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Very hot temperatures.
Prolonged drought: this is the long period of sunshine hence it can lead to
drying of vegetation.
Change in rainfall seasons.
Melting of glaciers on some mountains for example on mountain Rwenzori,
mountain Kenya and mountain Kilimanjaro.
Global warming: global warming refers to gradual increase in temperature
Change in human activities.
Floods due to heavy rains.
Unpredictable rains.
Prolonged famine: this refers to a long period of time without food due to
prolonged drought.
Drying of waterbodies like lakes and rivers due to global warming.
Drying of vegetation due to prolonged drought and global warming.

 Causes of climate change are both physical / natural and human cause
Climatic change is not only seen through the negative effects on the environment but
also observed through the positive effects on climate.
When many industries are constructed, these industries release greenhouse gases
hence global warming leading to climate change.
Trees act as carbon sinks so when they are cut down, there is nothing that will
absorb carbon dioxide hence leading to low temperature in our environment

Road construction.
During road construction, vehicle are used for example tractors that use fuel for
proper functioning they release greenhouse gases hence global warming leading to
climate change.

Bush burning.

When vegetation is burnt, it leaves the soil bare leading to soil fertility that
doesn’t support crop growth hence leading to famine.
Mining activities
These result into destruction of vegetation which act as carbon sinks and this
increases supply of greenhouse gases hence global warming, reduced rains etc.
Swamp reclamation (drainage)
Clearing of swamps results into an increase of supply of greenhouse gases for
example methane hence global warming.
Rapid population growth
This results into increased demand for food and land settlement hence deforestation
whereby trees act as carbon sinks and that will lead to low temperatures in an

The too much rains accompanied by deforestation exposing the soil hence weakening
the soils structure forcing the soil go down slope due to the influence of gravity
Drying of crops
This caused by prolonged drought resulting from deforestation, drying of water
vapor which are sources of water vapors.

Flooding due to heavy rains over time from the intensive afforestation programs.
Melting of glaciers also increase the water level hence flooding of rivers for example
River Nyamwamba.

Death of animals
Drying of vegetation on which the animals feed and drying of waterbodies that

animals drink due to too much sunshine

Stronger storms
This results from prolonged drought which causes drying of vegetation and
High temperatures and more heat waves
Global warming results into drying of vegetation into destruction of the ozone
layers which leads to prolonged heat waves and temperatures hence much of the
installation from the sun reaches the ground and then converted into heat waves
and high temperatures.


Back ground to the problem
Back ground to the problem: Drying of vegetation caused by prolonged drought and
global warming resulting from deforestation (act of cutting down trees on a large
piece of land without replacement) and drying of waterbodies that would help in
evaporation hence rain formation and proper growth of vegetation.
Causes of drying of vegetation
Prolonged drought: drought is the long period of sunshine.
: Too much sunshine leads to drying of vegetation. When the sun
heats the vegetation, they directly dry hence famine.

Deforestation: deforestation is the act of cutting down trees without replacement.
: The trees that would have help in rain formation by evapo-
transpiration are cut down hence proper growth of vegetation.

Global warming: Global warming is the gradual increase in temperatures.

: Global warming causes drying of vegetation due to gradual increase
in temperature and heat wave hence famine and drought.
Drying of water bodies: Waterbodies like lakes and rivers dry up due to global
warming and prolonged drought.
Waterbodies that could have helped in formation in a way that, when the sun
heats the water body, it evaporates to the atmosphere to form clouds that condense
to form rain to enable vegetation grow well dry up due to global warming.
Drying of vegetation leads to famine. Vegetation like crops for example bananas,
cassava and fruits that people would have fed on. Dry up due to global warming and
prolonged drought hence famine and death of people and wildlife like zebras and
The savannah vegetation, equatorial vegetation and tropical vegetation which would
have attracted tourists dry up hence leading to underdevelopment in a country
through tourism.
Since wildlife like zebras, giraffes and buffalos feed on vegetation, the wild animals
will die due to drying of vegetation caused by global warming hence low tourists in
the country and the country will not develop through tourism. The country may not
be able to promote international friendship with the neighboring countries through
Drying of vegetation like plants and crops for example, bananas and cassava will lead
to death of people due to inadequate supply of food to eat hence leading to famine.
Drying of vegetation leas to wild fires due to global warming hence destruction of
habitats for wild animals like forests and bushes hence leading to death of wild
animals like zebras, lions and elephants that would have attracted tourists in the
country hence underdevelopment of the country.
Drying of vegetation leads to high population in a country. People will need to
migrate to countries where there is no famine in order to survive hence high
population in a country hence leading to high crime rate in a country.
Drying of vegetation leads to reduction in rainfall. Vegetation like trees that would
have helped in rain formation by evapo-transpiration dry up due to global warming
hence leading to low yields of plants and crops.

