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Numerical investigation on the transient ignition

behavior using CFD-DEM approach
a a
Cheng Cheng & Xiaobing Zhang
School of Energy and Power Engineering, Nanjing University of Science and Technology,
Nanjing, 210094, China
Accepted author version posted online: 17 Jun 2014.

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CFD-DEM approach, Combustion Science and Technology, DOI: 10.1080/00102202.2014.907796

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Numerical investigation on the transient ignition

behavior using CFD-DEM approach
Cheng Cheng and Xiaobing Zhang ∗

School of Energy and Power Engineering, Nanjing University of Science and Technology,
Nanjing, 210094, China

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To consider the effects of dynamic collision during the ignition process, numerical simulations

based on the CFD-DEM (Computational Fluid Dynamic-Discrete Element Method) approach are

carried out for studying the gas-solid transient ignition behavior in guns. The motion of

individual particles is modeled by DEM, tracking the dynamic collision process of particles and

predicting the dynamic collision phenomena at the individual particle scale. The gas motion is

described by the continuum flow, taking into account detailed grain combustion, particle-particle

collisions, particle-wall collisions, interphase drag and heat transfer between the gas and solid

phases. A parameter study including particle size, particle escape, initial pressure of primer,

Corresponding author at: Xiaolingwei 200#, Nanjing 210094, Jiangsu, PR China. Tel: +86 25 84303167; Fax: +86
25 84314960 Cheng), (X. B. Zhang)


initial particle bed height, rupture pressure of holes and randomness on the ignition phase are

investigated. The randomness of vent holes opening closely linked with the particle distribution,

particle collision and combustion process is evidently shown. There is mutual restriction between

different factors and the perfect ignition performance can not be obtained by changing one or

two factors. Simulation results show a deeper understanding of ignition processes including

combustion, flame spreading, pressure wave developing and particle collisions. A further guide
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for optimization of the igniter design is provided by the parameter study on ignition

performance. This paper puts forward a new prediction tool for the understanding and design of

transient ignition process in guns.

Keywords: Ignition behavior, Two-phase flow, Interior ballistic, CFD-DEM

1. Introduction

Modern warfare requires interior ballistics (IB) researchers to design and develop

high-performance gun systems. The search for improvement of gun performance by means of

higher loading densities often leads to the occurrence of unexpected pressure waves which in turn

may be the cause of gun ammunition malfunctions such as breech blows, ballistic variability,

projectile premature, etc. (Porterie and Loraud, 1994). The source of this phenomenon was

correctly identified as lying in the ignition phase of the interior ballistic cycle (Acharya, 2009;


Woodley, 2001; Catiolica and Klein, 1987; Andersen and Stillman, 1983). Therefore, an adequate

knowledge of the ignition phase is of key importance for better performance of interior ballistic.

Most of the large and medium caliber guns using cased ammunition currently are ignited with a

center core tube positioned along the axis of the propelling charge, see Fig. 1 and the detailed

schematic of the igniter (center core tube) is shown in Fig.1(b). Ignition process in guns is well

known as a special chemical engineering problem. It involves many complex physical and
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chemical processes during the transient period such as gas-solid interaction, combustion, particle

collisions and so on (Yuan and Zhang, 2005; Markator, 1986; Sheu and Lee, 1995; Nussbaum and

Helluy, 2006). The hot gases produced by the ignition of the primer heat and subsequently ignite

the black powder in the tube. When the pressure in the tube reaches a rupture pressure, the holes on

the surface start to break and the hot combustion products discharge through holes. The

combustion products from the ignition of black powder comprise of both gas phase and

condensed-phase products. Once the pressure at the shot base is greater than the initial resistive

pressure, the projectile begins to move.

The interaction between the igniter and propellant exerts a profound influence on the

performance of a gun charge. The main reason responsible for pressure wave development in large

and medium caliber gun charges is uneven ignition due to an unsuitable igniter design. Although

the geometry of tube and the location of the vent holes are designed to provide even distribution of


the hot gases/particles flowing through the propellant bed, experimental evidence shows that this

is not always achieved. Moreover, experimental analysis of ignition behavior in guns is frequently

restricted by the expensive cost, practical conditions and a series of errors may occur during the

testing. Numerical simulation is a useful tool to obtain detailed information on the transient

gas-solid flow without disturbing the flow field. Therefore, the design of the igniter tube is always

based on the numerical simulation results and the experience of designers.

