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Select 4-R



Select 4-R is Hubbell Power Systems’ online software for the application of Fargo 4-R
Stockbridge-type dampers to provide vibration protection of open-wire overhead power
line conductors and shield wire cables.

Damper recommendations are based on user defined inputs of basic line design and
operating environment data for specific line construction or re-conductor projects.

Dampers recommended are designed to protect conductors and shield wire cables
from bending strains associated with small-amplitude conductor motion known as
Aeolian vibration, most prevalent under steady cross winds in the 2.5 to 20 mph range.

Large-amplitude, low-frequency conductor/cable motion, known as galloping, is

typically associated with ice buildup o n l i n e s a n d strong winds. Galloping
c a n damage line components, including vibration dampers, and must be
prevented by other motion control devices. Possible galloping mitigation devices
may include air flow spoilers or interphase spacers. For more information on
these products, contact your Hubbell Representative.

To access the Fargo Select 4-R damper selection program and other online
product application tools, visit us at:

Hubbell Power Systems - Products for Electric Utilities, Telecommunications and Construction

Thank you for specifying Fargo 4-R dampers to provide Aeolian vibration protection for
conductors/cables on your overhead, open-wire, power line projects.

Select 4-R Ins Hubbell Power Systems 02/17/15

Leeds, AL 35004
Hubbell / FARGO®
Select 4-RTM

Table of Contents

Registration / Login ………………………………………………………….. 3

User Interface Screens

Project & Line Environment ……………………………………………… 4
Cable Selection …………………………………………………………... 5
Line Configuration ………………………………………………………… 6
Multi-Span Section………………………………...……………………7
Deadend Span ………………………………………………………… 8
Importing (copying) Spans data………………………………………. 9
Tension …………………………………………………………….…...10
Supports …………………………………………..……………………… 11
Damper Recommendations
Summary ……………………………………………………………… 12
Multi-Span Section detail…………………………………………….. 13
Deadend Span detail ……………………………………………… 15

Submit Recommendation Request……………………………………. 16

Select 4-R Ins Hubbell Power Systems 02/17/15

Leeds, AL 35004
Hubbell / FARGO®
Select 4-RTM

Registration / Login
Select 4-R Damper Application Program access is offered online to power
transmission line designers who register with Hubbell Power Systems and agree to
the program terms of use.

To register for program access, and to login once registered, establish your internet
connection and go to www.hpsapps.com/damper. When the following screen

…click “New User Registration”. Complete the registration screen inputs and click on
Submit Request. Registration requests will be reviewed and, on approval, your user
account will be setup and confirmed by return e-mail.

Should others in your organization need program access, they should also complete the
registration process. Allowing others to log on using your user ID could block program
access when you need it.

Program screen copies with comments and instructions are provided on the following

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Select 4-RTM

Project Screen

Required Inputs:
 Project Name
 Line Voltage
 Line Owner/Utility

Terrain along line route:

 Open Flat Land (Default)
 Open Water or Snow Covered Flat Land
 Hills & Trees

Project Files:
 Click on “Existing Projects List” link to view a list of damper selection projects you have
created previously.
 Project recommendation files are saved online until user deletes them or until server
file storage limits are reached. Before old project files are deleted by Hubbell, notice
will be sent to the user’s e-mail address on file.
 Existing Project files may be opened to add-to, change or review line design input

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Cable Selection Screen

Position the list using Cable Filter value inputs.

 Cable type default is ACSR. Use drop down arrow to select other types.
 Manually enter Size to subset cables in the Type.
 Click on a conductor/cable to select.
 Bold font indicates cables with damper recommendation data currently available online.
 Selection of cables in non-bold font will allow user to submit line design inputs
needed by Hubbell to analyze that cable in detail using its conductor modeling and
damper response software, provide a project-specific recommendation, and allow for
an update of the online recommendations database.

Cable Application
 “Phase” indicates phase conductor.
 “Shield” indicates shield-wire cable.
OPGW cable damper recommendations are currently provided as custom off-line
recommendations. The required cable specifications and support type details, along
with span and tension inputs may be submitted via the app after selecting the generic
cable type “OPGW”.

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Select 4-RTM

Line Configuration

Phase Conductor

Shield Wire

Change default inputs to match line design for number of Circuits, Phases/Circuit and
Conductors/Phase, or number of shield wires (if applicable) – Program calculation of total
damper quantity recommended utilizes these parameters.

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Select 4-RTM

Spans (Multi-Span line section)

Required Inputs
 General recommendation where no spans list is yet available – Input Ruling Span, Minimum
Span, Maximum Span and Number of Spans. This approach produces the recommended
damper catalog number(s) and protected span length limits.
 Detailed recommendation where actual/planned line section spans lengths are available.
All spans for a line section are input via the Individual Spans List array field. Spans list
entry may be copied from a line-design spans list or staking sheet, or may keyed- in with
individual spans separated by a comma, space or return/enter key. This approach allows
the program to recommend a required number of dampers for each ruling-span section,
and to generate detailed graphics for each span type in the section.
The program recommendations assume the first span in Individual Spans List is the
Deadend-to-Suspension span at the start of the line section, and the last span in the list is
the Suspension-to-Deadend at the end of the line section.

