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Virtual Meetings- Guidelines and Etiquettes

Guidelines for Organizers

Before a meeting:

 Purpose of the meeting: Can the matter be resolved through a quick email or chat?
Schedule a meeting only if your answer to this question is a no.
If you do not have a purpose do not schedule a meeting.
 Invite only those who are required: Invite only those people who are relevant to the
discussion / decision in the matter, as an overcrowded meeting room won’t get the desired
outcome from the meeting.
 Scheduling the meeting:
 Choose the right time and place/ medium for the meeting.
 Send an official meeting invite in advance so that participants can block their time for
the meeting. Do not schedule a last minute meeting
 Have a pre-decided Agenda for the meeting and based on the agenda items decide on
the time that will be required for the meeting. Do not set too much or too less time for
the meeting.
 Decide who will be taking the minutes of the meeting
 Prepare for the meeting
 In case of any last minute conflict please cancel the meeting well in advance with a note
on the reason for cancellation and specify if the meeting will be rescheduled with
timelines if defined

During the meeting

 Don’t be late: Join the meeting at least 5 minutes prior to the scheduled time and check the
setup for the meeting. If you have a presentation check for any technical issues. Being there
before time will ensure you are well prepared for the meeting
 Wait for all participants to join the meeting: Give a couple of minutes for the necessary
participants to join before you begin. Having said that do not wait forever, respect time of those
who have joined on time.
 Introductions: In case of any of the parties at the meeting do not know each other have a
small round of introduction
 Don’t interrupt, Listen : Do not interrupt others when they are speaking and let them finish
their point before you start speaking.
 Drive the meeting well:
 Make notes with all the points to be discussed, and ensure you cover each point on the
agenda giving adequate time to each of the important items.
 Ensure that each participant has an opportunity to put their points forth and no one
person dominates the discussions
 Ensure that decisions are arrived at and discussions do not stray off topic. If they do,
please bring the discussion back to the topic.
 Follow the timeline you set up for the meeting and end the meeting on time. Don’t
simply run overtime. If you have any agenda items pending to be discussed, please
schedule another meeting.
 Leave time for questions to clarify any discrepancies. If the participants have many
relevant questions and there isn’t enough time to cover them all in the allotted time
check with the participants if they would like to stay back to finish the discussion.

After the meeting

 Follow up meeting with Minutes/notes and share action items

 Share notes and reminders after the meeting, thank all the participants for attending the
 Mention the owners for each action items in the minutes of the meeting and set deadlines
for each of these action items.
 Follow up on action items based on the timelines

Guidelines for Participants:

 RSVP – Whenever you are invited to a meeting ensure that you respond to the invite either
Accept or decline and in case you are not certain of your participation tentatively accept the
invite. In case you have accepted the meeting invite and are unable to attend due other last
minute conflicts let the organizer know of your inability to attend along with the reason for
 Be Punctual – Please join the meeting at least 5 minutes before scheduled time to ensure
there are no last minute technical challenges at your end. If this is not possible at least join on
time arriving late will keep other participants waiting and delay the meeting.
 Pay attention during the meeting: Please be attentive during the meeting, do not fidget
with your belongings or look into your cellphone. Switch off your phone if that is not possible
put it on silent mode. Do not distract others
 Be Prepared and Contribute: If the organizer has shared the agenda well in advance go
prepared for the meeting with any points that may require your inputs. Contribute during the
meeting actively and not be a silent listener.
 Respect the speakers – Let the person speaking finish their point before putting your point
forth, and do not dominate the discussion. Allow others to contribute to the meeting.
 Do not leave the meeting mid-way: Do not leave a meeting mid-way, in case of any other
commitments, excuse yourself from attending the meeting
 Follow up/Action items: Check the Minutes of the meeting for any action items that you
may be assigned and ensure closure of these action items. Share an update with the concerned
people/organizer of the progress of these action items.

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