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Nowadays the gas-solid flow model is widely used in the study on interior ballistics such as

igniter tube design, flame spreading in the chamber, launch safety and so on (Baer and Nunziato,

1986; Gough and Zwarts, 1979; Acharya and Kuo, 2010; Woodley et al., 2005). In summary,

numerical simulations have been calculated by using two types of theoretical models, the Eulerian

two-fluid model (Houim and Kuo, 2010; Jaramaz et al., 2011; Woodley et al., 2005) and the

Lagrangian trajectory model (Kuo et al., 1984; Gough, 1995; Nusca and Conroy, 2002; Miura et

al., 2008; Jang et al., 2013). Some studies on the ignition process also have been done by our group

using both the two-fluid model and the trajectory model (Zhang et al., 1998; Zhang and Wang,

2010; Cheng and Zhang, 2012; Ma and Zhang, 2013; Cheng and Zhang, 2013). Unfortunately,

only a macroscopic two-phase description can be provided in all the above works, the

micro-dynamic behavior of particles at the individual particle level were neglected.


As a more natural calculating way by tracking individual particles to simulate gas-solid flow,

DEM has developed rapidly in the last two decades (Cundall and Strack, 1979). In the combined

computational fluid dynamics and discrete element method (CFD-DEM), particles are modeled as

a discrete phase, described by Newton’s laws of motion on an individual particle scale and

collisions are considered, while the gas phase is treated as a continuum, described by the local

averaged Navier-Stokes equations on a computational cell scale (Tsuji et al., 1993). Interphase
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interaction terms or detailed submodels are used to model interactions between the two phases

such as interphase drag, heat transfer, etc. This method has been recognized as an effective method

to study two-phase flow under different conditions by various investigators (Tsuji et al., 1993;

Langston et al., 1995; Gera et al., 1998; Kafui et al., 2002; Takeuchi et al., 2004; Tsuji, 2007;

Chen et al., 2012; Zhong et al., 2007; Ren et al., 2012; Ren et al., 2013; Zhu et al., 2008).

However, the CFD-DEM simulation of ignition behavior study has largely lagged behind, there

has been no information concerning such a method to ignition behavior study so far.

In this study, we perform CFD-DEM simulations to study the ignition behavior at a micro-scale.

It aims at better understanding the ignition phase in guns and describing the mathematical models

more accurately. The study focuses on investigating the effects of different conditions including

particle size, particle escape, initial ignition pressure from the primer, initial particle bed height,

rupture pressure of holes and randomness on the ignition phase. Finally some discussions and

recommendations are given to improve the ignition performance.


2. Computational models

Details of the theoretical model have been given in our previous work (Cheng and Zhang, 2013)

and only a very brief summary is presented here. This coupled CFD-DEM model has been verified

by a test device and some standard test cases. In addition, some submodels are added in our

previous model to consider the particle escape and the randomness of particles in this study.
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2.1. Particle phase

The particle movement in a gas flow is caused not only by particle-particle or particle-wall

contact forces but also by interphase forces such as the drag force, Saffman lift force, Magnus

force, Basset force, etc. In this study, only contact forces and the drag force are considered. The

translational and the rotational motion of a particle are described by Newton’s second law, and

given by

dV p kc
mp =
i =1
c + fs (1)

I = ∑ Ti , j (2)

where m p is the mass of particle, Fc is the contact force, kc is the number of contacting

particles, f s is the particle-fluid interphase drag, V p and ω are the translational and rotational

velocities of the particle, I is the moment of inertia, Ti , j is the torque between particles i and


2.1.1. Contact force

The contact forces between two particles can be obtained by the linear spring-damper model

proposed by Cundall and Strack (Cundall and Strack, 1979). The particle-particle contact forces,

namely the normal, damping and sliding forces, act on the two particles. Particle-wall contact
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forces are modeled in the soft sphere model using mechanical elements like springs, dash-pots,


