR Ep Starx. DIRECTOR OF RPG R&D BILL SLAVICSEK 2 ae AD TR Bi Co MO Daws Munix Go VER AOR OT Henry Hraarnoraam INTERIOR ARTISTS GLEN ANGUS, CARLO ARELLANO, DAREX BapeR, Tom Baxa, CaRL. CRITCHLOW, BRIAN Despats, Ton¥ DrreRizz1, Scott FIscHER, REBECCA GuAY-MITCHELL, JEREMY [ARvts, Paut Jaquays, Michazt RaLuta, Dana ‘Kxbrsox, Topp Locxwoop, Davo Marrs, Raven Miviuna, Martuew Mrtcweit, Monte Moore, Anas Rex, ‘Warne REYNOLDS, RICHARD SARDINHA, BRIAN SNODDY, Mauk TEDIN, ANTHONY Warkns, San Wood GRAPHIC DESIGNER Dawy Munmx GRAPHIC PRODUCTION/SPECIALISTS ‘Ents Donates, Axcettxa Loxotz. PHOTOGRAPHER Crata CupNonursxy VICE PRESIDENT OF PUBLISHING Maxx Kirenorr CATEGORY MANAGER ‘AxTHONY VALTERRA PROJECT MANAGER ‘Mantin Dunia PRODUCTION MANAGER CHas DeLoxe OTHER WIZARDS OF THR COAST R&D CONTRIBUTORS Paut Baxcray, Micurie Carre, Bruce ‘Corpert, Mrxe Donits, Skarr Evtas, ‘Aaxpniw Fike, Jere Gave, Rox HErssoo, Crnistopaex Peexins, CHanurs RVAX, Mrowari Seutxxee, JONATHAN TWEE, : Jawes Wear zi CUAL THANKS or ELIZaBe ri ALLAN, JzBPEASON Dostar, Srernex Rapwex-McFaxcaxo, ‘Liz Scnvn, Axpx Sura, Mar Ssarrs, “Avex Wertz TABLE OF CONTENTS Introduction. = Chapter ts Monsters AtoZ. Chapter 2: Animals {Chapter 2: Vermin. ae Chapter 4: improving Monsters. [Chapter 5: Maleing Monsters. ‘Chapter 6: Monster Skills and Fe (Chapter 7: Glossary... 290 303 305 ALPHABETICAL LISTING OF MONSTERS ‘Aasimarlanetouchel) 209 Isbole 8 ‘Aboleth mage 8 Abomination (yuan)... 266 byes gromerbaeiek....24 Achalerat ° Airelemental 9s Aiemephit st Alp 10 Androsphina m2 Angel 10 Animated abject a Antes 4 Annis hag) 3 ‘Ape 268 Apes dire a Aquatic ef 103 Ares 1s Archon. 6 ‘Aroha 9 ‘Asassin vine 20 ‘Asal deva angel) u Athach 2 Avoral (guard. iat ‘Auer 2 Babau (demon) .-....0..-.-40 Baboon 268 Badger. 268 Badge. dire Thee Baleen whale 282 Balor Gemon) -.-..-. Barbed devil (hamatul) Barghest Barghest, greater ‘Baslisk Bat 268 Bat, dive 62 ‘esr, black 269 Bea, brown 269 Bea, dire 63 Beat, pol 269 ‘Bearded devil (barbaa}. Bebilita (lemon) Behir Beholder Belker Bison. slack dragon. Black pudding Blink dog Blue dragon Slue sled ose Boar, lie Boda Bore dev (esyluth). ‘Brsani (lade) 23 Bass dragoons 79 onze degen. 80 Bughear Ruder. CCachalathale Carion crawler Cauchemar (nightmare) Celestial charger (unicorn Celestial crete, Centar Chaindedil (ey) Chios beast Cheeth, Chimera (Choker. Chromatic dragons ‘chun! Chay golem, leaker (Cloud giant 23 5 tot Darkmanae. 38 Deithslaad..... 21 Deep dvarf. Deep halfling 150 Deinonyehus (inesaut)...60 Dever 38 Demon. 40 Dex 43 Destrachan ..... +” Devil. Devourer Digester Dioseur Dige animal. Displacerbeast. Djinn Dog. Dog. riding Donkey Doppelganger Dragon, tue Dragon rate Drigoane Dread wraith Drech (demon) Drier Drow (ll). Dryad Diwrgar dear) Dose mephit Doatf Eagle Engle giant Earth elemental Earth mephit frees! Elsdin -Elamosaurus (Jinosan) lderblack pudding. Bement. Elephant Bl Erinyes (dev). Ethereal flcher Ethereal mazauder Everap.. Erin, Fiendish creature Fire elemental Fire gant Fire mephit. Flesh golem Forest nome. Formign, Frost giant. rest gant al Erest worm, Fungus Gargoyle Gauth (behelder Gelatinous cube Genie ‘Ghaele (laden). hast, Ghost hou! Giant Giantant. Giant bee Guntbombardiet bec Giant constrictor snake. Giant crocodile Gianteagle. . Giant fire beetle Giant octopts a2 ne Gisncowi Giant prayeg mantis Giant squid. Giant stag beetle Guantwasp, being mouther. Giralon CGithyanki Githaera. (Glabrezs lemon Gall - Gny tender Gay saad Greater barghost Green dragon Green hi. Groen shad, (Geardian niga. Goardinal Gynosphin Hg Hualfcelesi Hulfdragon Hale Hilffiend Halkore. Hultblood (yuan) Halfling Harpy. Hawk, Hall hound. Hellat (dvi) Hezrou (lemon) Hieracosphins. Hippogeif Hill gan. Hill giant dre wereboar (lyeantheope) Hobgoblin ‘Homunculus Horned devil (corangon) Horse, Hound archon Hound achon hero Howler Hyd, Hyent ‘ce devil (gelugon| ce mephit Imp (ew) Ineviable 4h 13 1a rr 137 104 13 231 2 74 wn 230 Be 2 235 440 Sag 141 233 145 14 146 102 wr 204 264 198 154 si 234 ist 158 Invisible stale: 160 Nesssnsyathound (hell Iron golem 2136 hound) colt Jannaeesen 116 Nighthag 191 Kaboldoncssesscssoss-A6t Nightcrawler. 195 Kolyacut(ineviable).....-159 Nightmare Kerker Nighishide 195 Keenshar Nighrwalle. 196 Kuo-to8 Nightwing 197 Lamia 265 Nie nnn 235 Lammas 16s Normph_ 197 Lantem archon 16 Ochrejelly 202 ‘Lemuee dei 57 Octopus want Leona Oz. 198 Leopard Ogre barbasan, 198 ich Ore mage 200 Lillend 16 Onze 201 Lion 274 _Ocsemephie 183 Lion, dire @ Or 203 Lint, w4 Ora 283 aarfollc 169 Onyugh 208 Loeathah 169 Owl a7 Iycammhrope 170 Owl. giant 208 Magma mephit 183 Owlbear 206 Magmin, 179 Pack lord (dsplacer beas) 6. ‘Manta ray... 275 esas. 206 Manticore 178 Phantom funges 20 Marilith demon) 44 Phase spider 207 ‘Maru (inevitable), 159 Phasm 208 Media 180 Pit fiend (dev) o.oo enon 7 Mesamapior(dinosur)......60 Pie 236 Mephit. Planetar (angel ut Mefalk.. Plinerouched 209 Metalic drazors Pony. ascnannnssdZL Mimic Poxpaise 278 Mind layer. Pseudodsagon 210 Mind ayer sorcerer Pureblood (naan). ...263 Minow Purple worm, 2 Mobre. Byrohydaa, 156 ‘Monitor iar. ‘Quasi demon). 46 Monkey. Rakshass. a Monstrous cemtipede. 23 Monstrous scorpion... 28 ‘Monstrous spider Cy ‘Mountain dae. 278 Mule. 23 Mummy. 25 ‘Mumay oni co 2a Naga ‘Remothat 244 ‘Nalfeshnse demon) Retriever (demon), 46 MONSTERS BY TYPE (AND SUBTYPE) ‘Aberration: aboleth athach, beholder, cation eral, choker, chu, cloaker delver destachan, crier, ethereal filcner, eiercap, gauth, hau, pbbering mauther, grck, oimic, mind fayer, nagas, otyugh, pphasm, rust monster shure, umber hult, willo-wisp. (Ai): air meghit, arrowhaw, cloud giant, dust mephit, green dragon, ce mephit, wil-o-wisp, ‘Animal: animale, bat swarm, dinosaurs, dive animals, rat swarm, (Aquatic) aboleth, aquatic ef, chu, die shark, dragon tut, giant octopus, Kraken, euoto, locathan, merfole, merrov, octopus, sahua i, 4a cat sea hag, shat, skum, squids, water naga [Calg ryohyar, Fost giant, frost worm, ice mephit, sver dragon, white dragon, winter wot Rhinoceros. = 228___Ticeratops. a Rec casita, das Roper 215 Troglodyte 246 ust monster 26 Troll 27 Shoagin 217 Trollhunter aus Solamander..-sso-sconu.218 Truly horrid umber bulk. ..249 Salt mephit 184 Trumpetarchon. 18 Saye 219 ‘Tyrannesaurus(dinovau) 6 Seeit 229 _Umberhile 248, Sealag 144 Unicorn 2) ‘Shadow 221 Nimpire 28 Shadow marif 222__Vampire spawn 23 Shambling mound 2 Viegouille 244 shark 279 Violet fungus 13) Shark, dire 6+ Viper snake 281 Shield guardian 228 Vimek (demon) 4 Shockerlined 20 Water elemental sa Shricker 113 Water mephit 4 Siver dragon 8 Water miga..- 155, Skeleton 25 Wea! 22 Shum 223 Weasel, dire Ss shad 228 Werebear(ycanthrope) 170 Stake 279 Wereborr(veamthrope) --. 471 Solar (ange!) 12 Wererat(lycamthrope) .....171 Specie. 232° Weretger(iyeamthrope).. 172 ‘Sphinx 232 Werewolf yeanthrope) 173, Spider exter 234 Werewolf lord (lycan- Spiritmaga 192 thrope) Sprite. ...ssan 235 While Suid 28 White dragon, Steam mephit. ast Wight SOB csncseann 235 Wildelf Stone giittessce 2 Wills-wisp Stone golem. 137 Winer woll Storm gant Wolf Soceubus (demon) Wolf dise Svirfneblin(gnome).......132 Wolverine. Swarm Wolverine dire Tlfelow (haliing)...--149 Wood ef. Tarrasque... 240 Worg Tendriculos 241 With. Thogyua 20-0 242 Wyvern 29 Tieng (plinetouched).-.-209 Xi 299 Tiger. 28. Xorn. 20, Tiger dire 6s Yeh hound 260, Tian, 2a hake 220) Tead. 282 Yani 202 ‘Tojanida 243_Zelekn (inevitable)... 