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UPSC PLANNER In-Depth Analysis of Prelims


About Us:
Group of veterans with 2-4 interview

experiences and selected !
The mistake We have committed should
not be repeated by aspirants…

● Our Faculty:
○ VIKAS BHAI (4 CSE, 2 CAPF, 1 EPFO Interview)
○ AGYAT BHAI (2 CSE Interview, Selected in EPFO)
○ ARUN BHAI (3 CSE Interview)


● Stone Age
■ Lower Paleolithic
■ Middle Paleolithic
■ Upper Paleolithic
Chalcolithic / Pre Harappan
Mesolithic / Iron Age

● Indus Valley Civilization

Origin & Geographical Extent
Urban Planning
Cities, Towns & Society
Art, Terracotta Figure & Important Structure
Trade & Economy
Political Organization PAGE 1
Religious Practices (Worship)
Seals, Scripts, Weights
Decline and Its Causes

● Vedic Period
Vedic Period
The Aryans
Rig Veda
Social Practices, Religion and Rituals
Varna & Social Division
Political Clashes
Polity & Administration
■ Agriculture, & Pastoralism
■ Craft Production, Taxes
■ Exchange and Redistribution & Transport

● Later Vedic Period

Later Vedic Text
Tribals Settlement & Territories
Political Organization
Social Order
■ Rise of Gotra System
■ Ashramas (Various Stages of life)
Use of Iron
■ Agriculture, Pastoralism, Craft Production, Trade & Exchange.
Philosophy & Education
Religion & Rituals
Other Aspects of Life

● Mahajanapadas (Buddhism, Jainism, Ajivism)

Mahajanapadas PAGE 2
■ Gana – Sanghas or Oligarchies
■ Society, Administration, Taxes, Agriculture.
Magadha Empire
■ Iranian & Macedonian Invasion
■ Ajivikam in Tamilnadu
■ Lokayata & Carvaka
■ Rivalry among Heterodox sets
Jainism (Early as nigaranthas)
■ Life of Mahavira, Origin & Spread
■ Doctrines & Principles – Triratnas & Five great Vows (pancha mahavratas)
■ Jain council & Jainism in Tamil Nadu & Decline in India
■ Origin & Life of Buddha
■ Doctrines & Principles – Four Noble Truth & Eight Fold Path.
■ Monastic, Buddhist Council & Buddhist Sets, Literature & Architecture
■ Buddhism in Tamil Nadu & Decline
System of Ashramas
Panini, the grammarian

● Mauryan Empire
Rise of Mauryan Dynasty
Chandragupta Maurya, Bindusara
■ Ashoka Dhamma, Edicts, Inscriptions
■ Third Buddhist Council
■ Chanakya’s Arthashastra
■ Provincial, District, Village & Judicial Administration.
■ Bureaucracy
■ Taxation
■ Agriculture, Craft & Goods, trade, Coins & Currency.
Art & Culture

● Post Mauryan Period

Indo – Greek Kings
■ Alexander Invasion (327 – 325 BCE)
■ Demetrius
■ Menander (165/145 – 130 BCE)
■ Antialcidas (or Antialkidas), c.110
■ Trade PAGE 3
Kanishka (78 CE till 101/ 102 CE)
■ Art & Literature
Gandhara Art
Tamil Kingdom
■ Contours of International Trade
■ Trade between tamizhagan & Rome
■ Foreign Merchants (yavanas)
Trade & Economy

● Sangam Age
■ Cholas
■ Cheras
■ Pandyas
Political Formation in Tamil Eco-Zone
Tamil Polity
■ Arguments
■ Political Ascendancy of the Vendar
Society and Economy
Ideology & Religion
Age of Kalabhras – Post Sangam Age

● Gupta Age
Rise of Gupta
Gupta Period
Empire Building: Chandragupta I (319 to 335 CE) → Samudragupta (335 – 375 CE)
→ Chandragupta II (375 to 415 CE)
Gupta’s Administrative System
■ The King, Ministers and other Officials
■ Council of Ministers
■ Division of the Empire
■ Administrative Units below the District level & Army
Economic Condition
■ Agriculture, Agrarian Structure, Industry: Mining and Metallurgy and Trade
and Commerce
Cultural Florescence
■ Art and Architecture, Rock-cut, Structural Temples, Stupas, Sculpture:
Stone Sculpture, Metal statues, Paintings, Tereacotta and Pottery
Sanskrit Literature
Sanskrit Grammar
■ Puranas and Ithihasas
Buddhist Literature PAGE 4
Jain Literature
Secular Literature
Prakrit Language and Literature
Nalanda University
Gupta Sciences
■ Mathematics, Astronomy & Medical Science
Decline of Gupta Empire

● Post Gupta

● Post Gupta
Harsha’s Military Conquests
Extent of Harsha’s Empire
Relation with China
■ Council of Ministers, Revenue Administration, Administration of Justice,
Administration of Army, Division of the Empire
Cities & Towns
Religious Policy
Buddhist Assembly at Prayagraj
Caste System
Status of Women
Dietary Habits
Patron of Art & Literature
■ Nalanda University

● The Palas
Pala rule in Bengal
Pala Rulers: Dharmapala (770 – 815 CE) → Devapala → Vigramapala → Other
Art and Architecture

● The Rashtrakutas
Rise of the Dynasty
Rashtrakutas Rulers
■ Krishna I and His Successors → Dhruva (780–794 CE) → Govind III (794814
CE) → Amoghavarsha (814-880 CE) → Krishna III (939 - 968 CE)
Religious PAGE 5

● Chalukyas
Pulikesin II (609 – 642 CE)
■ State, Royal Women, King and his Ministers, Provincial and District
Administration, Village Administration.
Literature and Education
Cities - Aihole (Ayyavole), Badami (Vatapi), Pattadakal.

● Pallavas
■ Mahendravarman I → Narasimhavarman I (630-668 CE) →
Paramesvaravarman I (670-700 CE) → Other Kings
Pallava Administration
Land Grants
Village Life
Tank Irrigation
Revenue and Taxation
Trade & Maritime Trade
Society & Religion
Growing influence of Brahmanism
Monasteries and Mutta
Growing Popularity of Sanskrit
Rock-cut Temple


● Cholas & Pandya

Origin of the Dynasty
Empire Building
Chola Administration
■ King
■ Provinces PAGE 6
■ Army
■ Local Organization
■ Agriculture
■ Land Revenue & Survey
■ Irrigation
■ Water Management
■ Trade
Society & its Structure
■ Religion
■ Builders of Temple
■ Temple as a Social Institution
■ Gangaikonda Chozhapuram
■ Brihadeeswarar Temple
■ Darasuram Temple
Cholas as Patrons of Learning
The End of Chola Rule

Pandya Revival (600–920)
Rise of Pandyas Again (1190–1310)
■ Sadaya Varman Sundarapandian
■ Maravarman Kulasekaran
■ Invasion of Malik Kafur
■ Palace and Couch
■ Royal Officials
■ Political Divisions
■ Administration and Religion
■ Society
■ Trade
■ Irrigation
■ Literacy
■ Temple

● Arrival of Islam & Delhi Sultanate

Arrival of Islam (1000-1200 CE)
■ Ghaznavid and Turkish Invasions
Delhi Sultanate (1200-1400 CE)
Advent of Arabs: The Context
The Arab Conquest of Sind
Muhammad Bin Qasim PAGE 7
Mahmud of Ghazni
■ Mahmud’s Military Raids
Muhammad Ghori
Prithviraj Chauhan
Jaya Chandra of Kanauj
Rajput Kingdoms

● Foundation of Delhi Sultanate

Slave Dynasty [Mamluk Dynasty] (1206-1290)
■ Qutb-ud-din Aibak (1206-1210)
■ Iltutmish (1210–1236)
■ Balban (1265-1287)
■ Balban and the Problem of Law and Order
■ Punitive Expedition against Tughril Khan
■ Measures against Mongol Threats
Khilji Dynasty (1290-1320)
■ Jalal-ud-din Khalji (1290-1296)
■ Ala-ud-din Khalji (1296–1316)
● Ala-ud-din and Nobles
● Mongol Threats
● Military Campaigns
● Ala-ud-din’s Internal Reforms
● Sultan’s Market Reforms
● Ala-ud-din’s Successors
Tughlaq Dynasty (1320-1414)
■ Ghiyas-ud-din Tughlaq (1320-1324)
■ Muhammad Bin Tughlaq (1324-1351)
● Transfer of Capital
● Token Currency
● Sultan’s Other Innovative Measures
■ Firuz Tughlaq (1351–1388)
● Conciliatory Policy towards Nobles
● Firuz Policy of No Wars
● Religious Policy
● Public Work
■ Timur’s Invasion
Sayyid Dynasty (1414-1451) Lodi Dynasty (1451-1526)

● Administration of the Sultanate

State & Society
Trade & Urbanization
Industrial Expertise
Sufism Mughal Empire PAGE 8
Caliph/Caliphate Cabinet Mission (1946) & Interim Government
Evolution of Syncretic Culture
Sculpture and Painting
Music & Dance

● Bhakti & Sufism

Bhakti Movement
Poems of Prayer Early Traditions of Bhakti
Bhakti Movement in the South
■ Conflict with Buddhism & Jainism
■ Alvars and Nayanars of Tamil Nadu
● Conflict
Spread of Bhakti Movement to the North
■ Nathpanthis, Siddhas and Yogis
Salient Features of Bhakti Movement
Proponents of Bhakti Movement
■ Shankaracharya, Ramanuja, Kabir, Ravidas, Babu Guru Nanak, Chaitanya
(1485–1533), Namadeva, Ramananda (1400-1470), Tulsidas, Mirabai
(1498-1546), Sur Das, Tuka Ram, Sankaradeva of Assam
Basavanna’s Virashaivism in Karnataka
Saints of Maharashtra
Impact of the Bhakti Movement
Islam and Sufism
■ Growth of Sufism
■ Impact of Sufis
■ Popular practice of Islam
Chishtis in the Subcontinent
■ Chishti devotionalism
■ Martin Luther and the Reformation

● Vijayanagara & Bahmani Kingdom

Bahmani Kingdom
■ Alaudin Hasan Bahman Shah (1347–1358)
■ Mohammed I (1358–1375)
■ Mohammed Gawan
Vijayanagar Empire
■ Origin and Expansion
■ Vijayanagar – Bahmani conflict
■ Devaraya II (1422–46)
■ Krishnadevaraya (1509–29) PAGE 9
● The battle of Talikota
■ Nayak System
● Society and Economy
● Fortifications and roads
● Royal Center
● Scared Center
● Architecture
○ Gopurams and mandapas
● Water Resource
● Trade
● Mughal Empire
■ Zahiruddin Muhammad Babur (1526–1530)
● First Battle of Panipat
● Battle of Khanwa, 1527
● Battle of Chanderi, 1528
● Battle of Ghagra, 1529
■ Humayun (1530-1540 & 1555-1556)
● Battle of Chausa (1539)
● Battle of Kanauj (1540)
■ Sher Shah and Sur Dynasty
● Sher Shah’s Reforms
● Humayun’s Return from Exile
■ Emperor Akbar (1556–1605)
● Second Battle of Panipat
● Akbar and Bairam Khan
● Akbar’s Military Conquests
● Rajput Policy
● Mansabdari System
● Akbar’s Religious Policy
■ Jahangir (1605–1627)
■ Shah Jahan (1627-1658)
● European Factories/Settlements during Mughal Rule
■ Aurangzeb (1658–1707)
● Aurangzeb’s Deccan Policy
● Against Marathas
Mughal Traditions of Succession
Mughal Empire in the 17th Century and After
■ Crisis of the Empire and the Later Mughals
■ Emergence of New States
■ Old Mughal Provinces – Hyderabad, Awadh & Bengal.
■ The Watan Jagirs & Rajput state
■ Seizing Independence – The Sikhs, The Maratha & The Jats
Mughal Society
■ Trade & Commerce PAGE 10
Religion – Sikhism, Sufis & Christianity
Science and Technology
Music and Dance

● Rise of Marathas
Rise of Maratha
Shivaji (1627-1680 CE)
■ Military Conquests
■ Confrontation against Bijapur
■ Shivaji and Afzal Khan, 1659.
■ Shivaji and the Mughals
■ Shivaji and Jaisingh
■ Visit to Agra
■ Conflict with the Mughals (1670)
■ Deccan Campaigns, 1676
■ Last days of Shivaji
Marathas after Shivaji
Marathas Administration
■ Central Government
■ Provincial Government
■ Revenue System
■ Chauth and Sardeshmukhi (Tax system)
■ Military Organization
■ Justice
Rule of the Peshwas (1713-1818)
■ Balaji Viswanath (1713 - 1720)
■ Baji rao I (1720 - 1740)
■ Balaji Baji Rao (1740–1761)
● Carnatic Expedition
● Battle of Udgir, 1760
● The Third Battle of Panipat, 1761
○ Circumstances
○ Effects of the Battle of Panipat
■ Peshwa Madhav Rao I (1761–1772) and His Successors
The Anglo-Maratha Wars
■ The First Anglo Maratha War (1775-1782)
■ The Second Anglo-Maratha War (1803-1806)
■ The Third Anglo-Maratha War (1817-1819)
● Outcome of the Third Anglo-Maratha War
Maratha Administration under Peshwas (1714-1818)
■ Central Secretariat
■ Provinces
■ Village Administration PAGE 11
■ Urban Administration
■ Source of Revenue
■ Police System
■ Judicial System
■ Army
■ Cavalry
■ Infantry and Artillery
■ Navy
Maratha Rule in Tamilnadu
■ Circumstances leading to its establishment
■ Serfoji II


● Coming of European
Sea Route to India
The Portuguese
■ Francisco de Almeida (1505-09), Alfonso de Albuquerque (1509-1515) &
Nino da Cunha (1529-38)
■ Factors for Decline of the Portuguese in India
The Dutch
■ Dutch Factory & Decline in India
■ Battle of Bidara (1759)
The English
■ Factory Foundation
■ Settlements
■ Farrukhsiyar’s Farmans
■ Merge of Companies
The French
■ Foundation & Settlement
■ Anglo-French Rivalry: The Carnatic Wars
● 1st Carnatic War (1746-48)
● 2nd Carnatic War (1749- 1754)
● 3rd Carnatic War (1756- 1763) - Treaty of Paris
■ Causes for the French failure against the British
The Danes
English Succeeded against other European Power.