The contact force Fc acting on a particle j due to contact with particle i is expressed as

Fc Fcn ,ij + Fct ,ij

= (3)

The normal component of the contact force Fcn ,ij is given as

−knδ nn − cn (Vij • n ) n
Fcn ,ij = (4)

The tangential component of the contact force Fct ,ij is given as

Fct ,ij =−ktδ t n − ct (Vij × n ) × n (5)

The sliding condition is provided by Coulomb’s friction law, and the tangential force is given by

 Fct ,ij , Fct ,ij < µ s Fcn ,ij
Fct ,ij =  (6)
 µ s Fcn ,ij , Fct ,ij ≥ µ s Fcn ,ij

where kn , kt , cn , ct are the spring and dashpot coefficients in the normal and tangential directions,

δ n , δ t are the particle displacements in the normal and tangential directions, Vij is the slip

velocity, µ s is the maximum static friction coefficient, n is the unit vector from the center of

particle i to particle j .
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Also, the torque acting on a particle due to particle-particle contacts is expressed as

Ti , j ri , j n × Fct ,ij
= (7)

2.1.2. Interphase Drag

A drag force model based on the Anderssen law for a fluidized bed is used to calculate the

interphase drag. The drag f s on an individual particle is given by

s Vi Vg − Vp ( Vg − Vp ) ρ g C f (8)

where ρ g is the gas density, Vg is the gas velocity, Vp is the particle velocity, Vi is the volume of

each particle, d p is the equivalent diameter, ϕ is the porosity, C f is an empirical coefficient.


1.75 0 < ϕ ≤ ϕ0
C f 1.75 ( (1 − ϕ ) ϕ0 ) ( (1 − ϕ ) ϕ )
= 0 ϕ0 < ϕ < ϕ1 (9)

0.3 ϕ1 ≤ ϕ ≤ 1

1 − ϕ0
where ϕ1= [1 + 0.02 ]−1 , ϕ0 is the settling porosity.

2.1.3. Surface temperature of particle

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Using a quasi-steady assumption, we can obtain the surface temperature of a solid grain from the

following expression.

2q a p ( t +δt − t ) (10)
dt λp π δt

where q is the heat transfer per volume, λ p is the thermal conductivity of a particle, a p is the

coefficient of temperature conductivity, t is the total reaction time, and δ t is the time step.

2.1.4. Particle combustion

When the solid propellant surface temperature reaches the assumed ignition temperature, the

particle starts burning. An empirical burning law is used in the associated burning rate

calculations. The production rate of gases per particle is shown as following

mc = bp n ρ p S p (11)

where b , n are constants for a given propellant material and S p is the current surface area of

the grain, ρ p is the particle density.

2.1.5 Interphase heat

The convective heat transfer can be given

qc hc (Tg − Tps )
= (12)
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where qc is the heat flux due to convection per unit of surface, hc is the convective heat transfer

coefficient, Tg and Tps are the temperature of gas and solid grain surface.

Based on the Stefan-Boltzmann law, the radiant heat transfer can be written as following

=qr ε pσ (Tg4 − Tps4 ) (13)

where qr is the heat flux due to radiation per unit of surface, ε p is the emissivity and σ is the

Stefan-Boltzmann constant.

The net interphase heat transfer is written as

p qr + qc (14)


2.2. Gas phase

The gas phase is modeled as a continuum, which is described by a set of volume averaged Euler

equations with source terms. The governing equations for the gas-phase flow consist of mass,

momentum and energy conservation equations.