160) Trea 2H Zombie 265 Construct: animated cbjects, golems, homunculis, ineveables, retriever, shield guardian. ‘Dragon: dragons, dragon turtle, pseudodragon, wyvern. (arth): bive dragon. copper dragon, earth meahit, gargoye, salt rephit stone giant, Elemental: beer, elemental, visite stalker, magmin thoqgua. ‘Elemental (Af belker, air elementals, invisible stalker, Elemental (Earth): eth elementals, thoggua Elemental (Fire: fre elementals, magmin,thoqgua Elemental (Water wate elementals. Fey: dyad, grig, rine, nymph, pis, saty (Frey azer, brass dragor, fire gla, Fre mephit, golddragon, magma mephit prohyera, red dragon, stexm mph Giant exin, glans, ogre, ogre mage, tell INTRODUCTION: “his is the Duxczons & Duscoss* Roleplaying Game, the gxme that defines the genre and has set the sandand for fantasy role plying formore than 30yeas Specifically, this is the Monster Manual, This book contains niles for hundreds of creature, both hese and benign, foruse| in Donceoxs & Diacoxs adventures. This book, the ayer Hand: ‘ook, andthe Dungeon Masters Gude compris the core rules fo. the D&D game “Tis introduction exolainshontao tadeach creature's write-up. ‘toften refers tothe Glosiary, located in Chapier 7 atthe back of this Kook stating on page 308) for more detals on atck forms and te special qualities asocated with monsters. ‘A ist of monsters organized by Challenge Rating appears on pages 318 and 319 te makeit ag forthe Dungeon Master tailor ‘encounters tothe party evel ofthe player characters. Eich monster descrptionis rganizedinthe same genera format, asoutlined below, For complete information about te character istics of monsters, consult Chapter 7: Glossary (starting on page 305),the Players Handbyok or the Dungeon Masters Gude. STATISTICS BLOCK. This portion of a monster description contains basic game infor: ‘mation on the creature Name “This is the name by which the creatures generally known. The descriptive text may provide other names. Size and Type This ine describes the cresture’ssize Huge, for example) Size cat ‘egories are defined n the Gssury A size modifier applies ra the ‘creatures Armor Cliss (AC) and attack bonus, as sellasro certain shill, A creature’ size also determines how fart can reach 10) ‘make a melee attack and how much space i occupies ina fight (ee space/Reach, below). “The sizeand type line coniinues with the creatures type (giant) for example) Type determines host magic affects a creatuse; for example, the hold animal spel affects only creatures ofthe animal] type. Type determines certain features such as Hit Dice size, base) attack bonus, base saving throw bonuses, and skill points. For, quick reference,the Glossary gives afull description ofthe fea-| {ruresand tais ofeach type and subrype. Hit Dice = ‘This line gives the creature’ number and type of Hit Dice, and lists any bonus hit points. A parenthetical note gives the average hit points for a creature of the indicated number of Hit Dice. ‘A creature's Hit Dice toal i also treated asits level for deter- mining how spells afect the creature, is rate of natural healing, and its taxirour ranks ina skill, initiative. = Thisline gives the crearur’'s modifier on initiative checks. Speed {his ine gives the creatures acca speed on lan (the amount cf distance itcan cover in one move action) If the creature wears armor tha reduces its speed, the create’ base land speed follows. Ifthe creature his other modes of movement, these are given after (or in place of) the land speed. Unless noted otherwise, ‘modes of movement are natural (not magical. Seethe Glossary for information on movement modes, Armor Class The Armor Class line gives the creatures. AC for normal. combat and includes « parenthetical mention ofthe modifiers contribut ‘ng ttt (usually size, Dexterity, and natural amo, The creature’ touch and flat-footed ACs follow the comba-teady AC. ‘A creature’ amor proficiencies (if thas any) depend on is type, bu in generalacreacure Is awomatically proficient withany, kind of armor i's described as wearing (light, medium,or heavy’, and with all lighter kinds of armor Baye Attack/Grapple The number before the slash on this line is dhe creature's base attack bonus (before any modifier are applied). The DM usually wort need this number, btitcan be handy sometimes, especially ifthe exeature has the Poser Attack or Combat Expertise feats The numober ater the sishisshecrearures grapple bonus, which comsinued fom page + {(Geblinois}: bugbear, godin, hobgoblin. ‘Humanoid: bugbear, dwarf, ef, gthyanki, githzeral, gnoll, gnome, g2blin,halling, hobgoblin, kobeld, lizard loeathah, meal, or, toglodye. (Wncorporeal alip, ghost, shadow. spect, wraith, (Lawfil: inevitable Magia Beast: arkheg, aranes, baslsh, beh, tulete, bink dog chimera, cockatice, darkmaree, digester, dsplacer beast, dragon, tchereal rarauder fendish die at ros worm, giant eagle, giant ow, srallon, gorgon, gray render ifn, hellvasp swarm, hippogsif hydas, eaken,krenshat, lamia spider, purple worm, remorhas, ropes shocker lard, 2a et, sphinses, spider ene segs, tranque,unizor, winter wolf, wor yrhak. ‘Mensirous Humanoid: centaur derr, deppelganger,gagorl, grim lock, haga, harpy kuotoa, medusa, minotaur, sahusgir, yar ‘Ooce black pudding, elitinous cube, gray ooze, ache ll Outsider ‘Outsider (Ai jrenast, reaticere, anlbear, pegasus, phase 1 mephit srouhawvk dian, dust mephit ice mephit ‘Outsider (Chases chace beast, demons, eladrins, howler, lend, ‘Ouisider (Ei): achsiersi, barghest, demons, devi, hel) hound, hotles night hag, nightmare, akshass, shadow mestif varguile il eth hourd ath mephit, sat mephit, worn refs hall mound re mephit, magma mei, steam mepht, rast salamanders ‘Outsider (Coed): angele, archone, elaine, guardinals lillend, titan (Outsider (Lawflyachaiersi, archons, barghezt, evi, frmians, hell hound, rakshase xl ‘Outsider (Native: astimar cout, jan fing, ratshasa, ton, Outsider Water) ooze meoht, water mephit, tojanidat, ton. Plats assassin vine, phantom fongus, shamoling mound, sriket, tendricules,teant, vil Fung {pilin}: hobo, iaecfelk, toglodyte (Shapechanger): aranea, barghest, doppelganger, yeanthropes, mime: phases ‘Undead lip, bedak, devourer; ghact, ghost, gheul lich, mohts mummy, nightshades, shadow, clalone, spectre, vampire, vampire ‘pou, wight, wraith, zombie "Vermin: centipade swarm, giant insects, locust swarm, monstrous ceetipedes, mosstous scorpions. monstrous spiders, spider swam. (Water: lack dro, bronze dragon, ooze mephit, water mephit tiesto grapple the creature, The grapple bonus incluces all mod fiers chat apply tothe creature's grapple checks (base atack bonus, Strength modifier, special size modifier, and any other applicable ‘modifies, suchasa rcial bonus on grapple checks Attack [dhisline shows the single artack the creanute makes with an arack| [action. tn most cases, thisis also the atack the creature uses When [ atuck of opportunity. a well. The atack line provides the steapon used (natural or manufactured), attack bonus, and. |focm ofattack (melee or ranged). The atack bonus given includes _modificitions for size and Strength (for melee atacks) or Dexter ity (for ranged attacks) A creature with the Weapon Finesse fear ‘can use its Desteity madlfiec on melee atacks Ifthe creanure uses natural atacks, the natural weapon given here s the creatures primary natural weapon (see the Glossity [Eitche creature has several diferent weapons at its disposal, the, alternatives are shown, with each different arack separated by the | sword ‘or’ ‘A creature canuse one ofits secondary natural weapons (see the (Glossary) when making an atack action, but if ir does ic rkes an attack penalty as nace in the Full Atick section below ‘The damage that exch atiack deals is noted parenthettall. Damage from anattck i always at last point, even if subirac- tion from a die rll reduces the result 10 Q0r lover. FulLAttack “This line shows all the physical attacks che ceanure makes when i [uses fullound action to make a fll asack. Ie gives the auraber of |anucks along withthe weapon.arck bonus ana formofattick melee ‘orranged)-The ist entry isforthe creature primary weapon, with a ‘atuack bonus including modifications for sae and Stengt for melee stuck) or Desceity forranged atack.A creature with the Weapon Fines eatcan we is Dexeriy moxifieron melee attacks ‘The remaining weapons ae secondary, and attacks with thems are made witha =5 penalty tothe atackzoll no matter how many. there ae. Creatures withthe Multaruack feat (see page 308) take only a=2 penalty on secondary attacks. { ‘The damage that esch attack doals is noted parenthetially.