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Physical Sciences 8th Class

Lab Activities & Project Works

Name of the student :

Class :
Topic :
Date of submission :
Topic : Friction
Aim : Understanding the nature of friction and the concept of static
Apparatus : Toy trolley, small wooden block, inextensible string, weight
hanger, weights, pulley and table.
Precautions : 1) Don’t handle heavy loads.
2) Take care about the surface of the table is smooth.
Procedure : 1) Take a small toy trolley and keep a small wooden block on
2) Tie an inextensible string to the trolley and pass it over a
3) And the other end of the string is fixed to weight hanger.
4) Take a small weight and keep it on weight hanger and
observe the changes in motions of block and trolley.
5) Now keep on increasing the weight on the hanger, observe
the motions of both trolley and block.

Bhashyam's :: 2 :: 8th Class_Physical Sciences_F.A.–1

Reporting : The force of friction by the surface of the trolley acts on the
block in the direction of motion. At the same time the block

also applies a force on the trolley in opposite direction and

tries to move towards right.

Result Analysis : In the above activity we observe that the trolley with the block
on it moves towards left with an acceleration. The block is at

rest with respect to the surface of the trolley, but it is in mo-

tion with respect to the surface of the table.

Generalisation : By the above activity, we can increase the trolley’s accelera-

tion by increasing the weight on the hanger.

If we increase the acceleration of trolley gradually at certain

limiting acceleration or limiting weight the block comes into

motion in the reverse direction.


Bhashyam's :: 3 :: 8th Class_Physical Sciences_F.A.–1


Name of the student :

Class :
Topic :
Date of submission :
Topic : Force
Aim : To find the limiting force that can be borne by a thread.
Apparatus : Spring balance, weights, light threads weight hanger.
Precautions : Use the spring balance carefully and observe the readings in
spring balance.
Procedure : 1) Take a spring balance, some weight (50g), thread and weight
2) Arrange these all the items as shown in the picture.
3) Put small weight like 50g on the weight hanger.
4) Note the readings of the spring balance.
5) Now add some more weights to the hanger.
6) Again note the readings of the spring balance.
7) Do the same till the thread is broken.
8) We will take different type of threads and find out the
limiting force.
9) Now separate the whole system from the ceiling and tie the
thread to weight hanger and slowly pull up the whole system
with out hand.
10) When there is a small weight on the hanger note down the
Reporting :
S.No. Type of thread Length Limiting

Bhashyam's :: 4 :: 8th Class_Physical Sciences_F.A.–1

Result Analysis : We observed that when the weight increases the length of the thread in-


Generalisation : By the above activity we can conclude that different types of threads hav-

ing different limiting forces.


Bhashyam's :: 5 :: 8th Class_Physical Sciences_F.A.–1

Name of the project : Collection of pictures from various sources to
illustrate contact forces and forces at a distance.
Objective : To know how various types of forces observed in our daily life ac-
Tools : Bar magnet, compass, comb, piece of paper.
Procedure : In physical contact, force act at the point of contact between two
objects, contact force is derived from Newton’s law.
Contact force : Contact force is the force in which an object and contact object are
in direct contact with each other.
The needle of the compass changes its direction without any physi-
cal contact with the bar magnet. But a force must be acting on the
needle the force which occurs without any physical contact between
two objects is known as a force at a distance or field force.

Bhashyam's :: 6 :: 8th Class_Physical Sciences_F.A.–1

(a) Muscular force: Even when we smile our muscels exert force to bring changes in our
face. Human beings and animals use muscular force to carry out
their regular physical activities. Muscular forces can be exerted only
through contact.
Muscular forces are responsible for the various actions taking place
in side our body, like blood circulation, expansion and contraction
of lungs during breathing, heart beat etc.
Non contact force : The force acting when there is no physical contact between two bod-
ies. Such forces are known as Non-contact force.
(a) Electrostatic force: The force exerted by a charged body on another charged body is
known as electrostatic force.
Take a plastic comb and comb your dry hair for a minute now bring
a comb near piece of papers. So we can observe that the comb at-
tracts the piece of papers. Due to electrostatic force of attraction.

Conclusion : We conclude that there are different types of forces in nature which
we observe in daily life and help us to enable to perform various
Resources : 8th class text books, CBSE, ICSE books.
Thanks gibing : We are very thankful to teachers and parents to give me support to
complete the project and to know about different types of forces and
importance of the force.


Bhashyam's :: 7 :: 8th Class_Physical Sciences_F.A.–1

Name of the project : Collect the information about electrostatic forces
that are observed in our daily life.
Objectives : To known various situations where electrostatic forces
are observed in our daily life.
Tools : Comb, piece of paper, silk cloth, ball pen–refil, Balloons.
Procedure : The force exerted by a charged body on another charged body is
known as electrostatic force.
Activity – 1 : Take a comb and paper cut the paper into small pieces. Rub the comb
with a piece of silk cloth. Bring the comb near small pieces of paper.
We can observe the tiny pieces of paper attracts towards comb.

Activity – 2 : Take a ball pen–refil and piece of silk cloth and small pieces of paper.
Now rub the pen–refil with silk cloth and bring it near the small
piece of paper we can observe that small pieces of paper attracts
towards comb.
Activity – 3 : Inflate two balloons and hang them in such away that they do not
touch each other. Rub both of them with a woolen cloth and release
them. We can observe that the two balloons will repel each other due
to they acquire same charges.
Conclusion : We conclude that the importance of electrostatic force and how it is
useful in our daily life.
Resources : 8th class text books, CBSE, ICSE books.
Thanks giving : We are very thankful to teachers and parents to give me support to
complete the project and to know about electrostatic force of attrac-
tion and repulsion.
Bhashyam's :: 8 :: 8th Class_Physical Sciences_F.A.–1

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