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What is AT commands? ➢ AT commands are a standardized set of
instructions used to control and communicate with various hardware devices,
particularly communication modules such as GSM (Global System for Mobile
Communications) modules, Wi-Fi modules, Bluetooth modules, and
modems. The "AT" in AT commands stands for "Attention" and originates from
the early days of modems when these commands were prefixed with "AT" to
get the modem's attention. Syntax : ➢ AT commands follow a specific syntax
structure, typically starting with the letters "AT" followed by a command or
query and optional parameters. ➢ For example, to check the signal strength
of a GSM module, you might use the command "AT+CSQ" where "AT" is the
prefix, "+CSQ" is the specific command, and it may or may not have additional
parameters. Usage: ➢ AT commands are sent to the device (like a GSM
module) through a communication interface, often serial communication
such as UART (Universal Asynchronous Receiver-Transmitter). ➢ The device
responds to AT commands with specific information, status updates, or
execution results. ➢ These commands are used for various purposes such as
making calls, sending SMS messages, checking network status, configuring
settings, and controlling device behavior.1. Microcontroller (MCU) Sending AT
Commands to GSM Module: Serial Communication: The MCU communicates
with the GSM module via a serial communication interface such as UART
(Universal Asynchronous Receiver-Transmitter). This requires connecting the
UART pins of the MCU to the corresponding UART pins of the GSM module.
AT Command Format: AT commands follow a specific format, typically
starting with the characters "AT" followed by the command and any
necessary parameters. For example, to check the SIM card's status, the
command might be "AT+CPIN?". Sending AT Commands: ➢ The MCU sends
AT commands to the GSM module by writing the command string to the
UART transmit buffer. ➢ The MCU then triggers the UART transmission,
sending the command to the GSM module. Waiting for Response: ➢ After
sending the command, the MCU waits for a response from the GSM module.
➢ The GSM module processes the command and sends back a response,

which includes either an "OK" response for successful commands or an

"ERROR" response for invalid commands or errors. Handling Responses: ➢
The MCU receives the response from the GSM module via the UART receive
buffer. ➢ It parses the response to determine the outcome of the command
execution (e.g., success, failure) and takes appropriate actions based on the

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response. 2. Application Sending AT Commands to GSM Core and Event
Handling: ➢ AT Commands from Application: An application running on a
device (such as a smartphone or a computer) communicates with the GSM
module's core using AT commands through a communication interface (e.g.,
USB, UART, TCP/IP). ➢ AT Command Format for Core Interaction: Similar to
MCU communication, the application sends AT commands in the format
"AT+Command" to the GSM module's core. For example, "AT+CMGS" to send
an SMS. API and Event Handling: ➢ The GSM module's firmware or software
exposes an API (Application Programming Interface) that allows the
application to send AT commands and receive events or responses. Transport
Layer Security (TLS) is a cryptographic protocol designed to provide secure
communication over a network, typically the Internet. It ensures privacy, data
integrity, and authentication between communicating applications, such as
web browsers and servers, email clients and servers, and other network-
based services. TLS is the successor to the older Secure Sockets Layer (SSL)
protocol and is widely used to establish secure connections for a variety of
online transactions and data exchanges. 1. Purpose of TLS: TLS addresses the
need for secure communication in an open network environment, where
data transmitted between two parties can be intercepted, tampered with, or
eavesdropped on by malicious entities. It aims to establish a secure and
trusted channel for data transmission over potentially insecure networks,
protecting sensitive information such as passwords, financial transactions,
personal data, and more. 2. Key Features: Encryption: TLS employs strong
encryption algorithms to encrypt data exchanged between clients and
servers. This encryption ensures that even if intercepted, the data remains
unreadable without the appropriate decryption keys. Authentication: TLS
provides mechanisms for mutual authentication between parties. Both the
client (e.g., web browser) and the server (e.g., web server) can authenticate
each other's identities using digital certificates, ensuring that they are
communicating with the intended and trusted entities. Data Integrity: TLS
uses cryptographic hash functions and checksums to verify the integrity of
transmitted data. This prevents data from being altered or corrupted during
transmission, providing assurance that the data received is exactly as sent by
the sender. Message Queuing Telemetry Transport, or MQTT, is a
communications protocol designed for Internet of Things devices with
extremely high latency and restricted low bandwidth. Message Queuing
Telemetry Transport is a perfect protocol for machine-to-machine (M2M)
communication since it is designed specifically for low-bandwidth, high-
latency settings. What is Message Queue Telemetry Transport Protocol? ➢
MQTT is a simple, lightweight messaging protocol used to establish
communication between multiple devices. It is a TCP-based protocol relying
on the publish-subscribe model. This communication protocol is suitable for
transmitting data between resource-constrained devices having low
bandwidth and low power requirements. Hence this messaging protocol is
widely used for communication in the IoT Framework. Publish-Subscribe
Model: ➢ This model involves multiple clients interacting with each other,
without having any direct connection established between them. All clients

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communicate with other clients only via a third party known as a Broker.
MQTT Client and Broker: ➢ Clients publish messages on different topics to
brokers. The broker is the central server that receives these messages and
filters them based on their topics. It then sends these messages to respective
clients that have subscribed to those different topics. The heart of any
publish/subscribe protocol is the MQTT broker. A broker can handle up to
thousands of concurrently connected MQTT customers, depending on how it

13% Plagiarized
What is Pub/Sub Architecture? - GeeksforGeeksMessage Queue Telemetry
Transport Protocol (MQTT)


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