Drying of vegetation leads to global warming. Trees that would have act as carbon
sinks by absorbing carbon dioxide and carbon monoxide from the atmosphere dry up
hence leading to famine
How vegetation is destroyed in the environment

 Through bush burning in order to get land for settlement

 Through deforestation,
 Deforestation is the massive cutting down of trees on a large scale without
 Through soil erosion(illustration)
 Soil erosion is the washing away of top soil by its agents for example running
water, too much rain fall leads to soil erosion.
Uses/importance of vegetation to the environment
 Vegetation like spear grass and elephant grass act as feeds for domestic
animals like cows, goats and sheep
 Vegetation act as habitats for wild animals like zebras, lions, giraffes and
 Some vegetation are sources of income when sold like timber.
 Some vegetation like black jack is used as herbal medicine to people in order
to cure diseases.
 Savannah vegetation and equatorial vegetation attracts tourists hence
development of a country.
 Some crops and plants like cassava act as food for people hence preventing
Timber is used in building house and making boats used for transport hence
development in a country.
How to prevent/reduce drying of vegetation in the environment
 Watering of crops using a watering can in a dry season to prevent wilting
of the vegetation and to enable the vegetation cool down through
transpiration in the evening.
 Through irrigation using sprinkles, sprinkles are used for sprinkling and
spraying water on a large scale in a dry season to prevent vegetation from
drying up hence leading to prolonged drought.
 Through practIsing afforestation, afforestation is the planting areas of land
with trees in order to form a forest. Trees planted help in rain formation
through evapo-transpiration hence preventing drying of vegetation.
 Trough practicing agriculture. Agriculture is the practice of farming .in a way
that, by planting crops and plants like mangoes to prevent famine hence to be
feed by people.
 By conserving swamps. People must be discouraged from swamp drainage in
order to get land for settlement. WATER bodies like swamps, lakes and
rivers that would have helped in rain formation are destroyed hence
prolonged drought.
 By enforcing strict laws against deforestation and swap drainage that would
help in rain formation.

 Growing drought resistant crops for example cassava, simsim and eggplants
which can with stand prolonged drought, they can at least withstand drought
for almost a year.
 Planting crops like tomatoes in a green house. A green house is a structure
with walls and the roof made of transparent materials such as glass in which
plants requiring regulated climate conditions are grown.
How does a greenhouse work?
 Heat from the sun passes through the glass of the green house and
warms the plant. The plants and give out heat. Some passes through
the glass but some is trapped inside the greenhouse warming it up
hence proper growth vegetables and preventing famine and global
warming in the green house. Planting of trees around waterbodies.
Water from waterbodies evaporates and the trees transpire and rise
until they reach the dew point where condensation takes place forming
nimbus clouds that form water vapour in the atmosphere which later
gives out rain inform of droplets by precipitation.
 By also practicing agro-forestry and re-afforestation on a large scale.
Those are some of the ways we can prevent drying of vegetation.
Causes of drying of vegetation
Prolonged drought:
Drought is the long period of sunshine.
Too much sunshine leads to drying of vegetation .when the sun heats the
vegetation, they directly dry hence famine.
This is the act of cutting trees massively without replacement. The trees
that would have helped in rain formation by evapo transpiration are cut down
hence limiting the growth of vegetation.
Global warming:
The gradual increase in temperatures. It causes drying of vegetation due
to gradual increase in temperatures and heat waves hence famine and drought.
Drying of waterbodies
Waterbodies likes like lakes and rivers dry up due to global warming and
prolonged drought.
Waterbodies that could have helped in rain formation in a way that, when the
sun heats the waterbody, it evaporates to the atmosphere to form clouds that
condense to form rain to enable vegetation grow well preventing drying up
due to global warming.
Problems\effects of drying of vegetation
Drying of vegetation leads to famine. Vegetation like crops for example;
bananas cassava and fruits that people would have fed on, dry up due to global
warming and prolonged drought hence famine and death of people and wild
life like zebras and lions .
The savannah vegetation, equatorial vegetation and tropical vegetation which
would have attract tourists dry up hence leading to underdevelopment
in a country through tourism.