The mass conservation equation of the gas phase:

∂ (ϕρ g )
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+ ∇ ⋅ (ϕρ g Vg ) = mc (15)

The momentum conservation equation of gas phase:

∂ (ϕρ g Vg )
+ ∇ ⋅ (ϕρ g Vg Vg ) = −ϕ∇p − Fpg + M cp (16)

The energy conservation equation of the gas phase:

∂ (ϕρ g Eg )   p  ∂ϕ
+ ∇ ⋅  ϕρ g Vg  Eg +  + p = −Q p − WFpg + Ecp (17)
∂t   ρ  ∂t
  g 

In the above equations, ϕ is the volume fraction of the gas phase, ρ g is the gas density, Vg is the

gas velocity, p is the gas pressure, Eg = eg + Vg ⋅ Vg / 2 is the total energy of the gas phase, eg is

the internal energy of the gas phase, mc is the mass generation rate of gas due to propellant

combustion, Fpg is the interphase drag per unit volume, M cp is the added momentum due to the

gas production, Q p is the interphase heat transfer due to conduction and radiation per unit volume,

WFpg is the work done by the interphase drag, Ecp is the added energy due to the decomposition of

the solid phase.

2.3. Equation of state

The ideal gas equation of state (EOS) is accurate providing that (1) the average intermolecular

spacing or mean free path of the gas is very large compared to the size of the gas molecules, and (2)

intermolecular forces are weak. For many practical flow regimes both of these assumptions are
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true. However, the ideal gas EOS is inaccurate due to the high gas densities while combusting in

the chamber. The Noble-Abel equation provides a simple and reasonably accurate EOS for

propellant gases at the high densities and temperatures in guns.

p (1 ρg − β ) =
RTg (18)

where R is the specific gas constant, Tg is the gas temperature. The co-volume β compensates

for the finite volume occupied by the gas molecules.

3. Numerical methods

Numerical methods for the established two-dimensional CFD-DEM reacting flow model have

been described in detail in our previous studies. Some particular verifications were used to test the

CFD and DEM code. Simulation of an igniter test device in open air shows excellent agreement


between numerical simulation and experimental measurements (Cheng and Zhang, 2013). Here

only a very brief summary is presented and Monte Carlo methods for particle distribution and size

are given in details.

For the DEM part, the direct mapping contact detection algorithm is firstly used to detect collisions

between particle and particle or particle and wall. The translational and rotational motions of

discrete particles are solved by explicit time integrations (Munjiza, 2004) to obtain the position
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and velocity of particles. Then based on the multi-grid technique which is shown in Fig. 2, the void

fraction in each computational grid is estimated based on the particle positions. Also, mass,

momentum and energy source terms are added to the discrete control volume in which the particle

resides. Next, the flow field of the gas-phase is solved by the CFD solver, which is based on the

AUSM+-up scheme (Liou, 2006) with the higher order accurate reconstruction method. This

procedure will be iterated until the calculation is finished.

Monte Carlo method is used to obtain the particle distribution and size. This method relies on

repeated random sampling to obtain numerical results by running simulations many times over in

order to calculate those same probabilities (Kroese et al., 2011).

If ξ1 and ξ 2 are independent variables with each other and obey the even distribution, there are:


x1= −2 ln ξ1 cos ( 2πξ 2 ) 

 (19)
x2= −2 ln ξ1 sin ( 2πξ 2 ) 

It can be proven that x1 and x2 are independently random variables, which obey a standard

normal distribution. ξ1 and ξ 2 can be also written as follows:

 1 2 
ξ1 = exp  −
 2
( x1 + x22 )  
 (20)
1 −1  x2  
ξ2 = tan  
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2π x
 1 

According to the probability density of two-dimensional random variables, its Jacob formula is

∂ (ξ1 , ξ 2 ) 1 − 12 ( x12 + x22 )

J= = − e (21)
∂ ( x1 , x2 ) 2π

Because ξ1 and ξ 2 are evenly distributed variables in the zone [ 0,1] , the probability density of

random variables ( x1 , x2 ) is

2 2
1 − 12 ( x12 + x22 ) 1 − x21 1 − x22
( x1 , x2 )
g= e
= e ⋅ e (22)
2π 2π 2π

Obviously, x1 and x2 are independent random variables obeying the distribution N ( 0,1) 。

For multi-dimensional random variables ( y1 , y2 , , yn ) and with mean values ( µ1 , µ2 , , µn ) ,

its covariance matrix is


 k11 k12  k1n 

k k22  k2 n 
Σ =  21 (23)
   
 
 kn1 kn 2  knn 


kij = E ( yi − µi ) ( y j − µ j ) 

From matrix theory, Σ can be written as following:

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Σ= C ⋅ C T (24)

 y1   c11 0  0   x1   µ1 
y  c  0   x2   µ2 
 2  21 c22 +
          
      
 yn   cn1 cn 2  cnn   xn   µn 

Taking random numbers generated by Eq. (25) into the DEM model, the random particle

distribution and particle size can be obtained.