| Damage from an attck isalways atleast 1 poims, even if subtrac | tion from a die rll reduces che result 10 0 ot lower ‘A creature’ primary attack damage includes its fall Seengeh modifier (1-1/2 names its Strength bons if the attack is with the creature's sole natural weapon) and is given fist, Secondary attacks add only 1/2 the ereatunss Strengzh onus and are giver second in the parentheses. {sused when the creature makesa grappleatiack orwhen someone [any atacksalsa have some special effect other than damage (Foison, disesse, energy drain, and so forth), thar information. | sven bere. Unless noted otherwise, cestures using natural wespons deal, {double damage on critical hiss. | Manufactured Weapons; Creatures that use swords, bows, spears, and the like fallow the same rules as characters do. The bonus for attacks with two:handed weapons is 1-1/2 times the creatures Strength modifier if isa bonus) and is given first, hhand weapons add only 1/2 the strength bonus andare given, second in the parentheses Space/Reach ‘This line describes how much spac the creature takes up on the butle guid and thereby needs 1 fight effectively as wells Aow. close it has tobe o threaten an opponent. The number before the slash isthe creatures space, cr how many feet one side ofthe cre Ture occupies (refer to the Dungeon Masters Guide for adgtionsl, |detais), For example, creature witha space of 15 feet occupies Ts-square-by-Ssquare space on she batle grid. The number afer the slash isthe creatures natural reach. ifthe cretute has excep tional each due 10. weapon, tentacle, or he like. dhe exended reach and its source ate noted in parentheses atsbe end ofthe ine. Special Attacks and Special Qualities ‘Many crvatures have unwsual abilities, which can include special antack forms resistance or vulnerability xo-cextain types of] sdsmage, and enhanced senses, among others. A snonsser eatry| breaks dhese abilities into special atacks and special qualities. The lacter category inchudesdefenses, vulnersbilies,andotherspscial abilsies chatare nox modes of arack. A special ability i either cenraprdinary (Ex),spelllike (Sp), ox supernatural (Su). See the Glossary for definitions of special abilities Additional informa: tion (when needed) is provided in the cxeanure’s desctiptive-txt ‘When a special ability allows a saving throw, the hind of save and the save DC is noted in the descriptive text. Mest saving throws against special abliies have DCs calculate xs follves: 40 41/2 the atacker’ racial Hit Dice + the relevant ability modifier “The save DC is given in the creature's description along with the abilry on which the DC i bared Saves “This ine givesthe creatures Fortitude, Rell, and Willswvemeodifer: Abilities This lin les the creature ability scores in the customary exer See, Dex. Con, Ine, Wis, Cha, Except where noted otherwise, each WHY A REVISION? “The new Duncions & Datcone game debuted in 2000 Inthe three years ince the d20 game sytem energizes the RPG indir, wove gathered tons of dats om how the games being played. We consider DED to be a lving game that constanty evokes ast i played. Using the gathered feedback, weve retooled the game from the ground up and inearpo- razed everyone's suggetions to improve the game and this product If this ie your it experianee with DED, we welcome you to wonderful world of advertute snd imagination. if you played the por version ofthis beok, est assured that this revision isa testa- ‘ment te our deciation to continuous product improvement and Imovation. We've updated errata, clarfied rales, polished the pres. ‘entation, and made the game better than it was. Ths is an upgrade ‘of the 20 System, not a new edition ofthe game. Tis revision is ‘compatible weh existing products, and these products can be used with the revision with enly minor adjustments. Whats new the revised Monster Manuel? Theentire book hasbeen polished and refine, al in responce te your fedback and to reflect the say the game is actually being played. We've reorganized the group moneter entre inte easiertouse, single-enty formats: New monsters have been added to tht larger book Advanced versione of seme monsters have been included to challenge high-level characters. New monster feats have been added, and all monster abies are detiled in the glossary for eaty reference. Monsters that can be used as player characters have level adjustments and other information to expedite such play and we've reworked all monsters so that they gain feats and skis the same way that player characters do. We've added extensive inferrtien on how to advance customize, and design monstes. And there ae other improvernents throughout, suchas fst-glnce descrip tiors of monsters. typical spel lists for spellcasting monsters. addi tional stastics to speed up play (including grapole bonus and ful attack routines), and read-toplay entries forall monster types. Take a lock, play the game, We think youtl Ike how eveything tured out. creature is assumed to have the standard array. ok ability scores ‘before racial adjustments (all 1s and 105, To determine any cree tue’ racial ability adjustments, subtract 10 ftom any ever-num- bered ability score and subtract 11 from any odd-rumbesed score (Exceptions are noted inthe Combat section of « creatures descip- tive text) Humanoid warrorsare generally builtusing the nonelite| arma: 13,12, 11, 10,9, 8 Advanced creanures (such asthe hound] archon hero) are built using the elite array. 15, 14, 13, 12,108 Most abilities work as described in Chapter 1 of the Mayers) “Mandhook, with exceptions given belay. Strength: As noted on page 1520 the Players Handbook, quad: stupeds can cary hezvierJoads than bipeds can, Any creature with four or more motve limbscan carry aload as a quadruped, even if it does not necessarily useall she limbs aronce. Forexample drag ons carry leads asquadrupeds. -ntelligence: A creanure can speakll the languages mencioned {in tsdescripuon, plus one additional anguage per point of Inet ligence bonus. Any creature with an Intelligence scoze of 3.01 ‘higher understands atleast one language (Common, unless noted orhenwise) ‘Nonabilities: Some creatures lack certain ability scores: These | creatures do not haye an ability score of o—they lack the ability altogether. The modifier fora nonability is +0. Other effects of nonabilites ate detailed in the Glossary Skills “his line gives the creature’ skills, cong with each skills modifier (dncluding adjustments for ability scores armor check penalties, ‘and any bonuses from feats or racial traits. All listed skills are clas shils, unless the cearure hus a chamacer class (aotedl in the entry). A creature's type and Intelligence score devermine the ‘numberof skill points thas. The Skills section of the creature's description sceaps racial ‘bonuses and ether adjustments to skill modifiers forthe sake of ‘clarity: these bonuses should noc be added so the listed skill mod fiers, Anasersk beside the relevant score and in the Skills sec Udon ef the descriptive textindicatesa conditional adjustment, one that applies only n cerain situations (forinstance,a gargoyle gets, an additional +8 bonus on Hide checks when it is concealed aginst a background of worked stone ‘Natural Tendencies: Some creatures simply aren't made for certain types of physical activity Elephants, despite their great Strength scores, sxe terble at jumping. Giant crocodiles, despite thoir high Strength scares, dont lissb well. Horses cant walk tightrapes fit seome clear toyou that particular creature simply {notmmade for apacticulae pysicslactsty. you can say thatthe creature takes 8 penaltyon sil checkethie defy its natural ter sdencies. In extreme circumstance a porpoiteartompuing aClimb check, for instance) you can rule that he creature fils the check auomatically Feais ‘The ine gives the reanurss feats. A monster gine feats jos character does—one for is frst Hit Die,a second fest i ithas at least 3 HD, and an aditional feat for every additional 3 HD. (For example, 9 HD