Since wild life like zebras, buffaloes and giraffes feed on vegetation, the wild
animals will die due to drying of vegetation caused by global warming hence
low tourists in the country and the country will not develop through
Tourism. The country may not be able to promote international friendship
with the neighbouring countries through tourism.
Drying of vegetation like plants and crops for example ; bananas and cassava
will lead to death people due to inadequate supply of food to eat hence leading
to famine.
Drying of vegetation leads to high population in a country. People will need
to migrate to countries where there is no famine so as to survive hence high
population leading to high crime rates in a country
Drying of vegetation leads to wild fires due to global warming hence
destruction of habitats for wild animals like forests and forests and as a
consequence animals die that would attract tourists in the country thus
leading to under development in a country.
Drying of vegetation leads to reduction in rainfall. Vegetation like trees
that would help in rain formation by transpiration dry up due to the
destruction of plant cells thus leading to low or no rainfall to support plant
More to that it also leads to global warming as the carbon sinks (plants) dry
up thus increases gases like methane, carbon dioxide in the atmosphere.

Budget to be used
Hoes 10 10,00010/= 100,000/=
Land 2hectares 8,000,000/= 16,000,000/=
Watering 2 2,000,000/= 4,000,000/=
Fertilizers 20 sacks 150,000/= 3,000,000/=
Trees 200 800/= 160,000/=
Labour 10,000/=(per
10people 1,000,000/=
Tape measure 5 10,000/= 50,000/=
Gum boots 12pairs 18,000/= 216,000/=
OTHERS - - 800,000/=

Step 1
Digging a hole where to plant the trees. I planted some species of mvule trees in
different holes per tree using a hoe to dig the holes
Step 2
Applying fertilizers like DAP. I applied fertilizers in the holes before planting the
trees using a hoe to place the fertilizers.

Step 3 Planting the trees. I dug 3m long for planting the trees using a hoe I dug
3m long so as to enable the trees stay firmly strong into the ground.

Step 4
Watering the trees. After planting, I used watering pumps for watering the trees so
as to enable the trees grow mature and to prevent wilting of the trees

Challenges faced during planting of trees

 Inadequate water supply; here was a difficulty in water supply since the
water we used was from the well and the well was too far
 Sometimes the labour used to miss working on the project hence delaying
the project
 Theft of some tools like hoes by the workers which delayed the project
 Difficulty in transport; the labour were too many to be transported to
the project w/c delayed the project
 After one month, trees were starting to develop and eventually green.

 After 25 years trees had developed into mature trees and helped in rain

 The trees grew taller, thick so they helped in excessive rain formation
through excessive evapo-transpiration.

 Trees were lumbered for timber thus providing furniture.

 Trees provided firewood, charcoal, however, for us to cut a tree we were
supposed to plant other two trees first to promote constant climate.

o Individuals should minimize waste by practicing the three Rs: Reduce
consumption, Reuse items whenever possible, and Recycle materials like
paper, plastics, glass, and metal.
o People should conserve water by fixing leaks, taking shorter showers, using
efficient fixtures, and watering plants during cooler times of the day to reduce
o People should opt for eco-friendly travel habits such as using public
transportation, carpooling, biking, or walking whenever possible, and
supporting eco-conscious accommodations and tour operators.
o People should reduce meat consumption, particularly from intensive animal
farming, which is a significant contributor to greenhouse gas emissions and
o People should buy locally grown and organic foods to reduce the carbon
footprint associated with transportation and to support sustainable farming

In conclusion, environmental conservation is essential for safeguarding the health of
our planet and ensuring a sustainable future for all living beings. By adopting simple
yet impactful practices such as reducing waste, conserving energy and water,
supporting sustainable products, and advocating for policy change, individuals can
play a significant role in protecting and preserving our natural resources and
ecosystems. Together, through collective action and awareness, we can address
environmental challenges and strive towards a healthier, more resilient planet for
generations to come.



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