● British Conquest of India

British Conquest & Reason for Success
British Occupation of Bengal
■ Battle of Plassey (1757)
■ Battle of Buxar (1763)
■ Dual System of Administration of Bengal (1765-72) PAGE 12
Mysore’s Resistance to the Company – Rise of Haider Ali & Tipu Sultan
■ 1st Anglo-Mysore War (1767 - 69) – Treaty of Madras
■ 2nd Anglo-Mysore War (1780 - 84) - Treaty of Mangalore
■ 3rd Anglo-Mysore War - Treaty of Seringapatam
■ 4th Mysore War (1799)
Anglo-Maratha Struggle for Supremacy
■ First Anglo-Maratha War (1775-82) - Treaties of Surat and Purandar
■ Second Anglo Maratha War (1803-1805)
● Treaty of Bassein (1802)
● Treaty of Deogaon (1803)
● Treaty of Surji Anjangaon (1803)
● Treaty of Rajpurghat (1806)
■ Third Anglo-Maratha War (1817-19)
● Treaty of Poona (1817)
● Treaty of Gwalior (1817)
● Treaty of Mandsaur (1818)
■ Reason for Maratha Lost
Conquest of Sindh (1843) - Lord Ellenborough
■ Treaty of ‘Eternal Friendship’
■ Treaty of 1832 Lord Auckland and Sindh
■ Tripartite Treaty of 1838
■ Tripartite Treaty of 1838
■ Capitulation of Sindh the First Anglo-Afghan War (1839-42)
Conquest of Punjab
■ Treaty of Amritsar (1809), Ranjit Singh and the British
■ First Anglo-Sikh War (1845-46)
■ Second Anglo-Sikh War (1848-49)
British Paramountcy in Action
■ Ring-fence Policy of Warren Hastings
■ Subsidiary Alliance of Wellesley
● Hyderabad (1798; 1800), Mysore (1799), Tanjore (October 1799),
Awadh (November 1801), Peshwa (December 1801), Bhonsle of
Berar (December 1803), Sindhia (February 1804), Jodhpur (1818),
Jaipur (1818), Macheri (1818), Bundi (1818), Bharatpur (1818).
■ Doctrine of Lapse by Lord Dalhousie (1848-56).
● Satara (1848), Sambalpur (1849), Bhagat (1850), Udaipur (1850),
Nagpur (1854), Jhansi (1855), Awadh (1856; on charge of
Relations of British India with Neighboring Countries
■ Anglo-Bhutanese Relation
■ Anglo-Nepal Relations (Treaty of Sagauli, 1816)
■ Anglo-Burma Relations
● First Anglo-Burma War, 1824-26 - Treaty of Yandabo
● Second Anglo-Burma War, 1852
● Third Anglo-Burma War, 1885
■ Anglo-Tibetan Relations - Treaty of Lhasa (1904)
■ Anglo-Afghan Relations
● Forward Policy of Auckland PAGE 13
● First Anglo-Afghan War (1839-1842)
● John Lawrence’s Policy of Masterly Inactivity
● Lytton and the Policy of Proud Reserve
● Second Anglo-Afghan War (1870-80) - Treaty of Gandamak (May
■ North-West Frontier - Durand Agreement (1893)

● Impact of British Rule

Impact of British Rule
■ Social Conditions Ripe for Reform
Social and Ideological Bases of Reform
■ Middle Class Base
■ The Intellectual Criteria
■ Two Streams
Direction of Social Reform
■ Fight for Betterment of Position of Women
■ Steps taken to Ameliorate Women’s Position
● Women’s Organization
■ Struggle Against Caste-Based Exploitation
● Factors that Helped to Mitigate Caste-based Discrimination

● Socio-religious reform movements

Impact of British Rule
■ Social Conditions Ripe for Reform
Social and Ideological Bases of Reform
■ Middle Class Base
■ The Intellectual Criteria
■ Two Streams
Direction of Social Reform
■ Fight for Betterment of Position of Women
■ Steps taken to Ameliorate Women’s Position
● Women’s Organization
■ Struggle Against Caste-Based Exploitation
● Factors that Helped to Mitigate Caste-based Discrimination

● Socio-Cultural Reform Movements and their Leaders

Reform Movements: Among Hindus
■ Brahmo Samaj
● Raja Rammohan Roy
● Debendranath Tagore and Tattvabodhini Sabha
● Keshab Chandra Sen and Brahmo Samaj of India ⸷ Significance of
the Brahmo Samaj
■ Prarthana Samaj
■ Henry Vivian Derozio and Young Bengal Movement
■ Ishwar Chandra Vidyasagar
Western India PAGE 14
■ BalShastri Jambhekar
■ Paramhansa Mandalis
■ Jyotiba Phule and Satyashodhak Samaj
■ Gopalhari Deshmukh 'Lokhitwadi’
■ Gopal Ganesh Agarkar
■ Servants of India Society
■ Social Service League
Southern India
■ Dev Samaj
■ Dharma Sabha
■ Bharat Dharma Mahamandal
■ Radhaswami Movement
■ Sree Narayana Guru Dharma Paripalana (SNDP) Movement
■ Vokkaliga Sangha
■ Justice Movement
■ Self-Respect Movement
■ Temple Entry Movement
■ Indian Social Conference
All India
■ Ramakrishna Movement and Vivekananda
● Swami Vivekananda
■ Dayananda Saraswati and Arya Samaj
■ Theosophical Movement
Among Muslims.
■ Wahabi/Waliullah Movement
■ Titu Mir ‘s Movement
■ Faraizi Movement
■ Ahmadiyya Movement
■ Sir Syed Ahmed Khan and Aligarh Movement
■ Deoband Movement
Among Parsis
■ Rahnumai Mazdayasnan Sabha
■ Seva Sadan
Among Sikhs
■ Singh Sabha Movement
■ Akali Movement
Positive Aspects
Negative Aspects

● Growth of Indian press

Repressive Measures against free Press
■ Censorship of Press Act, 1799
■ Licensing Regulations, 1823
■ Press Act of 1835 or Metcalfe Act
■ Licensing Act, 1857
■ Registration Act, 1867
Struggle by Early Nationalists to Rise of Press PAGE 15
Vernacular Press Act, 1878
■ Role of Bal Gangadhar Tilak.
■ Newspaper (Incitement to Offences) Act, 1908
■ Indian Press Act, 1910
During and After the First World War
■ Indian Press (Emergency Powers) Act, 1931
During the Second World War

● Revolt of 1857 & after; Other Peasant/Tribal Revolts

Causes of the Revolt
■ Economic causes
■ Political causes
■ Administrative causes
■ Social and Religious causes
■ Influence of Outside Events
■ Discontent Among Sepoys
Spread of the Revolt
■ The Spark
■ Starts at Meerut
■ Bahadur Shah as symbolic Head
■ Civilians Join
Storm Centres and Leaders of the Revolt
Suppression of the Revolt
Causes of Revolt Failed
Hindu-Muslim Unity Factor
Nature of the Revolt
Significance of the Revolt

● Peasant Movement 1857-1947

Early Peasant Movement
■ Indigo Revolt (1859-60)
■ Pabna Agrarian Leagues
■ Deccan Riots
Changed Nature of Peasant Movements after 1857
Later Movements
■ The Kisan Sabha Movement
■ Eka Movement
■ Mappila Revolt
■ Bardoli Satyagraha
■ The All India Kisan Congress/Sabha
■ Under Congress Ministries
Post War Phase
■ Tebhaga Movement
■ Telangana Movement PAGE 16
● Rise of nationalism (1860-1916)
Factors Promoting the Growth of Nationalism in India
■ Understanding of contradictions in Indian and colonial interests
■ Political, administrative and economic unification of the country
■ Western thought and education
■ Role of press and literature
■ Rediscovery of India’s past—historical researches
■ Progressive Character of Socio-religious Reform Movements
■ Rise of middle class intelligentsia
■ Impact of contemporary movements worldwide
■ Reactionary policies and racial arrogance of rulers

● Associations formed prior to Congress

Political Associations in Bengal
■ 1836 - Bangabhasha Prakasika Sabha
■ Zamindari Association or Landholders’ Society
■ 1843 - Bengal British India Society
■ 1851 - British Indian Association
■ 1866 - East India Association
■ 1870 - Poona Sarvajanik Sabha
■ 1875 - Indian League
■ 1876 - Indian Association of Calcutta or Indian National Association
Political Associations in Bombay
■ 1867 - Poona Sarvajanik Sabha
■ 1885 - Bombay Presidency Association
Political Associations in Madras
■ 1884 - Madras Mahajan Sabha

● Indian National Congress: Foundation and the Moderate Phase

Foundation of Indian National Congress
■ Foundational theories of INC and prominent believers:
■ Aims and Objectives of the Congress
Era of Moderates (1885-1905)
■ Moderate Approach
Contributions of Moderate Nationalists
■ Economic Critique of British Imperialism
■ Constitutional Reforms and Propaganda in Legislature
■ Campaign for General Administrative Reforms
■ Protection of Civil Rights
An Evaluation of the Early Nationalists
■ Role of Masses
■ Attitude of the Government

● National Movement (1905-1918)

● Era of Militant Nationalism (1905-1909)
Militant Nationalism Grew
■ Recognition of the True Nature of British Rule PAGE 17
■ Growth of self-confidence and self-respect
■ Growth of education
■ International influences
■ Reaction to increasing westernization
■ Dissatisfaction with Achievements of Moderates
■ Reactionary Policies of Curzon
■ Existence of a militant school of thought
■ Emergence of a trained leadership
The Swadeshi and Boycott Movement
■ Partition of Bengal to Divide People
■ Anti-Partition Campaign Under Moderates (1903-05)
■ The Congress’s Position
The Movement under Extremist Leadership
■ The Extremist Programme
■ New Forms of Struggle and Impact
■ Extent of Mass Participation
Evaluation of the Swadeshi Movement
■ Swadeshi Movement fizzled out by 1908
■ Movement of Turning Point
■ Moderate Methods Give Way to Extremist Modes
The Surat Split
■ Split Takes Place
■ Government Repression
The Government Strategy
Morley-Minto Reforms of 1909 or Indian Councils Act of 1909
■ The Reforms
■ Evaluation

● First Phase of Revolutionary Activity (1907 - 1917)

Surge of Revolutionary Activities (Reasons for emergence)
Ideology (The Revolutionary Programme)
A Survey of Revolutionary Activities
■ Bengal
■ Maharashtra
■ Punjab
Revolutionary Activities Abroad
■ The Ghadr Programme
■ Revolutionaries in Europe
■ Mutiny in Singapore

● Nationalist Response of WW-I

Home Rule League Movement
■ Factors Leading to the Movement
■ The Leagues
● Tilak’s League & Besant's League
■ The Home Rule League Programme PAGE 18
■ Government Attitude
■ Agitation Faded Out by 1919
■ Positive Gains
Lucknow Session of the Indian National Congress (1916)
■ Readmission of Extremists to Congress
■ Lucknow Pact between Congress and Muslim League
● Why the Change in the League’s Altitude
● Nature of the Pact
● Critical Comments
Montagu’s Statement of August 1917
■ Indian Objections

● Nationalist movement 1917- 1939

Nationalist Resurgence Now
■ Post-War Economic Hardships
■ Expectations of Political Gains for Cooperation in the War
■ Nationalist Disillusionment with Imperialism Worldwide
■ Impact of Russian Revolution (November 7,1917)
Montagu-Chelmsford Reforms and Government of India Act, 1919
■ Main Features
● Provincial Government - Introduction of Dyarchy
○ Executive & Legislature
● Central Government - Still Without Responsible Government
■ Drawbacks
■ Congress’s Reaction
Mohandas Karamchand Gandhi
Early Career and Experiments with Truth in South Africa
■ Moderate Phase of Struggle (1894-1906)
■ Phase of Passive Resistance or Satyagraha (1906-1914)
■ Gandhi’s Experience in South Africa
■ Gandhi’s Technique of Satyagraha
Gandhi in India
■ Champaran Satyagraha (1917) - First Civil Disobedience
■ Ahmedabad Mill Strike (1918) - First Hunger Strike
■ Kheda Satyagraha (1918) - First non-Cooperation
■ Gains from Champaran, Ahmedabad and Kheda
Rowlatt Act,
■ Satyagraha Against the Rowlatt Act - First Mass Strike
Jallianwala Bagh Massacre (April 13, 1919)
■ The Hunter Committee of Enquiry Congress View

● Swarajists, No-Changers & Socialist Ideas

Swarajists and No-Changers
■ Genesis of Congress-Khilafat Swarajya Party
■ Swarajists’ Arguments
■ No-Changers’ Arguments
■ Agree to Disagree PAGE 19
■ Swarajist Manifesto for Elections
■ Gandhi’s Attitude Swarajist Activity in Councils Achievements &
■ Constructive Work by No-Changers
■ A Critique of Constructive Work
Emergence of New Forces:
■ Spread of Marxist and Socialist Ideas
■ Activism of Indian Youth
■ Peasants’ Agitations
■ All India Trade Union Congress (AITUC)
■ Caste Movements
■ Revolutionary Activity with a Turn towards Socialism
Revolutionary Activity During the 1920s
■ Major Influences
■ In Punjab-United Provinces-Bihar
● Kakori Robbery (August 1925)
● The HSRA
● Saunders’ Murder (Lahore, December 1928)
● Bomb in the Central Legislative Assembly (April 1929)
● Action against the Revolutionaries
■ In Bengal
● Chittagong Armoury Raid (April 1930)
● Aspects of the New Phase of Revolutionary
● Movement in Bengal Ideological
● Rethinking Redefining Revolution

Simon Commission (1927)

■ Indian Response
■ Congress Response
■ Other Groups
■ Public Response
■ Police Repression
■ Dr Ambedkar and the Simon Commission
■ Impact of Appointment of Simon Commission on the National Movement
Nehru Report (1928)
■ Main Recommendations The Muslim and Hindu Communal Responses
■ Delhi Proposals of Muslim League
■ Hindu Mahasabha Demands
■ Compromises
■ Amendments Proposed by Jinnah
■ Jinnah’s Fourteen Points
■ Nehru Report Found Unsatisfactory