cresruce is entitled rofoar feat.) Somerimes screaure his near mace horus eas, marked with a superscript B (9, Creatures often do net ave the prerequisites fora bonus fest. this isco, the creature can still use the feat. If you wish to customize the ceanure with new feats youtcan reas sign is other feats, but not its bonus feats A crearurecannat have feat that is nota bonus feat unless ithas the feats prerequisites Ehvironment “This line gives a type of climate and terrain where the creature is typically fund. This describes a rerdency, bt isnot exclusionary. AA great wyrm gold dragon, for instance, hus 2n environment entry cofwarm plans, but could aso be encountered underground i ‘old hills, or even on another plane of exstence. See Chapier .f| the Dungeon. Maser Gude for more on terrain types and climate. | Grganization “Thisline describes tne kindsof groups the creature might form. A range of numbers parentheses indicates how many combat ready adulis ae in each type of group. Many groups also have 2 number of noncombatans expressed as 2 percentage ofthe ight ing population. Noncombarants can include. young, the inftm, shves, or other individuals who are not inclined sp ight. A crea tures Society section may include more detallsen noncombatants Ifthe organization line contains the term “domesticated, the creature is generally found only in the company.of other cre tures whom itserves in some capacity. halienge Rating “This shows the average level ofa paty of advenarers for which Jone cresture would make an encounter of moderate dfficuly. Jassumea party of fourfresh characters ull hit poins, all pells ‘and equipmest approptiats to sbeiclevel) Given reasonable hick, the party should beable ro win she encounier wit some damage ‘bur bo casualties Foe mors information aboat Challenge Ratings see pages 36 and 48 ofthe Dungeon Masters Guide. ‘Treasure “This line reflects hew much wealth the ceatuce owas and refers, so Table 3-5: Treasute on page 52 of the Dungeon Maser’ Guid. tn) _most caves, a creature keeps valuables in its home or lai and has no treasure with it when travels Incelligent creatures shat own useful, portable weasure (such +9 magic items) tend to carry and) ‘use thes, leaving bulley-items at home. See the glossary foc more deals on wsing the Treasure line of each monster entry. Alignment This line gives the alignment thatthe creature is mot likely to hove. Every entry includes a qualifier that indicates how brosdly that alignment applesto the species 2s awhole. See the Glossary for details. Advancement ‘This book usually describes only the most commonly encoun- tered version ofa cresture (though some entries for advanced ‘monsters can be found). The advancement line shows how rough a creature can get, in terms of extrs Hit Dice. (Thisis not an absolute limit. bu exceptions are extremely rare) Often, intelli gent creatures advance by gaining s level in a character class Instead of jast gaining new Hit De Level Adjustment Thicline isinchued in the entries of crevtures suitable for use as phyeecharactersorascohors(ususlly creatures with Invelligence scores of atleast 3. andl possessing apposable thumbs). Add this ‘number tothe creatures total Hit Dice, including class levels, to get the creature's offecive character level ECL) Achsracters ECL affects the experience the character extn, the amount of exper fence the charscter must have before griing a new level, and the characters starting equipment. See pages 172, 199, and 209 of the Dungeon Master's Gute for more information DESCRIPTIVE TEXT ‘The body of each entry opens with asentence or two that) describes what the player characters might see on first encounter-| {ng amonster, followed by-a short description of the creature: ‘what it does, what it looks like, and what is most noteworthy about it Special sections describe how the creature fights and give details on specialarncs, special qualities, skills, and fears. CHAPTER k: See MONSTERS ATOZ Dalton Attar htiyatensde met ocd ons De This book conzains hundreds of seatutesforuse inany Dusceows| [Fortitude sive ar begin sotransform over the next td4+1 minutes, ‘S Diacons game, Refer to the Glossary, starting on page 305,for| [the skin gradually becominga.cleat, simy membrane. An alcred definitions of common features and abilities of individual mon-|._jereature must remain moisiened with cool, fresh water or take sters.Inmmost cases,a morsterentry describes typical individual] /112 points of damage every 10 minutes. The slime reduces th: ofthe kind in quesdon, which isthe most common version enc], _cteatures natural armoc bonus by 1 (bit never es than 0), The ouniered by character on alvenutes The DM can modify these! save DC is Consttuio:bise ities, crete advanced or weaker versions or aller any stasis | A wav digas spell cast before the tansioxmation i comple topliy a monster aginst ype and surprise the phyer characters wll estore an alice creaute wo normal Aitenwand, haweves, And ro ets meet themonsiers only eal or mas hal spell ean reverse the afliction, ‘Maicis Cloud (Ex) An sbolet undersatersursounds ise wth a scous cloud of micus roughly {oot thick Any ceatume — A BOLETH ccing tio conrac with and inhaling this substance must suc The clefting wer suddeniyenpisina sam of reaching grap. _{eesdona DC 19 Fortitude sare ot lose the ality to beat ifr Jing Sees. The eracs connec too primes fa, 20fet in length the nex 3 hours. An affected creature sufocates in 26 minutes i (poms tutou: heats ereer-shaped ai Threesshaped eyes, _empoved from the water, Renewed contct withthe mucus cowl [ited bybory gs rt oe ato the cher inh font of sod and fling another Fortitude sve continues the eflect fr Wich remains tanec he ce a tak another 3 hours. the ave DC is Consituion-bases Skills: n aboleth has 28 racial bonis oan the aboleth sa revolaing fislike amphibisn found peimantyt Swim check te perform some spe nor suberranesn kes and iver. It dspsesall onaguatc creatures avoid hazav. It en always chose 1 ake an avtemprs to destoy them on sight {ona Swio check cwsnif dstacted An abot has a pink belly, Four pulsating blue or endangetedI.can se the black orficesline the bouom of ts body and se- gill ren aciian-ehile sim [cretegrayne thatsme' ning. provided itswims ses is al or propulsion in ihe water ina aight line and drags itelC.along with is tem tacles on land. An aboleth weighs about 6500 pounds Aboeths ae eel an 4 . highly itelligent, mak ‘ng them dangerous pred: =~ ‘tors They now manyancent and sects fhe inert hee pater all they consu Aboleths are smart enough vo xefrin from immedistely tacking land dwellers who draw near. Intend they hang back, Ihoping tase pry wl enix she exes, which they ofien mike appeat coal cleas,and refreshing with their powers of illusion. Aboleths also use their psionic abilities to ABOLETH MAGE enslave individuals forse aginst their own companic Among ihe watery tombs and dungeons they inhabit the lords 0 Abaleshs have both male and female reproductive organs They the aboleths focus their eflors to achieve dominion threugh thei brisdin solitude, laying 13 eggs ever.five sears There eggr grow study of wiaardy. Their great power marl thers at among the for another five years before hatching into full grown aboleths. lords of ll subterranean creures, Stil these crea “Althcugh the youngare physically mature they remain with their totheir arcane scholarship, spend most of thelr lon parent for some ten years obeying the older creature utery Abolethe epeak their own langusge, a well ss Undercommon Combat and Aquin, The save DC for the aboleth mages transformation tentacle attack (DC.21) and its mucus cloud (DC 21) are adjusted for ite COMBAT higher Constitution score. The sive DC for ite enslave ability ‘An aboleth atacks by filing with its long, slimy tentae ‘DC 6) is adjusted for its lower Charisma score, as are the save though i prefers to fightfioma distance using itsllusion powers DCs forits psionic abilities: Hypnotic patlern (DC 14) ilusry wal Enelave (Su) Three times per ay, anaboleth can ate DC 16), mirage arcana (DC 1), persistent image (DC.12). ao enslave any one living creature within 30 feet. The tay mmiel image (DC18), project image (DC 49), wl (OC 18) Elec: succeed on DC17 Wil save or be afecred as though by adomi-. tive caster evel seth ynaie person spel (castor lavel 1cth)-An enslaved creature obeys the The aboleth mage uses « number of spells, such as displacement, abolesbs telepathic commands until freed by remove casc and can grate invistiity. and wall offre. to protect iself while seizing Jatempe a new Will save every 24 hours to break fee. The control. control ofits foes with spells and innate abilities. red (4/6/5/4/4/3: save DC 15 + spell {salso broken ifthe aboleth cies or travels more than {mile from ank Spells Pn its slave. The save DC is Charisma-based Psiomies (Sp): At will—hyotc atten (DC 15), fluory wall (OC ge armor, magic missile (2); 2nd—blur, lls strength, 17), mirage arcane (DC 18), yrsstent mage (DC 18), programme ares, fos cunning, se invsily: ards magi displacement, Aboleth, Huge Aberration (Aquatic) Hit Di ‘88:40 75 bp) Initiative: ri 10 i (2 squares, swim oft ‘Armor Class. 