4. Results and discussions

4.1. Flow behavior of ignition phase in the igniter tube

The simulated igniter tube in this paper is similar to the scheme in Fig.1(b) and the sketch map of

igniter size is shown in Fig.3. It has an inside diameter D of 16mm and length L of 497mm. There

are 15(rows) ×4=60 holes on the surface of second half of tube. The initial bed height h is 0.9 times

the length of tube L. The height of holes in the first row L0 is 0.5 times the length of tube L.

Detailed physical and numerical parameters are summarized in Table 1. The initial gas

temperature and pressure are 300K and 0.1013MPa respectively (ambient); the values for the

igniter region are given by the experimental data.Fig.4 and Fig.5 presents the pressure

distributions in the igniter at different times. The detailed development of the pressure wave during

the whole ignition phase is shown clearly. The early phase of the development of pressure wave

are shown in Fig. 4. The pressure waves travel from the burned region towards the unburned

region. With the propagation of the pressure wave, a rarefaction wave is formed and travels
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towards the bottom of the igniter, which is shown in Fig. 4(d). The latter phase of the development

of pressure wave are shown in Fig. 5. In Fig. 5(a), when the vent holes start to rupture, the pressure

in the region of the vent holes has a slight drop. But the over trend of pressure gradient continues to

increase. The pressure starts to decay gradually and the pressure distributions in the igniter are

approximately uniform except in the region of vent holes, which is shown in Fig 5(b)-(d). The

pressure differences between each holes are caused by the different rupturing time of holes. It also

make the non-uniform mass flow rate to degrade the ignition performance.

Fig.6 shows the pressure-time curves at different location. As mentioned in the introduction part,

the discharge of high pressure and high temperature combustion products from the igniter tube

contain both the gas-phase and solid-phase species and these combustion products heat the

propellants in the chamber. Fig. 6 also shows the effect of whether the solid-phase products are

allowed to be discharged. The ignition strength increases when considering the solid-phase

products discharge.


The gas temperature distributions in Fig. 7 show the detailed flame propagation process. The flame

spreads from the bottom to the top of the tube. It also has similar distributions to the pressure

distributions in Fig. 4. Locations of the pressure front and flame front at different times are shown

in Fig 8. The pressure front always runs ahead of the flame front. Because the particle in a region

where the pressure front reach can not be ignited immediately and it must go through a process of

heat transfer by hot gas.

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Fig. 9 presents the distributions of the gas velocity vector at different times. A strong 2-D effect

and the gas flow field is described clearly in Fig. 9. Hot combustion gases flow from the bottom to

the top of the tube driven by pressure, see the detailed view of the rectangular region A in Fig. 9.

When the pressure reaches a rupture pressure, the holes on the surface start to break and the hot

combustion products discharge through holes, see in Fig. 9(b). From the detailed view of the

rectangular regioin B in Fig. 9, we can see that some holes between those which have opened do

not break. This will cause a non-uniform ignition and the detailed reason will be discussed in the

next section. After all vent holes open, combustion products keep on flowing through the vent

holes until the pressure balance. The detailed view of the rectangular region C in Fig. 9 shows the

non-uniform mass flow rate from different vent holes and holes at the top of the tube have larger

mass flow rate than others.


