MATEX group (B)

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Group Code: REE0072(B)_MATEX23

Group Participants:

1. Mohammad Ameer Muiz bin Mohammad Hafidz (060923030545)

2. Muazzam Zarif bin Mohd Zahir (060507101295)

3. Mohamad Aiman Naufal bin Azlan (060327020543)

Teacher in charge: Wan Norjanatul Na’aimi binti Wan Ali

School name: Sekolah Menengah Sains Tuanku Syed Putra

School Code: REE0072


In today's modern era, society as a whole seems to have forgotten just how important it is to

eat a healthy meal. Most people tend to buy instant food - food that are easily and quickly

prepared to be eaten. These people also include students. The most common of these

instant foods are fast food restaurant chains and instant noodles. While these types of foods

are quick and easy to make, they come with a hefty toll on the body. They often contain

substances that can harm the student's body, such as oil and fat.

This project aims to break this chain by putting together a dish that can be cost-effective and

healthy at the same time as a healthier alternative to the food students usually buy. The

dishes that this project came up with should be suitable to be sold at the school's cafeteria,

taking into account the student's budget. Our dish should also consider other factors such as

allergies, how many calories does it contain and how suitable it is for vegans and

vegetarians. Throughout the project, our members of the team found out that it is quite easy

to make a healthy dish that is relatively easy to be made, can be prepared in a short amount

of time and is cost-effective all at the same time. A large percentage of these foods only

require ingredients that are already available in most kitchens, highlighting just how simple it

is to make these foods.

Through this effort, our team hopes to provide an alternative food choice for all persons of all

ages to replace the current unhealthy food choice, namely instant food. We hope that more

students would take immediate measures to change their diet from unhealthy to one that is

healthy through the efforts of this group.


Problem Statement

Most students nowadays choose fast food over healthy food because there is little to

no food options that are quick and easy to be made, all the while being sold at a reasonable

price. This project aims to break this chain by introducing not one, but two main dishes that

are affordable for the students, diet-friendly and most importantly, tastes good. These three

criterias can be achieved by meticulous searching and planning done by our team members

in trying to find the right combination and amount of ingredients to make two separate dishes

that represent a good balance between its price and its nutritional contents. The main aspect

that should be prioritized in the making of these two dishes are their total calories. The first

dish in our team’s lineup is a chicken sandwich , named ‘Shaka-wich’. It is made from 2

slices of wholemeal bread (57 grams, 140 calories), cut-up roasted chicken(100 grams, 160

calories), 2 slices of cucumber (50 grams, 3 calories), chopped onions (50 grams, 2

calories), 2 slices of tomato (50 grams, 2 calories) and sweet onion sauce (20 grams,30

calories). These proportions are the approximated values for each of the individual

sandwiches. The steps needed to make our sandwich are as follows:

1. Lay out the bread.

2. Put two tomato slices on top of the bread, followed by 5 grams of chopped onions.

3. Spread roughly 10 grams of sweet onion sauce.

4. Put 100 grams of cut-up roasted chicken.

5. Put two slices of cucumber.

6. Spread roughly 10 grams of sweet onion sauce.

7. Place the last piece of bread to complete the meal.

The second dish our team came up with is a 100 percent vegan hummus tortilla wrap,

named ‘Vegan Shaka-wrap’. It is made from low calorie tortilla (40 grams, 60 calories), 1 cup

of lettuce (30 grams, 5 calories), 2 slices of tomatoes (60 grams, 10 calories), 3 slices of

cucumbers (60 grams, 5 calories), 2 rings of bell peppers (50 grams, 5 calories), 2 rings of

onions (20 grams, 5 calories) and 2 tablespoon of hummus (20 grams, 60 calories). These

proportions are the approximated values for each individual vegan wraps. The steps needed

to make the tortilla wraps are as follows:

1. Lay out the low calorie tortilla.

2. Spread roughly 20 grams of hummus on the laid out tortilla.

3. Place the lettuce on top of the tortilla, followed by 2 slices of cucumber, 2 rings of bell

pepper, 2 slices of tomatoes and 2 rings of onions.