16 (2 size + Dex, +7 natural touch 9, flitfooted 15 Base Attack/Grapple: +6/:22 Arrack: Tentacle +12mdee (146-8 plus slime) all Attack ‘tentacles $12 melee (1d6s8 plusslime) ‘Space/Reach: 15 f./10f Special Attacks: ——_Ensiave, psionis, slime Special Qualities: Aquatic subtype, darkvision 60. sucuscloud Saves: Fort 47, Ref ¢3, Will Hi Abilities: ‘str 26, Dex 12, Con 20, int 15, Wis 17, Cha 17 Stills: Concentration +16, Knowledge Gny one) +15, Listen +16, Spot +16, vi 8 Feats ‘lermness, Combat Casting, Iron Will. Environment ‘Uaidergreind ‘Organization: Solitary, brood 2-4), or slaver brood (1341 plus 7-12 sku) Challenge Ratings 7 Treasure: Double standard Alignment: Usually lawful evil ‘Advancement: 5-16 HD (Huge); Level Adjustment — fy lignin Bl ah—grser inci phantasral lle Seki Sth—hald monster empowrese ihtning tok all fe —____ACHAIERAT TLarge Outsider (Evil, Extraplanar Lawful) Hie Dice: éd8+12 (59 hp) Initiative: +1 Speed: 50. 10 quares) Armor Class: 20(-1 eize, +4 Dex, 110 natural), touch 10, acfoored 19 Base Attack/Grepple: 6/14 ‘Attacks:Claw +9 melee (2d6+4) Full Attack: 2 clws +9 melee (24é+4) and bite 4 melee (4d6+2) ‘Space/Reach: 10 fx/10 fi, Special Attacks: Black cloud Special Qualities: Datkvisicn 60 ft, spell resistance 19 Saver: Fort 17, Ref 6, Will 47 Abilities: Str19, Dex 13, Con 14, nt Lt, Wis 14, Che 16 ‘Skille: Balance 110, Climb +13,Diplomacy.«5,Hide +6, Jump +21, Listen +11, Move Silently #10,Sense Motive +11, Spot tt Feats: Dodge, Mobility, Spring Attack ‘Environment: Infernal Barlafield of Acheron ‘Organization: Soliaryo: flock (5-8) Challenge Rating: 5 “Treasure: Double standard Alignment: Alays lawful evil Advancement: 7-12 HD (Large) 13-18HD (Huge) Level Adjustment: — Aboleth Mage, 1oth-Level WirarL Huge Aberration (Aquatic). 85 pls 1044470 (177 hp) 10 ft (2 squares), swim 6 ft Z natural) touch 11, flat-footed 1s 18 (-2sze,43 Dex, #1728 Tentucle +18 melee 1de+9 plusslime) 4 remmacles +18 melee (1des9 plus slime) 15 ft/10 ft Enslave, psionics slime, spells “Aquatic subtype, darkwision 60 fe, mucus cloud, summon familiar ort H15) REF H10, Wal SH 28, Dex 16,Con24, 10t 20, Wis 16, Cha 14 ull 413, Concenteation £25, Decipher Script +15, Diplomacy +6, Disguise +2 (+4 acting) Inuimidite +4, Knowledge (arcana) +15, ‘Knowledge (Gungeoneering) +25, Knowledge (history) +15, Knowledge (the planes) +25, Liten +15, Search +10, Sense Motive +15, spelleift +29, Spor +17, Survival +3 (45 follwing tracks on other planes, and underground), , Empower Spell, Eschew Naterials, Fortitude, Improved Initiative, Lightning Reflexes, ‘Scribe Scroll, Spell Focus illusion), Spell Focus (enchantmen:), Spell Penewration Underground Solitary e Double standard, ‘Usually lawful evil 24 HID (Gargantuan) By character class Absieras ‘A large ceaurestonds on four sil leg hs. 0 birclike body, round ard lump, abeut the size of small pon balanced tapi legs. Feather. ‘that range in color from brown to red. caver ts by, an sterol claws. and beak glint. ike urrished meta! Fchuleris are massive 12 fess bids that inbabie Acheson tadem only cciainnally clcleewbeus heya coi clener end predatoryvidadie CS tlsctrasie for rut chairs Spek Lalcnal They weg hour 750 pou COMBAT. Jn close combat, an achaicral lashes ‘out with so ofits swith its powerful beak. It makes fe ‘quent sre of is Spring Artace feat to strike quickly and then retreat ut of range bet ‘counterattack, ‘An achaierais nanural weapons, aswell at any weapons i wield, are srcated as evilaligned ard lawful aligned forthe purpose of overcoming damage reduction, lack Cloud (Ex: Up to three times per day an achalerai cin release a choking, toxic black claud. Those other than achaieral within 10 feet instantly take 246 points of demige They mustalso succeed on aC 15 Fortitude save or be affected for 3 hourt as though hy an (csster level ch. The save DC ie Constnutionsbes “Medinm Undead (incorporeal) Hit Dice: 4d12 (26 hp) Initiative: «5 Speed: Fly 30 (perfect) (6 squared) Armor Class: 15 (+1 Dex. +4 deflection) rouch 1, fs Rase Attack/Grapple: +2/— Attack: Incorporeal touch +3 melee (ids Wisdom drain Full Attack: Incorporea! ouch +3 melee (144 Wisdom drain) Space/Reach: f./s f. ‘Special Attacks: Babble, madness, Wisdom drain ‘Special Qualities: Darkision 6 f incorporeal rats, «2 earn resistance undead tits Saves: Fort +1,Ref +4, Will 4 Abilities: Ser, Dex 12, Con — Int 14, Wis 11, Cha is Skills: Hide +8, lntimidate +7, Listen -7, Search +4, Spot +7 Survival +0 (+2 following tacks) Feats Improved Initiative Lighting Reflexes Environment: Any Organization: Solitry Challenge Rating: Treasure: None Alignment: Always nestral evil ‘Advancement: 5-12 HD (Medium: ‘Level Adjustment: footed 14 Thu cate oa fleas before you is theo thing out of nightmare. Khas ‘ogee humancid shape, but t's a shape without features that has been distorted and brisleswith madves. From the waist down, talsawny ita voporaus nothingness, lang ofan: trace of fog behind it sit moves sanity spell, } ‘An allip isthe spectral remains of someone driven to suicide bya ma ness that afflicted itin life. 1Leraves. only revenge and unrelentingly pursues those who tormented it in Iufe and pushed it over the brink. ‘An alip cannot speak intelli COMBAT ‘An allip i unable t0.cause physical harm, although it doesn't appear 0 know thar. I keeps flalling sway at ‘enemies, yet itinficts no wounds Babble (Su): An allip constantly mutters and sthines 10 sel, ing a hypnocc effec Al ane «xe tureswithin 60 fer of theallip mst succeed on a DC 16 Will save be affected as though by a hypnotism. spell for 204 rounds This s« sonic sind-affecting compulsion efiect. (Creatures sbatsuccessfally save can not be affected by dhe same alips babble for 24 hours. The save DC is Charsma-based, Madness (Suk Anyone targeting an allip with a thought detection, sind contrel, or telepathic ability makes, Aisect conracr with its tortured mind and takes 1d4 points of Wisdom damags. ‘Wisdom Drain (Su): An allip causes tdi points of Wisdom drain each time i hits with its incorporeal touch tack. On a, each such successful attack, it gsins 5 eemporaty his points ANGEL “Angels ae a rce of celestals beings who live onthe good aligned ‘Outer Panes. Celestials positively dip sith goodness—every fiber oftheirkodiesand souls suffused witht They arethe natural ene- ‘mies ofdemons and devils exeaturs ofthe infernal realms) Angels can be of any good alignment Lawful good angels from the plane of Celestia, neutral good angels from the plane of Elysium orthe Beaslands and chaotic good angele from plane of Arborea. Regardless of their alignment, angels never ie, cheat, oF steal. They are impeccably honorable in all theirdeslings and often prove the most trustworthy and diplomatic ofall the celesials Allangels are blessed with comely looks, though their actual appesrances vary widely “Angel speak Celestisl, Infernal. and