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1. Magistrate Courts:


These are the lowest courts and handle minor criminal and civil cases. Magistrates are
appointed by the Judicial and Legal Service Commission.

Constitutional Provision:

Article 120(9) allows for the establishment of courts subordinate to the High Court, which
includes Magistrate Courts.


Dis na di lowest courts dem en dem de handle small small criminal en civil case dem.
Magistrates dem na di one wey de run dis courts en dem de appointed by di Judicial and
Legal Service Commission.

Constitutional Provision:

Article 120(9) allow for di establishment of courts dem wey de under di High Court, wey
include Magistrate Courts.

2. High Court:


The High Court has unlimited original jurisdiction to hear and determine any civil or
criminal proceedings. It also hears appeals from lower courts.
Constitutional Provision:

Article 132(1) establishes the High Court with jurisdiction over serious civil and criminal


Di High Court get di power for hear en determine any civil or criminal case. E also de hear
appeal from di lower courts dem.

Constitutional Provision:

Article 132(1) establish di High Court wit jurisdiction over serious civil en criminal matters.

3. Court of Appeal:

English:The Court of Appeal hears appeals from the High Court and other subordinate

Constitutional Provision:

Article 128 establishes the Court of Appeal and outlines its jurisdiction to hear appeals
from the High Court.

Krio: Di Court of Appeal de hear appeal from di High Court en other lower courts dem.

Constitutional Provision:

Article 128 establish di Court of Appeal en outline e jurisdiction for hear appeal from di
High Court.

4. Supreme Court:

The Supreme Court is the highest court in Sierra Leone. It has original jurisdiction in
constitutional matters and final appellate jurisdiction over all other courts.

Constitutional Provision:

Article 120(1) establishes the Supreme Court as the final court of appeal and grants it
original jurisdiction in interpreting and enforcing the Constitution.


Di Supreme Court na di highest court na Sierra Leone. E get original jurisdiction in

constitutional matters en final appellate jurisdiction over all other courts.

Constitutional Provision:

Article 120(1) establish di Supreme Court as di final court of appeal en grant am original
jurisdiction for interpret en enforce di Constitution.

5. Specialized Courts:

English:There are also specialized courts such as the Industrial Court for labor disputes
and the Family Court for family and juvenile matters.

Krio: We get some special courts dem like di Industrial Court for labor disputes en di Family
Court for family en pikin dem matter.

The 1991 Constitution of Sierra Leone provides a clear framework for the court hierarchy to
ensure justice is served at all levels.
Di 1991 Constitution of Sierra Leone provide clear framework for di court hierarchy for
make sure say justice de served at all levels.

• Immanuel Kant’s contributions to the concept of liberalism In English and krio


1. Individual Freedom / Individual Freedom:

English: Kant believed that every person has the right to be free. He argued that we all have
the capacity to make our own decisions and live our lives as we see fit. This idea aligns with
liberalism, which emphasizes the importance of personal freedom.

Krio: Kant believe say everybody get right for be free. E say we all get di ability for make
decision dem for wisef en for live wisef life. Dis idea fit well wit liberalism because e de talk
about di importance of personal freedom.

2. Moral Autonomy / Moral Autonomy:

English: Kant stated that we should follow moral laws that we create for ourselves. This
means we shouldn’t rely on others to tell us what is right or wrong. This idea supports the
liberal principle that every individual has the right to determine their own destiny.

Krio: Kant say we all for follow moral law dem wey we create wisef. Dis mean say we nor for
depend pan other people for tell we wetin good or bad. Dis idea support di liberal principle
say every individual get di right for determine dia own destiny.

3. Republican Government :
English: Kant supported the idea of a republican government, meaning a government where
the power lies with the people. He believed that the best government is one that protects
the freedom and rights of the people. This aligns with liberalism, which advocates for
democratic government and the protection of human rights.

Krio: Kant support di idea of republican government, wey mean government wey di power
de wit di people. E believe say di best government na one wey protect di freedom en rights
of di people. Dis de line wit liberalism wey de advocate for democratic government en di
protection of human rights.

