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Listening Section 1 1 Hornby; 2 Ilford; 3 94456781; 4 coffee table; 5 39.99; 6 handbag; 7 DBR29; 8 express; 9 A,D; 10 D,E Section 2 11 clothing; 12 determination; 13 relaxation; 14 diet; 15 body care; 16 8; 17 C; 18 A; 19 B; 208 Section 3 21 specialist magazines; 22 studio websites; 23 (Local) reviews; 24 A; 25 B; 26 income; 27 reactions; 28 consistent; 29 re-shoot: 30 genre Section 4 31 eastern; 32 piracy; 33 repairing; 34 slaves; 35 (large) houses; 36 fish sauce; 37 specialised; 38 B; 39 C; 40 F Academic reading Reading passage 1 1 (lozenge-shaped) washers; 2 (tiny) dots; 3 subsoiting imachine; 4 excavating spade; 5 potato field; 6 a tin worker; 7 the Ringlemere Cup; 8 treasure; 9 (the) farmer; 10 ritual landscape: 11 B; 12 A; 13 D Reading passage 2 14 Yes; 15 No; 16 Not given; 17 No; 18 Yes; 19 Yes; 20 Niot given; 24 Yes; 22 E; 23 (; 24 G; 25 A; 26 C Reading passage 3 27 Not given; 28 Not given; 29 False; 30 True; 31 cognitive therapy; 32 six/6 months; 33 personality traits; 34 health anxiety; 35 C; 36 E: 37 B; 38 A; 39D; 40 C Academic writing Sample answers Weiting Task 1 The charts show that there were big increases in the sales of the larger vehicles in Some months, when compared with sales of these vehicles in the same months of the previous year. These increases were greater for large SUVs than for large. pick-ups. Both large SUVS and large pick-ups had lower sales in the first three months of the year in conparison with the same months the previons year. ~ [ANSWER KEY However, apart from two months for large SUVs, sales were higher both for large SUVS and large pick-ups in all the other months when compared with ‘the previous year. The sales of other vehicles did not vary so greatly. They decreased in wore months than they increased in comparison with the previous year, but falls and rises were smaller than for the larger vehicles. The overall picture is that, despite their high consumption of fuel, there were some big increases in the sales of new large vehicles. Writing Task 2 Although it is true that « great many people now have 4 higher standard of living than in the past, it does not seem that this necessarily makes people any happier. In many whys, aad in many places, life is much easier and more comfortable than it used to be, but it's possible that in the past neople were happier with less. One feature of modern life that has changed in many places is that people have less contact with each other and there is less of a feeling of belonging to a community. People leave their home towns more than they used to and so family ties are often not as strong as they used to be. In cities, people often do not know their neighbours. As & result of all this, people can feel isolated. People help each other less and there is much more emphasis on the individual Modern life has also brought with it problens that people do no think existed in the past. For example, many people are concerned about rises in crime, and they also feel that life is much faster and more stressful than it used to be. Avother reason for people's unhappiness with modern life is that they have higher expectations than they used to have. They have more but they want even more, This leads to Feelings of disappointment and even anger when people do not have everything they think they should have. People take for granted all sorts of comforts and material possessions that people in the past would have considered lweuries. They don't appreciate what they have, they simply want wore. Practice Test. Answer Key 97 nS PRACTICE TEST It is also true, in my opinion, that when people have all their basic needs for survival, they are likely 0 become more introverted and think about life more. This can lead to feelings of depression and dissatisfaction with their lives. If you are struggling to survive, you do not have the time or ‘the opportunity to think so mach about the meaning of life. OF course, it is impossible to return to the past and nobody would want to exchange the comforts of modern life for the way that people used to live. Homever, in many ways progress has aot made people happier, in my view. 98 Practice Test_ Answer Key

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