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Class - 3rd

Subject- English

Test Paper

Duration : 40min MM :20

1. Arrange the following group of words to make complete sense.

a) flower beautiful a rose the is
b) Dog an pet is animal
c) Dancing peacock the is
d) Umbrella pretty my is very
e) Cove toys children
2. Rewrite the following sentences correctly.
a) a balloon is full of air
b) india is my country
c) fish live in water
d) the sun rises in the east
e) the cow gives us milk.
3. Make a meaningful sentences using both columns.
a) Delhi - seven days
b) The Taj Mahal - capital of India
c) Vidhi is - gives us milk
d) A week has - in the sky
e) An aeroplane - singing a song
4. Write a leave application.
5. Write a paragraph on MY NEW SCHOOL.

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