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MECHANICS | OBJECTIVES At the end of this lecture the student should be able to: ~ Understand the concept of physical quantities. SI units, homogeneity and correctness. ¥ Understand force classification, draw free body diagrams, know to resolve forces and apply force resolution to different systems such as the inclined plane. ¥ Distinguish free fall from projectile motion, derive all linear and projectile monition equations, and understand motion graphs. ¥ Solve all workbook related questions. PLAN 1. Physical Quantities and Units a. Fundamental and derived physical quantities b. Dimensional analysis ¢. Homogeneity and correctness d. Conversion of units 2 Statics Forces: definition and classification, concurrent and coplanar forces b. Free body diagrams c. Resolution of forces (trigonometry) d. Parallelogram law of forces e. Static equilibrium f, Forces on an inclined plane 3. Linear Kinematics Basic definitions: motion, linear motion, vector and scalar quantities with examples and their meaning Scanned with CamScanner . Equations of uniformly accelerated motion . Motion under gravity: free fall |. Motion graphs. . Projectile motion Scanned with CamScanner "MECHANICS I OBJECTIVES Atthe end of this lecture the student should be able to: Y Understand the concept of momentum and impulse practically Y Understand the implications of Newton's laws of motion ¥ Understand momentum conservation and collision principles ¥ Understand the work-energy relationship: Derive all equations of circular motion and apply in the different systems ¥ Solve all workbook related questions PLAN 1. Unear Kinetics (dynamics) a. Impulse and Momentum (definitions and principle of conservation of linear momentum) b. Newton's Laws of motion c. Explosions 2 Collisions a. Elastic and inelastic collisions (definitions and principles) b. Collisions in 1D (principle and examples, case study: the ballistic pendulum) and 2D (e.g billiard balls, proton-proton collision) 3. Work, Energy and Power a. Work b. Energy ¢. Work-kinetic energy theorem d. Power 4. Circular motion a. Definitions: circular motion, period, frequency b._Centripetal and centrifugal force Scanned with CamScanner c. Expressions for centripetal acceleration and centripetal force d. Applications (banked tracks, The conical pendulum, the horizontal circle, the vertical circle etc) Scanned with CamScanner MECHANICS III OBJECTIVES At the end of the lecture the student should be able to: ¥ Apply fluid mechanics to blood dynamics ¥ Understand the principle of moments and practical examples of angular kinetics anatomically ¥ Master all mathematical analysis of simple harmonic motion ¥ Solve all questions in mechanics from the work book PLAN 1. Simple harmonic motion (S.H. M.) a. Definitions: S.H.M., amplitude, frequency, period. b. Mass-spring system {including springs in series and in parallel ¢. The simple pendulum d. Energy in S.H.M. 2. Fluid mechanics a. Density and relative density b. Archimedes’ principle ¢. Blood dynamies (flow and poiseuille’s equation) 3. Rotational dynamics a. Moments (including the principle of moments), Couples and Torques b. Angular velocity and acceleration ¢. Angular momentum d, Moment of inertia @. Rotational kinetic energy Scanned with CamScanner WAVES 1 OBJECTIVES At the end of this lecture the student should be able to: ¢ Define a wave List the various types of waves ~ Describe a wave font ~ Differentiate between a mechanical an electromagnetic wave ~ Differentiate between a transverse wave and a longitudinal wave Y Describe the various properties of a wave ¥ Define a sound wave ¥ List and explain the properties of sound waves ¥ Define Doppler effect and apply it in solving questions ¥ Apply this knowledge in solving problems related to the topic PLAN 1. Introduction and Definition 2 Classification of Waves a. Mechanical and electromagnetic waves b. Longitudinal and transverse waves ¢. Progressive and stationary waves 3. Properties of waves a. Reflection b. Refraction ©. Diffraction d. Interference 4. Wave profile Scanned with CamScanner a. Simple harmonic motion and waves b. Wave equation ©. Waves and energy 5. Progressive waves a. Equation of a progressive wave b. Energy transmission in progressive waves c. Examples 6. Stationary waves a. Equation of a stationary wave b. Energy transmission in a stationary wave c. Examples 7. Sound waves a. Definition b. Production, transmission and reception ©. Reflection, diffraction, interference of sound waves d. Musical notes and harmonics e. Loudness, pitch, intensity, speed 8. The Doppler effect a. Definition b. Calculation of frequency change ©. examples 9. Conclusion WAVES I OBJECTIVES At the end of this lecture the students should be able to: Scanned with CamScanner Define electromagnetic waves List and explain the properties of electromagnetic waves Understand interference fringes as well as diffraction grating Define dispersion and list out the wavelengths in white light Describe the principle of light polarization 1. Electromagnetic waves b. c. d. e. Definition Production, transmission and reception Reflection, refraction, diffraction, interference of electromagnetic waves Polarization Medical application of E.M. waves 2. Interference of light b. Young's double slit experiment Path and phase differences 3. Diffraction of light a. b. Single slit diffraction Diffraction gratings 4, Light dispersion b. Definition Chromatic dispersion 5. Polarization of light a . Applications and conclusions OPTICS | OBJECTIVES Scanned with CamScanner At the end of this lecture every student should be able to: v v PLAN Define basic terms: optics, focal length, principal focus, radius of curvature, image distance and object distance Describe the nature of light State the laws of reflection and refraction Apply Snell's law to unique and multiple interfaces Define total internal reflection and determine critical angle 1, Introduction and Basic definitions: a. b. Wave and corpuscular theory of light Properties of light 2. Reflection b. Definition Laws of reflection 3. Refraction Definition: refraction, absolute refractive index and relative refractive index . Laws of refraction Application of Snell's law to multiple interfaces Total intemal reflection and critical angle . Optical fibres OPTICS II OBJECTIVES At the end of this lecture every student should be able to: ¥ Distinguish a convex lens from a concave lens ¥ State the lens formula Stata tha pamhinad lane fae Scanned with CamScanner Determine the power and magnification of a lens List out the properties of the different types of mirrors Calculate minimum angle of deviation, angle of incidence and angle of refraction for a prism Describe the structure of the eye List out eye defects Describe correction for each eye defect Determine magnification for a telescope and a microscope. Plane mirrors b. ¢. d. Properties of plane mirrors Image formation in a mirror and ray diagrams Mirror rotation Concave and convex mirrors Prisms and light deviation b. c. Properties of prisms Angle of minimum deviation(D) Angle of incidence and of refraction in prisms Lenses b. d. e. Types of lenses Differences between convex and concave lenses Basic definitions: principal focus, focal length, radius of curvature, optical center, object distance, and image distance Lens equation, lens power and magnification Combine lens formula The human eye Scanned with CamScanner d Structure of the human eye . Camera versus eye Accommodation Eye defects Eye defect correction 5. Telescope and microscope a. Magnification Scanned with CamScanner THERMAL PHYSICS OBJECTIVES At tthe end of this lecture every student should be able to v v ¥ Understand the concept of temperature and temperature scales and their application Understand the different laws of thermodynamics and their application ‘Should be able to apply the different concepts of calorimetry in problem solving Understand the formula for heat transfer rate and applying them in problem solving Knowing the different gas laws and applying the in problem solving Understand Newton's law of cooling and its application in problem solving Thermometry a. Temperature and temperature scales b. Thermometers Laws of thermodynamics a. The zeroth law b. The first law c. The second law Calorimetry a Heat capacity b. Specific heat capacity c. Latent heat Thermal energy transfer a. Conduction, convection, radiation b. Heat transfer Gas law Scanned with CamScanner d e. Boyle’s law . Charles’ law Pressure law Ideal gas equation Kinetic theory of gases 6. Newton's law of cooling Scanned with CamScanner "CURRENT ELECTRICITY OBJECTIVES At the end of this lecture every student should be able to: ¥ ¥ 3. Define current, resistance and voltage Name the different types of conductors Calculate current density Describe temperature variation with resistance Cite the factors affecting resistance of a resistor State Ohm's law Differentiate between PD and