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Biological Sciences 8th Class

Lab Activities & Project Works

Rise in the volume of dough by Yeast cells
Aim : Observation of rise in the volume of dough of Atta or Maida
by adding yeast cells.
Materials required : 1. Flour (Atta/Maida), Sugar, Warm water, Yeast powder.
Procedure : 1. Take ½ kg flour (Atta or Maida), add some sugar and mix
with warm water.
2. Add a small amount of yeast powder and knead to make a
soft dough.

Observation : There will be a rise in volume of dough of atta or maida

after 2 hours

Conclusion : Yeast reproduces rapidly and produces carbon dioxide

during respiration. Bubbles of the gas fill the dough and

increase its volume. this is the basis of the use of yeast in

the baking industry for making breads, pastries and cakes.


Bhashyam's :: 2 :: 8th_Biological Sciences_F.A.–1

Formation of Alcohol from sugar solution by Yeast cells
Aim : Formation of Alcohol from sugar solution by yeast cells.
Materials required : Beaker, Water, Sugar, Yeast powder.
Procedure : 1. Take a 500 ml beaker and filled upto ¾ with water. Dissolve
2-3 teaspoons of sugar in it.
2. Add half a spoon of yeast powder to the sugar solution.
3.Keep it covered in a warm place for 4-5 hours. Now smell
the solution.

Observation : We observed that a characteristic smell comes out.

Conclusion : This is the smell of alcohol as sugar has been converted

into alcohol by yeast. This process of conversion of sugar

into alcohol is known as fermentation.


Bhashyam's :: 3 :: 8th_Biological Sciences_F.A.–1

Preliminary Information
1. Class : 8th Class
2. Subject : Biological Sciences
3. Name of the
Chapter : Micro-organisms : Friend and Foe
4. Project No. :
5. Date of
Submission :
6. Role of team : Entire team members participate in this project
a) Team Leader : Allotting work to team members
b) 2nd Student : Collection of information about scientists.
c) 3rd Student : Collection of information about scientists.
d) 4th Student : Collection of pictures.
e) 5th Student : Analysing the project.
II. Details of the
Project :
1. Title of the
Project : Collection of information about different Scientists and their
discoveries related to Microbiology.
2. Objective of the
Project : To know the different Scientists and their contributions to
3. Tools : Observation
4. Materials : Books related to Microbiology.
5. List of Scientists :
a) Louis Pasteur : i) Louis Pasteur was a French Scientist.
ii) He discovered that micro organisms are responsible for
spoiling the wine and its quality can be protected by
iii) He had saved the silk industry by controlling microbial
Bhashyam's :: 4 :: 8th_Biological Sciences_F.A.–1
iv) He also invented vaccine for rabies.
b) Alexander Fleming : i) Alexander Fleming was a Scottish Biologist and Army Doctor.
ii) His best known discoveries is the enzyme lysozyme in 1923.
iii) In 1928, he separated the antibiotic substance penicillin,
from the mould penicillium notatum.
c) Dmitri Ivonosky : i) He was a Russian Botanist who discovered a plant virus –
Tobacco Mosaic Virus (TMV)
ii) He is one of the founder of virology.
d) Edward Jenner: i) He was an English Physician and Scientist who was the
poineer of small pox vaccine. The world’s first vaccine.
ii) He is often called the father of Immunology.
e) Harold Boyd
Woodruff : i) He was an American Soil Microbiologist and a member of
the National Academy of Science.
ii) He is known for the discovery of actinomycin and the
development of the industrial production by fermentation
of many natural products including Cyanocobalamin.
f) Joseph Lister : i) He was a British Surgeon and a Pioneer of Antiseptic Surgery.
ii) He was acknowledged as the father of Antiseptic surgery.
iii) He successfully introduced Carbolic Acid to Sterilize
surgical instruments and to clean wounds. So it became
the first widely used antiseptic in surgery.
g) Robert Hooke : i) He was a English Natural Philosopher, Architect and
ii) He is greatest legacy is his contribution to cell theory.
iii) He was actually the first person to view cells under
iv) He looked at the bark of a cork of Oak tree and observed
it’s Microscopic structure.
h) Walter Reed : He was a U.S.Army Pathologist and Bacteriologist who led
the experiments that proved that yellow fever is transmitted
by a bite of a mosquito.

Bhashyam's :: 5 :: 8th_Biological Sciences_F.A.–1

i) Robert Koch : i) He was a German Physician who is widely credited as one of
the founders of Bacteriology and Microbiology.
ii) He investigated the Anthrox disease cycle in 1876 and
studied the bacteria that causes tuberculosis in 1882,
Cholera in 1883.
j) Lazzaro
Spallanzani : i) He was an Italian Biologist and Physiologist who made
important contributions to the experimental study of bodily
functions, animal reproduction and animal echolocation.
ii) He interpreting digestion, saying that it is a process of
chemical solution and helping disprove the concept of
spontaneous generation.
6. Analysis : So different scientists discovered so many things which are
useful for human welfare.
7. Conclusion : Scientists and their works are helpful to the people in all over
the world.
8. Experience of the
Student : i) I wondered when I know the lives of scientists.
ii) I am surprised to know the problems faced by scientists
while discovering new things.
iii) I am surprised to know diseases, their control and
prevention methods.
9. Doubts while
conducting the
project : i) How do scientists see Micro-organisms at that time ?
ii) How do they construct Microscope ?
iii) How do some diseases appeared at olden days are not
appeared at present ?
10. References : Microbiology books.
11. Acknowledgment : I thank my co-students of this group for their support while
presenting this project. I thank to all my teachers who guided
me to do this project and for their valuable guidance to make
this project success.