4. Perpetual Peace / Perpetual Peace:

English:Kant wrote a famous essay titled “Perpetual Peace,” in which he argued that
democratic states would not go to war with each other. He believed that if all countries
became democratic, there would be lasting peace. This idea has influenced modern liberal
thought on international relations.

Krio: Kant write one famous essay “Perpetual Peace,” wey e argue say democratic state
dem nor go fight each other. E believe say if all country dem become democratic, we go get
lasting peace. Dis idea don influence modern liberal thought on international relations.

So, Kant’s ideas have significantly shaped liberalism by emphasizing individual freedom,
moral autonomy, republican government, and the possibility of perpetual peace.

So, Kant in ideas don help shape liberalism by emphasizing individual freedom, moral
autonomy, republican government, en di possibility for perpetual peace.

• contributions of Jeremy Bentham on the concept of liberalism in both English and

krio explanation :
1. Utilitarianism :

English: Bentham is best known for his principle of utilitarianism, which suggests that the
best action or policy is the one that maximizes overall happiness or utility. This principle is
fundamental to liberalism because it focuses on the well-being of individuals and society.

Krio: Bentham na di main man behind di principle of utilitarianism, wey say di best action
or policy na di one wey go make everybody happy or bring di most benefit. Dis principle
important to liberalism because e de focus on di well-being of individuals en society.

2. Legal Reform :

English: Bentham advocated for comprehensive legal reforms to ensure that laws served
the greatest good for the greatest number of people. He argued that laws should be clear,
understandable, and designed to promote happiness and reduce suffering. This idea aligns
with liberal principles of justice and equality.

Krio:Bentham bin push for big legal reform dem for make sure say di laws dem benefit di
majority of people. E argue say laws for be clear, easy for understand, en for promote
happiness en reduce suffering. Dis idea de line wit liberal principles of justice en equality.

3. Individual Rights:

English: Bentham emphasized the importance of individual rights, arguing that laws and
policies should respect and protect the freedoms and rights of individuals. This focus on
individual rights is a cornerstone of liberalism.

Krio: Bentham emphasize di importance of individual rights, e argue say laws en policies
for respect en protect di freedom en rights of individuals. Dis focus on individual rights na
di backbone of liberalism.

4. Separation of Church and State:

English: Bentham supported the separation of church and state, believing that government
should be secular and not influenced by religious institutions. This idea is crucial to
liberalism, which advocates for freedom of religion and a secular government.

Krio: Bentham support di separation of church en state, e believe say government for be
secular en nor for let religious institution dem control am. Dis idea important to liberalism,
wey de advocate for freedom of religion en a secular government.

5. Economic Freedom:

English: Bentham believed in economic freedom and supported policies that allowed
individuals to pursue their own economic interests. He argued that a free market, regulated
by laws designed to ensure fairness and prevent harm, would lead to the greatest

Krio: Bentham believe in economic freedom en support policies wey allow people for
pursue dem own economic interests. E argue say free market, regulated by laws for ensure
fairness en prevent harm, go lead to di greatest happiness.

Jeremy Bentham’s ideas on utilitarianism, legal reform, individual rights, the separation of
church and state, and economic freedom have significantly contributed to the
development of liberalism by promoting the well-being, freedom, and rights of individuals.

Jeremy Bentham in ideas on utilitarianism, legal reform, individual rights, separation of

church en state, en economic freedom don help shape liberalism by promoting di well-
being, freedom, en rights of individuals.

• How liberalism is categories in both English and krio explanation.

1. Classical Liberalism:

Classical liberalism emphasizes individual freedom, limited government, and free markets.
It advocates for the protection of individual rights and minimal state intervention in
economic affairs.

2. Social Liberalism:

Social liberalism supports government intervention to ensure social justice and equality. It
promotes welfare policies, public education, and healthcare to ensure that everyone has
equal opportunities.

3. Economic Liberalism:

Economic liberalism focuses on free markets and free trade. It emphasizes the importance
of economic freedom and argues against government interference in the economy.

4. Political Liberalism:

Political liberalism emphasizes democratic governance, the rule of law, and the protection
of civil liberties. It supports institutions and practices that promote political participation
and the protection of individual rights.

5. Cultural Liberalism:

Advocates for the protection and promotion of individual rights in cultural and social
contexts. It supports diversity, freedom of expression, and the right to live according to
one’s own values and beliefs.