EMF Know and use principles of serial and parallel Circuit connections Know and use Kirchhoff's laws. appropriately Convert a galvanometer to an ammeter or voltmeter Solve every possible question in physics on electricity . Introduction and Definition Current a. Definition b. Conduction, conductance and conductivity c. Types of conductors d. Current density Resistance a. Definition b. Variation with temperature c. Ohm's law Scanned with CamScanner d. Resistivity e. Resistors in series and in parallel 4. Voltage a. Potential difference b. EMF c. Differences between them d. Internal resistance 5. Kirchhoffs Laws 6. Electric meters a. Using galvanometer as ammeter b. Using galvanometer as voltmeter 7. Electrical energy and power 8. Electronics FIELDS | - GRAVITATIONAL FIELDS OBJECTIVES: At the end of the lecture every student should be able to: ¥ Understand the major concepts ~ Solve all the questions related to this topic 1. Newton's law of universal gravitation 2. Kepler's laws of planetary motion 3. Derived units of gravitational constants 4. Relationship between Newton's law and period ( Kepler's laws) 5. Acceleration due to gravity: earth 6. Relationship of g with separation(r) Scanned with CamScanner 7. Varlation of g at different points of the earth (|.e. Equator and Poles) 8, Escape velocity 9. Period of an orbiting body 10, Gravitational P.E., KE. and Energy In orbits FIELDS Il — ELECTRIC FIELDS OBJECTIVES At the end of this lecture every student should be able to: ~ Understand the major concepts ¥ Solve all the questions related to this topic PLAN 1. Laws of electrostatics 2. Electrostatic force 3. Permittivity and relative permittivity 4. Electric potential and P.E. 5. Electric field strength and Flux 6. Electric fleld on moving charge 7. Capacitors values 8. Factors affecting capacitance and relationships 9. Parallel plate capacitors 10, Charge stored by a capacitor 11. Energy store by a capacitor with the different formulae 12. Connection of capacitors; series and parallel connection 13. Effects of charging and discharging 14, Uses In medicine FIELDS Ill - ELECTROMAGNETIC FIELDS Scanned with CamScanner ‘OBJECTIVES At the end of this lecture every student should be able to: ~ Understand the major concepts ¥ Solve all the questions related to this topic PLAN 1. Definitions 2. Types of magnetic materials 3. The solenold }. Magnetic force Torque . Hall voltage Electromagnetic induction |. Transformers eS PN Ow pA ). Medical uses 10. AC circults Scanned with CamScanner MORDERN PHYSICS! OBJECTIVES At the end of this lecture every student should be able to: ¥ Understand and apply the principle of photoelectricity ¥ Understand the production of X rays and diffraction principles without particular emphasis Bragg’s law ¥ Consider light as a wave and a particle ¥ Understand basic principles of the wave energy equation and Heisenberg’s uncertainty principle ¥ Know the different subatomic particles that make up an atom ¥ Understand the Bohr model including: assumptions, expressions for the radius and energy of quantum states as well as energy levels of the hydrogen atom with the corresponding series v Apply atomic transitions in problem solving ~ Answer questions on atomic an nuclear physics from the workbook 1. Quantum Physics a. Black body radiation and Planck's hypothesis b. The photoelectric effect and the particle theory of light c. X-ray (production, diffraction by crystals, the Compton effectad d. The dual nature of light and matter @. The wave function 2. Atomic physics a. Subatomic particles b. The Bohr model ¢. Atomic transitions and lasers MONFRN PHYSICS I Scanned with CamScanner At the end of this lecture every student should be able to: Y Classify fundamental forces according to relati strength and range of force. Understand the N-Z ration Y Apply binding energy to problem solving ¥ Know how to calculate halflife, decay constant and activity of a radioactive material Y Understand functioning principles of nuclear reactors ¥ Know medical applications of radiation ~ Answer questions on radioactivity from the workbook 1. Nuclear physics a. Elementary particles and fundamental forces b. Some properties of nuclei a (charge and mass, size, nuclear stability and the N-Z curve) Binding energy d. Radioactivity and decay processes fe. Nuclear reactions and Q values f. Nuclear fusion and fission Nuclear reactors h. Medical applications. Scanned with CamScanner

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