Draconic, though they can speak with almost any creature hecause oftheir tongues bility COMBAT ‘Though they are honorable and gocd, angels dont hesitare 10 back up their arguments with their weapons and other powers when necessary. Though they do not relish combat, they do not hesitate to take the bate to the enemy. In combat, most angels make full use of theitmobility and their ability to attack at a distance. Angel Traits: An angel possesses the following traits (unless. wise noted in acreature’s entry), —Darkvision out to 60 feet and low-light vision. —, cold, and perrification, Resistance ma electcicity-10 and fre 10. #4 racial bonuson savesagainst poison, Pract Aura (Su): Against. attacks made or effects created by ‘evi creatures hisability providesa. +4 deflection bonus to AC an +4esistance bonus on sving shows toanyone within 20 feet ofthe angel Otherwise, it functions as magicirlesganstevl effect and 2 leser lk of nvr, both with a rains of 20 fet (aster level equals angels HD), This aura can be dispelled, but the angel can create it again 5 afive action on its next rur. (The defensive bene fits from the crcl are aotincluted in an angels statistics block. | —Tongues (Su) Allangels can speak with any creature that has language, 5 though using a tongues spell (caster level angels He Dice). This abltysabwaysactive ANGEL, ASTRAL DEVA Medium Outsider (Angel, Extraplanar, Good) “Hit Dice: 12d8+48 (102 bp) Initiative: 8 Speed: 50 f (10 squares) fly 100 ft (00d) ‘Armor Class; 29 4 Dex.+15 natural touch 14 farfooted 25 Base Attack/Grapple:+12/:18, ‘Attack ¢3heary mae diuption +21 melee (148612 pls stun) or slam +18melee (148+9) ull attack 23 hay mac ofdpton+21/s46/+11 melee | (4812 plus stun) or slam 8 meee (1649) sspace/Reach 5 fe/5f Special Attacks: Spell. abies, stun Special Qualities: amage eduction 10/eul,darkvision 60 f, low-light vision, mmutity to act, cold, and perificaton, protective aura resistance o electricity 10 and fie 10, spell Fesstnce 30, tongues, ucanay dodge Saves: Fort +14 (+18 against poison), ef 12, Wills12 Abilities: S22, Dec 18, CoB 18, 1838, Wis 18, ha20 ‘hills: Conceatrtion +19, Craft or Kaowledge (any three) +49, Diplomacy +2, Escape Arist +1, Hide +19, 1numidat +2 Listen +23, More Silently +18, Sense Motve #13, Spo 123, ‘Use Rope +4 (6 with bindings) = eats Alertness cleave, Grest Forte, improved Inatve, Power tack “Environment: Any gowdaligned plane ‘Organization: Solty, par, or squad 3-8) Challenge Rating: (4 “Treasure: No colts; double goods standard ems { Alignment Always good (any) t ‘Advancement: 13-18 HD (Nedium);i9-36 MD (Large) Level Adjustment +8 ‘A beautiful extemey tall, humane creature with ong feathery wings ‘md avery supe er lthe body glows with an inner power that mokes ‘hard look estat. she erence ‘Astral devas watch over lesser beings of goed alignmentand help when they.can. Ia particular, they are patrons of planar travelers and powerful crestuces undenaking good eauses. ound with its mace, that creature must succeed on a DC Fortitude save or be stunned for 1d6 rounds, The save DC-is Strengthbised 1 ‘Uncanny Dodge (Ex): An astral deva retains its Dexterity bonus to AC when fa fated, and it cannot be flanked excep by Jarogue of atleast 16th level. Ie can flank characters with the uncanny dodge ability asi itwere {2tvlevel rogue. ANGEL, PLANETAR Large Outsider (Angel, Extraplanat, Good) | Hit Dice: 1448470 (133 hp) Initiative: +8 ‘Speed: 30. (6 squares), fy 90 ft (good) Armor Class: 32-1 size,+4 Dex, +19 natuna).rouch 13, 4 flae-footed 28 Base Attack/Grapple: +14/-25 ‘Attack: + grestsword 423 melee (346413/19-20) or slum 220 melee (248410) [ull Attack: +3 gvatswonl +23/+18/+13 melee (3d5+13/19-20) ot [slam +20 melee 2d8+10) ‘Space/Reach: 10f./10 fi ‘Special Atracks: Spellike abilities, spells ‘Special Qualities: Damage reduction 10/evildatkvision 60 f, Tow-light vision, immunity to acid, cold, and petiticaion, protective aura, eegeneration 10, resistance to electricity 10 and fire 10, spel resistance 30, tongues Saves: Fort +1$ (+18 against poson), Ref+15, Will 21s Abilities: Sur25,Dex 19, Con 20, Int 22,Wis 23,Cha22— ‘Skills: Concentration +22, Craft or Knowledge (any fous) -23. Diplomacy +25, Escape Arist +21, Hide +17,taumidate +23, Listen +23,Move Silently +2, Sense Mouive +23, Search «23, Spot +23, Use Rope +4 (26 with bindings) ‘Feats: Blind-Fight, leave, Improved Inidative Improved. ‘Sunder, Power Auack Environment: Any good aligned plane ‘Organization: Soliary or ps Challenge Rating: 16 ‘Treasure: No coins double goods; standard items Aligament: Always good (any). ‘Advancement: 15-21 HD arge);22-42 HD (Huge) ‘Level Adjustment. The ewatureresmibles a maaivaly musculerand llhuman wth smooth ‘emerald ahi, whit feethired wings. and 2 bld head Planetara serve ab mighty generals of celestial armies. They also help powerful mortals on missions of goed, priculaly those that involve battles with fends. A plantaris nesely 9 feer tall and weighs shout 500 pounds. ‘Anastal em isabout7-1/2fecttalland weight bout 269 pounds Combat Combat ‘An astral down i nat afc erce joy in bashing ev of disruption ‘An astral devs natural weapons, as well ss any weapons it wields ere treated as good aligned forthe purpose of overcoming damage reduction. Spell-Lile Abilities: Ax willaid continual fama delete ‘dicera lee (DC. 49), disel wil (DC 20} agi aly. ano. (DC 23), hay smite (OC 19)-haly ond (DC 22), snl elf only) ‘plane shift (OC 22), polymorph (self only), remove curse (DC 18). remave disease (DC 18), remove fese (DC. 16); 7/day—cure light wounds (DC 16), se invisibility: 1/day—bladehorrer (DC 21), hea (DC 24). Caster level 12th, The seve DCs are Charisma-hased. ‘Stun (Su): lf an astral deva strikes an opponent twice in one xo.enter melee combet, Ie takes = foes with its powerful +3 heavy mace re ‘Despite their vast array of magical powers, planets are likely to wadeinio melee with their 13 greatnuinds They psrticulaly enjoy bring fends, ‘A planetars natural weapons, aswell as any weapons it wields, are treated as gocd:-aligned forthe purpose f overcoming damage reduction. { Regeneration: A planetar takes damage from evilaligned weaponc and from spell and effete with the evil descrigter. | ‘Spell-Lie Abilities: Ar willcntinual lame, dispel magi oly ste] 20), inst (self only), lesersstoation (DC 18)-remou | ‘urse(DC.19).nemave diva (DC.19), remove fenr(DC. 17). speak with ddesd (DC. 19}; 3/day—blate harrier (DC. 22), flame strike (DC 21), polymorph (self only), power won! sun, rise dead, waves of fatigue, 1t/day—earthguake (DC 24), greater rsoation (DC23), mas charm mander (DC. 24), wave of exhaustion. Caster level 17th, The save esate Charisma based The following abilities are always active on the planctar’s Feats: Cleave, Dodge, Great Cleave, Improved Initiative, person, as the spells (caster level 17th): detect evil, detect snares and Ampmved Sunder, Mobility, Power Anack, Track Pi dicen les (DC 20) itibdy.and tue seg Theycan be Envitonment. Any goodaligned pla dispelled, but the planetar can reactivate them as a free action, Organization: Solitary or pair ‘Spells: Planetars can cast divine spells as 17th-level clerics. A! Challenge Rating: 23. planetar has the following domains Air, Destruc- ‘Treasure: No coins; double goods; standard items. Hon, Good, Law, ar Wat (ls any others trom its ety) The ave| Alignment: Always good (any) DCs are Wisdombased. “Advancement: 23-33 HD (Large) 34-65 HD (Hig). Typical Clee Spells Prepared (6/8/8/7/7/6/6/4/3 Level Adjustment ce DC 16 + spell level: O—srcate nate, detect magic, ‘guidance, resistance (2), virtue; Ast—less (2), cause fea The creature resembles a divin for (2) entropic shel, nic ight wounds shield of s towering, poveriully_bult faith; 2nd—aid®, align wagon, bear's humen_with-tallan: 29p0e ferdurance, bulls yessilety (gale) ski, strength (2) ca and gleaming wit wings seca, age spe or, hold pers: Solasare the greatestofthe 3ni—contagion . angels, usually. close daylight. 