● Civil Disobedience Movement

Political Activity during 1929
Irwin’s Declaration (October 31, 1929)
Delhi Manifesto PAGE 20
Lahore Congress and Purna Swaraj o December 31, 1929
January 26, 1930: The Independence Pledge
Civil Disobedience Movement - the Salt Satyagraha and Other Upsurges o
■ Dandi March (March 12-April 6, 1930)
■ Spread of Salt Law Disobedience
■ Satyagraha at Different Places
■ Extent of Mass Participation
Government Response—Efforts for Truce
Gandhi-Irwin Pact Evaluation of Civil Disobedience Movement
● Comparison to Non-Cooperation Movement
■ Karachi Congress Session - 1931
● Congress Resolutions at Karachi

● Round Table Conferences

First Round Table Conference
Second Round Table Conference
Third Round Table Conference
Civil Disobedience Resumed
■ During Truce Period (March-December 1931)
■ Changed Government Attitude After Second RTC

● Communal Award
Main Provisions of the Communal Award
Congress Stand
Gandhi’s Response

● Poona Pact
Impact of Poona Pact on Dalits
Joint Electorates and Its Impact on Depressed Classes
Gandhi’s Harijan Campaign

● After CDM & Congress Rule in Provinces

The First Stage Debate
■ Nehru’s Vision Nehru’s Opposition to Struggle-Truce-Struggle Strategy
■ Council Entry
Government of India Act, 1935
■ All India Federation
■ Federal Level – Executive & Legislature
■ Provincial Autonomy - Executive & Legislature
■ Evaluation of the Act The Long-Term British Strategy
■ Nationalists’ Response
Second Stage Debate
■ Divided Opinion
■ Gandhi’s Position
■ Congress Manifesto for Elections PAGE 21
● Nationalist struggle (1935- 1947)
Congress Crisis on Method of Struggle
■ Haripura and Tripuri Sessions: Subhash Bose’s Views
■ Haripura Session
■ Tripuri Session

● Second World War and Nationalistic Response

Congress Offer to Viceroy
CWC Meeting at Wardha
■ The CWC resolution
Government Attitude and Congress Ministries’ Resignation.
■ Government’s Hidden Agenda
■ Congress Ministries Decide to Resign
■ Debate on the Question of Immediate Mass Satyagraha
■ Pakistan Resolution—Lahore (March 1940)

● August Offer & Individual Satyagraha

August Offer
■ Responses
■ Evaluation
Individual Satyagraha
Gandhi Designates Nehru as his Successor

● Cripps Mission (1942)

Reason for Cripps Mission was Sent
Main Proposals
Departures from the Past and Implications
Reason for Cripps Mission Failed
■ Muslim League
■ Other Groups

● Quit India Movement (1942- 1944)

Reason for Struggle Start
Quit India’ Resolution.
Gandhi’s General Instructions to Different Sections
Spread of the Movement
Public on Rampage
Underground Activity
Parallel Governments
Extent of Mass Participation
Government Repression
Gandhi Fasts
Famine of 1943
Rajagopalachari Formula PAGE 22
■ Objections
Desai-Liaquat Pact
Wavell Plan
■ Muslim League’s Stand
■ Congress Stand

● Indian national army & Subhas Chandra Bose

Origin and Phase of the Indian National Army

● Post War National Scenario – Election & INA trials

Post-War National Scenario
■ Two Strands of National Upsurge
■ Change in Government’s Attitude
Congress Election Campaign and INA Trials
■ Election Campaign for Nationalistic Aims
■ Congress Support for INA Prisoners
■ The INA Agitation -
A Landmark on Many Counts
Three Upsurges - Winter of 1945-46 - RIN Mutiny (1946)
■ Three-Stage Pattern
● Stage I. When a Group Defies Authority and is Repressed
● Stage II. When the City People Join In
● Stage III. When People in Other Parts of the Country Express
Sympathy and Solidarity
■ Evaluation of Potential and Impact of the three Upsurges
■ Congress Strategy
Election Results

● Cabinet Mission (1946) & Interim Government

Cabinet Mission
■ Reason for British Withdrawal Seemed Imminent Now
■ On the Eve of Cabinet Mission Plan
■ Cabinet Mission Arrives
■ Cabinet Mission Plan - Main Points Different Interpretations of the Grouping
■ Main Objections
■ Acceptance and Rejection
Communal Holocaust and the Interim Government
■ Changed Government Priorities
■ Interim Government
● 14 Ministers of Interim Government
■ Obstructionist Approach and Ulterior Motives of the League

● Birth & Spread of Communalism in India

Characteristic Features of Indian Communalism
Reasons for Growth of Communalism
■ Socio-economic Reasons PAGE 23
■ British Policy of Divide and Rule
■ Communalism in History Writing
■ Side-effects of Socio-religious Reform Movements
■ Side-effects of Militant Nationalism
■ Communal Reaction by Majority Community
Evolution of the Two-Nation Theory

● Indian Independence with Partition

Clement Attlee, the British prime minister Statement
■ Reason for date fix & Congress Stand
Independence and Partition
■ Mountbatten Plan, June 3, 1947
■ Indian Independence Act
■ Problems of Early Withdrawal
Integration of States
Inevitability of Partition
■ Reason for congress accept partition
■ Gandhi’s Helplessness

● Constitutional development
The Company Rule (1773-1858)
■ Regulation Act of 1773
■ Amendment of 1781
■ Pitt's India Act of 1784
■ Act of 1786 Charter Act of 1793
■ Charter Act of 1813
■ Charter Act of 1833
■ Charter Act of 1853
The Crown Rule (1858-1947)
■ Government of India Act 1858
■ Indian Council Act of 1861
■ Indian Council Act of 1892
■ Indian Council Act of 1909
■ Government of India Act of 1919
● Simon Commission
● Communal Award
Government of India Act 1935
● Indian Independence Act of 1947


● Indian Paintings
History and Evolution of Painting in India - An Overview
Principles of Painting PAGE 24
● Pre Historic Paintings
Upper Paleolithic Period (40,000-10,000 BC)
Mesolithic Period (10,000-4000 BC)
Chalcolithic Period
Bhimbetka Rock Paintings
● Classification of Indian Paintings
● Mural Paintings
Ajanta Cave Paintings
Ellora Cave Paintings
Bagh Cave Paintings
Armamalai Cave Paintings
Sittanavasal Cave (Arivar Koil) Paintings
Ravan Chhaya Rock Shelter
Lepakshi Temple Paintings
Jogimara Cave Paintings
Badami Cave Temples, Karnataka

● Miniature Paintings in India

Technique of Miniature Painting
Early Miniatures
Pala School of Art
Apabhramsa School of Art
Transition Period Miniature
Miniature Art during Delhi Sultanate
Mughal Era Miniature Painting
■ Babur, Akbar, Jahangir, Shah Jahan, Aurangazeb

● Regional Schools of Painting

Rajasthani School of Painting
■ Mewar School of Painting
■ Amber-Jaipur School of Painting
■ Marwar School of Painting
■ Kishangarh School
■ Bundi School of Painting (17th–19th Century AD)
■ Rajput Style VS Mughal Style
Pahari School of Painting (17th-19th century)
■ Basohli School (from 17th century)
■ Kangra School (from mid-18th century)
■ Ragamala Paintings

● Miniature Paintings in South India

Tanjore Paintings
Mysore Paintings

● Modern Indian Painting PAGE 25
Company Paintings (Kampani Kalam)
Bazaar Paintings
Bengal School of Art
Abanindranath Tagore
Nandalal Bose
Rabindranath Tagore

● Folk Paintings
Madhubani Paintings
Pattachitra Painting
Patua Art
Paitkar Painting
Kalamkari Paintings
Warli Painting
Thangka Painting
Manjusha Painting
Phad Painting
Cheriyal Scroll Paintings
Pithora Paintings
Saura Paintings, Odisha

● Indian Dance Forms & Music

● Indian Dance
■ Aspects of Dance
Indian Dances

● Folk Dances of India

Cover all state dances in this

● Indian Music
History of Indian Music
Text on Music
Classification of Indian Music
■ Dhrupad
■ Khayal PAGE 26
■ Tarana Style
■ Thumri
■ Thappa
■ Ghazal
Trinity of Carnatic Music
Hindustani Vs Carnatic Music
Musical Instruments
Awanad/Avanaddha Vadya
■ Sushira vadya
■ Ghana Vadya
■ Tata Vadya

● Sculpture of Harappan & India

Sculpture Art of India
Sculptures of Harappan Civilisation
■ Seals
● Pashupati Seal
■ Bronze Figures
● Bronze Dancing Girl
■ Terracotta
● Mother Goddess
● Bearded Priest
Red sandstone figure of a male torso
Prominent schools of sculpture art in India
■ Gandhara school
■ Mathura school
■ Amravati school

● Architecture in India
● Ancient Architecture
Post Mauryan

● Temple Architecture
Nagara School of Architecture
■ Odisha school
■ Khajuraho school
■ Solanki School
Dravidian style of Architecture
Nayaka School aka Madurai School
Vesara School aka Karnataka School
Vijaynagar School
Hoysala School
Pala School PAGE 27
● Medieval India Architecture
Delhi Sultanate Period
■ Imperial Style
● Slave Dynasty
● Khilji Dynasty
● Tughlaq Dynasty
● Lodhi Dynasty
■ Provincial style
● Bengal School
● Malwa School aka Pathan School
● Jaunpur School
● Bijapur School
● Mughal Period
○ Babur, Humayun, Sher Shah, Akdar, Jahandir, Shah Jahan,
Aurangzeb, Bahadur Shah Zafar

● Regional styles have high Mughal architecture influence

Sikh Style
Rajput Style

● Modern Architecture
Portuguese Influence
French Influence
British Influence
Indo - Gothic style
Neo-Roman/Neo-Classical Style

● School of Philosophy
Orthodox School
■ Samkhya School
■ Yoga School
■ Nyaya School
■ Vaisheshika School
■ Mimansa School
■ Vedanta School
Heterodox School
■ Charvaka School/ Lokayata

● Languages in India
Classification of Indian languages
■ Indo Aryan group
● Old Indo Aryan group
○ Development of Sanskrit
● Middle Indo aryan group PAGE 28
○ Prakrit Languages Types: pali, Ardha Magadhi, Shurasheni,
Maharashtri Prakrit, Elu, Paishachi, Apabhramsa Language
■ Modern Indo Aryan Language
■ Dravidian group – Northern Group, Middle Group, Southern Group
■ Sino- Tibetan group - Tibeto burman, Shimese Chinese
■ Negroid Group
■ Austric Group
Ancient Script of India
■ Indus script, Brahmi Script, Gupta Script, Kharosthi Script, Vatteluttu
script, Kadamba script, Grantha script, Sarada script, Gurumukhi script,
Devanagari script, Modi script, Urdu script
Official language of India
Indian Classical Languages

● Indian Literature
● Ancient India
Hindu Literature in Ancient India
■ Vedas
■ Brahamanas
■ Aranyakas
■ Upanishads
■ Ramayana
■ Mahabharatam
■ Puranas
■ Upa-Puranas

● Medieval Literature
Hindi and its dialects

● Modern Literature
Bengali, Odia and Assamese Literature
Gujarati, Rajasthani and Sindhi Literature
Kashmiri Literature
Punjabi Literature
Marathi Literature

● Other Literature
Classical Sanskrit Literature
■ Sanskrit drama
■ Sanskrit Poetry
■ Other major Sanskrit texts
Literature in Pali and Prakrit PAGE 29
Jain Literature
Zoroastrian Literature
Sikh Literature
Dravidian Literature
■ Tamil Sangam Literature
■ Malayalam Literature
■ Telugu Literature
■ Kannada Literature

● Indian Theatre
Classical Sanskrit Theatre
■ Historical Sanskrit plays
■ Rules in Classical Theatre
■ Features of play
■ Reasons for the decline of Sanskrit theatre
Folk Theatre
■ Ritual Theatre
■ Ramman – Garhwal (Uttrakhand)
■ Ramlila – Uttar Pradesh Kala - Assam
■ Ankia nat - Assam
■ Raslila - Gujarat and Mathura region of uttar pradesh
■ Bhuta - Karnataka
Entertainment Theatre
■ Garodas, Bhavai – Gujarat (Kutch and Kathiawar) and Rajasthan.
■ Jatra, Daskathia – Odisha
■ Kariyala – Himachal Pradesh
■ Maach – Malwa (Madhya Pradesh)
■ Nautanki – North India
■ Powada – Maharashtra
■ Swang – Haryana & Punjab
■ Tamasha – Maharashtra
■ Villu Pattu – Deccan
■ Bhand Pather – Jammu & Kashmir
■ Bhaona – Majuli Island (Assam)
Theatre of South India
■ Yakshagana - Andhra pradesh, Karnataka
■ Burra katha - Andhra Pradesh
■ Pagati Veshalu – Telangana & Krishna District
■ Bayalata – Karnataka
■ Theyyam, Krishna Attam – Kerala
■ Kuravani – Tamil Nadu
Modern Indian Theatre

● Indian Puppetry
Puppetry in Ancient India
■ Indus Valley Civilization PAGE 30
■ Vedic Age
■ Sangam Age
■ Post Mauryan Age
Forms of Puppetry
■ String Puppetry
■ Shadow Puppetry
■ Glove Puppetry
■ Rod Puppetry

● Coins – Ancient & Medieval India

Punch Marked Coins
■ Classification of Punch Marked Coins
Indo Greek Coins
Satavahana Coins
Indo Scythians Coins
Gupta Period Coins
Vardhana Coins
Chalukyan Coins
Rajput Coins
Pandyan Coins
Chola Coins
Turkish & Delhi Sultanate Coins
Vijayanagara Coins
Mughal Coins
Important Facts

● Festival & Fairs of India

National Festival
Religious Festival
● Fairs of India
Kumbh Mela
Sonepur Mela
Pushkar Fair
Desert Festival
Surajkund Crafts Fair
Gangasagar Mela
Goa Carnival

● Cultural Institution in India

The Archaeological Survey of India
Centre for Cultural Resources and Training (CCRT)
Indian Council for Cultural Relations PAGE 31
Sahitya Akademi (National Academy of Letters)
Sangeet Natak Akademi
Lalit Kala Akademi (National Academy of Arts)

