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[This question paper contains 2 printed pages.] Sr.No. of Question Paper : 5971 F Your Roll No.. Unique Paper Code: - 227501 Name of the Paper : Indian Economic Development Since 1947 II Name of the Course: B.A. (H) Economics Semester :V Duration : 3 Hours : ‘Maximum Marks : 75 Instructions for Candidates Write your Roll No. on the top immediately on receipt of this question paper. 2. Attempt any five questions. 3. All Questions carry equal marks 15 marks each. 4. Answers may be written either in English or in Hindi, but the same medium should be used throughout the paper. wal & fay Rea 1. Rowe & fied & ae fee ae Pulifta err we stor aegis ferfere | 2. Peedi dha get S ger 21 3. Wit get Sat wart 2, 15 gin oft TET 4. ROWE 3a a Ser ath or RS feet Gee TTF fore, ART we See ar ET & aa ae e 1. What, according to you, could be some probable causative factors responsible for the ‘macroeconomic reversal’ witnessed during the period 2003-04 to 2013- 14 in India’s economy from a phase of ‘high growth with low inflation to one of Jow growth with high inflation’? amr & argare, a¥ 2003-04 & af 2013-14 de area arforreen F aA ae “ATT safes acon” Fae aa TEAR Bare air igh @ aif yar ARE Sarr wT gfe S cer a 2A oS ad Tre eT-a A aH 2? 2. In light of India’s trade performance roughly over the last decade, suggest some strategic measures which may be adopted to correct the widening trade imbalance. PTO. 5971 2 a dor fied ve are a ane S aK Pome S aa H, aad a sage TT oe & fag aa ort ae |e orifies ser aa Discuss, with special reference to India’s experience, the possibility of evolving labour laws that can help protect the intersts of workers as well as employers. ara S aqua S fade dak %, mor S ara-ara Paaarat S feat at ven HAA wer BA ad om are a frente eet a are St aE aR Why do you think is it essential to give particular attention to India’s agricultural sector for promoting a more inclusive and sustainable overall growth? Suggest some policies for the same. amy Far aay aad 3 Pe ee afte wae sik aa fara | fre aa Sela Aa we faa oar 23 ot seer 2? gad fae qe “feat ar gare Sherer Would you consider it judicious a adopt a combination of price and non-price interventions in India’s agriculture to protect the interests of both producers and consumers? Explain. a aT TUT US Seta STH Ra aA cat eH far saa SH aA a F atta gar Ak aire Beast SB aah a sera Pdengeh waa? cae siferer Assess the strengths and weaknesses of ‘the Competition Act, 2002’ in conforming to the principles of modern ‘anti-trust’ law. aus “Ya-ge are” & Raid F ager “afteruf afahat 2002” F area aie ari Reat r stianerT UL To what extent can the persistence of ‘dualism’ in India’s manufacturing sector be held responsible for the slowing down of its expected dynamic role in promoting growth and expanding employment in the economy? ore 3 erg he Tare ee waren BH eet ar at aT a tir aH omer S A aH okra “Aare” aA Pw we a Fee SEIT weet 3? While the service sector undoubtedly contributed to accelerating the growth of India’s economy in the 1990's, it could not similarly help in expanding the opportunities of employment for its people. Discuss. Prete Bar 2a 1990 % ara at ardoqaen 4 ager a dat Her A apres fear, we wt we a amet ahi F fae done F saad ar ean Hey HF aera ae a aT SAT ‘aiferer (600)

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