Marketing project Final

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Plant Based


Presented by : Ali Ghandoura (4510)

Alihadi Sagheir (4500)
Mohamad Kanj
Mohamad Al Sahili
Mohamad Ahmad
Table of contents
01 02
Product Definition Objective of our
and Benefits Research

03 04
Hypothesis Our Survey

Survey Statistics
and Benefits
What is Plant Based Meat ?
• Plant-based meat is a food product designed to mimic the taste, texture, and nutritional profile of meat but made
entirely from plant-derived ingredients. These products are intended for vegetarians, vegans, and anyone looking
to reduce their meat consumption.

• Key Ingredients
1. Proteins: 3. Binders and Thickeners:
o Soy Protein: Commonly used for its high protein content oMethylcellulose: Commonly used to bind
and versatility. ingredients and improve texture.
o Pea Protein: Popular for its neutral taste and high protein o Starches: Such as potato and tapioca
levels. starches.
o Wheat Gluten: Provides a chewy texture similar to meat. 4. Flavorings:
o Other Proteins: Such as rice, potato, mung bean, and oYeast Extracts: Provide umami flavor.
chickpea proteins. o Natural Flavors: Derived from plants to
2. Fats: enhance taste.
o Coconut Oil: Mimics the fat content in meat. 5. Colorings:
o Canola Oil: Provides essential fats and helps with texture. Beet Juice: Used to mimic the red color of

raw meat.
o Sunflower Oil: Used for its neutral taste and cooking
properties. o Caramel Color: To provide a browned
appearance when cooked.
Why Plant Based Meat ?
1. Environmental Sustainability:
•Reduced greenhouse gas emissions compared to traditional meat production.

•Lower resource usage where Plant-based meat production typically uses less water and land than livestock
farming, helping to conserve vital natural resources.

•Biodiversity conservation since reducing the need for grazing land and feed crops can help protect natural
habitats and preserve biodiversity.

2. Health Benefits:
•Lower in saturated fats compared to animal meat, which can contribute to better heart health.

•No cholesterol which is better for cardiovascular health.

•Rich in fiber and nutrients which can provide essential nutrients such as vitamins, minerals, antioxidants...

3. Ethical and Animal Welfare:

•Reduction in animal cruelty due to reduction in the demand for factory farming and the associated ethical
concerns regarding animal treatment.

•Avoidance of animal slaughter aligning with the values of vegetarians, vegans, and those concerned with
animal rights.
Objective of
Our Research
Questionnaire Objective ?
The objective of our marketing research on plant-based meat involves gathering and analyzing data to
make decisions and plan strategies regarding this product , by asking targeted questions hitting several
sides as :

1. Consumer familiarity with product .

2. The way or the preferred way of getting knowledge about this product .

3. Understanding consumer behavior, for example by asking for consumer motivations for choosing
plant-based meat over traditional meat .

4. Understanding consumer preferences, as asking for taste preferences, texture expectations…

5. Assessing market demand and potential, by estimating the current and future demand for plant-
based meat products.

6. Pricing strategy, by understanding consumers’ willingness to pay for plant-based meat products.

Consumers are more likely to purchase plant-based meat if it closely mimics the taste and
texture of traditional meat.
Questionnaire Design ?

1. we specified the information needed, where the information obtained fully addresses all the
components of the problem.

2. We overcame the participant’s inability and unwillingness to answer by defining the topic, avoiding
sensitive questions and by minimizing the effort required of the participant.