● Awards & Honour

Bharat Ratna
Padma Awards
■ Padma Vibhushan
■ Padma Bhushan
■ Padma Shri
National Film Awards
Dada Saheb Phalke Award
Sahitya Akademi Award
Sahitya Akademi Fellowship
Bhasha Samman
Jnanpith Award
Saraswati Samman
Vyas Samman

● Foreign Travellers Observation of India

Greek Travellers
■ Megasthenes
■ Deimachos
Chinese Travellers
■ Fa-Hien
■ Hiuen Tsang
■ I-Tsing
Arab Travellers
■ Al-Masudi
■ Al-Biruni (Or Abu Rehan Mahamud)
■ Ibn Battuta
Italian Travellers
■ Marco Polo
■ Nicolo De Conti
■ Peter Mundy
■ Nicolao Manucci
Persian Travellers
■ Abdur Razzaq
Portuguese Travellers
■ Domingo Paes
■ Duarte Barbosa
English Travellers
■ William Hawkins (1608-1611 AD)
■ Sir Thomas Roe (1615 – 1619 AD)
French Travellers PAGE 32
■ Jean-Baptiste Tavernier (1638-1643 AD)
■ Francois Bernier
Other Travellers
■ Shihabuddin Al-Umari
■ Athanasius Nikitin

● World Heritage Sites & Intangible Cultural Heritage

UNESCO’s List of World Heritage Sites in India
■ Criteria for Selection
■ Criteria for Cultural Sites
■ Criteria for Natural Sites
■ Legal Status of Designated Sites
UNESCO World Heritage Sites in India

● UNESCO’s List of Intangible Cultural Heritage

● List of India’s Intangible Cultural heritage
Koodiyattam (Sanskrit theatre)
Tradition of vedic chanting
Mayurbhanj chhau (Odisha)
Buddhist chanting of ladakh
Thatheras of Jandiala guru (Punjab)

● Source (UNESCO official Sites)


● Making of Constitution
Demand for Constitution Assembly
■ ‘August Offer’ of 1940.
■ Cripps Mission - 1942
■ Cabinet Mission plan:
Composition of the Constitution Assembly
Working of the Constitution Assembly PAGE 33
Other functions performed
■ Major & Minor
Drafting Committee
Enactment of the Constitution
Enforcement of the Constitution
Experts Committee of the Congress
Hindi text of Constitution.
Criticism of the Constitution.

● Salient features of the Constitution

Salient features
■ Lengthiest Written Constitution
■ Drawn from Various Sources
■ Blend of Rigidity and Flexibility
■ Federal Structure with Unitary Bias
■ Parliamentary Form of Government
■ Synthesis of Parliamentary Sovereignty and Judicial Supremacy
■ Integrated and Independent Judiciary
■ Fundamentals Rights
■ Directive Principles of State Policy
■ Fundamentals Duties
■ A Secular State
■ Universal Adult Franchise
■ Single Citizenship
■ Independent Bodies
■ Emergency provisions
■ Three-tier Government
■ Co-operative Societies

● Union and its Territory

Article 1 to 4
Parliament power to Reorganize the State
Exchange of territories with Bangladesh
Evolution of States & UT
■ Integration of Princely States
■ Dhar Commission and JVP Committee
■ Fazl Ali Commission
New States and Union Territories Created After 1956

● Citizenship
Meaning & Significance
Article 5 to 11
Citizenship Act, 1955
■ Acquisition of Citizenship
● By Birth PAGE 34
● By Descent
● By Registration
● By Naturalisation
● By Incorporation of Territory
Special Provisions as to Citizenship of person Covered by the Assam Accord.
■ Loss of Citizenship
● By Renunciation
● By Termination
● By Deprivation
Single Citizenship
Overseas Citizenship of India
■ Registration of Overseas citizens of Indian Cardholder
■ Conferment of Rights on Overseas citizens of Indian Cardholder
■ Renunciation of Overseas citizens of Indian Cardholder
■ Cancellation of Registration as Overseas citizens of Indian Cardholder

● Fundamentals Rights
Features of FR
Definition of State (Article 12) & Definition of law (Article 13)
Fundamental Rights (FR) of Foreigners
● 1. Right to equality (Articles 14-18)
Equality before law and equal protection of laws (Article 14). Exception of
Prohibition of discrimination on grounds of religion, race, caste, sex or place of
birth (Article 15).
■ Reservation of OBC & EWS in Educational institutions.
Equality of opportunity in matters of public employment (Article 16).
■ Mandal Commission and Aftermath.
■ Reservation for EWS in Public Employment.
Abolition of untouchability and prohibition of its practice (Article 17)
Abolition of titles except military and academic (Article 18)

● 2. Right to freedom (Articles 19-22) Protection of six rights regarding freedom of: (1)
speech and expression, (ii) assembly. (iii) association, (iv) movement, (v) residence, and
(vi) profession (Article 19).
Protection in respect of conviction for offenses (Article 20).
Protection of life and personal liberty (Article 21).
■ Right to elementary education (Article 21A).
Protection against arrest and detention in certain cases (Article 22).
■ Punitive Detention and Prevention Detention.

● 3. Right against exploitation (Articles 23-24)

Prohibition of traffic in human beings and forced labor (Article 23).
Prohibition of employment of children in factories, etc. (Article 24). PAGE 35
● 4. Right to freedom of religion (Article 25-28)
Freedom of conscience and free profession, practice and propagation of religion
(Article 25).
Freedom to manage religious affairs (Article 26).
Freedom from payment of taxes for promotion of any religion (Article 27).
Freedom from attending religious instruction or worship in certain educational
institutions (Article 28).

● 5. Cultural and educational rights (Articles 29-30)

Protection of language, script and culture of minorities (Article 29).
Right of minorities to establish and administer educational institutions (Article 30).

● 6. Right to constitutional remedies (Article 32)

Right to move the Supreme Court for the enforcement of fundamental rights
including the writs of (1) habeas corpus, (ii) mandamus, (iii) prohibition, (iv)
certiorari, and (v) quo war-rento (Article 32).
■ Armed Forces and Fundamentals Rights (Article 33)
■ Martial law and Fundamentals Rights (Article 34)
■ Affecting Certain Fundamentals Rights (Article 35)
■ Present Position of Right to Property
■ Exception of Fundamental Rights
○ Saving of Laws Providing for Acquisition of Estates, etc.
● Validation of Certain Acts and Regulations
● Saving of Laws Giving Effect to Certain Directive Principles
■ Criticism of Fundamental Rights
● Excessive Limitations
● No Social and Economic Rights
● No Clarity
● No Permanency
● Suspension During Emergency
● Expensive Remedy
● Preventive Detention
● No Consistent Philosophy
■ Significance of Fundamental Rights
■ Rights Outside Part III

● Directive Principles of State Policy

Features of Directive Principles
Classification of Directive Principles
■ Socialist Principles (Article 38, 39, 39A, 41, 42, 43, 43A, 47)
■ Gandhian Principles (Article 40, 43, 43B, 46, 47, 48)
■ Liberal-Intellectual Principles (Article 44, 45, 48, 48A, 49, 50, 51)
New Directive Principles (Article 39, 39A, 43A, 48A, 38)
Sanction behind Directive Principles
Criticism of Directive Principles
■ No Legal Force, Illogically Arranged, Conservative, Constitutional Conflict
Utility of Directive Principles PAGE 36
Conflict between FR & DPSP
Implementation of Directive Principles
Directives outside Part IV

● Fundamentals Duties
Article 51A
Swaran Singh Committee Recommendation
List of Fundamental Duties
Features of Fundamental Duties
Significance of Fundamental Duties
Criticism of Fundamental Duties
Verma Committee Observation

● Basic structure and Amendment

Basic structure
Emergency of basic structure
Elements of Basic structure
Amendment (Article 368 in Part XX)
Types of majority
■ Amendment by simple majority of the Parliament,
■ Special majority of the Parliament, and
■ Special majority of the Parliament and the ratification of half of the state
Criticism of the Amendment Procedure

● System of Government
● Parliamentary System
Parliamentary System
Articles 74 and 75 deal with the parliamentary system at the Centre and Articles
163 and 164 in the states.

Features of Parliamentary Government Features of Presidential Government

1. Nominal and Real Executives 1. Single executive.

2. Majority Party Rule 2. President and legislators
3. Collective Responsibility elected separately for a fixed
4. Political Homogeneity term.
5. Double Membership 3. Non-responsibility
6. Leadership of the Prime 4. Political homogeneity may not
Minister exist.
7. Dissolution of the Lower House 5. Single membership
8. Secrecy 6. Domination of president
7. No dissolution of Lower House
8. Separation of powers PAGE 37
Merits Demerits
1. Conflict between legislature and
1. Harmony between legislature executive.
and executive 2. Non-responsible government.
2. Responsible government. 3. May lead to autocracy.
3. Prevents despotism. 4. Narrow representation
4. Ready Alternative Government
5. Wide representation

Demerits Merits
1. Unstable government. 2. 1. Stable government.
2. No continuity of policies. 2. Definiteness in policies.
3. Dictatorship of Cabinet 3. Based on separation of powers.
4. Against separation of powers 4. Government by experts
5. Government by amateurs

Reasons for Adopting Parliamentary System

■ Familiarity with the System
■ Preference to More Responsibility
■ Need to Avoid Legislative–Executive Conflicts
■ Nature of Indian Society Swaran Singh Committee
■ Distinction between Indian and British Models

● Federal System

Federal Government Unitary Government

Dual Government (that is, national Single government, that is, the
government and regional national government which may
government create regional governments
(Strong Center)

Written Constitution Constitution may be written

(France) or unwritten (Britain)

Division of powers between the No division of powers (All powers

national and regional government are vested in the national

Supremacy of the Constitution Constitution may be supreme

(Japan) or may not be supreme

Independent judiciary Constitution may be rigid (France)

or flexible (Britain), but Single

Bicameral legislature Legislature may be bicameral

(Britain) or unicameral (China) PAGE 38
a. Other
b. States Not Indestructible
c. No Equality of State
d. Emergency Provisions
e. Single Citizenship
f. Integrated Judiciary
g. All-India Services
h. Integrated Audit Machinery
i. Parliament’s Authority Over
State List
j. Appointment of Governor
k. Integrated Election
l. Veto Over State Bills

● Critical Evaluation of the Federal System.

○ Bommai Case (1994)

● Center-State Relations
● Legislative Relation
Articles 245 to 255 in Part XI
Territorial Extent of Central and State Legislation
Distribution of Legislative Subjects (Schedule Seven)
■ Residuary Powers (Parliament)
Parliamentary Legislation in the State Field
When Rajya Sabha Passes a Resolution
■ During a National Emergency
■ When States Make a Request
■ To Implement International Agreements
■ During President’s Rule
Centre’s Control Over State Legislation (Bills) Sarkaria Commission on
Centre-State Relations (1983-88)

● Administrative Relations
Articles 256 to 263 in Part XI
Distribution of Executive Powers
Obligation of States and the Centre
Centre’s Directions to the States
Mutual Delegation of Functions
Cooperation Between the Centre and States
All-India Services Public Service Commissions
Integrated Judicial System
Relations During Emergencies
Extra-Constitutional Devices
Other Provisions PAGE 39
● Financial relations
Articles 268 to 293 in Part XII
Allocation of Taxing Powers
Distribution of Tax Revenues
■ Taxes Levied by the Centre but Collected and Appropriated by the States
(Article 268) Taxes Levied and Collected by the Centre but Assigned to the
States (Article 269):
■ Levy and Collection of Goods and Services Tax in Course of Inter-State
Trade or Commerce (Article 269-A):
■ Taxes Levied and Collected by the Centre but Distributed between the
Centre and the States (Article 270):
■ Surcharge on Certain Taxes and Duties for Purposes of the Centre (Article
■ Taxes Levied and Collected and Retained by the States:
Distribution of Non-Tax Revenues – Center & State.
Grants-in-Aid to the States - Statutory Grants, Discretionary Grants & Other Grants
Goods and Services Tax Council (Article 279-A)
Finance Commission (Article 280)
Protection of the States’ Interest
Borrowing by the Centre and the States
Intergovernmental Tax Immunities
Exemption of Central Property from State Taxation
Exemption of State Property or Income from Central Taxation
Effects of Emergencies – National & Financial Emergency
● Trends in Centre-State Relations
Tension Areas in Centre-State Relations
■ Administrative Reforms Commission
■ Rajamannar Committee
■ Anandpur Sahib Resolution
■ West Bengal Memorandum
■ Sarkaria Commission
■ Punchhi Commission

● Inter-State Relations
Inter-State Water Disputes (Article 262)
Inter-State Councils (Article 263)
■ Establishment of Inter-State Council
Public Acts, Records and Judicial Proceedings
Inter-State Trade and Commerce (Articles 301 To 307 In Part XIII)
Zonal Council (5 Council)

● Emergency Provisions
Articles 352 to 360

● National Emergency PAGE 40
Grounds of Declaration
Parliamentary Approval and Duration
Revocation of Proclamation
Effects of National Emergency
Effect on the Centre-State Relations – Executive & Legislative
Effect on the Life of the Lok Sabha and State Assembly
Effect on the Fundamental Rights (Article 358 & 359)
Distinction Between Articles 358 and 359
Declarations Made So Far (1962, 1971, 1975)
■ Shah Commission.