Optional Input
 Ruling Span Section ID (up to 10 characters).

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Select 4-RTM

Spans (Deadend)

Required Inputs
 Single Deadend-to-Deadend check box (closes input fields not applicable).
 Ruling Span length.

Optional Input
 Ruling Span ID (up to 10 characters)

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Select 4-RTM

Spans (Copying spans data for second cable addition)

When an additional cable is added, spans data can be imported (copied) from the
cable spans entered previously

In this example, a 7 # 8 AW shield wire cable is being added to the same line
section structures supporting the 954 ACSR “Cardinal” phase conductor added

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Select 4-RTM

Ruling Span Tension

Required Inputs
 Initial Unloaded Tension (if new conductor installation).
 Final Unloaded Tension.
 Tension values may be input as %RBS if actual design tensions are not yet defined, or if
utility standard practice standardizes unloaded tension to a fixed % of cable RBS (Rated
Breaking Strength).

Input Limits
 Tension inputs are coldest month “unloaded” (no ice or wind load) values.
 Final Tension cannot be greater than Initial Tension.

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Select 4-RTM

Supports (Suspension Type)

Selection Input
 Suspension type applies to all suspension spans of selected conductor/cable.
 This screen does not appear for deadend-to-deadend spans.
 Line Guards not available for some cable sizes. In those cases the suspension type
selection “Clamps with Line Guards” will not appear.

 When Clamps with Armor Rods or Formed Wire Suspension supports (AGS/HCS)
are selected, the user has the option to specify “Apply Dampers over Suspension
Support Rods”. Standard support rod dimensions are displayed for reference.
 User may input non-standard suspension support rod dimensions. If non-standard
rods are specified, the online database recommendations may not apply, and a
message will appear later in the process prompting the user to submit the design
inputs via an e-mail request for a custom recommendation.

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Select 4-RTM

Damper Recommendations (Phase Conductor view)

Recommendations for all Ruling Span Line sections

 Two cable project example with Phase Conductor cable recommendation shown. Click
on the second cable I.D. to toggle display to Shield Wire cable recommendation.
 Edit links available – Click on RS ID, Tension, Suspension Type or Damper Mounting
(drop down lists).
 To view Ruling Span Section graphic with spacing dimension references, click on the
magnifying glass icon next to Ruling Span ID
 Click on damper catalog number to view damper specifications in the online catalog.

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Select 4-RTM

Recommendation Detail Display

(Multi-Span Line Section)

 Detail Display showing all spans in the selected ruling span section.
Return to full summery screen with Back Arrow - Avoid closing the
browser as that will close the application with a 5 minute lock out before
 Click on any span graphic link to view a span-type graphic showing
damper spacing reference dimensions. See next page for the 4 span-type
graphics for the above recommendation detail.

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Select 4-RTM

Recommendation Detail Display

(Multi-Span Section – Span-type Damper Placement Graphics)

Deadend-to-Suspension Span, 1 Damper

Suspension Span, 1 Damper

Suspension Span, 2 Dampers

Suspension-to-Deadend Span, 3 Dampers

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Select 4-RTM

Recommendation – Detail Display (Deadend Span)

 Conservative standard practice where dampers are applied at deadends is
to apply dampers in pairs as shown above. The intent is to ensure that no
matter how the traveling vibration wave nodes move around, at least one
damper will always be near an anti-node for optimum vibration protection.
 In a deadend span, the program will recommend either 2 or 4 dampers
depending on the span conditions of length and tension.
 Return to full summery screen with Back Arrow - Avoid closing the
browser as that will close the application with a 5 minute lock out before

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Select 4-RTM

Submit Recommendation Request

Where damper solutions are not currently available for a given conductor or cable, the
program includes a Submit Request feature to allow users to select a cable, input line
design parameters and submit a request for recommendation to Hubbell Power
Systems via an e-mail interface.

Typical request-for-recommendation scenarios:

 Conductor/cable in user’s project has not yet been analyzed by Hubbell Power
Systems for a specific Fargo 4-R damper recommendation. This currently
includes any OPGW cable damper recommendation requests.

 Project cable support (suspension type) “Clamps with Armor Rods” or “Formed-
Wire Suspensions” are being specified with non-standard rod diameters or rod
lengths. The user triggers this type of request submittal option when non-
standard rod dimensions are keyed during the selection of Conductor Support
suspension type.

 Project cable unloaded tension input exceeds the maximum value in the online
damper recommendation database for that specific cable.

Once the user has input the required project and line design parameters and selected
the Submit Via E-mail function, the program will pull the inputs into a file and send it as
an attachment to the user-generated e-mail.

Hubbell Power Systems will review the submitted data and reply with a specific damper
recommendation. The default e-mail reply address will be the one provided by user
during online registration for program access – It may be edited on the e-mail submit
form if it has changed.

Hubbell Power Systems’ analysis of the submitted data will typically be a custom
recommendation report returned via e-mail and, for common conductors, general
recommendations data will be generated and used to update the online database for
future online recommendation access.

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