3. We used the multiple choice questions where the response alternatives included the set of all
possible choices.

4. We used ordinary words for easy vocabulary, avoided ambiguous words and leading or biasing

5. We arranged the questions in proper order where general questions preceded specific questions,
and the questions were asked in a logical order.
1. Have you heard about plant-based meat products before?
2. How often do you see advertisements for plant-based meat products?
3. Will you try a plant-based meat product?
4. How do you prefer to learn about new food products? (Social media, TV ads, Online ads, In-store promotions,
5. Will you attend an event or cooking demonstration featuring plant-based meat products?
6. Would you be interested in trying plant-based meat products if offered as free samples in stores?
7. Which type of plant-based meat product are you most interested in? (Burgers, Sausages, Ground Meat, Other)
8. How important is it for plant-based meat to have a similar taste to traditional meat?
9. How important is it for plant-based meat to have a similar texture to traditional meat?
10.How important is the nutritional content of plant-based meat in your purchasing decision?
11.Will you choose plant-based meat over traditional meat if it were available at your favorite restaurant?
12.What factors influence your decision to buy plant-based meat? (Health benefits, Environmental impact,
Ethical reasons, Curiosity, Other)
13.Are you willing to pay more for plant based meat compared to animal meat ?
14.What price range do you consider reasonable for plant-based meat products?
Survey Statistics

Have you heard about plant-based meat products before?

‫هل سمعت عن منتجات اللحوم النباتية من قبل؟‬
Survey Statistics

How often do you see advertisements for plant-based meat products?

‫كم مرة تشاهد إعالنات لمنتجات اللحوم النباتية؟‬
Survey Statistics

Are you open to try a plant-based meat product?

‫هل أنت مستعد لتجربة منتج اللحوم النباتي؟‬
Survey Statistics

How do you prefer to learn about new food products?

‫كيف تفضل التعرف على المنتجات الغذائية الجديدة؟‬
Survey Statistics

Will you attend an event or cooking demonstration featuring plant-based meat products?
ً ‫هل ستحضر حدثًا أو عر‬
‫ضا للطهي يعرض منتجات اللحوم النباتية؟‬
Survey Statistics

Would you be interested in trying plant-based meat products if offered as free samples in stores?
‫هل ترغب في تجربة منتجات اللحوم النباتية إذا تم تقديمها كعينات مجانية في المتاجر؟‬
Survey Statistics

Which type of plant-based meat product are you most interested in?
‫ما هو نوع منتجات اللحوم النباتية التي تفضلها أكثر؟‬
Survey Statistics

How important is it for plant-based meat to have a similar taste to traditional meat?
‫ما مدى أهمية أن يكون للحوم النباتية طعم مماثل للحوم التقليدية؟‬
Survey Statistics

How important is it for plant-based meat to have a similar texture to traditional meat?
‫ما مدى أهمية أن يكون للحوم النباتية قوام مماثل للحوم التقليدية؟‬
Survey Statistics

How important is the nutritional content of plant-based meat in your purchasing decision?
‫ما مدى أهمية المحتوى الغذائي للحوم النباتية في قرار الشراء الخاص بك؟‬
Survey Statistics

Will you choose plant-based meat over traditional meat if it were available at your favorite restaurant?
‫هل ستختار اللحوم النباتية بدالً من اللحوم التقليدية إذا كانت متوفرة في مطعمك المفضل؟‬
Survey Statistics

What factors influence your decision to buy plant-based meat?

‫ما هي العوامل التي تؤثر على قرارك بشراء اللحوم النباتية؟‬
Survey Statistics

Are you willing to pay more for plant based meat compared to animal meat ?
‫هل أنت على استعداد لدفع المزيد مقابل اللحوم النباتية مقارنة باللحوم الحيوانية؟‬
Survey Statistics
What is a price range you consider reasonable for plant-based meat products per Kg? (Knowing that
the price of a whole chicken is 322,603 LL/Kg, fresh cow meat 1,038,133 LL/Kg, and fresh goat meat
1,706,325 LL/Kg based on the price listings issued by the of the Ministry of agriculture
‫ما هو النطاق السعري الذي تعتبره معقوالً لمنتجات اللحوم النباتية لكل كيلوغرام؟ مع العلم أن سعر الفروج الكامل‬
‫ وذلك‬،‫ كغ‬/‫ ليرة‬1,706,325 ‫ ولحم الماعز الطازج‬،‫ كغ‬/‫ ليرة‬1,038,133 ‫ ولحم البقر الطازج‬،‫ كغ‬/‫ ليرة‬322,603
.)‫بحسب قوائم األسعار الصادرة عن وزارة الزراعة‬
For Listening

CREDITS: This presentation template was created by Slidesgo, and includes icons by Flaticon, and infographics & images by Freepik

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