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Student Name: ___________________________________________ Date: _____________________________________

Strand/Year/Section:_______________________________________ WI Teacher: _______________________________

Directions: Please rate the resume using the criteria listed below.
Criteria Excellent Very Good Satisfactory Needs Improvement SCORE
5 4 3 2
Overall Information is Information is mostly Information is Information is not
Appearance organized in a way organized in a way somewhat organized in a way
that serves the that serves the organized in a way that serves the
purpose of the purpose of the that serves the purpose of the
document document purpose of the document
Resume -Heading, objective, -Heading, objective, -Heading, objective, -Missing one of the
Content skills, experience, and experience, skills and experience and following: heading,
education covered in education covered in education covered objective,
detail some detail with little detail experience, or
-Extra information -Extra information -Minimum extra education
given to enhance given to enhance information given to -No extra information
resume resume enhance resume given to enhance
Spelling and No spelling errors 1-2 spelling errors 3-4 spelling errors 5-6 spelling errors
Grammar No grammar errors 1-2 grammar errors 3-4 grammar errors 5-6 grammar errors
Consistent, -All formatting is -Almost all formatting -The document -Formatting is very
appropriate consistent throughout is consistent contains significant inconsistent
formatting the document throughout the inconsistencies in and margins are
-Balanced margins document formatting inappropriate
with eye appeal Balanced margins -Balanced margins -Formatting choices
-Format highlights -Format highlights -Format highlights interfere with the
strengths and strengths and strengths and purpose of the
information information information document
-Appropriate fonts adequately somewhat
and point size used -Appropriate fonts
with variety and point size used
with variety
TOTAL SCORE (sum of all scores) /20

____________________________________________ _____________________
Signature of Interviewer/Evaluator over Printed Name Date

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