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Project Works

Student Information
Name :
Class : VIII
Section :
Roll No. :
Name of the school :
Name of the Chapter : RATIONAL NUMBERS
Title of the Project : Representation of Rational Numbers on number line.
Aim of the project : To represent rational numbers on number line.
Materials used : Colour papers, sketch, scale, pencil
Information analysis :
Natural Numbers : All counting numbers are called natural numbers
Natural numbers are denoted by 'N'.
N = {1,2,3,4,.....}
Whole Numbers : All counting numbers along with zero are called whole
Whole numbers are denoted by 'W'.
W = {0,1,2,3,......}
Integers : All positive and negative numbers along with zero are called
Integers are denoted by 'Z' or I
Z or I = {..........,–3, –2, –1, 0, 1, 2, 3,.......}

Rational Numbers : A number which can be expressed in the form of
G , where p
and q are integers and q ≠ 0 and p, q are co-primes are called
a "Rational Numbers".
Rational numbers are also called as "Quaotient numbers".
So, they are represented by the letter "Q'.
 ! # 
Q={ , , , ,.............}
" $ %

Bhashyam's :: 2 :: 8th Class_Maths_ F.A.–I

Procedure : Diagrammatic representation of rational numbers.
# −#
Problem solving : Represent and on the number line.
! !
Draw a line in a mark a point 'O' on it represent zero. Divide
each unit into three equal parts to the right side and the

left side of the zero respectively. Take 5 parts out of these

the fifth part on the right of zero represents and the
fifth one of the left of the zero represents as shown in
the below figure.

Conclusion : We can represent any rational number on the number line.

Acknowledgement : I convey my sincere thanks to who are co-operative and

putting their earnest efforts in completing this project.

Reference Books : A.P. SCERT Text Book Mathematics Class 8,

CBSE Text Book Mathematics Class 8.

Signature of the student : .....................................................................


Bhashyam's :: 3 :: 8th Class_Maths_ F.A.–I

Student Information
Name :
Class : VIII
Section :
Roll No. :
Name of the school :
Name of the Chapter : Linear equations in one variable
Title of the project : Geometrical problems solving by using linear equations.
Aim of the Project : To solve geometrical problems by using linear equations.
Information Analysis :
Linear equation : An equation in which highest degree of the variable is one is
called linear equation.
Materials used : Pencil, Pen, Eraser and Scale, Geometry box........
Procedure : i) From the adjacent figure
find the value of 'x' and also
find the angles.
* From the figure, 'l' and 'm'
two parallel lines and 'n' is a
From the figure, (4x–7) o ,
(3x+5) o are two alternate
interior angles.
If two lines are parallel intersect by a transversal then,
alternate interior angles are equal.
⇒ 4x–7 = 3x+5
⇒ 4x–3x = 5+7
⇒ x = 12
(4x–7) = 4(12)–7 (3x+5)o = 3(12)+5
= 48–7 = 36+5
= 41o = 41o
ii) If length and breadth of
rectangle is (5x+4)m, (x–4 )m
and its perimeter is 108 m then
find the length and breadth by
using linear equations.

Bhashyam's :: 4 :: 8th Class_Maths_ F.A.–I

Length of the rectangle = (5x+4)m
Breadth of rectangle = (x–4)m
Perimeter of rectangle = 108m
⇒ 2(l+b) = 108
⇒ 2 (5x+4+x–4) = 108
⇒ 2 (6x) = 108
⇒ 12 x = 108

∴ x=9
∴ Length = 5x+4
= 5(9) + 4 = 49m
Breadth = x–4
= 9–4
= 5m
iii) In triangle PQR, ∠ P = 54o, ∠ Q = 46o, find the exterior
angle PRS by using
linear equation.
* In the ∆ PQR,
∠ P=54 , ∠ Q=46o

Let ∠ PRS = xo
We know that, "In a
triangle, exterior
angle is equal to the
sum of the two
interior opposite angles".
∠ PRS = ∠ P+ ∠ Q
x = 54+46
x = 100o
∠ PRS = 100o
Conclusion : From the above process, different types of geometrical problems
we can solve by using linear equations.
Experience of the student : I understand how to solve the geometrical problems by using
the linear equations with the help of this project.
Reference Books : A.P. SCERT Text Book Mathematics Class 8,
CBSE Text Book Mathematics Class 8.
Acknowledgement : I convey my sincere thanks to who are co-operative and putting
their earnest efforts in completing this project.
Signature of the student : .....................................................................
Bhashyam's :: 5 :: 8th Class_Maths_ F.A.–I

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