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G E T TI N G T H E R E : P R O T O - P S Y C H I A TR Y

Improving mental health literacy as a strategy

to facilitate early intervention for mental disorders
Claire M Kelly, Anthony F Jorm and Annemarie Wright

M ental disorders often arise for the first time in adolescents

or young adults. If they are recognised and treated early,
this may increase the chances of a better long-term
outcome.1 However, in practice, professional help is often not
sought at all or only sought after a delay. Early recognition and
• Good mental health literacy in young people and their key
helpers may lead to better outcomes for those with mental
disorders, either by facilitating early help-seeking by young
people themselves, or by helping adults to identify early signs
appropriate help-seeking will only occur if young people and their
of mental disorders and seek help on their behalf.
“supporters” (eg, their family, teachers, and friends) know about
the early • Few interventions to improve mental health literacy of young
The changes
Medical produced
Journal of by mentalISSN:
Australia disorders,
0025-the best types of
help available, and how to access this help. It is also important that people and their helpers have been evaluated, and even
729X 1 October 2007 187 7 S26-S30
the supporters know Journal
how to ofprovide appropriate first aid and fewer have been well evaluated.
©The Medical Australia 2007
ongoing help. Knowledge and skills of this sort have been termed • There are four categories of interventions to improve mental
Getting 1
“mental healththere: proto-psychiatry
literacy”. Here, we review what is known about the health literacy: whole-of-community campaigns; community
mental health literacy of young people and their supporters, campaigns aimed at a youth audience; school-based
including areas where there are deficiencies, and examine ways in interventions teaching help-seeking skills, mental health
which mental health literacy can be improved. literacy, or resilience; and programs training individuals to
better intervene in a mental health crisis.
Review method • The effectiveness of future interventions could be enhanced
We searched PubMed and PsycINFO for all studies using the by using specific health promotion models to guide their
phrase “mental health literacy”. The studies identified were supple- development.
MJA 2007; 187: S26–S30
mented by all studies in a recent review by Jorm and Kelly,2 studies
known to us that were “in press”, and studies found by searching
the reference lists of all located studies. Only studies relevant to help is strongly endorsed for young people with mental health
young people and their carers were included. problems, most young people prefer to speak to a friend or family
member if they have a mental health problem.6
What young people and their supporters know about Young people are ill-equipped to provide help to peers suffering
mental illness from mental illness. Around a quarter of a sample of 13–16-year-
olds said they would directly engage an appropriate adult helper,
Young people have similar deficits to adults in terms of mental
and half said they would try to help their friend solely through
health literacy.1,3-5 Lack of recognition of mental illnesses is a
positive social support. Similar results were found in research on
primary concern, as is the failure to recognise appropriate profes-
responding to peers who are suicidal,7 although, when suicidal
sional help and pharmacological treatments. Around half the
intent was described as being more overt, young people were more
young people surveyed in a number of different studies were able
likely to engage adult help. A social history of suicide or suicidal
to identify depression from a vignette.3-5 Young adults (18–25
behaviour predicted more active referral as well.
years) were better able to identify depression than adolescents,4 as
Less attention has been given to the knowledge that adults
were young women compared with young men.3-5 A vignette of
have about young people’s mental health. One study found that,
psychosis was correctly identified as such by only a quarter of when presented with a vignette of depression, 68% of parents
participants in one study,4 more by older than younger partici- (73% of mothers and 41% of fathers) were able to identify
pants and more by female than male participants. depression, but only a third of the parents approached for this
Many young people do not have positive attitudes towards study completed the questionnaire, making generalisation diffi-
medication. In one study, half the adolescents and 40% of 18–25- cult (unpublished data). More recently, a national survey of
year-olds felt that antidepressants were helpful,4 whereas, in Australian parents of young people found that the value of
another study, 57% of a sample of 13–16-year-olds felt that encouraging a young person with a mental illness to seek
antidepressants were helpful.3 While the debate about the appro- professional help was not universally recognised.8 Parents had a
priateness of antidepressants for adolescents continues, it is preference for informal and general sources of help, rather than
unlikely that these attitudes can be explained by any sophisticated specialist mental health services.9
knowledge of the evidence for efficacy. More likely, there is an
overall belief that medication is undesirable. Only 40% of a sample
of 12–25-year-olds considered that antipsychotics would be useful What has been done to improve the knowledge and
for a person described in a vignette of psychosis. beliefs of young people and their supporters?
Young people have slightly more positive attitudes towards Research on interventions to improve the mental health literacy
professional help in general (eg, seeing a psychologist, general and skills of young people has been relatively scarce and at times
practitioner or psychiatrist), although these attitudes are not poorly evaluated. Nevertheless, several have been evaluated, as
reflected in their own help-seeking preferences. While professional summarised in the Box (pages S27–S28).

