PBL1 Bio F4 2024 Instruction (1)

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Learning area Ch 3 - Movement of Substances Across the Plasma
Content Standards 3.4 Movement of substances across the plasma
membrane in everyday life.

Learning Standards 3.4.3 Describe with the example the application of the
concept of movement of materials across the
plasma membrane in everyday life

Project title
How does the principle of movement of substances across
the plasma membrane help to extend the shelf life of food?

Due Date 18 JUNE 2024

Project Objectives:

Understand and apply the principle of movement of substances across the plasma
membrane in food production.

Instructions for Performing Tasks:

1. All students are required to perform a PBL assignment and complete a report
in the form of a folio and video/PowerPoint presentation.
2. The project is carried out in group.
1. Each group is free to choose the food to use as well as the ingredients.
2. You need to send in folio/PowerPoint presentation and a Video to
document the product that you prepared. Both the video and folio
must be submitted by 18 June 2024.

Folio Content:
The folio of the project should contain the following:

1) The front page of the folio should contain:

(a) School Logo and name

(b) Project Title

(c) Your name and group members’ name

(d) Class:

(e) Subject: Biology KSSM

(f) Name of Biology Teacher:

2) Contents/index page
3) A brief acknowledgement/credits (to the Biology teacher, parents etc.)
4) Introduction of the project
5) objectives of the project
6) List of apparatus and materials used
7) Experimental procedures (with photos) and precautionary steps.
8) Results / tables / photos
9) Discussions (Answer the discussion questions given. Refer below).
10) Budget/cost estimation
11) Conclusion (e.g. How to improve the result etc)
12) Reference (e.g.Textbooks, reference books, internet (specify the links)

Discussion Question (20 marks) :

1. State the phenomenon that occurs during the preparation of your food. (1 mark)
2. Describe the process in Question 1. (2 marks)
3. Usually salt and sugar are used in food preservation. What is the function of salt
and sugar in the process of food preservation? (1 marks)

4. Apart from salt and sugar, name another ingredient used in food preservation
process and explain why the substance is used. (2 marks)

5. How does the process you described in Question 2 help in preserving food? (2
6. Pineapple pickles are prepared by soaking pineapple pieces in concentrated
sugar solutions. State two advantages and two disadvantages of this
method compared to keeping fresh pineapple. (4 marks)
7. A housewife used excessive amount of sodium nitrate and phosphate fertilizer
to her tree, after 3 days she found her tree had withered and died.
i) Explain what happened to the tree after the fertilizer was added?
(4 marks)
ii) What should the housewives do before adding the fertiliser to the ground to
prevent trees from withering? Explain your answer.
(4 marks)

You can refer to yourTextbook page 65


PROJECT-BASED LEARNING Name : …………………………………

FORM 4 BIOLOGY / 2022 I/C no. : …………………………………
TITLE: ……………………………………………………………………… Class : ……… ( )
Criteria Aspect Marks
Your report should include the following:
 Front page 2
 Title of project 2
 Date and time 2
Design  Content 2
20%  Credits (note of appreciation) 2
 Introduction and Objective 2
 Procedure/experimental steps (with pictures) 4
 Conclusion 2
 Reference 2
Process to produce the product includes:
 List of apparatus and materials 5
 Precautionary steps 5
 Cost estimation 5
 Picture/results/table 5

 Problem solving 4
 Experimenting 4
Application  Measuring
20%  Communicating 4
 Critical and creative thinking

Explanation of science concept in Biology by

answering question of the following aspects:
Knowledge  Lower Order Thinking Skill (S 1-4) 8
20%  Higher Order Thinking Skill (S 5-7) 12

• Evidence (folio, product, video)

• Creativity (Presentation/folio/communicative skills/ 10
Presentation 5
20% explanation)
• Collaboration (among team members)

Full marks 100%

Checked by:

…………………………….. 5
( )
Biology subject teacher

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