4. Roll the tortilla wrap, and it is ready to be served.


There are a few scientifical and mathematical concepts that are used throughout this project.

The usage of these concepts are important to help provide a better understanding of the

project to both our team members and the general audience. The concepts used are as


1. Pie chart

2. Percentage of food usage

3. The value of calories of each ingredient

4. Standard deviation of the quantity of each ingredient used for every one dish

5. Index number of the cost of production of each dish

6. Scale drawing of the menu

7. Chemical composition of the ingredients (Fats, Carbohydrates, Proteins Vitamins, etc)

1. Pie chart

A pie chart is a circular graph which is divided into slices to illustrate numerical values. The

arc length represents the quantity of the value it represents. A pie chart is used in this project

to illustrate the quantity of ingredients that are available in each meal – the Shaka-wich and

the vegan Shaka-wrap.

2. Percentage of food usage

The percentage symbol functions the same way a pie chart functions. It is used to represent

numerical quantities of a certain value. The difference being that the percentage is used in

sentences, while the pie chart needs to be represented as different slices of a circular chart.

3. The value of calories of each ingredient

This project involves the usage of a number of different ingredients. Each of these

ingredients contains different amounts of calories from one another. Most of the ingredients

used in this project contains low amounts of calories in them. This is to ensure that the

meals made by our team is diet-friendly.

4. Standard deviation of the quantity of ingredients used for each individual meal

The quantity of ingredients in each serving of a meal will most probably be slightly different

from the actual values mentioned in the introduction part. This is due to the fact that the

process of making each individual meal will not utilize weighing instruments to make sure

each dish can be made as quick as possible. As such, the standard deviation will be used to

measure this slight difference in the amount of ingredients in each meal.

5. Index number of the cost of production of each dish

Our team uses the index number to predict the change in price of our meal in the future.
6. Scale drawing of the menu

Our menu will be visually represented by a scale drawing to make sure our dish can be

visualized easily. This also helps in visualizing whether or not our dish looks appetizing or


7. Chemical composition of the ingredients

As mentioned before, each ingredient used in the production of our meals has different

nutritional values. Our team needs to find ingredients which when combined, are able to

provide the right amount of nutrition in one serving. Our team can achieve this by referring to

the food triangle diagram, which tells us exactly the right amount nutrients of every category

that should be consumed.


Out team has to be very selective in selecting the right ingredients to be used in our menus.

This is to make sure that when these ingredients are combined together to form a meal, the

meal will be diet friendly and contain just the right amount of calories and nutrition in one

serving. Below are the ingredients that our team used:

• Shaka-wich
Wholemeal bread

Roasted chicken




Sweet onion sauce

• Vegan Shaka-wrap
Low calorie tortilla





Bell pepper

Why do we use these ingredients?

1. Wholemeal bread

There are a lot of different bread choices that our team could choose from. However, our

team needs to choose one that contains a high nutritional value and affordable. We decided

to use wholemeal bread. Wholemeal bread contains lot of nutrients such as iron, potassium

and fibres. Furthermore, they are loaded with complex carbohydrates which takes longer for

the body to digest, which means that the blood sugar levels will increase slowly rather than

exponentially. Wholemeal bread also helps maintain a good level of cholesterol, lipid and

sugar which leads to a reduced risk of developing a type 2 diabetes, as well as containing

anti-inflammatory properties.

2. Roasted chicken

Chicken contains high levels of protein and a low calorie content, which makes it an ideal

choice for diet-goers. It is also widely available in Malaysia, at a reasonable price. These are

the reasons that our team decides to incorporate chicken as one of the ingredients in one of

our dish - the Shaka-wich. Although the usage of chicken in our dish means that that dish is

not vegan and vegetarian friendly, it surely acts as a powerful magnet to our non-vegan and

non-vegetarian customers. Our team also decided to roast the chicken instead of frying it as

normal. By roasting the chicken, it allows us to avoid the usage of oil in cooking the chicken,

thus producing a healthier cooked chicken. Roasting the chicken also produces just the right

texture of the cooked chicken that fits well in a sandwich.