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G E T TI N G T H E R E : P R O T O - P S Y C H I A TR Y

Summary of interventions to improve the mental health literacy of young people

Intervention/setting Aims Intervention Evaluation Results

Whole-of-community interventions
beyondblue: the National To improve the knowledge Public awareness activities Ongoing evaluation Improvements in knowledge
Depression Initiative and attitudes of the public including distribution of via the national and attitudes of the public have
(public awareness about depression and posters, pamphlets and depression monitor, been found in the Australian
campaign)10 related conditions, postcards, a website with and research done states where beyondblue is
Australia including people information, television by independent most active. beyondblue is a
Evidence level: III-2* experiencing depression, advertising, advertisements bodies well known organisation, as
their families and in print media and evidenced by research asking
workplaces, young educational videos about mental health
people, older people, and organisations
Indigenous Australians
The Mental Health To improve knowledge Two 2-hour information Pre- and post- Improved post-intervention
Awareness in Action about mental illness and sessions about mental illness. intervention knowledge in both groups. No
program11,12 decrease stigma in those Half the participants had a questionnaires with improvement in desired social
United Kingdom who support young consumer–educator facilitate 78 adults and 109 distance. Contact with a
people in the community, one of the sessions to provide police officers consumer–facilitator did not
Evidence level: III-2*
and police officers a personal perspective predict improved attitudes
Community interventions targeted at young people
The Compass Strategy4 To improve mental health Community awareness Pre- and post- Improved awareness of mental
Australia literacy and help-seeking campaign targeting an intervention mental health campaigns; better
for depression and intervention region including health literacy survey identification of depression in
Evidence level: III-1*
psychosis among cinema, radio and newspaper (cross-sectional) self; improved help-seeking for
young people advertising, printed materials, conducted in depression; correct estimate of
a website and information intervention and prevalence of mental health
telephone line, and close control regions of problems; increased awareness
liaison with community Melbourne; 1200 of suicide risk; reduction in
service providers respondents aged perceived barriers to help-
12–25 years seeking
School-based interventions
MindMatters To increase mental health Varied. MindMatters provides No baseline No change in social distance
(“Understanding mental literacy and decrease curriculum support materials questionnaires. measures. Changes in mental
illness” materials)13,14 social distance in to all schools in Australia, but Students and school health literacy could not be
Australia secondary schools the use of these is not staff completed assessed
standardised. Schools are post-intervention
Evidence level: IV*
encouraged to make the questionnaires
materials fit in with their own
beyondblue Schools To increase mental health Twenty-five intervention Questionnaires at Expected in the next
Research Initiative (mental literacy and decrease schools ran a number of different stages of 12 months
health literacy social distance in resilience enhancing the 3-year intensive
component)15 secondary schools programs, mental health intervention, in
Australia literacy curricula and related intervention and
Evidence level: III-1* activities over a 3-year period, control schools
and mental health
information sessions were
conducted for the school
community. Twenty-five
matched schools were
selected as controls
Mental Illness Education16 To reduce stigmatising Information and awareness Pre- and post- Improvements in mental
Australia attitudes, and improve sessions run in-school by intervention health literacy, including the
mental health literacy a presenter and either a questionnaires ability to recognise mental
Evidence level: IV*
and help-seeking consumer–educator or completed by students illnesses; modest
intentions in secondary carer–educator, or both (n = 457) who did and improvements in stigmatising
school students did not attend the attitudes; weak improvements
information sessions in help-seeking intentions
Continued on page S28
* National Health and Medical Research Council levels of evidence. I: Systematic review of randomised controlled trials. II: One properly designed randomised controlled
trial. III-1: One well designed pseudo-randomised controlled trial. III-2: Non-randomised trials, case–control and cohort studies. III-3: Studies with historical controls,
single-arm studies, or interrupted time series. IV: Case-series evidence. ◆

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G E T TI N G T H E R E : P R O T O - P S Y C H I A TR Y

Summary of interventions to improve the mental health literacy of young people (continued)