The particle velocity vector distributions at different times are shown in Fig. 10. It shows not only

the velocity vector of each particle but also the size and position of each particle. At the beginning

of the combustion process, the particles move from the bottom of the igniter towards the top of the

igniter, see in Fig. 10(a) and the detailed view of region A. During this process, collisions between

particles are constantly occurring. From the detailed view of region B in Fig 10(b), particles at the

bottom of the tube are still moving towards the vent holes region but have bigger velocities. Some
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particles at the top of the tube rebound due to collisions between the particles and the wall and

cluster is shown at the top of tube from the detailed view of region C in Fig. 10(b). This cluster is

the reason why holes at the top of the tube have larger mass flow rate than others which is shown in

Fig. 9. Another cluster is also found in the vent holes region because of the discharging of

combustion products through vent holes, see the detailed view of region D in Fig. 10(c). These

collisions and clustering are some of the biggest differences between our CFD-DEM approach and

other interior ballistic two-phase models.

Fig.11 presents the trajectory of a particle. This particle moves from the bottom of the igniter

towards the top of the igniter by interphase drag. Because of the particle collisions, a disordered

trajectory is also shown at some time. The percentage of collided particles with time are presented

in Fig. 12. It is noted that fewer collided particles exist at the beginning. With the development of

the pressure propagation and particle movements, the percentage of particle-particle and


particle-wall collisions increases. Particle fracture which causes the abnormal pressure in the

igniter usually happens during this period. This abnormal pressure also is one of the main

influence factors of the ignition behavior.

4.2. Effects of various factors on ignition performance

4.2.1. Effect of initial ignition pressure from the primer

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According to the description of ignition process, we know that the ignition process starts from the

primer combustion which provides the initial ignition pressure in the igniter. The effect of the

initial pressure of the primer is studied by increasing pressure from 1MPa to 5MPa. Values for

other parameters are the same as those in Table 1. Rupture time distributions of holes at different

initial ignition pressure from the primer are shown in Fig. 13. Statistics of rupture time

distributions of holes at different initial ignition pressure are listed in Table 2. Under the same

condition, it is obvious that increasing the initial ignition pressure from the primer can decrease the

overall rupture time. And more importantly, it can also improve the uniformity of rupture time

distributions of holes and the ignition performance.

Fig.14 presents locations of pressure front at different times and different initial ignition pressure.

Pressure-time curves at the location 1/5 L and different initial ignition pressure is shown in Fig.15.

The spreading speed of the pressure wave increases with the initial ignition pressure. It also leads


to a decrease in the ignition delay which will improve the ignition performance. Increasing the

initial ignition pressure can not obviously increase ignition strength. Statistics of percentage of

collided particles at different initial ignition pressure is listed in Table 3. It is noted that the mean

and maximum percentage of collided particles increases with the initial ignition pressure. The

percentage of fractured particles may increase to cause abnormal ignition. Hence the initial

ignition pressure from the primer must be chosen in a suitable range.

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4.2.2. Effect of initial particle bed height

Fig. 16 shows rupture time distributions of holes at different initial particle bed height by

increasing relative height from 0.8 h/L to 1.0 h/L. The initial bed height h is the distance from the

bottom of the igniter tube to the initial loading height of the bed where particles exist. Values for

other parameters are the same as that in Table.1. Statistics of rupture time distributions of holes at

different initial particle bed height are listed in Table 4. It can be observed that the overall rupture

time increases with the initial particle bed height. Also the uniformity of rupture time distributions

of holes is influenced by increasing the initial particle bed height.

The locations of the pressure front at different times and different initial bed height are shown in

Fig. 17. The pressure-time curves at 1/5 L and different initial bed height are shown in Fig.18. The

spreading speed of pressure wave increases with the decrease of initial bed height. Increasing the


initial bed height can not obviously increase ignition strength. Statistics of percentage of collided

particles at different initial ignition pressure are listed in Table 5. It is obvious that the mean and

maximum percentage of collided particles increases with the decrease of initial bed height. This is

because the loading density will increase with the decrease of initial bed height and cause more

energy release to raise the pressure. In addition, more particles will be accumulated at the tube-end

zone to cause a strong compression. This is not desirable. So the initial particle bed height is
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important to improve the ignition performance.