12. Signature of the student: ..............................................................................................

Bhashyam's :: 6 :: 8th_Biological Sciences_F.A.–1

Louis Pasteur Alexander Fleming Ivonosky

Edward Jenner Harold Boyd Woodruff Joseph Lister

Robert Hooke Walter Reed Robert Koch Lazzaro



Bhashyam's :: 7 :: 8th_Biological Sciences_F.A.–1

Preliminary Information :
Class : 8th
Subject : Biological Sciences
Name of the chapter: Micro-organisms : Friend and Foe
Project No :
Date of Submission :
Role of Team :
1. Team Leader : Allotting work to the team members and leading the entire team.
2. 2 student : Collection of Material
3. 3 student : Collection of pictures, Submission of report.
4. 4 student : Explaining the project
Details of the project :
1. Title of the project : Collect the information about different preservation methods.
2. Objective of the project : To know the importance of preservation and need to preserve
3. Tools : Observation
4. Materials : Text book and Internet
5. Procedure : Food preservation is the process of treating and handling food
in such a way as to stop or greately slow down food spoilage
and prevent food borne illness while maintaining nutritional
value, texture and flavour.
Methods of Food preservation :
Some commonly used food preservation methods are as follows,
i. Drying : Drying is one of the most ancient techniques of food
preservation which reduces water activity enough to prevent
bacterial growth. Drying reduces weight so foods can be
carried easily.

ii. Smoking : Smoking is used to prolong the shelf - life of perishable food.
This effect is achieved through the exposure of the food from
burning plant materials such as wood to smoke.
Bhashyam's :: 8 :: 8th Class_Biological Sciences_F.A.–1
iii. Salting : It is one of the oldest methods of preserving food. Salting is
the preservation of food with dry edible salt.
Salting is used because most bacteria, fungi and other
potentially pathogenic organisms cannot survive in a highly
salty environment, due to the hypertonic nature of salt. Any
living cell in such an environment will become dehydrated
through osmosis and die or become temporarily inactivated.

iv. Sugaring : Sugaring is the process of desiccating a food by first

dehydrating it, then packing it with pure sugar. This sugar
can be crystalline in the form of table or raw sugar, or it can
be a high sugar density liquid such as honey, syrup or molasses.

v. Refrigeration : Refrigeration preserves food by slowing down microorganism

growth and reproduction and the action of enzymes that cause
food to rot.

Bhashyam's :: 9 :: 8th Class_Biological Sciences_F.A.–1

vi. Pickling : This is the process of preserving edible products in an acid
solution, usually vinegar, or in salt solution (brine). The
process of pickling is also known as brining and the resulting
foods as pickles.

vii. Pasteurization : Pasteurisation is a process that kills bacteria in liquid food.

In this method moderately high (62°C to 100°C) temperatures
are used (for about 15 to 30 minutes) to inactivate certain
enzymes and kill certain other microorganisms specially in
milk. It was invented by French scientist Louis Pasteur during
the nineteenth century.

viii. Vacuum Packing : A method of packaging that removes air from the package
prior to sealing. This method involves (manually or
automatically) placing items in a plastic film package,
removing air from inside, and sealing the package. Shrink film
is sometimes used to have a tight fit to the contents.

Bhashyam's :: 10 :: 8th Class_Biological Sciences_F.A.–1

ix.Chemical additives : These are the substances added to food to preserve flavour
or enhance its taste and prevent spoilage. Chemical additives
inhibit microbial growth.

x. Radiation : In this process high speed electrons are used to kill micro

Bhashyam's :: 11 :: 8th Class_Biological Sciences_F.A.–1

6. Table :
Methods of Examples
1. Drying Fruits, Vegetables, Fish, Meat etc...,
2.Smoking Fish, Meat, Fruits etc...,
3. Salting Fish, Meat, Vegetables, Pickles etc...,
4. Sugaring Jams and Jellies.
5. Refrigeration Fruits, Vegetables, Fish, Meat etc...,
6. Pickling Vegetables, Eggs, Fish, Prawns, Mushrooms etc...,
7. Pasteurization Milk,eggs, Dairy products, Juices, Beer, Wine etc...,
8. Vacuum packing Fruits,Vegetables, Cereals, Pulses, Meat etc...,
9. Chemical additives Acetic acid, Lactic acid, Benzoic acid etc...,
10. Radiation UV rays, Gamma rays, Beta rays, Micro waves etc...,
7. Analysis :
1) Several common food items are preserved with different methods.
2) Every method help in delay or prevention of microbial growth.
8. Conclusion :
1) Food preservation helps in more shelf life of food products.
2) It also prevent wastage of food.
3) It helps the perishable foods that can be transported to tar off distances from the
site of production.
4) It helps to decreased Hazards from Microbial pathogens.
9. Experience of the student :
1) Got a clear idea over preservative methods.
2) Came to know about the importance of different preservatives.
10. Doubts while conducting this project :
1) Do microorganisms grow at all temperatures ?
2) What is the effective preservative method of all ?
3) Are food additives good or bad for our health ?
11. Acknowledgment :
1) Thanks to co students of group in the presentation of project work.
2) Thanks to the teacher for the guidance on project.
3) Thanks to the principal for encouragement.
Signature of the student :

Bhashyam's :: 12 :: 8th Class_Biological Sciences_F.A.–1

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