3. Cucumber

Cucumber is used to provide a crunchy, yet juicy texture in both of our dishes. Cucumber

also has a low calorie content as well as high in Vitamin K that helps in strengthening our

bones, among others. Furthermore, cucumber protects against cancer and improves heart

4. Onion

Onion is used also to provide a crunchy, yet juicy texture in both of our dishes. They are

nutrient-dense, meaning that they are low in calories but high in vitamins, fibers and

minerals. Onions also contain anticancer compounds such as fisetin and quesetin.

5. Tomato

Tomatoes are used in this project since they contain a low amount of calorie. Tomatoes can

also boost our immune system, lower our cholesterol levels and keeps our blood from


6. Sweet onion sauce

Sweet onion sauce is used in our Shaka-wich because it sontains Vitamins C and B, as well

as Potassium. And because the contain onions, they have the same health benefits that

onions have – they help protect our immune system and boosts the digestive system.

7. Low calorie tortilla

For our second meal, we decided to go with a tortilla. However, most tortilla breads are

made with regular white flour which is high in calories. To negate this, our team decided to

specifically use low calorie tortilla wraps. As compared to white flour, it has way less fat and

calories. It also is a suitable for people who are looking for a low sodium option in their diet.

8. Hummus

Hummus is a spread of middle eastern origins. It is made by made by blending chickpeas

tahini, olive oil, lemon juice, and garlic. Hummus is a good source of plant-based protein. It

also contains vitamins B and E, as well as minerals like calcium, iron and zinc.
9. Lettuce

Lettuce is chosen by our team to be used as one of the ingredients in our Vegan Shaka-

wrap because it is low in calories. It also contains vitamin A which is needed for healthy skin,

bones, and eyes. It also is a good source of folate.

10. Bell pepper

Bell pepper is used in this project since it is low in calories. Bell peppers are also high in

vitamin C, while also having vitamin K1, vitamin E, vitamin A, folate, and potassium.

Delight your taste buds with our signature dishes crafted to perfection. Whether you're in

the mood for a wholesome sandwich filled with the flavors of roasted chicken or a vegan

wrap bursting with fresh vegetables and hummus, we have you covered.


A hearty sandwich stacked with roasted chicken, fresh vegetables, and our special

sweet onion sauce, all held together with wholemeal bread.

Vegan Shaka-wrap:

A vegan's delight, this wrap combines the creaminess of hummus with the crunch of

fresh vegetables, all wrapped in a low-calorie tortilla.



2 slices of wholemeal bread

100 grams of cut-up roasted chicken

2 tomato slices

2 slices of cucumber

5 grams of chopped onion

20 grams of sweet onion sauce


Bread Preparation: Toast the wholemeal bread slices to a golden brown for added crunch
and flavor.

Layering: On one slice of bread, evenly spread the sweet onion sauce.

Building: Add the roasted chicken pieces on top of the sauce. Follow this with tomato slices,
cucumber slices, and the chopped onions.

Closing: Place the second slice of bread on top, pressing gently to ensure all ingredients are
held together.


Cut the sandwich diagonally and serve immediately for the best taste experience.
Vegan Shaka-wrap


1 piece of low-calorie tortilla wrap

20 grams of hummus

1 piece of lettuce

2 slices of cucumber

2 slices of tomatoes

2 rings of onion

2 rings of bell pepper


Wrap Preparation: Warm the tortilla wrap slightly in a pan or microwave, ensuring it's flexible
and not too crispy.

Spread: Evenly spread the hummus in the center of the tortilla, leaving a small border
around the edges.

Layering: Place the lettuce piece over the hummus, ensuring it doesn’t extend beyond the
tortilla's edges.

Adding Vegetables: Strategically place cucumber slices, tomato slices, onion rings, and bell
pepper rings on top of the lettuce.

Rolling: Carefully roll the tortilla, ensuring all ingredients are snug inside. If needed, use a
toothpick to hold the wrap together.


Slice the wrap in half diagonally and serve immediately for the best taste experience.

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