4.2.3. Effect of the particle size

Obviously, not only the particle distribution but also the particle size can influence the ignition

performance. The effect of the particle size is studied in Fig. 19-21 and Table 6-7. With the

increase of the particle size, the overall rupture time decreases, the pressure rises and the

percentage of collided particles increases. The influence of regularity to ignition performance is

described as above. But when the web thickness 2e1=3.0mm, not all holes rupture. This has a

strong impact on the ignition performance.

Actually, particle sizes can not be strictly the same. Fig. 22 shows the square map of random

particle size (the mean diameter = 4mm, the standard variance =0.013mm). Rupture time

distributions of holes for a random particle size is shown in Fig. 23. It is obvious that the


uniformity of rupture time distributions of holes decreases with the increase of the standard

variance of random particle size. Hence, the particle size needs to be the same or have small


4.2.4. Effect of the rupture pressure of holes

The rupture pressure determines the time when the holes open and it is also one of the main factors
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in the igniter design. Fig. 24 presents the rupture time distributions of holes by increasing the

rupture pressure from 15MPa to 25MPa. The overall rupture time increases and the uniformity of

rupture time distributions decreases with the rupture pressure increasing. The locations of the first

rupture holes travel towards the bottom of the igniter. The pressure-time curves at 1/5 L and

different rupture pressure of holes is shown in Fig. 25. Before the holes rupture, the spreading

speed of pressure wave is same. The maximum pressure in the igniter tube increases with the

rupture pressure, and the ignition strength is said to increase. This is a contradiction between the

ignition uniformity and ignition strength.

4.3 Discussion and Recommendations

It is generally thought that the region where vent holes open firstly is close to the primer. But from

the different simulations above, most of the vent holes open firstly in the region close to the end of

the igniter. The particle distribution shown in Fig. 10, obviously shows a strong packing of


particles at the end of the igniter driven there by the combustion gas. The packing will also cause a

rapid pressure rise and the mass flow rates from the vent holes increase in this region accordingly,

which is shown in Fig. 26. This is one of the main factors to cause the non-uniformity of ignition.

Moreover, the randomness of vent holes opening is evidently shown in different schemes of the

igniter which is discussed above. This randomness is closely linked with the particle distribution,

particle collision and combustion process.

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Through the above discussion of various factors affecting ignition performance, there is mutual

restriction between different factors and the perfect ignition performance can not be obtained by

changing one or two factors. Therefore, before the igniter is designed, a parametric study on

ignition performance is particularly important for optimization of the igniter design. It was

demonstrated that a numerical code using the CFD-DEM approach can be used to provide

guidance for performance improvement of engineering design by the in-depth analysis of igniter


5. Conclusions

Numerical simulations based on the CFD-DEM approach are carried out for studying the transient

behavior of an ignition process in guns. The motion of individual particle is modeled by DEM, to

track the dynamic collision process of particles and predict dynamic collision phenomena at the

individual particle scale. Gas motion is described by the continuum flow, taking into account

detailed grain combustion, particle-particle collisions, particle-wall collisions, interphase drag and

heat transfer between the gas and solid phases.

In addition,a parametric study on ignition performance is discussed. The uniformity of rupture

time distributions of holes increases with initial ignition pressure from the primer and particle size,

and decreases with increasing initial bed height and rupture pressure of holes. The ignition strength

obviously increases with rupture pressure of holes and particle size. Moreover, the particle-particle

collisions are the major collisions which happened in the ignition process. Driven by combustion
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gas, a strong packing of particles at the end of the igniter will cause the non-uniformity of ignition.

Finally the randomness of vent holes opening is evidently shown. This randomness is closely

linked with the particle distribution, particle collision and combustion process. There is mutual

restriction between different factors and the perfect ignition performance can not be obtained by

changing one or two factors. A parametric study on ignition performance is particularly important

for optimization of the igniter design. Simulation of the igniter tube by the CFD-DEM approach

can be helpful to acquire a deeper understanding of the ignition processes and this approach can

therefore be used as an assessment tool for future igniter design studies.

Furthermore, although the code has been developed for analyzing different influence factors of the

igniter, an optimization design function needs to be added to provide a suggested design plan for

performance improvement. This is the future direction for this work.