1. Classical Liberalism:
Classical liberalism de emphasize individual freedom, small government, en free market. E
de advocate for protect individual rights en mek di government nor interfere too much na
economic business.

2. Social Liberalism:

Social liberalism de support government intervention for ensure social justice en equality.
E de promote welfare policies, public education, en healthcare for mek sure everybody get
equal opportunity.

3. Economic Liberalism:

Economic liberalism de focus pan free market en free trade. E de emphasize di importance
of economic freedom en argue say government nor for interfere na di economy.

4. Political Liberalism:

Political liberalism de emphasize democratic governance, di rule of law, en di protection of

civil liberties. E de support institutions en practices wey de promote political participation
en protect individual rights.

5. Cultural Liberalism / :

Cultural liberalism de advocate for protect en promote individual rights na cultural en

social context. E de support diversity, freedom of expression, en di right for live according
to you own values en beliefs.

These categories help to understand the different dimensions and focuses of liberalism in
both societal and individual contexts.

Dis categories dem help for understand di different areas en focus of liberalism na both
society en individual context.
• The rule of law with sierra Leone 1991 constitutional provisions.

The rule of law is a fundamental principle in Sierra Leone, as outlined in the 1991
Constitution. It ensures that all individuals and institutions, including the government, are
subject to and accountable under the law. Below is an explanation of the rule of law with
reference to the 1991 Constitution of Sierra Leone in both English and Krio:


1. Supremacy of the Constitution:

The 1991 Constitution of Sierra Leone is the supreme law of the land. Article 1(1) states
that any law inconsistent with the Constitution is void to the extent of the inconsistency.
This means that the Constitution takes precedence over any other laws, ensuring the rule
of law is upheld.

2. Equality Before the Law:

Article 15 of the Constitution guarantees fundamental human rights and freedoms to every
individual, irrespective of race, tribe, place of origin, political opinions, color, creed, or sex.
This provision ensures that all citizens are equal before the law.

3. Judicial Independence:

The Constitution establishes an independent judiciary. Article 120(3) states that the
judiciary shall be independent and subject only to the Constitution. This ensures that
judges can make decisions without interference from the executive or legislative branches.

4. Right to Fair Trial:

Article 23 of the Constitution provides for the right to a fair trial. It guarantees that anyone
charged with a criminal offense shall be presumed innocent until proven guilty, have the
right to a public trial, and the right to legal representation.
5. Protection from Arbitrary Arrest and Detention:

Article 17 protects individuals from arbitrary arrest and detention. It requires that any
person who is arrested must be informed promptly of the reasons for their arrest and
brought before a court within a reasonable time.


1. Supremacy of the Constitution:

Di 1991 Constitution of Sierra Leone na di supreme law of di land. Article 1(1) say any law
wey nor match wit di Constitution, e void for dat part. Dis mean say di Constitution na di
highest law, en e de ensure say di rule of law de uphold.

2. Equality Before the Law / Equality Before the Law:

Article 15 of di Constitution guarantee fundamental human rights en freedom to everybody,

no matter race, tribe, place of origin, political opinions, color, creed, or sex. Dis provision
ensure say all citizen dem equal before di law.

3. Judicial Independence / Judicial Independence:

Di Constitution establish an independent judiciary. Article 120(3) say di judiciary for be

independent en subject only to di Constitution. Dis ensure say judges dem fit make
decision dem without interference from di executive or legislative branches.

4. Right to Fair Trial / Right to Fair Trial:

Article 23 of di Constitution provide for di right to fair trial. E guarantee say anybody wey
dem charge wit criminal offense for be presumed innocent until proven guilty, get di right to
public trial, en di right to legal representation.

5. Protection from Arbitrary Arrest and Detention:

Article 17 protect individuals from arbitrary arrest en detention. E require say any person
wey dem arrest must be informed promptly of di reasons for dia arrest en brought before
court within reasonable time.

The rule of law, as enshrined in the 1991 Constitution of Sierra Leone, ensures that all
individuals and government authorities are accountable under the law, protecting the
rights and freedoms of all citizens.