4 tendents toa deity ct. ity purge, prayer (2), champions of some summon monster LL ‘ ‘cosmically bene wind wall; 4¢h cent task such deat word, dons / \ as eliminsting 2 inlict ermal wounds, particular typeof neutralize pouson (2) e , swmungdoing) summon manser¥y sth Asolar hasa deep nak enchantment, ole and commanding voice, and of doom’, dispelev, mark of "4 stands about 9 feet tall It uate, plane shift, righteous weighs about so0 pounds might; eth—banishmert, iispel magi, harm’, heal, heroes Combat feast mas cure mad Solats are puissanc champions ‘ate wounds of good. Only the mest power: iam, dsinteg ful fends approach their power. Joly won regener assume real Paneer Wf even more Fearsome than thet wounds, shield of law; th—implesion, summon monster ‘ dancing geasword ate the 1X quad compost longows i s : ‘Domalnispell Domalns: Destruction and Good, son of slaying err when drawn ohne, A solar’ natural weapons. as wells any weap ANGEL, SOLAR ons it wield, are terated as good aligned and Large Outsider (Angel, Extraplanas, Good) ‘epic for the purpose of overcoming damage Hit Dice: 22d8+110(209 kp) gh, suction. Regeaczation (Ex): A solar kes normal 0 squares), ly 150 fi (good) ~ damage {com cpicevilaligned weapons, 35-1 sie, #5 Des, 221 natural and from spells or effects with the cv touch fatfooted 30 descriptor Base Attack/Grapple: +22/135 Aetrade Spell-Lilce Abilities: At will—aid, animate objets, com “Azack: +5 dancing eabwerd #36 melee Ges 10/19-20) mits continual fae, dnansans anchor rete diel magi mmpote longbow (5 Seebonss) 28 ranged (2464750 fray mute (DC 21) Amprsonment (DC 25), etsy plsslaying) or slam 439 melee (248049) nation (DC $9), gamarph (ef only) prwver word Fall attack: +5 dancing grtsond 35/130 mncke stun remove. cise (DC. 20), emai see (DC 20), roe fe (DC 3de18/19-20) ax s2senpae lmghow (5 Ste bons) 10) mai.negy summon mond VL speak wth ead (DC 20) wave 28/123) +A8/+43sanged ad6e7/%) pls alaying) cela 130 Bday blade borer (DC25),rarthguake (DC 25), kel melae (248443) permanency, resurrection, e308 Space/Reach: 10 10 exhaustion 1/day—grater restnation (DC 24), prver won blind Special Attacks: Spell le abilities spells ‘power werd kil poser word tut, rismate sry (DC 24) wth. Caster Special Qualities: Damage reduction 15/epic nd sil dave Tevel 20th The sive DCs are Charisma based. sion 60 ft, low-light vision, immunity te acidcold, and The follewing abilities sre always active on a solar person, at petrfietior, protective aura, cogeneration 1, resistance to the spells (csrer level 20th: detit il detect snare an ts dicrn slectricigy 10 and Be 10, spell revistance 32, tongues lies DC.28) ec invisiilty, tre seoing They can be dispelled, burshe Saves: Fort 18 (:22aguinst olson), Ref +18, Will +20 solar can reactivate them a afree acticn, Abilities: Str 28, Dex 20,Con 2 Int-23, Wis 2s, Cha Spell: Solace can cast divine spells. 20th-level clerics. A sola Sails: Concentration +30, Craftor Knovsecge (any five) +33, hiss access to two of the following domains: Aie, Destruction, Diplomacy +24, Escape Artist +30, Hide #26, Listen +32, Mi Good, Law, 0: Wer (lus any others from its deity). The save DCs Silently +30, Search +31, Sense Motive +42, Spellerafe +31 ate Wisdom-bised Spot +32, Survival +7 (+9 following racks), Use Rope +5 (67 Typical Clerc Spell: Prepared (6/8/8/8/7/7/6/6/5/5; save DC 47 with bindings) level): 0-—ereate wate (2); 1st—bles (2, ese fear divine oor 2). enkpi shel sce Constrict (Ex):A flexible animated object such ss a rope, ing mis, shield of ath; 2nd-—align weapon. benr'sendurance (2), vine, orxug deal damage equal tots slam damage value plus 1 bull's strength (2), concecrate, eagle splendor, spiritual 1/a.simes is Stength bonus witha successful grapple weapon, 3d—teyight invisibility surge, check againsta creature up toone size larget agaist evil, magic tstment, prayer (2), protection from vhan ise nergy, wid wall: 4th—aleath word (2), dismissal (2), ‘Anobject of a least Large size can divine power®, neutralize poison (2); 5 rake constriction atacks against mult: fachantment, control winds*. isp es ple ctearures at once i they all are at ghtcone might (2). pmol Teast two sizes smaller than the object sanishment, chain lightning heroes and can fitunderit. Feat, mass cure moderate wounds. death 9 Hardness (Ex): An animated object. deat, word of reall; 7th—contoo esther, has the same hardness it had before it was destrction, dictum, ethereal jaunt holy swrd animated (see Table 9-9 and Table 9-11, regencrae: 8th—fire storm. holy urs, mass page 146 of the Player's Handiook, for the sane etic wounds 2), ahrlwind®: 9th— handness of some common substances and ethereanes, elemental war (a, rass heal objects) minal storm of vngeace Improved Speed (Ex): The base land speed “Domain spell. Domains Air and War. given in the statistics block assume that an ani 's mated object lurches, rocks, or slithers along. ‘Objects with two legs statues, ladders) ora similar shape thatallows faster movement have a =10 foot bonus to speed. Objects with multi ple leas (tables, chairs) have a +20 foot ‘bonus 0 speed, Wheeled objects have #440 foot bonus to speed. Objects might have additional modes of movement. A wonden abjec.can fon and has a swim speed its nd speed. Arope or similar sinuous object has aclimb specs equl t half its land speed. A shectike ‘object can fiy (clumsy maneuverability) at halfits normal speed ‘Trample (Ex): An animated objet cofat least Large size and with abun nessof at kast 10 in ramp cee turestwo cr more sizessmaller than ‘Animated objects come in all sives shapes, and colors. They ‘owe their existence ss creatures 10 spells such as animate obects orsimilar supernatural abilities. COMBAT ‘Animated objects fight only as directed by the animator, They follow orders without question and to thebestof their abilities. Since they do not need to breathe and never tire, they can be extremely capable minions. Ananimeted object can have one or mere ofihelallowing special abilities, depending on its form. Blind (Ex): A sheetlike animated object such as 2 Animated sbjct {catpetor tapestry can grapple an opponent up to three sizss argerthan itself. The object makes 1 normal grapple check. If it wins, it vrais anaund the opponent’ ¥agh yl ite dealing damage equal the head, causing thar crearure tobe Pees object ol demage = 1172 esis blinded antl moved seen hans. ponents wo donot Animated Object, Tiny Animated Object, Small Animated Object, Mediam Tiny Construct Small Construct Medium Construct Hit Dice: 1/2h0(2 bp) 1410-10(15 bp) 2410020 (31 bp) Initiative: 2 Es 0 Speed: +40. (square) Soft legs, 304% (6 squares); 40. eps, 30 (6squates) soft gs, ft multiple lps 80 ft wheels SOR moltiplelegs 704" wheels Of multe legs 70 wheels Armor Class; 14(+2sae,+2Dex),touch 1, —__14(+1 sie +1 Dex, «2 natura), __14 (+ rata, flafoored 12 touch 3, footed 13 touch 10, favfoered 14 Base Attack/Grapple:«/-» 40-4 a/8 Amtadk Sham +1 melee (143-1) Sam +1 melee (ads) Siam ¢2mrle (1d6e1) ull Arack: shim +1 mele (143-1) Shim +1 melee (1) Shim s2mele (1d6+1) Space/Reach: _21/241/0't Sit) Sis Special Atiacks: See rect, Ses text Seetext ‘Construct ras, datkvison 60 ft, Constuct wal, darkviion 60 fi, Canstuct rats, dakvisien 60 f, lowrlghtyson; also se text" __Tow-ighs vision, also se=rext. low-light vision ale se ist Fort 0, Ref +2, Wills Fort) Ref, Wall=5 orc Ret 40, Wills Si8, Dex 4, Con — sire, ext2.Con—, S112, Dex 16,Con— Ine, Wis Chat In Wist,chat Int Wis ,chat Sits: a = Zz Feats = = = Environment: Any any any Organization: Group (4) rat Sellary Challenge Roving: 1/2 1 2 Treasure: None None ‘None Alignment: Always neutral ‘Alvays neural ‘Alwaysneatal Advancement, a - Level Adjustment: — = = Animated Object,Large Animated Object, Huge Animated Object. Gargancasn Large Construct Huge Construct Cargantuan Construct Hit Dice: 14410430 (57 bp) ‘8410640 (64 kp) 1i¢d10s60(148 bp) Initiative +0 = 2 Speed: 20 i (4equazes) 30 Fe logs, 20 (4squares) 30 legs, 10. (2squaies 20f loge, 40 multiple legs, coe wheels 40 ft multiple legs, oft. wheels 30 fs