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Work where you work best.

Mission To create the world’s largest
workspace outside of
the workplace.

Workclub gives modern WorkClub helps commercial
It’s a win win for workers more freedom, venues fill empty seats to
remote workers more choice and great
spaces to be more
become more profitable.

and commercial productive and lead

happier, more
venues fulfilled lives.

WorkClub At WorkClub, we give working professionals
and freelancers the power to work from
Offer anywhere — offering a huge range of
exclusive benefits, and unlimited access to
productive coworking spaces in stunning
hotels, bars and restaurants across the city
— all under one affordable monthly pass.
Try it out for free.

Ni c e !

Key benefits - Join the thriving
global WorkClub tribe.
- Ditch the commute
and work closer to
for remote home.

- Discover more than - Unlimited access
just great workplaces. to more and more
amazing venues.

- Help to make your

city more sustainable.

Key benefits - Employees want to
work flexibly. WorkClub
- Let your employees
collaborate with
for gives you the power to people from different
do so. industries.
- Keep office - Give your remote
costs low. Leverage workers a community to
WorkClub’s affordable be part of.
monthly pass.

- Improve employee
wellbeing and

The Problem for The Problem for
Flexible workers businesses

Demand Outstripping Changing Behaviour

There has been a huge change in
More than 1.5 million people in the eating habits, with more people
UK now work remotely, an increase of ordering food deliveries as compared
nearly 20% (241,000) in the last decade. to dining out.

Expensive workplaces Costly Rentals

Workspace memberships are expensive Running a business is expensive with

for SMEs, remote teams and individual increasing rental costs and business
entrepreneurs. rates.

Limited Premium Spaces Idle Spaces

Since 2013, 1.47 million square metres We are partnering with businesses that
of office space has been given approval have empty seats to spare during the
for development to residential use. day.

The 1. We pledge to help give
people the freedom to
4. We pledge to give
employees back control
work from anywhere. over the work and life.

2. We pledge to reduce
commuting hours,
5. We pledge to create more
fulfilled communities of
increasing productivity flexible workers.
As a community, WorkClub is twofold.
driven by 5 main pledges:

3. We pledge to help retailers

and venues fill empty
seats, be more competitive
and profitable.

By 2020, 70% of the UK
workforce will be remote
is booming 23m


US 75% of the EU workforce will
be remote working by 2020
The US remote workforce will
continue to grow. In 2020 it ASIA
will be 105.4 million By 2020, 60% of the Asian
workforce will be remote

By 2022, the global remote workforce will increase to 1.87

billion people, 42.5% of the total global workforce,
Strategy Analytics predicts.
Obtainable Market
Estimates suggest that
And it’s the there are over 650,000
remote workers in

same story 650K London.

in the UK Serviceable
Available Market
Estimates suggest that
4M there are over 4,000,000
remote workers in the

2020 Market Size

Estimates suggest the
UK workforce will have
over 23,000,000 people
working remotely.

1.5 Million +
There are now over 1.5m remote
workers in the UK and it is

WorkClub’s expected that by 2020 70% of

the workforce will be working
Market Where to work best?
The reality of remote working
Opportunity in 2019 is that it is a struggle
to find the right spaces
No Belonging where you can work best.

It is hard to find the best

community to be part of
inside and outside of work.

Empty Spaces
Under-utilised commercial space
due to off-peak hours is not
profitable, an empty venue is an
unattractive venue.

Our Process Ea s y !

1. 2. 3. 4.
Venues list Available We connect Our members
their seats become our members get convenient
available part of the with the and affordable
seats. Workclub available workspace
spaces spaces. access.


WorkClub fits into a relatively new business

‘niche’ in the UK.

It’s good to know that there is some

competitive activity, as this reinforces our
findings that the market exists.

The convenience of the service for both the

members and our venue partner, coupled
with our professional approach, will ensure
that we carve out a very decent and early
share of this market.

The WorkClub Platform V1

Our Prototype Discover & Go Network of Space Check-In

The point of our MVP The product packed Our MVP allowed us The most important
was to learn if our in basic features that to test a whole range feature that proved
product was needed in allowed users to locate of spaces to find there was a need and
the market. their nearest WorkClub. which one suited our we could increase traffic
community best. through partnered

The WorkClub Platform V2

More Than a Workspace Find, Book, Work Powerful Insights Marketing Tool
Book a meeting room, As easy as Uber, find See all attending An innovative, cost
add catering, take your nearest space, book members, follow up and effective, unique
advantage of the your seat, head over, confirm private room alternative to filling
exclusive member deals check-in with the staff reservations, learn more active real estate space
and attend one of our about your customers, that is empty due to
community events. off-peak hours.

Membership Work where
you work best.

Tori Donnelly
Once you’ve signed up to
become a WorkClub member,
we will issue you with a
membership card which will
enable you to work from any of
our WorkClub locations.


The broadest range A happy community of Mixed Seating &

of workspaces, from flexible workers. Set Ups.
very basic to high (including lounges and
end. Access to quiet and boardrooms)
exclusive spaces.
Highly Trained F&B Serviced Areas.
Hospitality Staff. Security & Privacy.