● President Rule
Grounds of Imposition
Parliamentary Approval and Duration
Consequences of President’s Rule
Use of Article 356 (125 Occasions) Scope of Judicial Review
Cases of Proper and Improper Use

● Financial Emergency
Grounds of Declaration
Parliamentary Approval and Duration
Effects of Financial Emergency
Criticism of The Emergency Provisions

● Central & State Government

● President

President Governor

Articles 52 to 78 in Part V Articles 153 to 167 in Part VI

Election of The President Appointment of governor
Qualifications, Oath and Conditions of governor’s office
Conditions Term of governor’s office
Term, Impeachment and Vacancy Powers and functions of governor
Powers and Functions of the a. Executive powers.
President b. Legislative powers.
a. Executive powers c. Financial powers.
b. Legislative powers d. Judicial powers
c. Financial powers Compare Veto Power, Ordinance &
d. Judicial powers Pardoning power of Governor Vs
e. Diplomatic powers President
f. Military powers
Constitutional Position of the
g. Emergency powers
Governor. (Article 154, 163 & 164)
h. Veto Power – Parliament &
State Legislation (Article
i. Ordinance (Article) PAGE 41
j. Pardoning (Article 72)
Constitutional Position of the
President (Article 53,74 & 75)

● Vice President
Article 63 To 71
Qualifications, Oath and Conditions
Term and Vacancy
Powers and Functions
Indian and American Vice-presidents Compared

● Prime Minister & Chief Minister

Prime Minister Chief Minister

● Appointment Oath, Term & Salary ● Appointment Oath, Term & Salary
Powers & Function of PM Powers & Function of CM
Relation to Council of Minister Relation to Council of Minister
Relation to President Relation to Governor
Relation to Parliament (Article Relation to State Legislature
74,75 & 78) (Article 163, 164 & 167)
Other Powers and Functions Other Powers and Functions

● Central & State Council of Minister

Central Council of Minister State Council of Minister

Constitutional Provisions – Article Constitutional Provisions – Article

74, 75, 77, 78 & 88. 163, 164, 166, 167 & 177.
Nature of Advice by Ministers Nature of Advice by Ministers
Appointment of Ministers Appointment of Ministers
Oath and Salary of Ministers Oath and Salary of Ministers
Responsibility of Ministers Responsibility of Ministers
a. Collective Responsibility a. Collective Responsibility
b. Individual Responsibility b. Individual Responsibility
c. No Legal Responsibility c. No Legal Responsibility
Composition of The Council of Composition of The Council of
Ministers Ministers
Cabinet Cabinet
Council of Ministers Vs Cabinet Cabinet Committees
Kitchen Cabinet
Cabinet Committees
a. Political Affairs
b. Economic Affairs PAGE 42
c. Appointments Committee
of the Cabinet
d. Security
e. Parliamentary Affairs
f. Accommodation
g. Investment and Growth
h. Employment and Skill
Function of Cabinet Committee
Group of Ministers

● Parliament & State Legislature

Parliament State Legislature

Organisation of Parliament Articles 168 to 212 in Part

Composition of The Two Houses VInComposition of The Two
Composition of Lok Sabha Houses
○ Representation of States Composition of Assembly
○ Representation of Union ○ Strength
Territories ○ Nominated Member
○ Nominated Members ○ Territorial Constituencies
System of Elections to Lok Sabha ○ Readjustment after each
Territorial Constituencies Census
Readjustment after each Census ○ Reservation of Seats for
SCs and STs
Reservation of Seats for SCs and
STs Composition of Council
○ Strength
First-Past-The-Post System
○ Manner of Election
Composition of Rajya Sabha
*Read how many state has State
○ Representation of States
Legislature Council
○ Representation of Union
○ Nominated Members

Duration of Two Houses ● Duration of Two Houses

○ Duration of Lok Sabha Duration of Assembly
○ Duration of Rajya Sabha Duration of Council

Membership of Parliament Membership of State Legislature

○ Qualifications ○ Qualifications
Disqualifications ○ Disqualifications
○ Disqualification on Ground ○ Disqualification on Ground
of Defection of Defection
○ Vacating of Seats ○ Vacating of Seats
○ Oath or Affirmation ○ Oath or Affirmation
○ Salaries and Allowances ○ Salaries and Allowances

Presiding Officers of Parliament Presiding Officers of State

Lok Sabha Legislature
○ Speaker of Lok Sabha State Legislature Assembly
Election, Tenure, ○ Speaker of Assembly PAGE 43
Role, Powers, ○ Election, Tenure, Role,
Functions, Powers, Functions,
Independence and Independence and
Impartiality. Impartiality.
Deputy Speaker of Lok Sabha Deputy Speaker of Assembly State
○ Panel of Chairpersons of Legislative Council
Lok Sabha Chairman of Council
○ Speaker Pro Tem Rajya Deputy Chairman of Council
Chairman of Rajya Sabha
○ Deputy Chairman of Rajya
Sabha Panel of
Vice-Chairpersons of Rajya
○ Secretariat of Parliament

Leaders in Parliament Leaders in State Legislature

○ Leader of the House ○ Leader of the House
○ Leader of the Opposition ○ Leader of the Opposition
○ Whip ○ Whip

Sessions of Parliament Sessions of State Legislature

○ Summoning ○ Summoning
○ Adjournment ○ Adjournment
○ Adjournment Sine Die ○ Prorogation
○ Prorogation ○ Dissolution
○ Dissolution

Devices of Parliamentary
○ Question Hour (Starred,
Unstarred & Short Notice)
○ Zero Hour
○ Motions - Closure Motion,
Closure Motion, Calling
Attention Motion,
Adjournment Motion,
No-Confidence Motion,
Confidence Motion,
Censure Motion, Motion of
Thanks, No-DayYet-Named
Motion, Dilatory Motion
○ Point of Order
○ Half-an-Hour Discussion
○ Short Duration Discussion
○ Special Mention
○ Resolutions
○ Youth Parliament

Legislative Procedure in Parliament Legislative Procedure in State

Ordinary Bills - 3 Reading, bill to Legislature
second house, President Assent Ordinary Bills - 3 Reading, bill to
Money Bills - Article 110 second house, Governor Assent
Money Bills - Article 110 PAGE 44
Financial Bills
○ Financial bills (I) - Article
117 (1)
○ Financial bills (II) - Article
117 (3)

Joint Sitting of Two Houses

Budget in Parliament
○ Constitutional Provisions
○ Charged Expenditure
○ Stages in Enactment

a. Presentation of budget.
b. General discussion.
c. Scrutiny by departmental
d. Voting on demands for
e. Passing of appropriation
f. Passing of finance bill.
Other Grants
Supplementary Grant
Additional Grant
Excess Grant
Vote of Credit
Exceptional Grant
Token Grant

○ Consolidated Fund of India
(Article 266)
○ Public Account of India
(Article 266)
○ Contingency Fund of India
(Article 267)

Multifunctional Role of Parliament

a. Legislative Powers and
b. Executive Powers and
c. Financial Powers and
d. Constituent Powers and
e. Judicial Powers and
f. Electoral Powers and
g. Other powers and functions PAGE 45
Ineffectiveness Of Parliamentary

Position of Rajya Sabha Position of Legislative Council

○ Equal to Lok Sabha. ○ Equal to Assembly
○ Unequal to Lok Sabha. ○ Unequal with Assembly
○ Special Powers That Are
Not At All Shared With The
Lok Sabha

Parliamentary Privileges Parliamentary State Legislature

○ Collective Privileges ○ Collective Privileges
○ Individual Privileges Breach ○ Individual Privileges
of Privilege and Contempt
of the House Sources of

Sovereignty of Parliament
○ Written Nature of the
○ Federal System of
○ System of Judicial Review
○ Fundamental Rights

● Parliamentary Committees
Standing Committees
■ Financial Committees
● Public Accounts Committee
● Estimates Committee
● Committee on Public Undertakings
■ Departmental Standing Committees (24)
■ Committees to Inquire
● Committee on Petitions
● Committee of Privileges
● Ethics Committee
■ Committees to Scrutinize and Control
● Committee on Government Assurances
● Committee on Subordinate Legislation
● Committee on Papers Laid on the Table
● Committee on Welfare of SCs and STs
● Committee on Empowerment of Women
● Joint Committee on Offices of Profit
■ Committees Relating to the Day-to-Day Business of the House
● Business Advisory Committee
● Committee on Private Members’ Bills and Resolutions
● Rules Committee
● Committee on Absence of Members from Sittings of the House
■ House-Keeping Committees or Service Committees (i.e., Committees
concerned with the Provision of Facilities and Services to Members): PAGE 46
● General Purposes Committee
● House Committee
● Library Committee
● Joint Committee on Salaries and Allowances of Members

Ad Hoc Committees
■ Inquiry Committees
■ Advisory Committees

● Parliamentary Forums & Group

Parliamentary Forums
■ Parliamentary Forum on Water Conservation and Management (2005)
■ Parliamentary Forum on Youth (2006)
■ Parliamentary Forum on Children (2006)
■ Parliamentary Forum on Population and Public Health (2006)
■ Parliamentary Forum on Global Warming and Climate Change (2008)
■ Parliamentary Forum on Disaster Management (2011)
■ Parliamentary Forum on Artisans and Crafts-people (2013)
■ Parliamentary Forum on Millennium Development Goals (2013)
Parliamentary Group
■ Rationale of the Group
■ Composition
■ Objective
■ Function
■ The Group and IPU
■ The Group and CPA

● Judiciary
● Supreme Court & High Court

Supreme Court High Court

Articles 124 to 147 in Part V Articles 214 to 231 in Part VI

Composition & Appointment Composition & Appointment

Appointment of Judges Appointment of Judges
Controversy Over Consultation Qualifications, Oath And Salaries
Appointment of Chief
Qualifications, Oath And Salaries

Tenure And Removal Tenure, Removal and Transfer

Acting, Ad Hoc And Retired Judges Acting, Additional and Retired


Seat and Procedure

○ Seat of Supreme Court
○ Procedure Of The Court PAGE 47
Independence of Supreme Court Independence of High Court
○ Mode of Appointment ○ Mode of Appointment
○ Security of Tenure ○ Security of Tenure
○ Fixed Service Conditions ○ Fixed Service Conditions
○ Expenses Charged On ○ Expenses Charged On
Consolidated Fund consolidated Fund
○ Conduct of Judges Cannot ○ Conduct of Judges Cannot
Be Discussed Be Discussed
○ Ban On Practice After ○ Ban On Practice After
Retirement Retirement
○ Power to Punish for Its ○ Power to Punish for Its
Contempt Contempt
○ Freedom to Appoint Its Staff ○ Freedom to Appoint Its
○ Its Jurisdiction Cannot Be Staff
Curtailed ○ Its Jurisdiction Cannot Be
Separation From Executive Curtailed
Separation From Executive

Jurisdiction and Powers Jurisdiction and Powers

○ Original Jurisdiction. 2. ○ Original jurisdiction. 2.
○ Writ Jurisdiction. 3. ○ Writ jurisdiction. 3.
Appellate Jurisdiction. Appellate jurisdiction.
○ Appeals in constitutional ○ Appeals in civil matters.
matters. ○ Appeals in criminal
○ Appeals in civil matters. matters
○ Appeals in criminal matters. ○ Supervisory jurisdiction.
○ Appeals by special leave. ○ Control over subordinate
○ Advisory Jurisdiction. courts.
○ A Court of Record. ○ A court of record.
○ Power of Judicial Review. ○ Power of judicial review.
○ Constitutional Interpretation
○ Powers.

Supreme Court Advocates

○ Senior Advocates
○ Advocates-on-Record
○ Other Advocates

● Some Judiciary Terms

Judicial Review
■ Meaning Importance
■ Constitutional Provisions
■ Scope Judicial Review in Ninth Schedule

Judicial Activism
■ Meaning
■ Judicial Review & Judicial Activism
■ Justification of Judicial Activism
■ Activators of Judicial Activism
■ Apprehensions of Judicial Activism
■ Judicial Activism Vs. Judicial Restraint PAGE 48
Judicial Restraint
■ Meaning
■ Assumptions of Judicial Restraint
■ Supreme Court Observations

Public Interest Litigation

■ Meaning of PIL
■ Features of PIL
■ Scope of PIL
■ Principles of PIL
■ Guidelines for admitting PIL

● Tribunals, Subordinate Courts

Article 323a & Article 323b
Administrative Tribunals
Central Administrative Tribunal (Cat)
State Administrative Tribunals
Tribunals for Other Matters
Subordinate Courts
Articles 233 To 237 In Part Vi
Constitutional Provisions
Appointment of District Judges
Control Over Subordinate Courts
Application of The Above Provisions to Certain Magistrates
Structure and Jurisdiction

● National Legal Services Authority

Lok Adalats
■ Meaning
■ Statutory Status
■ Benefits
Permanent Lok Adalats
■ Reasons
■ Features
Family Courts
■ Reasons
■ Features
Gram Nyayalayas
■ Reasons
■ Features
■ Establishment

● Local Government
● Panchayati Raj
Evolution of raj PAGE 49
■ Balwant Rai Mehta Committee
■ Study Teams and Committees (1960 - 1976)
■ Ashok Mehta Committee
■ G.V.K. Rao Committee
■ L M Singhvi Committee
■ Thungon Committee
■ Gadgil Committee
■ Rajiv Gandhi Government
■ V.P. Singh Government
■ Narasimha Rao Government
73rd Amendment act of 1992
■ Significance of the Act (Articles 243 to 243 O.)
■ Salient Features
● Gram Sabha
● Three-Tier System
● Election of Members and Chairpersons
● Reservation of Seats
● Duration of Panchayats
● Disqualifications
● State Election Commission
● Powers and Functions
● Finances
● Finance Commission
● Audit of Accounts
● Application to Union Territories
● Exempted States and Areas
● Continuance of Existing Laws and Panchayats
● Bar to Interference by Courts in Electoral Matters
● Eleventh Schedule
Compulsory Provisions & Voluntary Provisions
■ Objectives of the Act
■ Features of the Act
Finances of Panchayati Raj
Reasons for Ineffective Performance
■ Lack of adequate devolution
■ Excessive control by bureaucracy
■ Tied nature of funds
■ Overwhelming dependency on government funding Reluctance to use
fiscal powers
■ Status of the Gram Sabha
■ Creation of Parallel Bodies
■ Poor Infrastructure

● Municipalities
Evolution of Urban Bodies
■ Historical Perspective PAGE 50
■ Committees and Commissions
■ Constitutionalisation
74th Amendment Act of 1992 A
■ article 243-P to 243-ZG of Part IX-A
Salient Features
■ Types of Municipalities - Nagar Panchayat, Municipal Council, Municipal
■ Composition
■ Wards Committees
■ Other Committees
■ Reservation of Seats
■ Duration of Municipalities
■ Disqualifications
■ State Election Commission
■ Powers and Functions
■ Finances
■ Finances Commission
■ Audit of Accounts
■ Application to Union Territories
■ Exempted Areas
■ District Planning Committee
■ Metropolitan Planning Committee
■ Continuance of Existing Laws and Municipalities
■ Bar to Interference by Courts in Electoral Matters
■ Twelfth Schedule
Types of Urban Governments
■ Municipal Corporation
■ Municipality
■ Notified Area Committee
■ Town Area Committee
■ Cantonment Board
■ Township
■ Port Trust
■ Special Purpose Agency
Municipal Personnel
■ Separate Personnel System:
■ Unified Personnel System
■ Integrated Personnel System
Municipal Revenue
■ Tax Revenue
■ Non-Tax Revenue
■ Grants
■ Devolution
■ Loans
Central Council of Local Government (Under Article 263)

● Union Territories & Special Area

● Union Territories PAGE 51
Creation of Union Territories
Administration of Union Territories (Articles 239 To 241 In Part VIII)
Special Provisions for Delhi (69th Constitutional Amendment Act of 1991)
Advisory Committees of Union Territories
Compare State & Union Territory

● Scheduled and Tribal Area

Article 244 In Part X
Administration of Scheduled Areas
■ Declaration of Scheduled Areas
■ Executive Power of State and Centre
■ Tribes Advisory Council
■ Law Applicable to Scheduled Areas
Administration of Tribal Areas
■ Tribal Areas
● Assam - The North Cachar Hills District, The Karbi Anglong District,
The Bodoland Territorial Areas District.
● Meghalaya - Khasi Hills District, Jaintia Hills District, The Garo Hills
● Tripura - Tripura Tribal Areas District. 4. Mizoram - The Chakma
District, The Mara District, The Lai District.