Intervention/setting Aims Intervention Evaluation Results

School-based interventions (continued)
The Science of Mental To improve knowledge Eight-week curriculum Pre- and post- Improved knowledge about
Illness curriculum and attitudes of students focusing on the science intervention mental disorders; reduction
supplement series about mental health in of mental illness, causes questionnaires in desired social distance
(National Institute of Years 6–8 and risk factors, treatments, distributed to and stigmatising attitudes;
Mental Health)17 and stigma 1500 students improved understanding of the
United States biological nature of mental
illness and treatments
Evidence level: IV*
Mental Health To improve knowledge Two 1-hour information Pre- and post- Significant improvements in
Awareness in Action about mental illness sessions about mental intervention and 1-month stigmatising attitudes; small
program12 and decrease stigma illness. Half the students follow-up questionnaires but significant improvements
United Kingdom in secondary schools had a consumer–educator in knowledge. Improvement
Evidence level: IV* facilitate one of the sessions persisted at 1-month follow-up
to provide personal but had decreased. Greater
perspective and more lasting improvement
among the students who had
met a consumer–educator
Mental Illness Awareness To increase help-seeking Psychiatry residents visited Students who received Students who were involved in
Week program18 intention and improve secondary schools and the intervention the classroom sessions showed
United States attitudes toward spoke to classes of students. (n = 1380) and students modest improvements in
psychiatrists in Residents spoke about who did not (n = 282) intention to speak to a
Evidence level: III-2*
secondary school help-seeking, depression, completed a post- counsellor or a psychiatrist.
students professional help, drug intervention test The talks were enjoyed by
and alcohol use, and suicide, most and stimulated interest
but subject matter was not in learning about other
standardised sensitive topics
“Crazy? So what! It’s To reduce stigmatising A highly interactive “project Pre- and post-test, with Decrease in stigmatising and
normal to be different”19 attitudes and decrease week” involving meeting 90 students and 60 discriminatory attitudes toward
Germany desired social distance with and talking to a young controls. One-month people with schizophrenia.
Evidence level: III-2* from people with person with schizophrenia, follow-up Increased willingness to enter
schizophrenia in discussion of the impact of a social relationship with a
secondary school stigmatising attitudes, and person with schizophrenia.
students information about living Benefits were maintained at
with schizophrenia follow-up
Individual training programs
Mental health first aid20 To improve recognition Twelve-hour course teaching One uncontrolled trial Improved ability to identify
Australia of mental health recognition, causes, risk with the public (n = 210); psychosis and depression;
Evidence level: II* problems, teach factors, and treatments two randomised wait-list greater concurrence with
participants to offer help for depression, anxiety controlled trials in professionals about
and support to those disorders, psychosis, workplaces (n = 301); appropriate treatments;
suffering from mental substance use disorders, one randomised reduction in desired social
health problems, and and related crises wait-list controlled distance from a person with
increase help-seeking effectiveness trial in a mental illness; improved
through facilitation by large rural area (n = 753) confidence in offering help;
participants more help offered
Suicide Intervention To train peer supporters Two-day Applied Suicide Pre-test (n = 42) and Modest improvements
Project21 in a university Intervention Skills Training 2-week post-test (n = 27). in mental health literacy
Australia environment to (ASIST) program; Mental Participants were were detected, but no
Evidence level: IV* recognise emotional Illness Education session assessed on mental improvements in behaviour.
distress in fellow (consumers and carers health literacy, intention Only 2 weeks elapsed between
students, feel speak of the experience to offer help, number intervention and assessment.
comfortable talking of living with mental illness); of conversations about No follow-up evaluation was
to them about feelings, presentations by university feelings, perceived conducted
and know when to counselling services on behavioural control, and
suggest using services. campus; written materials social connectedness
* National Health and Medical Research Council levels of evidence. I: Systematic review of randomised controlled trials. II: One properly designed randomised
controlled trial. III-1: One well designed pseudo-randomised controlled trial. III-2: Non-randomised trials, case–control and cohort studies. III-3: Studies with historical
controls, single-arm studies, or interrupted time series. IV: Case-series evidence. ◆

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G E T TI N G T H E R E : P R O T O - P S Y C H I A TR Y