High Speed Internet


Lead Commissions Subscription Packages
from bookings for members
WorkClub organises WorkClub X is our
meeting room bookings, premium package,
which starts at just £20
Business corporate event bookings,
accommodation bookings per month. We also
offer discounted bulk
and new tenancies.
Model and membership packages
for teams, businesses and
Paid Listings for venues
Marketing of local

Channels businesses and capture of Prepaid Credit System

data for our clients: pubs,
Using the model of
restaurants, hotels etc.
ClassPass, Flexible workers
can choose and reserve
Member Advocacy locations based on a
prepaid credit systems.
Award schemes to help
members grow their
network, to work with
whoever they want
and where they want -
rewarding them for doing
Sl i c k !

5.5 M

5M Revenue

4.5 M
Financial Net Profit
Projections 3.5 M


2.5 M
In next 12 months, we will focus
on growing the London market,
with plans to then expand
across the UK, and then onto 1.5 M
Europe and America.
Our assumptions are based
on a cost per acquisition of
£10 (largely through referral 0.5 M
marketing) and a natural
attrition rate of 15% each
month. 2019 2020 2021 2022 2023

Financial Snapshot
2019 (Pre-launch) 2020 2021 2022 2023
Total Venues 30 500 800 1,000 1,500
Club 607 1,090 1,862 3,510 6,306
Club-X 267 337 604 1,083 1,942
Club Pro – 28 88 278 874
Total Users 874 1,455 2,554 4,871 9,122

Club – 405,800 727,960 1,306,840 2,346,760

Club-X 631.50 201,920 449,600 806,800 1,446,560
Club Pro – 32,100 99,000 312,750 983,100
Partner Referral Fees 500 0 0 0 0

Total Revenue £ 1,132 £ 639,820 £ 1,276,560 £ 2,426,390 £ 4,776,420

Gross Margin £ 1,132 £ 611,130 £ 1,221,613 £ 2,322,619 £ 4,574,126
Core Staff £ 6,000 £ 207,000 £ 222,132 £ 229,075.68 £ 236, 237.74
Marketing £ 2,200 £ 172,350 £ 177,521 £ 182,846.12 £ 188,331.50
Overheads £ 3,200 £ 93,800 £ 100,134 £ 106,279.84 £ 112,905.08

Total Outgoings £ 11,400 £ 473,150 £ 499,787 £ 518,202 £ 537,474

Operating Profit (EBITDA) £ (10,269) £ 137,980 £ 721,826 £ 1,804,417 £ 4,036,652

Net Profit £ (10,269) £ 135,730 £ 719,509 £ 1,802,030 £ 4,034,194


10% 20% 40% 30%

£300,000 (£150k SEIS/
EIS available)
On boarding Operations Design & Marketing
& Setup Development
20% towards online 30% towards the
10% towards the business packages. 40% towards the marketing budget to
on boarding of Content Delivery continued drive our aggressive
new clients + setup Network. Database. improvements to growth plans.
costs. Testing. Hiring. the platform.

Reasons to Believe
Ni c e !

50+ 3 10K 100+ Top 10

User checks-in within Referral partners 10,000+ followers 100+ paying Listed as top 10
a week of Version 2.0 with a network of across social members signed up startups to watch
soft launch over 50k user base media platforms to work club and and featured in
using our venues other publications

89% 200+ 4.8* 400+ 20

Venues that are 5 star rating on Waiting list of early Businesses ready
25-34 age bracket -
ready to offer part Trust Pilot and a adopters - email to sign up to offer
excited to jump on
of their space for 4.8 star rating on list WorkClub perk to
workclub members Google reviews remote employees


We are committed to a liquidity event
Financial for our investors within 3-5 years.

Projections Based on other businesses that have been

acquired within this sector we estimate a
minimum valuation of 3 x Annual Revenue, we
expect that in 2023 our company would be
valued at:

It should be noted that similar businesses in

this sector have sold for anywhere between £27,000,000
5 to 17 times their annual revenue. At this
stage it is difficult to judge the potential exit
valuation but we aim to get the best return for
our investors and plan to exit once we achieve
an annual revenue of £9m.

Meet Our Winning Team!

Nick Donnelly Upile Chasowa Naeem Alvi

CEO CTO Brand Director
Prior to WorkClub, Nick was the Upile has hands-on development After years of working with fast-
Head of Commercial Property at experience spanning software, growth SMEs and big companies
Hubble. Before that, Nick lead design, R&D and product like RBS, Nike, Natwest and
the Business Development team strategies for big data and online Argos to help them better define
at Camelot Europe, working with marketplace applications. He and grow their brands, Naeem
businesses, local authorities and strongly believes productivity applies big brand experience
councils across the country to stems from enabling people to to ambitious startups and new
manage and secure their vacant co- work with other like-minded ventures that want to build their
property people in well-connected spaces. brands effectively and affordably.

Tori Donnelly Laura West Krishna Chauhan

Head of Community CMO Client Services
Tori’s vision is to establish With over 15 years experience in Manager
WorkClub as the go-to tool for marketing and advertising, Laura Krishna is an experienced client
all remote workers. Her work has directed communications for services manager with over 12
is split between growing the SMEs and global brands in the years experience working within
community, managing the UK, and internationally. She’s a both agency and client-side
blog and nurturing customer seasoned marketing professional environments. During her career,
happiness. and has managed integrated she has managed brand and
campaigns for brands like marketing activity for BSkyB,
Playmob, Nintendo, Edinburgh Britvic, Esporta Health Clubs,
Festival, and Jagex. National Express, Cadbury,
Green & Blacks and Kraft Foods.

Work where you work best


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