● Constitutional Bodies
● Election Commission
Article 324
Powers and Functions
■ Administrative
■ Advisory
■ Quasi-Judicial
Vision, Mission and Principles

● Union & State Public Service Commission

Union Public Service Commission State Public Service Commission

Articles 315 To 323 In Part XIV

Composition, Removal, Independence, Function, Limitation & Role

Joint State Public Service Commission

● Finance Commission
Article 280
■ A judge of the high court or one qualified to be appointed as one. PAGE 52
■ A person who has specialized knowledge of finance and accounts of the
■ A person who has wide experience in financial matters and in
■ A person who has special knowledge of economics.
Advisory Role

● Goods & Service Tax Council

Establishment of The Council
Vision and Mission of the Council
Composition of The Council
■ The Union Finance Minister as The Chairperson
■ The Union Minister of State In-Charge of Revenue or Finance
■ The Minister In-Charge of Finance or Taxation or Any Other Minister
Nominated by Each State Government
Working of The Council
Functions of The Council
Other Functions of the Council

● National Commission for SCs, STs, & BCs

National Commission for National Commission for National Commission for


Article 338 Article 338-A Article 338-B

Function Function Function

Report Report Report
Power Power Power

● Special officer for Linguistic Minority

Article 350-B in Part XVII
Commissioner for Linguistic Minorities
Role of The Commissioner
Vision and Mission
Functions and Objectives

● Controller & Auditor General of India

Article 148 - 151
Appointment and Term
Duties and Powers (Article 149)
CAG and Corporations PAGE 53
Appleby’s Criticism

● Attorney General of India & Advocate General of State

Attorney General of India Advocate General of State

Article 76 Article 165

Appointment and Term Appointment and Term

Duties and Functions Duties and Functions
Rights and Limitations Rights and limitations

Solicitor General of India

● Non-Constitutional Bodies
● NITI Aayog
Specialized Wings
■ Design Policy and Programme Framework.
■ Foster Cooperative Federalism.
■ Monitoring and Evaluation.
■ Think-Tank, And Knowledge and Innovation Hub.
Guiding Principles
Cooperative Federalism
Attached Offices
National Institute of Labour Economics Research And o Development
■ Development Monitoring and Evaluation Office
Erstwhile Planning Commission
National Development Council

● National & State Human Rights Commission

Role & Performance
Human Rights Courts - 2019 Amendment Act

● Central & State Information Commission

Tenure PAGE 54
Service Condition
Powers & Function
RTI Amendment Act, 2019

● Central Vigilance Commission

■ Secretariat
■ Chief Technical Examiners’ Wing
■ Commissioners for Departmental Inquiries
Vigilance Units in The Ministries
WhistleBlowers Protection Act (2014)

● Central Bureau of Investigation

Establishment of CBI
Motto, Mission and Vision of CBI
Organization of CBI
■ Anti-Corruption Division
■ Economic Offences Division
■ Special Crimes Division
■ Policy and Coordination Division
■ Administration Division
■ Directorate of Prosecution
■ Central Forensic Science Laboratory
Composition of CBI
Functions of CBI
Provision of Prior Permission
CBI Vs. State Police
CBI Academy

● Lokpal and Lokayuktas

Global Scenario Position in India
■ Lokpal and Lokayuktas Act (2013)
■ Features & Drawbacks
■ Structural Variations
■ Appointment
■ Qualifications
■ Tenure
■ Jurisdiction PAGE 55
■ Investigations
■ Scope of Cases Covered
■ Other Features

● National Investigation Agency
Vision & Mission
Nia (Amendment) Act, 2019

● National Disaster Management Authority

Additional Functions of The NDMA
State Disaster Management Authority
■ Composition, Functions
District Disaster Management Authority
■ Composition, Functions

● Other Constitutional Dimensions

● Co-operative Societies
97th Constitutional Amendment Act of 2011
Article 19, Article 43-B & Articles 243-ZH to 243-ZT
Constitutional Provisions
■ Incorporation of Co-operative Societies
■ Number and Term of Members of Board and its Office Bearers
■ Election of Members of Board
■ Supersession and Suspension of Board and Interim Management
■ Audit of Accounts of Co-operative Societies
■ Convening of General Body Meetings
■ Returns
■ Offenses and Penalties
■ Application to Multi-State Co-operative Societies
■ Application to Union Territories
■ Continuance of Existing Laws

● Official Language
Articles 343 To 351 & Part XVII
Language of The Union
Regional Languages
Language of The Judiciary and Texts of Laws
Special Directives PAGE 56
Protection of Linguistic Minorities
Development of Hindi Language
Committee of Parliament On Official Language
Official Languages Act (1963)
Classical Language Status
■ Benefits

● Public Services
Classification of Services
■ All-India Services
■ Central Services
■ State Services
Constitutional Provisions
■ Articles 308 To 314 In Part Xiv
■ Recruitment and Service Conditions (Article 309)
■ Tenure of Office (Article 310)
■ Safeguards to Civil Servants (Article 311)
■ All-India Services (Article 312)
■ Other Provisions (Article 312 A)

● Rights and Liabilities of the Government

Articles 294 To 300 In Part XII
Property of the Union and The States
■ Succession
■ Escheat, Lapse and Bona Vacantia
■ Sea-Wealth
■ Compulsory Acquisition by Law
■ Acquisition Under Executive Power
Suits by or Against the Government
■ Liability for Contracts
■ Liability for Torts
Suits Against Public Officials
President and Governor
■ Official Acts & Personal Act
Judicial Officers
Civil Servants

● Special Provisions Relating to Certain Classes

Rationale of Special Provisions
Articles 330 To 342 a of Part XVI
Specification of Classes
Components of Special Provisions
Reservation for SCs and STs and Special Representation for Anglo-Indians in
Legislatures PAGE 57
Claims of SCs and STs to Services and Posts
Special Provision in Services and Educational Grants for Anglo-Indians
National Commissions for SCs and STs
National Commission for BCs
Control of The Union Over the Administration of Scheduled Areas and The Welfare
of STs
Appointment of a Commission to Investigate the Conditions of BCs

● Political Dynamics
● Political Parties & Regional Parties
Meaning and Types
Party System in India
■ Multi-Party System
■ One-Dominant Party System
■ Lack of Clear Ideology
■ Personality Cult
■ Based on Traditional Factors
■ Emergence of Regional Parties
■ Factions and Defections
■ Lack of Effective Opposition
■ Recognition of National and State Parties
■ Conditions for Recognition as a National Party
■ Conditions for Recognition as a State Party
Role of Regional Parties
Features of Regional Parties
Classification of Regional Parties
Rise of Regional Parties
Role of Regional Parties
Dysfunctions of Regional Parties

● Elections
Articles 324 to 329 in Part XV
Election Machinery
■ Election Commission of India (ECI)
■ Chief Electoral Officer (CEO)
■ District Election Officer (DEO)
■ Returning Officer (RO)
■ Electoral Registration Officer (ERO)
■ Presiding Officer
■ Observers
● General Observers
● Expenditure Observers
● Police Observers
● Awareness Observers
● Micro Observers
● Assistant Expenditure Observers PAGE 58
Election Process, Time & Schedule of Elections
Oath or Affirmation
Election Campaign
Polling Days, Ballot Papers and Symbols
Voting Procedure & Electronic Voting Machine
Supervising Elections
Counting of Votes
Media Coverage
Election Petitions

● Election Laws & Reforms

Representation of The People Act, 1950
Articles 81 And 170, 171
Representation of The People Act, 1951
Delimitation Act, 2002 (Articles 82, 170, 330 And 332)
Other Acts Relating to Elections
■ Parliament (Prevention of Disqualification) Act, 1959
■ Scheduled Castes and Scheduled Tribes Orders (Amendment) Act, 1976
■ Government of Union Territories Act, 1963.
■ Government of National Capital Territory of Delhi Act, 1991.
■ Presidential and Vice-Presidential Elections Act, 1952.

● Coalition Government
Features of Coalition Government
Formation of Coalition Governments
Merits of Coalition Government
Demerits of Coalition Government

● Anti-Defection Law
Provisions of The Act
■ Disqualification
● Members of Political Parties
● Independent Members
● Nominated Members
■ Exceptions
■ Deciding Authority
■ Rule-Making Power
Evaluation of The Act
■ Advantages
■ Criticism
91st Amendment Act (2003)
■ Reasons & Provisions

● Pressure Groups PAGE 59
Meaning and Techniques
Pressure Groups in India
■ Business Groups
■ Trade Unions
■ Agrarian Groups
■ Professional Associations
■ Student Organizations
■ Religious Organizations
■ Caste Groups
■ Tribal Organizations
■ Linguistic Groups
■ Ideology Based Groups
■ Anomic Groups

● National Integration
Obstacles to National Integration
■ Regionalism
■ Communalism
■ Casteism
■ Linguism
National Integration Council
National Foundation for Communal Harmony - Vision & Mission

● Regional Groupings
Principles of SAARC
Area of Cooperation
The Objectives of the SAARC
SAARC Specialized Body
Significance for India
SAARC has failed in achieving its objective – Reason

Shift towards BIMSTEC
Genesis of BIMSTEC
Principles of BIMSTEC
Intuitional Mechanism

Objectives PAGE 60
Area of Cooperation
New Development Bank & Contingent Reserve Arrangement

● SCO (Shanghai Cooperation Organisation)

Structure of the Shanghai Cooperation Organisation
Significance of SCO’s Membership to India
How India inclusion will help SCO and Eurasian region
Challenges for India at SCO


● Solar System and Earth
Solar system
■ Celestial bodies, Sun, Moon, Star
■ Planets – Mercury, Venus, Earth, Mars, Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus, Neptune.
■ Draft Planet
■ Asteroid, Meteoroid, Meteors, Meteoroids, Crater, Comets, Pulsars
Evolution of the Earth
■ Theories

● Latitudes and longitudes

■ important parallels of latitude
■ Heat zones of the earth
■ Daylight Saving Time
Inclination of the Earth’s Axis and its effects.
Local and Standard Time and the International Date Line, Calendar.
Motion of the Earth
Eclipses - Solar, Lunar

● Interior of The Earth

Evolution of Earth Crust
Structure of earth interior
Earth interior – Crust, Mantle & Core
Rocks and Minerals
Source for study of Earth Interior
■ Direct Sources - Mining/Drilling & Volcanic eruption PAGE 61
■ Indirect Source - Meteors/ Meteorites, Gravitational Anomaly, Magnetic
Anomaly & Study of seismic waves
Major Landforms
■ Orogeny (Mt Formation)
■ Types of Mountain
● Fold Mountain – Structural Mt
● Block Mountain – Structural Mt
● Volcanic Mountain – Mt of Accumulation
● Residual Mountain – Mt of Denudation
■ Earthquake waves
■ Reason for shadow zone
■ Types of Earthquakes
■ Measuring Earthquakes
Volcanism & Volcanic Landforms
■ Types of Volcano
● Characteristic of Magma/Lava
● Mode of Eruption
● Frequency of Eruption
■ Landforms associate with volcano
● Extrusive
● Intrusive
■ Types of volcano based on shape and Nature
■ Carter & Caldara
■ Distribution
● Pacific Ring of Fire or Circum Pacific Belt
■ Geysers and Hot Springs

● Distribution of Continents and Oceans

Force for Drifting
Continental Drift
■ Evidence in Support of the Continental Drift
■ Post-drift Studies
Sea Floor Spreading
Plate Tectonic
■ Seven major and some minor plates
■ Some important minor plates are listed below:
■ Types of plate boundaries/ Plate Margin
● Divergent Boundaries
● Convergent Boundaries
● Transform Boundaries
■ Rates of Plate Movement

● Geomorphic Process
Geomorphic Process
■ Endogenic Process
● Diastrophism PAGE 62
● Volcanism
Exogenic Forces
■ Weathering
● Exfoliation
● Significance
■ Mass Movement

● Landforms
Fluvial Landforms – Running water
■ Life cycle of River
■ Erosional Landforms –
● Valleys,
● Potholes and Plunge Pools (at base of waterfalls),
● Incised or Entrenched Meanders & River Terraces
■ Depositional Landforms -
● Alluvial Fans,
● Delta,
● Floodplains,
● Natural Levees and Point Bars,
● Meanders & River Rejuvenation
Groundwater – karst topography (Extensively covered with dolomites & limestone)
■ Erosional Landforms
● Pools, Sinkholes
● Lapies and Limestone Pavements,
● Caves
■ Depositional Landforms
● Stalactites
● Stalagmites and Pillars
Glacial – Glacial Landforms
■ Erosional Landforms
● Cirque
● Horns and Serrated Ridges & Glacial Valleys/Troughs
■ Depositional Landforms
● Moraines
● Eskers
● Outwash Plains & Drumlins
Wave/ Current/ Tides – Coastal Landforms
■ High rocky coasts
■ Low sedimentary coasts
■ Erosional Landforms
● Cliffs
● Terraces
● Caves and Stacks
■ Depositional Landforms
● Beaches and Dunes & Bars,
● Barriers and Spits
Wind – Desert/ Arid Landforms
■ Erosional Landforms PAGE 63
● Pediments and Pediplains,
● Playas
● Deflation Hollows and Caves & Mushroom
● Table and Pedestal Rocks
■ Depositional Landforms - Sand Dunes