multiple legs, Soft wheels Armor Class: 14.1 size. 45 natural). touch 9,13 (-2 size,~1 Dex, «6 natura, 12 (tsi, -2 Dex, 48 natural, Ar-foored 14 touch 7,ftfoored 13, touch 4 far-foored 12 Base Attack/Grapple: 13/10 e/a 13/s31 Artack: Slam +5 melee (sd8+4) Sh +9 melee (24647, Slam +15 melee (248410 Full Attack: Slam 45 melee (id8e4) Slam +9 melee (24647) Slam +15 melee (248410) Space/Reach: 10/5 ft (long) 15 f1/10 (long) 2 fi./As ft (long) 10/10 fe (all) 15 fe/1s f (ull) 20 f,/20 fal) Special Artacks: See ext See text Seetest Special Qualities: Construct traits darkevsion 60 ft, Construct traits, darkwsion 60 ft, Construct its darkvision 60. Jowsight ision:also see text low-light vision; also see text lowlight vision: also see text ‘Suves: Fortef, Refst, Will 4 Fort 02, Ref +i, Will 3 Fore s5, Ref 3, Will 0 Abilities: Sir 16, Dex 10, Con— Str 23, Dex 8, Con — Sir24, Dex 6.Con — Wis 1. Chat Int, Wis chat Int, Wis chat ts sais = as is Feats 2 : a Environment: Any any any Organization: Saliry Solitary Soliary Ghallenge Ratings 3 5 7 Treasure: None None Nore ‘Alignment: Alvayenearrl ‘Aways near Alvays eat ‘Advancement: — = = eve Adjustment — = = Animated Object, Colossal _—_ANKHEG Colossal Construct Targe Magical Beast | i 3aioss0 ass hp) Hit Dice: 3410412 28hp) Initiative = Initiative +0 Spect: 10 fe (2squars: 207 les, Speed: 30 (6 squares), burow 2 30 fe maple leg, 0 wheels Armor Class: 18 (1 size, +9 narunl) couch 9, acfooted 18 AmorChss 11 -@sze.=4 Dex. el2 natal, Bise Attack Grapple: 3/12 touch 1 favfocted 11 Attack Be 7 mele (27 plus iad). Base Attack/Grapple:#34/s49 Fall Attack: Bite +7 melee (ad6+7 pls td$ acid) Avtack: Shim +25 melee (4d6+13) Space/Reach: 10 f/f Full Attack: Shim +25 melee (446413) Special Attacks: Improved grab, spitacid Space/Reach: 34ift/20ft(long) Special Qualities: Dakvision 60 f, low-light vision, remor 30 f/30 ft (tll) sense Aft Special Attacks: See text Saves; Fort +4 Ref 3, Willa2 Special Qualities: Construct imi, datkvsion 60 ft ‘Abilities: Sic21, Dex 10, Con 17, Int 1, Wis 13, Cha 6 Joy-sight sion: als see txt Skills: Climb +8, Listen +6, Spor +3 Saves: Fort +40, Re +7, Wills Feats: Alertness, Toughness Abilities: Str 28, Dex4.Con Environment: Warm plains Int —, Wis 1,Cha t Organization: Solitary or cluster 4) Skills: = Challenge Rating: 3 Feats = ‘Treasure; None Environment: Any Alignment: Alvays neutral Organization: Soliry ‘Advancement: 4 HD (Large) 5-9 HD (Huge) Challenge Rating: 10 Level Adjustment: — Treasure; None Alignment: ‘Alvays neural ‘Auge sgmenied insect wits sender es each ending in sharp cow. ‘Advancement: — ‘emerges fam te ground in a burs of rock ond dit. A ough chino Level Adjustment: — ‘brown shel coves ts ete body ard glening lack eyes sarc fom. above powaful mandoes smukeattcks of opportunity against the object canattempt Reflex, [The ankheg isa burrowing monster with a taste for fresh meat |smves(DC 10. 1/2 objects HD +objecis sir motifer)tohalvethe "An ankheg has six legs, and some specimens are yellow {damage. rather than brown, itis about 10 feet long and. weighs about ‘S00 pounds, An ankheg burrows with legs and mandibles. A burrowing ankheg usually does not make ausible tunnel, but can construct a tunel, it burrows a half speed when itdoess0.ttoften digs « winding tunnel upto 49 feet below the surface in the rich soi of fi 1 150 feet long (Lidio-= 5 serve as temporary heirs forsleeping, esting, Anankheg can est decayed erganic mat ‘meat. Though « hungry ankheg might killa farmer the erature i ‘quite beneficial to fsrmland. ls tunnel system laces the sol with ‘while ite wastes add sich nutrients ests farmlands, The tunnel 5 fet tll and wide, and from 60 10)The hollowed ends ofthe tunnel or hibernating, ‘ut prefers fresh [passages for air and wat COMBAT Anankheg urually lis 1010 feet below the surface ent is antennae dete approsch of shen burross_up_to attack, (Treat his as charge, even though the ankheg does not need to move 10 feet before stacking) eters of ak hege share the same territory but donor cooperate. several attack, each tries 1 grab a diferent foe. If there arent enough targets, two might grab the rug-ofwar Improved Grab (Ex): To use this ability, an anikheg must hit with ins bite attack. {t can then attempt to starca grappleasa fe acto without provoking an attack of opportunity Ifthe ankhes is dim: aged after grabbing is prey. i its land speed (not is harrow speed), dragging the victim w Spit Acid (Ex): 30-t. line, once every ¢ hours: damage 4d acid, Reflex DC 14 half One such attack depletes the anthes’ acid supply for 6 hours. It cannot spit acid or deal acid damage during this time, The sive DC is Constitution-based Anankheg does not use this ability unless it is desperate or frvstrated. It most often spits acid when reduced to fewer than half is full normal hit points or when it has not successfully grabbed an opponent +—___________ARANEA Mediam Magical Beast Shapechanger) Hit Dice: 341046 (22 hp) Initiative: +6 Speed: 50 ft. (10 squares), climb 25 ft Armor Class: 13 (+2 Dex, +1 natural) ouch 12, flat-footed 11 Base Artack/Grapple; «3/3 Atrack: Fall Attack: Bic Space/Reach: 5 fi./5f Special Attacks; Poison spells, web Special Qualities. Changeshpe darkision 60 it, lvelight vision Saves, Forts, Ref +5, Wil (Abilities: Str {1, Dex 15, Con 14, Int 14, Wis 13, Chat Skills; Climb «14, Concentration +8, Escape Artist +5, Jump +13, Lien +6, Spot +6 is polion) or web +Sranged plus poison] or web +5 ringed Feats: improved Inkiave, lon Will, Weapon Finesse Environment: Temperate foress Organization: Solitary or colony (5-« Challenge Rating: ‘Treasure: Standard soins dauble goods; standard items ‘Alignment: Usually neutzal ‘Advancement: By characierclass ‘Level Adjustment: The ctohie oppencs ta be @ monstrous spies but it has ts ema Ihumentke ers bow its mendbles An atanea isan intelligent, chapechanging spider with sorcerous powers. nits natural form, an sranea resembles a big spider sith « huraphacked body a litle bigger than a human torso. It has ‘mandible like anormal spider. Tso small arms, exchabout ong, lie below the mandibles. Each arm hae a hand with four many-jointed fingers and 2 doublesoinsed thumb, ‘Anaranea weight about 150 pounds. The hump on its back houses its brain, Araneas speak Common and Sylvan, COMBAT. An aranea avoids physical com: batand uses iss webs and spells when it can ‘battle, it tries to immobilize or distract. he most aggressive opponents first. Araneas offer subdue opponents Poison (Ex): Injury, Forisude DC 13, initial damage 146 Str, secondary damage 2d¢ Sw. The save DC is Constitution-based, spells: An arunea casts adevel sorcerer. I prefers Typical Sorcerer Spls Known (6/6;save-DC 12 + spel lev!) 0 dase delet i mistanc:ist—mage armor sen Web (Ex): In spid can threw a web up to (see below), an arani six times per diy. This is similar to an attack with a net but has a maximum range of 50 feet, with range increment of 10 feet, and is effective against targets of up to Latge site. The web anchors the rarget in place, allowing An entangled creature can escape with a DC 13 Escape Amis check o bust the web with a DC17 Suength check. The check DCs are Constitution-based, nd the check DC includes a +4 racial bonus. The web has 6 hit poins, hardness 0, and takes double damage from fire Change Shape (Su); An aranea’s natural form is that of Medium monstrous spider. It can assume rwo other forms, The first a unique Small or Medium humanoid; an aranea in its humanoid form slays assumes the same appearance and tilts, much asalycanthrope would. In humanoid form,an aranea bs, or poison ‘cannot use its bite attack, the seccngl form is # Mediu spider-humanoid hybrid. In hybrid form, an aranea looks like 2 Medium humanoid. at frst glance, buta DC 18 Spot check revedls the creamres fangs a spinnexets.The aranea recain is bite atack, webs, and poison inshis form, and can ao wield werpons or wear armor. When hybrid form, an araneas speed is 30 fet (6 squares),

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