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import java.util.

class FO
double Area(double r)
double o;
o = (3.14)*r*r;
return o;
double Area(double a,double b)
double c;
c= a*b;
return c;
int Area(int h,int d)
int g;
g= (h*d)/2;
return g;
int Area(int s)
int k;
k = s*s;
return k;
public static void main(String args[])
Scanner sc = new Scanner(;
double r,a,b;int s;
int h,d;
System.out.println("Enter the Radius of circle");
r= sc.nextDouble();
System.out.println("Enter the length and breadth to find area of
a= sc.nextDouble();
b= sc.nextDouble();
System.out.println("Enter the length and breadth to find area of
h= sc.nextInt();
d= sc.nextInt();
System.out.println("Enter the side of square to find area");
s= sc.nextInt();
FO obj = new FO();
System.out.println("Area of Circle = "+obj.Area(r));
System.out.println("Area of Rectangle = "+obj.Area(a,b));
System.out.println("Area of Triangle = "+obj.Area(h,d));
System.out.println("Area of Square = "+obj.Area(s));

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