Di rule of law, as enshrined na di 1991 Constitution of Sierra Leone, ensure say all
individuals en government authorities accountable under di law, protecting di rights en
freedom of all citizens.


When was the league of nations established?

Di League of Nations bin established on January 10, 1920. Dem form am after di Treaty of
Versailles, wey end World War I, wit di aim for maintain world peace en prevent future

• Why was the league of nations



1. Preventing Wars:

The primary goal of the League of Nations was to prevent another global conflict like World
War I. It aimed to provide a platform where countries could resolve their disputes
peacefully through negotiation and arbitration.

2. Promoting Disarmament:

The League encouraged nations to reduce their military forces and weapons, aiming to
lower the chances of war.
3. Ensuring Collective Security:

The League promoted the idea that an attack on one member would be considered an
attack on all members. This collective security approach was intended to deter aggression.

4. Promoting International Cooperation:

The League aimed to foster cooperation in areas such as health, labor conditions, refugee
affairs, and other global issues.


1. For Prevent Wars:

Di main goal of di League of Nations na for prevent another big war like World War I. E aim
for provide platform wey countries go fit settle dem palaver peacefully through negotiation
en arbitration.

2. For Promote Disarmament:

Di League encourage nations for reduce dem military forces en weapons, aiming for lower
di chances of war.

3. For Ensure Collective Security:

Di League promote di idea say attack on one member na attack on all members. Dis
collective security approach meant for scare aggressors dem.

4. For Promote International Cooperation:

Di League aim for foster cooperation in areas like health, labor conditions, refugee affairs,
en other global issues.

English Explanation

Niccolò Machiavelli, an Italian Renaissance thinker, introduced a form of political realism

in his work “The Prince.” He advocated for rulers to prioritize practicality and effectiveness
in governance over moral considerations. Machiavelli believed that successful leaders
should be pragmatic and willing to use any means necessary to maintain power and
stability, even if those means are morally questionable. His ideas emphasized the
importance of understanding human nature, political stability, and the strategic use of

“The end justifies the means”.

Krio Explanation

Niccolò Machiavelli, wey bin na one Italian thinker during di Renaissance period, bring one
style of political realism inside e book “The Prince.” E talk say, rulers for prioritize
practicality and effectiveness for how dem go rule over moral considerations. Machiavelli
believe say, any leader wey wan succeed for power for politics for example, for use any
means wey necessary, even if e no moral. E ideas show say e important for leader for
understand how people behave, make sure say politics dey stable, and for use power for
strategic way.

Machiavelli ideas don influence political thinking for long time, because e challenge
traditional ideas about leadership and morality.


Thucydides, an ancient Greek historian and author of “History of the Peloponnesian War,” is
known for his realistic approach to history and politics. His work provides insights into
human behavior, power dynamics, and the causes and effects of war. Thucydides’ realism
can be summarized as follows:
English Explanation

Thucydides approached history with a focus on factual accuracy and a deep understanding
of human nature. He emphasized the role of power, fear, and self-interest in shaping
political decisions and actions. Thucydides believed that conflicts often arise from the
pursuit of power and security, driven by human nature’s inherent flaws and ambitions. His
analysis of the Peloponnesian War showcases how alliances, betrayals, and strategic
calculations influence the course of history. Thucydides’ work remains influential for its
realism and emphasis on the complex motivations behind historical events.

Krio Explanation

Thucydides, one old Greek historian and author of “History of the Peloponnesian War,” bin
get one realist approach for how e write history and politics. E focus on correct facts and
understand human nature well. Thucydides believe say, power, fear, and people own
interest na wetin dey cause political decisions and actions. E argue say, wars and conflict
often happen because people dey try for gain power and security, and dem fit betray or
form alliances based on their own interest. Thucydides work, especially e analysis of the
Peloponnesian War, show how these things influence history.


English Explanation

The concept of the balance of power in international relations refers to a situation where no
single nation or alliance of nations is dominant enough to threaten the existence of others.
It is a principle aimed at preventing any one state from gaining hegemony over others,
thereby maintaining stability and peace in the international system

Krio Explanation

Balance of power na one concept inside international relations, wey aim for make sure say
no one country or group of countries too strong reach for threaten other countries dem
survival. E aim for keep peace and stability for international system.

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