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Bangladesh University of Professionals

Course Name:
Introduction to Political Science
Course code: 1104
Term Paper on:
Unraveling Bangladesh's democracy crisis challenges impacts and paths to

Submitted to:
Assistant Professor and Chairperson
Department of International Relations
Faculty of Security and Strategic Studies

Submitted by :
Barru Islam Maliha
Roll: 24419210071, Section: A
Department of International Relations
Faculty of Security and Strategic Studies

Bangladesh's democracy is currently facing big problems that could stop its progress and
stability. The paper looks at the reasons behind the current democratic crisis, its effects on
society, politics and the economy, and suggests potential ways that democracy could be
restored. The study aims to give a more complete picture of the decline of democracy and
possible ways to bring it back to life by looking at recent events, historical contexts and
scholarly points of view. A lot of different sources are used to show how complicated the
crisis is and how important it is to look at democratic reform in many different ways. Key
issues like political violence, corruption, election integrity and civil liberties are talked about
in great detail.

Research question:

● How has the historical evolution of political institutions in Bangladesh shaped its
current democratic challenges?
● What are the main problems with the legitimacy of Bangladesh's elections and how
do they affect democratic government?

I'm very thankful to a number of people who were very important in helping me finish this
research paper. I want to start by thanking my parents from the bottom of my heart for their
unwavering support and love, which have been an endless source of inspiration for me
throughout my life.

In addition, I want to thank our respected Chairperson and Political Science teacher, Shaila
Solaiman Ma'am. Having the opportunity to be her student is a distinct privilege, as her
exceptional guidance has been a priceless contribution to my academic journey. It is very
uncommon to find a teacher who cares about their students so much and is so dedicated to

Lastly, I extend my gratitude to the entire staff of BUP for their combined efforts in ensuring
that my university experience has been exceptionally smooth. Their dedication, support and
professionalism have been invaluable, making my time here both enriching and enjoyable. I
am truly grateful for their unwavering commitment to student success and well-being.

Bangladesh, a country renowned for its significant historical background of political strife
and unwavering determination, is presently undergoing a profound state of democratic
uncertainty. This crisis is defined by the increasing levels of political violence, widespread
corruption and the gradual loss of civil liberties. Although the country has made significant
economic advancements, its lack of democratic principles creates a risk to its stability and
hinder its progress. This paper focuses on clarifying the complicated dynamics of
Bangladesh's democracy crisis by examining the following queries: What are the main
difficulties encountering the democracy of Bangladesh? What are the social, political and
economic consequences of this crisis? What are the potential paths for reviving democratic
governance in Bangladesh?


It is important for everyone interested in global democratic governance, not just scholars
and policymakers, to understand the democratic crisis in Bangladesh. This research is
motivated by the need to pinpoint and examine the causes of Bangladesh's democratic
downfall, as well as investigate workable alternatives that could promote the country's
democratic traditions for the long term. By understanding these fundamental problems and
examining possible solutions, we can help promote a more secure and democratic future for
Bangladesh. Having this understanding is essential for shaping global viewpoints on
democracy and boosting worldwide initiatives to enhance democratic governance in all
Significance of the study:

This research is important because it offers an in-depth investigation of the ongoing

democratic crisis in Bangladesh, providing valuable insights into the root causes and
extensive consequences. This study seeks to provide concrete strategies for reconstruction,
with the goal of enriching the conversation on democratic reforms and assisting in the
advancement of democracy in Bangladesh and other similar settings worldwide.

Literature Review:

Numerous topics, including political violence, corruption, electoral integrity and civil
liberties, are covered in the vast body of literature on Bangladesh's democratic crisis.
Studies from Transparency International (2022) and Human Rights Watch (2023)
demonstrate the serious political repression and corruption that threaten democratic
institutions. The research documents authored by Rahman (2021) and Islam (2020) offer a
comprehensive historical analysis, documenting the development of Bangladesh's political
environment and the ongoing obstacles it encounters. Furthermore, reports from esteemed
international organizations such as the United Nations (2023) and the World Bank (2022)
provide data-based evaluations of the socio-economic consequences of democratic flaws.
Research Analysis:

This study utilizes a mixed-methods approach, integrating qualitative and quantitative data
to examine the democratic crisis in Bangladesh. Primary data is obtained by conducting
interviews with political analysts, academics and civil society leaders, whereas secondary
data is derived from reports published by international organizations, government
documents and academic journals. The research also encompasses a comparative analysis of
democratic practices in analogous developing nations to ascertain optimal practices and
valuable insights that can be applied to Bangladesh.


1. **Political Violence and Repression**: This research validates the high rate of political
violence and state repression in Bangladesh, which hampers political competition and creates
a climate of fear. As a result of the severe limitations on democratic engagement, Human
Rights has documented multiple cases of harassment and violence against opposition
members which violate democracy.

2. **Electoral Integrity**: The study reveals that electoral procedures in Bangladesh have
been impacted by irregularities, such as voter intimidation and fraud. Transparency
International's data supports these findings, indicating a substantial absence of public
confidence in electoral results.

3. **Corruption**: Corruption is recognised as a widespread problem that impacts

governance at every level. The Corruption Perceptions Index exposes the presence of
widespread corruption that obstructs efficient governance and fair progress.

4. **Civil Liberties and Media Freedom**: With multiple documented instances of

journalists and activists being attacked for disagreement, the findings demonstrate a serious
drop in civil liberties and media freedom. Amnesty International's reports highlight
declining opportunities for unrestricted speech and gathering.

5. **Socio-Political Instability**: Due to the democratic crisis, there is now more

socio-political unrest, causing disruptions to daily life and economic activities through
frequent protests and clashes. The International Crisis Group acknowledges that this
instability adds to a climate of unpredictability and insecurity.

6. **Economic Consequences**: The study demonstrates that political instability and

corruption impact substantial economic consequences such as decreased foreign
investment and dropped economic growth. The World Bank's analysis highlights the
significant economic impact of the democratic crisis, specifically on poverty rates and
prospects for development.


The democracy crisis in Bangladesh poses a multifaceted challenge with significant

consequences. To effectively deal with this crisis, it is necessary to adopt a comprehensive
strategy that addresses the underlying causes, minimizes the effects and promotes pathways
for democratic revival. To overcome its current challenges and establish a stronger and more
inclusive democracy, Bangladesh should adopt extensive reforms, uphold civil liberties and
actively participate in the international community. Enhancing the capacity of institutions,
guaranteeing equitable electoral processes, and advocating for the protection of human rights
are vital measures. Furthermore, promoting communication between political parties and civil
society can improve stability and trust. By giving priority to these measures, Bangladesh can
establish the foundation for a strong and enduring democratic future.

- Amnesty International. (2023). *Bangladesh 2023 Human Rights Report*. Retrieved from
International]( -
Human Rights Watch. (2023). *World Report 2023: Bangladesh*. Retrieved from [Human
Rights Watch]( -
International Crisis Group (ICG). (2023). *Bangladesh’s Political Crisis and the Threat of
Violence*. Retrieved from [ICG]( -
International Foundation for Electoral Systems (IFES). (2023). *Electoral Integrity in
Bangladesh*. Retrieved from [IFES]( -
Transparency International (TI). (2022). *Bangladesh Corruption Report*. Retrieved from
[Transparency International]( -
Transparency International (TI). (2023). *Corruption Perceptions Index 2023*. Retrieved
from [Transparency International](
- United Nations Development Programme (UNDP). (2023). *Supporting Democratic
Governance in Bangladesh*. Retrieved from
[UNDP]( - United
Nations (UN). (2023). *Human Rights Violations in Bangladesh*. Retrieved from

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