This work is supported by the Natural Science Foundation of Jiangsu Province (Grant No.

BK20131348) and Key Laboratory Foundation of the People's Republic of China (Grant No.



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Table 1 Input parameters for simulation

Parameter Value

Black powder mass (kg) 0.080

Black powder density (kg/m3) 1600

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Black powder impetus(J/kg) 300000

Average diameter of black powder 4


Surface temperature for ignition(K) 600

Normal spring constant (N/m) 800

Tangential spring constant (N/m) 800

Normal damping coefficient 0.5


Tangential damping coefficient 0.5

Friction coefficient 0.3

Initial pressure of primer (MPa) 1

rupture pressure of holes(MPa) 20

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Table 2 Statistics of rupture time distributions of holes at different initial ignition pressure

Standard Minimum Maximum

Mean Time(ms)
deviation Time(ms) Time(ms)

1MPa 1.90 0.07 1.81 2.17

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3MPa 1.85 0.06 1.79 2.03

5MPa 1.80 0.05 1.77 1.94


Table 3 Statistics of percentage of collided particles at different initial ignition pressure

Mean percentage (%) Maximum percentage (%)

1MPa 7.1 24.4

3MPa 7.8 27.7

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5MPa 9.2 30.1


Table 4 Statistics of rupture time distributions of holes at different initial bed height

Mean Standard Minimum Maximum

Time(ms) deviation Time(ms) Time(ms)

0.8 1.78 0.07 1.68 1.96

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0.9 1.90 0.07 1.81 2.17

1.0 2.30 0.16 2.10 2.64


Table 5 Statistics of percentage of collided particles at different bed height

Mean percentage (%) Maximum percentage (%)

0.8h/L 7.5 34.3

0.9h/L 7.1 24.4

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1.0h/L 5.6 20.6


Table 6 Statistics of rupture time distributions of holes at different particle size

Mean Standard Minimum Maximum

Time(ms) deviation Time(ms) Time(ms)

4.0 mm 1.90 0.07 1.81 2.17

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3.5 mm 3.16 0.20 2.96 3.58

3.0 mm 3.83 0.07 3.80 4.13


Table 7 Statistics of percentage of collided particles at different particle size

2e1 Mean percentage (%) Maximum percentage (%)

3.0mm 2.4 15.3

3.5mm 5.6 21.1

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4.0mm 7.1 24.4

Fig.1 The schematic of a typical launch system: (a) propelling charges with igniter; (b) detailed
schematic of the igniter
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Fig. 2 Interconnection of Multi-grids
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Fig.3 The sketch map of igniter size
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Fig. 4 Pressure distributions at different times before venting
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Fig. 5 Pressure distributions at different times after venting
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Fig. 6 Pressure-time curves at different location
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Fig. 7 Gas temperature distributions at different times
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Fig.8 Locations of pressure front and flame front at different times(a)pressure front (b)flame
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Fig. 9 Gas velocity vector distributions at different times
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Fig. 10 Particle velocity vector distributions at different times
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Fig. 11 Trajectory of a particle
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Fig. 12 Percentage of collided particles with time
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Fig. 13 Rupture time distributions of holes at different initial ignition pressure
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Fig. 14 Locations of pressure front at different times and different initial ignition pressure
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Fig. 15 Pressure-time curves at the location 1/5 L and different initial ignition pressure
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Fig. 16 Rupture time distributions of holes at different initial bed height
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Fig. 17 Locations of pressure front at different times and different initial bed height
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Fig. 18 Pressure-time curves at the location 1/5 L and different initial bed height
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Fig. 19 Rupture time distributions of holes at different particle size
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Fig. 20 Locations of pressure front at different times and different particle size
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Fig. 21 Pressure-time curves at the location 1/5 L and different particle size
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Fig. 22 Square map of random particle size
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Fig. 23 Rupture time distributions of holes at different standard variance of random particle size
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Fig. 24 Rupture time distributions of holes at different rupture pressure of holes
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Fig. 25 Pressure-time curves at the location 1/5 L and different rupture pressure of holes
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Fig. 26 Description of the strong compression at the end of tube
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