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Criteria for Incorporation of General Observations

raised by NRRDA during DPR Preparation


i) The Photographs should be provided in each DPR at 100 m interval for the entire road.
ii) The coloured photographs must be provided.
iii) The CD location along with protection work location should be clearly visible in photographs
with mentioned chainage.
iv) The Earthwork Cross Section must have similarity with existing width as shown in
photograph at a particular chainage.
v) If in Upgradation cases existing moorum, GSB material or WBM visible in the photograph
then the reuse of similar material must be reflected in the estimate.
vi) The Photographs must be comprises with plying of HCV, MCV on the road at different
chainages, It should be have similarity with the traffic data as shown in the traffic calculation.
If traffic survey is done on a similar completed road in near vicinity under socio-economic
condition then photographs of plying traffic of that road should be furnished.
vii) All photographs as submitted with DPR should be uploaded in OMMAS also. There should
not be any mismatch between the photographs given in DPR and that uploaded in OMMAS.

i) The Transect walk summary along with minutes and sketch of proposed alignment as per
Core-Network should be furnished with the DPR.
ii) The copy of Gram Sava approval / minutes should be furnished with the DPR.
iii) The Photographs of transect work also should be furnished in DPR.

i) In case of upgradation proposal, the DPR must be furnished with CUPL No. which should be
match with the CUPL data as shown in OMMAS.
ii) All upgradation proposal DPR should be furnished with PCI data at each Km. The procedure
of obtaining PCI should also be clearly mentioned in the DPR.
iii) The value of PCI shown in DPR should be match with PCI uploaded in OMMAS.

CBR (Soaked)
i) As per provision of SP-72-2015, the pavement section should be design for a minimum CBR
value of 5%. In case of soil showing soaked CBR of 4.0% - 4.5% then CBR of 5% may be
achieved by using heavy compactor. Under such case, fair S 3 chart of SP-72-2015 should be
used for pavement design and no sub-grade improvement should be proposed.
ii) If modified soil is proposed in DPR as per SP-72-2015 then the data of modified soil such as
LL, PL, PI, MDD, OMC and CBR data must be provided with the DPR. Under such case, a
cost comparison should be furnished with the DPR showing the justification of using modified
soil over sub-grade improvement by providing carried earth.
iii) If blended GSB is proposed in the estimate then the test data for GSB such as LL, PL, PI,
MDD, OMC & CBR have to be provided in the DPR.
iv) Under any circumstances, CBR of modified soil should not be less than 10 and the CBR of
GSB should not be less than 15 under exceptional condition.

i) Granular sub-base must be prepared from locally available materials. Under any
circumstances the lead distance of source for GSB material should not exceed 50 Km. where
ii) The grading of GSB material must be provided in the DPR which should be confirmed to
MORD specification.
iii) Theoretical calculation of CBR from monograph should be provided for cross verification.

If the cost of WBM Gr-II & Gr-III material stands high as Rs. 4000.00/cum then an alternative
pavement design technic using new technology such as cement treated base & sub-base, paneled
cement concrete over cement treated sub-base may be explored. A cost comparison should be
provided in DPR showing the difference in cost parameter for new technology and conventional

i) The existing pre-level section as shown in the earthwork calculation must be match with the
photograph given at the same chainage.

ii) If in the cross sectional drawing it is shown as pavement thickness is proposed directly over
existing sub-grade then the similar calculation should be reflected for earthwork also. If in any
location specific filling is required then cross section of that portion of the road should be
shown separately.
iii) Existing cross section of earthwork calculation should be carefully verified at built up area
location. The calculation and the photograph should not mismatch.
iv) The volume deduction for slab culvert, vented causeway, bridge, box culvert should be made
from the total volume of earthwork.
v) If gunny bag filled with earth considered in UC bullah piling estimate and if the same is
considered under post level section then the total volume of gunny bag should be deducted
from the total volume of earthwork.

i) The Design of horizontal curve should be provided at each required location.
ii) If absolute minimum radius is not available due to restricted land width then at first the design
speed should be calculated based on maximum allowable super elevation. Under such case,
the speed limit, traffic safety item should be considered at the start and the end of the curve. It
should be provided in a table format.

 CD
i) The location of CD should be shown on the long section drawing of the road. If a damaged
CD is prepared to be replaced then the photograph of same should be reflected at that
particular chainage and which should also be match with the long section location.
ii) All CD structure must be provided with Technical justification of hydraulic calculation. The
hydraulic calculation should be done as per SP-13-2004 for CD works and as per SP-20-2002
for vented causeway.
iii) If 0.5 m and 0.6 m small slab culvert provided in the Built up area then a reason should be
provided for non-adopting 600 mm or 900 mm dia NP3 pipe. A cost compression of pipe
culvert with concrete cradle bedding should be provided for showing the cost differences.

i) The side drain shall only be allowed in the built up area.
ii) The chainage location of side drain should be provided in the DPR.
iii) The location of side drain should also be shown in Volume – II drawing.

i) The provision of protection work must be justified with photographs and cross sectional
drawing shown in earth work calculation.
ii) Generally lower height should be retained with bamboo piling and the higher height should be
retained with UC bullah piling. In this view, height above 1.2 m should be retained with UC
iii) A clear sketch of protection work should be furnished in DPR which should also match with
the estimate.

i) The cost estimate as prepared in DPR must have similarity which is uploaded in OMMAS.

i) If OGPC wearing coat is proposed for traffic below T5 category instead of surface dressing
then the proper technical justification should be provided in DPR for omitting the surface
ii) No GSB shoulder should be proposed for concrete pavement portion. In built up area,
concrete pavement may be provided with line drain on both side.
iii) The technical justification should be provided in DPR for considering traffic safety and road
furniture item.
iv) Before submitting the final DPR, the road should be inspected thoroughly and coloured
photograph should be taken at 100 m interval. If the DPR was already prepared few years
earlier than it should be thoroughly verified with the present condition of the road.
v) The proposed road should be properly verified for the alignment from Core-Network such that
no loop formation and multi-connectively should occurred.
vi) There should be 15% of total proposal submitted by each district / division comprises of new
Technology Initiatives out of which 10% of roads with IRC specification as available and 5%
of roads should comprise IRC accredited technology. These technology details must be
uploaded in OMMAS against respective proposal.

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