Some of these interventions aimed to increase the mental health 4. Messages need to be designed to appeal to the different groups;
literacy of the whole community, while others specifically targeted for example, the needs of young people at high risk of mental
young people. Schools have been a popular setting for interven- health problems may be very different from the needs of young
tion, because they are a convenient point to access young people. people in general, and the preferred style of messages may be
Anecdotally, many secondary schools provide some information to very different for young adults and adolescents.
students about mental illness. However, there is no standardisation 5. Messages should be placed with appropriate types of media;
of mental health education in schools. Finally, there are programs for example, messages directed at adolescents may be more
that train people, including those who can support young people, effectively placed in cinema advertising and youth media,
in mental health first-aid skills. Despite the limitations of the rather than in newspapers.
evidence, it is clear that mental health literacy can be improved 6. Evaluation must be carried out to ensure that the messages are
through planned intervention. reaching the target audience. If they are not, it is important to
One underdeveloped area of interest is peer training. The rethink the approach and try something different.
Suicide Intervention Project21 trained a number of peer “gatekeep- 7. Campaigns must be evaluated to find out whether they have
ers”, to intervene when someone is suicidal in a university setting, been successful in changing behaviours and attitudes, or
but no similar work has been done with younger people. One meeting other goals. Evaluation built into any campaign, at any
reason that such training has not been developed is the possibility level, ensures that resources are not wasted.
that it may be onerous and frightening for the young people who The mental health literacy of young people and their supporters
are expected to intervene when someone is distressed. However, as is an important area for continued research and intervention. In
indicated by Kelly et al3 and Dunham,7 young people are unlikely order for early intervention to occur, young people and their
to approach or engage adult help when a friend is distressed or supporters must be able to recognise and respond appropriately to
suicidal, and peer gatekeeper training for young people could be as signs of distress, reduced functioning, and other signs of incipient
simple as teaching them to get the help of an adult if ongoing mental illness. Future intervention research must focus on the
distress or thoughts of suicide are apparent. Given that young most efficient ways of improving knowledge and promoting
people are more likely to speak to a friend about distress than any health-enhancing behaviour, such as help-seeking. Considerations
health professional,5 a relatively simple intervention such as this of cost-effectiveness, as well as other resource issues like time and
may be successful. sustainability, must be prioritised. It is important that the lessons
from past interventions designed to improve mental health literacy
What are the effective components in programs to are used to inform the development and evaluation of more
improve mental health literacy? effective approaches, particularly with the new opportunities
provided by Australian Government funding for headspace (the
There is little evidence as to what components of a program work
National Youth Mental Health Foundation) (see McGorry et al,
when educating young people or adults about mental health. A
page S68).
review of the “active ingredients” of antistigma programs9 found
that, in young people, greater improvement in stigmatising atti-
tudes was predicted by contact with a consumer–educator. Adults Competing interests
claimed that the contact with the consumer–educator had the None identified.
greatest impact on them in terms of the content of the course;
however, no difference was found between those who did and did
not have such contact. Author details
There is, however, a great deal to be learned from the general Claire M Kelly, PhD, BA(Hons), Postdoctoral Fellow
health promotion literature. A recent review of the past 10 years’ Anthony F Jorm, DSc, PhD, Professorial Fellow
mass media health campaigns22 found that there are seven impor- Annemarie Wright, DAppSc(OT), MMedSc(HProm), Research Officer
tant components of a successful campaign. ORYGEN Research Centre, University of Melbourne, Melbourne, VIC.
1. It is necessary to carry out preliminary research with the Correspondence:
audience to whom the messages will be directed. Performing
focus-group research or other qualitative research designs References
ensures that messages are tailored appropriately.
1 Jorm AF, Korten AE, Jacomb PA, et al. “Mental health literacy”: a survey
2. A proven theoretical base on which to build the campaign is of the public’s ability to recognise mental disorders and their beliefs
essential. There are remarkably few campaigns that are able to about the effectiveness of treatment. Med J Aust 1997; 166: 182-186.
demonstrate that they have a solid theoretical basis. Notable 2 Jorm AF, Kelly CM. Improving the public’s understanding and response
exceptions are the Suicide Intervention Project,21 which used to mental disorders. Aust Psychol 2007; 42: 81-89.
the Theory of Planned Behaviour Model,23 and the Compass 3 Kelly C, Jorm A, Rodgers B. Adolescents’ responses to peers with
depression or conduct disorder. Aust N Z J Psychiatry 2006; 40: 63-66.
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4 Wright A, McGorry PD, Harris MG, et al. Development and evaluation of
Change Model,24 the Health Belief Model,25 and the Diffusion a youth mental health community awareness campaign: the Compass
of Innovations Model.26 The Compass Strategy deserves a Strategy. BMC Public Health 2006; 6: 215.
special note here, in particular because the whole strategy 5 Burns J, Rapee R. Adolescent mental health literacy: young people’s
design, implementation and evaluation was informed by the knowledge of depression and help seeking. J Adolesc 2005; 29: 225-239.
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G E T TI N G T H E R E : P R O T O - P S Y C H I A TR Y

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7893.2007.00012.x (accessed Jun 2007). awareness week program in public schools. Am J Psychiatry 1990; 147:
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19 Schulze B, Richter-Werling M, Matschinger H, Angermeyer MC. Crazy?
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S30 MJA • Volume 187 Number 7 • 1 October 2007

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