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Culture and Society in the

Digital Age
The digital information age has brought significant changes to the
society, as well as to culture. We live in a dynamic and continuously
changing. The influence of technology on the lives of the individuals ant
the communities is very evident. The internet, the World Wide Web, and
the mobile communications have become an essential element of
today's society.
Social Media

Social Media nowadays is what keeps everyone stay connected to their

loved ones, even in a distance. There are various social media platforms
that helps boost connectivity and keeps everyone updated with daily
happenings. It is undeniable that it is more convenient and easy to
Online Community

Online Community also known as social community, virtual community, or

internet community is a group of individuals who share the same interest or
purpose and interact with each other online.
Digital Divide

Digital divide is the gap between those people who have access to
technology and the internet and those people who don't. It actually
affects all generations, may it be in rural or urban communities.
Media Literacy

Nowadays that technology is in vogue, people have become reliant

on it that they immediately believe what they see on screen. Media
literacy is about being able to analyze messages and informations
from the media properly. Like reading or solving math, media
literacy is learned.
Privacy and Security

One of digital communication drawback is the problem regarding

hacking incidents. People are very reliant on technology that they would
entrust their properties, belongings, and private informations on it,
unaware that it can be access by a cyber criminal. We cannot guarantee a
hundred percent safety in technology.
Virtual World

A virtual world is a computer-based online environment combining

either 2D or 3D graphics with the text-based or voice message-based
communication system. Examples are VR or virtual reality game,
avatars, and siri/bixby.
Digital Etiquette

Digital etiquette also known as netiquette is the basic rule of conduct

users of technology should do or follow in order to be a responsible
citizen online. It is very important to have good manners, that includes
appropriate behavior and the right use of language when interacting
Digital Transformation

Digital transformation may start with using technology, but it endures through
societal response. Digital transformation has a lot of benefits to the society, this
includes enhanced data collection, higher level of efficiency and productivity,
providing a better customer experience, and more.
Digital technology has made communication a lot easier and accessible,
anyone from anywhere can easily access them by the use of social
media platforms, however it is also associated with some
disadvantages that could risk your personal life. That is why having
enough knowledge about media literacy and digital etiquette is very
important to be a responsible technology user. While enjoying the uses
of technology, let's not forget the basic rule of conduct when interacting

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