● Atmosphere
Composition of the Atmosphere
■ Dust Particle
■ Liquid (Water Vapour)
■ Gasses
Structure of atmosphere
■ Exosphere, Thermosphere, Mesosphere, Stratosphere, Troposphere,
Weather & Climate
Altitude vs Temperature
Air Pressure

● Solar Radiation
Aphelion and Perihelion.
Variability of Insolation at the surface of the Earth.
The Passage of Solar Radiation through the Atmosphere
Spatial Distribution of Insolation at the Earth’s Surface
Heating and cooling of atmosphere
■ Conduction
■ Convection
■ Advection
■ Terrestrial Radiation
Heat Budget of the Planet Earth
Variation in the Net Heat Budget at the Earth’s Surface
■ Normal Lapse Rate Vs Adiabatic lapse rate
■ Distribution of Temperature
■ Inversion of Temperature
■ Latent Heat of Condensation

● Atmospheric Circulation
Atmospheric pressure
Vertical variation of pressure
Horizontal distribution of pressure
World Distribution of Sea Level Pressure PAGE 64
Forces Affecting the Velocity and Direction of Wind
■ Gravitational force acts downward.
■ Pressure Gradient Force.
■ Frictional Force.
■ Coriolis Force
Pressure and Wind
General circulation of the atmosphere
Seasonal Wind
Local Wind
Land and Sea Breezes
Valley & Mountain Breeze
Air Masses Fronts
■ Cold Front
■ Warm Front

● Weather Phenomenon
Water Vapor
■ Precipitation
Dew Point
■ Dew
■ Frost
■ Fog & Mist
■ Clouds
● Cirrus
● Cumulus
● Stratus
● Nimbus
■ Combination of Basic Types
Types of Rainfall
■ Convectional Rainfall
■ Orographic or Relief Rainfall
■ Cyclonic Rainfall
World Distribution of Rainfall
■ Major precipitation regimes of the world

● Applied Climatology
World Climatic Classification
Koeppen’s Scheme of Classification of Climate
■ Group A: Tropical Humid Climates
● Tropical Wet Climate (Af)
● Tropical Monsoon Climate (Am).
● Tropical Wet and Dry Climate (Aw). PAGE 65
■ Group B: Dry Climates
● Semi-arid climate (BS) and desert climate (BW)
● Subtropical Steppe (BSh) and Subtropical Desert (BWh) Climates.
■ Group C: Warm Temperate (Mid-Latitude) Climates.
● Humid Subtropical Climate (Cwa)
● Mediterranean Climate (Cs)
● Humid Subtropical (Cfa) Climate
● Marine West Coast Climate (Cfb)
■ Group D: Cold Snow Forest Climates
● Cold Climate with Humid Winters (Df)
● Cold Climate with Dry Winters (Dw)
■ Group E: Polar Climates
● Tundra Climate (ET)
● Ice Cap Climate (EF)
■ Group H: Highland Climates
Climate Change
■ Climate in the recent past
■ Causes of Climate Change
Global Warming
■ Greenhouse Gasses (GHGs)
● Ocean & Ocean water (Temperature and salinity)
Hydrological Cycle
Relief of The Ocean Floor
Divisions of the Ocean Floors
■ Continental Shelf
■ Continental Slope
■ Oceanic Deeps or Trenches
Minor Relief Features
■ Mid-Oceanic Ridges
■ Seamount
■ Submarine Canyons
■ Guyots
■ Atoll
Temperature of Ocean water
■ Factors Affecting Temperature Distribution.
■ Horizontal and Vertical Distribution of Temperature
Salinity of Ocean Waters
■ Factors affecting Ocean Salinity
■ Horizontal Distribution of Salinity
■ Vertical Distribution of Salinity

● Movement of ocean water

Movement of Ocean Water
■ Motion – Horizontal & Vertical Currents.
■ Characteristics of Waves PAGE 66
Types of Tides
■ Tides based on Frequency
● Semi-diurnal tide
● Diurnal tide
● Mixed tide
■ Tides based on the Sun, Moon and the Earth Positions
● Spring tides
● Neap tides
■ Other Tide Action
● Perigee & Apogee
■ Importance of Tides
Ocean Current
■ Primary forces that initiate the movement of water
■ Secondary forces that influence the currents to flow
Types of Ocean Currents
■ Based on Depth
■ Based on Temperature
Major Ocean Currents
Effects of Ocean Currents
● Location & Physical Features on India
India’s Neighbors.
Geological Division
■ Peninsular Block.
■ Himalayas and other Peninsula Mountains.
■ Indo-Ganga-Brahmaputra Plain.
Major Physiographic Division
■ The Himalayan Mountains (Himalayas & Northeastern Hills)
■ The Northern Plains
■ The Peninsular Plateau
■ The Indian Desert
■ The Coastal Plains
■ The Islands

● Climate of India
Climate & Weather
Unity & Diversity in Monsoon Climate
Climatic Controls
Factors Affecting India’s Climate
■ Latitude, Altitude, The Himalayan Mountains, Distribution of Land and
Water, Distance from the Sea, Relief & Pressure and Winds.
Mechanism of Weather
■ Winter & Summer Season PAGE 67
The Indian Monsoon
Nature of Indian Monsoon
■ The Onset of the Monsoon and Withdrawal
■ Withdrawal or the retreat of the monsoon is a more gradual process.
■ Rain-bearing Systems and Rainfall Distribution.
■ Break in the Monsoon
■ The Cold Weather Season (Winter)
■ The Hot Weather Season (Summer)
■ Advancing Monsoon (The Rainy Season/ South West Monsoon)
● Monsoon Winds of the Arabian Sea
● Monsoon Winds of the Bay of Bengal
● Characteristics of Monsoonal Rainfall
■ Retreating/Post Monsoons (The Transition Season/Northeast Monsoon)
Traditional Indian Season
Distribution & Variability of Rainfall
Climatic Regions of India
Monsoons and the Economic Life in India
Global Warming

● Drainage System & Water Resources in India

■ Important Drainage Patterns
■ Classification of Drainage
■ Drainage System in India
The Himalayan Rivers
■ The Indus River System – Jhelum, Chenab, Ravi, Satluj.
● Indus Water Treaty
■ The Ganga River System – Yamuna, Chambal, Gandak, Ghaghara, Kosi,
Ramganga, Damodar, Mahananda, Son.
● Namami Gange Programme
■ The Brahmaputra River System
● Teesta River dispute with Bangladesh
The Peninsular Rivers
■ Evolution
■ The Narmada Basin
■ The Tapi Basin
■ The Godavari Basin
■ The Mahanadi Basin
■ The Krishna Basin
■ The Kaveri Basin
■ The Luni basin
Smaller Rivers Flowing Towards the West
Small Rivers Flowing towards the East

● Other Water Resources in India Lakes

River Regimes PAGE 68
■ Role of River in the Economy
■ River Pollution
Water Resource in India
■ Surface Water, Ground Water & Lagoons and Backwaters
Demand of Water for Irrigation
Water Scarcity
Multi-Purpose River Project and Integrated Water Resources Management
Prevention of Water Pollution
■ Recycle and Reuse of Water
Watershed Management
Rainwater Harvesting
Water Conservation and Management
Highlights of India’s National Water Policy, 2002

● Soil, Natural Vegetation & Wildlife

Soil Profile /Horizons
Factors of Soil Formation
Classification of Soil
■ Alluvial soils
■ Black soils
■ Red and Yellow soils
■ Laterite soils
■ Arid soils
■ Saline soils
■ Peaty soils
■ Forest soils.
Soil Degradation
Soil Erosion
Soil Conservation
■ Other Conservation Method
● Natural Vegetation & WildLife
■ Land Use & Conservation of Land Resources
■ Factors of Soil Formation
■ Degradation of Soil & Conservation Measures
■ Problem in Water Availability
■ Conservation of water Resources
Natural Vegetation
■ Relief
■ Climate – Temperature, Photoperiod (Sunlight), Precipitation.
■ Biodiversity
Forest PAGE 69
■ Types of Vegetation
● Tropical Evergreen Forests
● Tropical Deciduous Forests
● Tropical Thorn Forests and Scrubs
● Montane Forest
● Littoral & Swamp/ Mangrove Forest
■ Forest Destruction
■ Types and Distribution of Forest – Reserved, Protected & Unclassed
■ Social Forestry
■ Community and Conservation
■ Reason for wildlife decline
■ International Union for Conservation of Nature and Natural Resources
■ Wildlife Conservation
● Biosphere Reserves
○ Nilgiri Biosphere Reserve
○ Nanda Devi Biosphere Reserve
○ Sunderbans Biosphere Reserve
○ Gulf of Mannar Biosphere Reserve

● Agriculture in India
Farm System
Land Use Categories
■ Agriculture land use in India
Types of Farming
■ Subsistence Farming
● Intensive subsistence agriculture
● Primitive Subsistence Agriculture ⸷
○ Shifting cultivation (‘slash and burn). ⸷
○ Nomadic herding
■ Commercial farming
● Commercial grain farming
● Mixed farming
● Plantation Agriculture
Land-use Changes in India
Cropping Pattern
■ Rabi crops
■ Kharif Crop
■ Zaid Crop
Classification of Farming
Important Crop
■ Cereals
● Rice
● Wheat PAGE 70
● Millets – Jowar, Bajra, Ragi
■ Maize
■ Pulses - Gram & Tur (Arhar)
Food crop other than grains
■ Sugar cane
■ Oil Seeds
● Ground nut
● Rapeseed & Mustard
● Other Oil Seeds
■ Coffee
■ Tea
Horticulture Crop
Non-Food Crop – Rubber Fiber Crop – Cotton, Jute
Common Property Resource
Agriculture Development in India
■ National Mission for Sustainable Agriculture (NMSA)
■ Technological and Institutional Reforms
■ Growth of Agricultural Output and Technology
■ Problems of Indian Agriculture
■ Contribution of agriculture to the national economy, employment and
■ Impact of Globalization on Agriculture

● Mineral & Energy Resources

● Minerals Resources
Minerals Resources
Types of Minerals
Extraction of Minerals
Distribution/Mode of Occurrence of Minerals
■ Asia
■ Europe
■ North America
■ South America
■ Africa Australia
Distribution of Minerals in India
The North-Eastern Plateau Region
■ The South-Western Plateau Region
■ The North-Western Region
Ferrous Mineral
■ Iron Ore
■ Manganese
Non-Ferrous Minerals
■ Copper
■ Bauxite
Non-Metallic Minerals
■ Mica PAGE 71
Rock Minerals
■ Limestone
Uses of Minerals
Conservation of Minerals
Energy Resources
Conventional Sources of Energy
■ Firewood
■ Coal
■ Petroleum
■ Natural Gas
■ Electricity
● Hydel Power
● Thermal Power
Non-Conventional Source of Energy
■ Solar Energy
■ Wind Energy
■ Nuclear or Atomic Energy
■ Geothermal Energy
■ Tidal Energy
■ Biogas
Conservation of Energy Resources
● Industrial distribution
■ Importance of Manufacturing
■ Contribution of Industry to National Economy
Classification of Industries
■ Based on Raw materials
■ Basis of the use of their products such as
■ Based on Size
■ Based on Ownership
■ Based on the bulk and weight of raw material and finished goods
Common Classification of Industries
Factors affecting Location of Industries
Industrial Regions
■ Major Industrial Regions (8)
● Mumbai-Pune Region,
● Hugli Region,
● Bengaluru-Chennai Region,
● Gujarat Region,
● Chotanagpur Region,
● Vishakhapatnam-Guntur Region,
● Gurugram-Delhi-Meerut Region, and
● Kollam-Thiruvananthapuram Region.
■ Minor Industrial Regions (13)
■ Industrial Districts (15)
Industrial Disaster
■ Risk Reduction Measures PAGE 72
Distribution of Major Industries
■ Agro-based Industries
● Textile Industry
● Cotton Industry
● Jute Textile
● Sugar Industry
● Pulp and Paper Industry
■ Mineral-based Industries
● Iron and Steel Industry ⸷ Integrated Steel Plant
● Petrochemical Industries
● Aluminium Smelting
● Chemical Industries Fertilizer Industry
● Cement Industry
● Automobile Industry
■ Information Technology and Electronics Industry
Industrial Pollution and Environmental Degradation
■ Air pollution
■ Water pollution
■ Soil Pollution
■ Thermal pollution
■ Noise pollution
Control of Environmental Degradation
■ NTPC shows the way
Liberalization, Privatisation and Globalization

● Transportation & International Trade

● Means of Transportation
Land Transport
■ Golden Quadrilateral, North-South Corridors & East-West Corridor
National Highway, State, District, Rural, Border Road
■ 16 zones, Diamond Quadrilateral
■ Challenges, Konkan Railway
Water ways
■ Inland – National Waterways
■ Oversea
■ Personal Communication System
■ Mass Communication System
International Trade
Changing Patterns of the Composition of India’s Export
Changing Patterns of the Composition of India’s Import
Direction of Trade PAGE 73
■ Sea Port as Gateway of International Trade
● Kandla Port
● Mumbai Port
● Jawaharlal Nehru Port
● Mormugao Port
● New Mangalore Port
● Kochchi Port
● Kolkata Port
● Haldia Port
● Paradip Port
● Visakhapatnam Port
● Chennai Port
● Ennore
■ Airports
Tourism as a Trade


● Human Geography
Human Resources
Approaches of Human Geography
■ Systematic Vs Regional Geography
■ Physical Geography Vs Human Geography
■ Determinism vs Possibilism
■ Quantitative Revolution Vs Behaviouralism
■ Idiographic Vs Nomothetic
■ Modernism Vs Postmodernism
Definition of Human geography
■ Environmental Determinism
■ Possibilism
■ Neo-Determinism
■ Behaviouralism
■ Humanistic Approach
■ Radicalism
● Population Geography
Population Density
Factors responsible for population density – Geography, Economic &
SocioPolitical Culture
Demographic Dividend in India
● Birth Rate
● Death Rate
● Total Fertility Rate (TFR)
● Replacement Rate
● Infant mortality rate (IMR)
● Maternal mortality rate (MMR)
● Sex ratio (943)
● Child Sex ratio (918) PAGE 74
● Labour Force
● Population Density (343 Persons/KM2)
● Life Expectancy
● Natural growth of population
● Actual growth of population
● Rural Population of India
● Doubling Time
■ Meta son Preference
■ Invisible Workers
Carrying Capacity of an area
Spatial Pattern of Population Change
■ Population Inertia
■ Industrial Inertia
Demographic Transition Theory
■ Steps to Harvest the Demographic Dividend
■ Migration
■ Population Control Methods
● Social Measure
● Economic Measure
● Other Measure
Age Structure
■ Tragedy of Commons
■ Age sex Pyramid
■ Age Sex Pyramid of India
Human Development
■ Human Development Index
■ Four Pillars of HD
■ Approaches of HD
■ Criticism of HDI
Functional Literacy
Growth Vs Development
Indian Ranking in Various report


● Introduction to Economics
Microeconomics vs Macroeconomics
Organizing an Economy
■ Capitalist Economy
■ State Economy
■ Mixed Economy
● Factors that Determine the type of Economy
■ Economic Development
Sectors of Economy
■ Primary Sector PAGE 75
■ Secondary Sector
■ Tertiary Sector
Types of Economies
■ Agrarian Economy:
■ Industrial Economy:
■ Service Economy:
Problems of Indian Economy

● Indian Economy - Post Independence

Indian Economy- Post Independent Development and Planning,
Advent of Five Year Plan and Performance of India’s Five Year Plans
Agriculture: Land Reforms and land tenure system, Green Revolution and its
Economic Reforms and various Industrial policies in brief
Liberalization phase of Indian economy and its effects.
Globalization and effect on Indian Economy

● National Income
Measure National Income Simplify the Economy
Circular Flow of Income Calculations of National Income Product method:
Income Method Expenditure Method
Gross Domestic Product
■ Types of Goods
● Final, Intermediate, Capital & Consumer Durable Good
■ GDP is Not taken for
Gross National Product
■ NNP Calculator
● NNP at market price
● NNP at Factor Cost
Per Capita Income
Personal Income
Disposable Personal Income
GDP Deflator
Recent Changes made in GDP calculations
Problems in NI Calculations
Human Development
■ Four Pillars of HD
● Equity
● Sustainability
● Productivity and
● Empowerment.

● Inflation
Inflation & Its Occurs PAGE 76
Classification of Inflation & Its factors
■ Demand Pull Inflation.
■ Cost Push Inflation.
Impact of Inflation
■ Growth, Quality of life, Creditors & Debtors, Redistribution of wealth,
Investment, Savings, Tax (Inflation wage Spiral), Exchange rate, Import &
Measurement of Inflation
■ Whole Price Index (WPI).
■ Consumer Price Index (CPI)
● Industrial Workers (IW), Agricultural Laborer (AL) & Rural Laborer
● CPI (Rural), CPI (Urban) and CPI (C)
■ WPI vs CPI
Control of Inflation
■ Monetary Policy by RBI.
■ Fiscal Policy by Government.
■ Administrative Measure.
Concept Related to Inflation
■ Inflation, Deflation, Disinflation & Reflation, Classification Inflation based
on Rate, Bottleneck Inflation, Skewflation, Core Inflation, Inflationary Gap,
Inflation Tax, Phillips Curve, Stagflation, Inflation Premium & Base Effect.
● Money & Monetary Policy
Money – Purpose & Standards
Money Creation
■ The Currency Deposit Ratio
■ The Reserve Deposit Ratio
Money Multiplier effect.
Money Supply – Monetary & Liquidity Aggregate
Monetary Policy
Qualitative tool
■ Conventional Method
● Bank Rate, Cash Reserve Ratio (CRR), Statutory Liquidity Ratio
(SLR), Open Market Operation (OMO)
■ Non-Conventional Methods
● Liquidity Adjustment Facility – Repo Rate & Reverse Repo.
● Marginal Standing Facility
● Monetary Policy Corridor
● Standing Deposit Facility (2018)
● Market Stabilization Scheme (2004)
● Dollar-Rupee Currency Swap (2019)
● Operation Twist
● CRR Leeway
● Long Term Repo rate
● Targeted Long Term Repo Operation.
Qualitative tools
■ Rationing of Credit PAGE 77
● Variable Portfolio Ceiling & Capital Adequacy Ratio.
■ Marginal Requirement Regulation.
■ Regulation of Consumer Credit
■ Moral Suasion
■ Directives & Direct Action - Prompt Corrective Action
■ Promotion & Publicity
Types of Monetary Policy
Who decide Monetary Policy
Urjit Patel Committee Monetary Policy - Framework Agreement, Committee,
Stance & Limitation.
Purchasing Power of Money Government Security (G-Sec)

● Fiscal Policy
Public Finance (Fiscal Policy) - Budget in the Indian Constitution
Public Finance
Budget Account
■ Revenue Account
■ Revenue Receipts
● Tax Receipts
● Non- Tax Receipts
■ Revenue Expenditure
Capital Account 1.
■ Capital Account 2.
■ Capital Receipts 3.
■ Capital Expenditure
■ Deficits are the difference between the Expenditure and Receipts.
■ Budget, Revenue, Fiscal, Primary & Monetised Deficits.
Deficit Financing – External Aid, Internal Borrowings & RBI
Fiscal Consolidation
Fiscal Responsibility & Budget Management
FRBM Review Committee Recommendation
Types of Budgeting
■ Incremental (Conventional),
■ Zero Based Budgeting,
■ Cash Budgeting,
■ Gender Budgeting
■ Outcome Based Budget
Budget Process
Recent Changes in Budget
Document presented during Budget

● Taxation
■ Tax Base, Impact & Incident.
Classification of Taxation PAGE 78
■ Proportional Tax,
■ Progressive Tax,
■ Regressive Tax.
Principle of Good Taxation System
Direct Tax
■ Income Tax
■ Capital Gain Tax
■ Securities Transaction Tax
■ Perquisite Tax
■ Corporate tax
● Minimum Alternate Tax
■ Banking Cash Transaction Tax
■ Wealth Tax.
Tax on Agriculture Income.
Indirect Tax
■ Sales Tax
■ Service Tax
■ Value Added Tax
■ Custom duty & Octroi
■ Excise Duty
Concepts Related to Taxation
■ Tax Buoyancy
■ Tax Elasticity
■ Laffer Curve
■ Cess
■ Surcharge
■ Tax Expenditure
● Pigovian Tax & Fiscal drag
■ Entry Tax 8. Google Tax or Equalisation Levy
Reforms in Tax
Direct tax code
Angel Tax & Exemption for angel tax
E- Way Bill System
Honoring the Honest
Other Recent Direct Tax Reforms
■ Evolution
■ Taxes Subsumed
● Exemptions
■ 101st Constitutional Amendment Act
■ CGST Act,2017
■ GST (Compensation to States) Bill, 2017 (Compensation Cess Bill)
■ GST Council (Article 279-A) – Federal Institution
■ Revenue Neutral Rate
■ Effective GST Rate
■ Benefits of GST for Central and State Governments
■ GST Network PAGE 79
■ Economic Survey 2018 on GST

● Business Cycle
Bank of International Settlement (BIS)
Business Cycle
Countercyclical Fiscal Policy
Cyclic Fiscal Policy
■ Major steps taken by RBI
■ Steps taken by Government
■ Major steps taken by RBI
■ Steps taken by Government
Boom o
■ Over Heating
■ Major steps taken by RBI
■ Steps taken by Government Slowdown - Scheme for Recovery
■ Major steps taken by RBI
■ Steps taken by Government
● Financial Market
● Money Market
Function of Money Market
Stakeholders of Money Market
■ Unorganized Sector
■ Organized Sector
Instruments of Money Market
■ Call Money Market
■ Government Security (G-Sec) Dated Securities & Treasury Bill
■ Commercial Paper
■ Commercial Bills
■ Repurchase Agreements (Repo operation).
■ Certificate of Deposit
■ Banker's Acceptance
■ Inter-Bank Participation Certificates
■ Inter-Corporate Deposits
● Capital Market
Security Market
Primary Market (Public Issue)
■ Initial Public Offering
■ Follow on Public Offering
■ Other issue - Private Placement
Second Market (Stock Market)
Mutual Funds
Hedge Fund PAGE 80
Insurance Company
Pension Company

● External Sector
Balance of Payment
Current Account
■ Trade Account
■ Invisibles
Capital Account
■ Buyer’s Credit & Supplier’s Credit
● Foreign Currency Convertible Bond (FCCB)
● Foreign Currency Exchangeable Bonds (FCEB)
● Short-Term Debt
■ Foreign Investment
● Foreign Direct Investment
● Foreign Portfolio investment & Types ⸷
○ Foreign Institutional Investment ⸷
○ Depository Receipts
■ American, Global & Indian Depository Receipt (ADR)
○ P-Notes
● Capital flight (Flight of Capital)
■ Tax Avoidance
■ Double Taxation Avoidance Agreements (DTAA)
OECD & G20 Nations recommended
General Anti Avoidance Agreement
■ Concepts - Round Tripping, Derivative Investment, Franchise model &
Treaty Shopping
Global Minimum Taxation
Foreign Exchange
■ Foreign Exchange Rate
■ Devaluation of a currency
■ Revaluation
Reserves of RBI
■ Rupees (For OMO, Give to Govt, Monetary policy)
■ Foreign Exchange Reserves
■ G-Sec
● Some Concept
○ Hard & Soft Currency
○ Hot & Heated Currency
IMF (International Monetary Fund)
■ Quota, Maximum Financial Commitment & Voting Power
■ Access to IMF loans
SDR – Special Drawing Rights (Unit of Account in IMF)
Reserve Tranche

● Banking Sector PAGE 81
Reserve Bank of India
■ Central Board – Reserve Bank of India
● About
● Voting
■ Reserve Bank of India – Section 7
■ Y V Reddy Suggestion on RBI Autonomy
■ Functions of RBI
Deposit Insurance and Credit Guarantee Corporation (DICGC)
■ Financial Resolution and Deposit Insurance Bill 2017.
National Housing Bank
■ Functions
Bharatiya Reserve Bank Note Mudran Private Limited.
Security Printing & Minting Corporation of India
Coins and Currency notes
Indian Financial Technology & Allied Services (IFTAS)
Reserve Bank Information Technology – REBIT

● Banking
Functions of Banks - 8
Classification of Banks
■ Central Bank
■ Cooperative Banks
■ Commercial Banks
■ Regional Rural Banks (RRB)
■ Local Area Banks (LAB) – [Created by Lead Bank Scheme – sponsor bank
should adopt one district/town & Monitor the Other Bank working].
■ Specialized Banks – NHB, Mudra, SIDBI, EXIM, NABARD
■ Niche Banks - Small Finance Banks, Payments Banks (Create for Special
Regional Rural Banks
Mudra Bank
Payments Banks
India Post Payments Bank
Small Finance Bank
■ Benchmarking of Loans
Banking Schemes
Lead Bank Scheme
■ Service Area Approach
■ Differential Rate of Interest
■ Priority Sector Lending (PSL)
■ Swabhimaan Scheme
■ Banking ombudsman scheme PAGE 82
Banking Sector Reforms
Financial sector reforms
■ Recommendations of CFS
Twin Balance Sheet Problem (TBS)
BAD BANK Structure
■ Working of NARCL-IDRCL and Guarantee Offered:
Insolvency and Bankruptcy Code
■ The Process Recent Amendments
Basel Norms
PJ Nayak Committee
■ Mission Indradhanush
■ Bank Board Bureau
Project Sashakt
Banking Merger
■ RBI Regulated NBFCs
■ SEBI Regulated NBFCs
■ State Government Regulated
■ Ministry of Corporate Affairs Regulated
■ NBFC Regulations

● Poverty
Absolute Poverty
Relative Poverty
■ Poverty Headcount Ratio
■ Poverty Gap Ratio
Primary and Secondary Poverty
Vicious Cycle of Poverty (Economy)
Vicious Cycle of Poverty (Health)
Vicious Cycle of Poverty (Individual)
Poverty Line in India
■ Dadabhai Naoroji
■ National Planning Committee
■ First Planning Commission working group
■ Y K Alagh Committee
■ Lakdawala
■ Suresh Tendulkar Committee
■ Rangarajan committee
■ Arvind Panagariya Committee
Causes of poverty
■ Programmes by Government to tackle Poverty PAGE 83
● Growth oriented approach
● Specific Poverty Alleviation Program
● Provision of basic amenities to people
Concerns which prevents the successful implementation of programmes
Engel’s Law
Lorenz Curve
■ Gini Coefficient
Kuznet Curve

● Unemployment
Measuring Unemployment
Types of Unemployment
■ Structural Unemployment
■ Frictional Unemployment
■ Cyclical unemployment
■ Disguised Unemployment
■ Seasonal Unemployment
■ Educated Unemployment
■ Under Employment
■ Voluntary Unemployment
■ Natural Unemployment
■ Real Wage Unemployment
■ Technological unemployment
Causes of Unemployment in India
Consequences of Unemployment
Schemes Launched
■ Atmanirbhar Bharat Rozgar Yojana
■ Garib Kalyan Rojgar Abhiyaan


● Ecology
Ecosystem & Function
■ Abiotic, Biotic (Producer, Consumer & Decomposer)
Level of Organisation in Ecosystem – Individual, Population, Community,
Ecosystem, Biome, Biosphere.
Ecotone, Edge Effect
Energy Flow
■ Food Chain – Grazing & Detritus food Chain
■ Food Web
Bio magnification & Bioaccumulation PAGE 84
Ecological Pyramids – Number, Biomass & Energy.
Homeostasis, Hibernation & Aestivation
Biosphere – Atmosphere, Lithosphere, Hydrosphere.
Biome – 12 types
Nutrient Cycle
■ Gaseous Cycle – Water, Nitrogen & Carbon.
■ Sedimentary Cycle – Sulphur & Phosphorus.
Ecological Succession – Primary, Secondary
Biotic interaction – inter & intra Specific.
Types of Interaction -
■ Amensalism,
■ Predation,
■ parasitism,
■ Competition,
■ Commensalism,
■ Mutualism & Neutralism

● Terrestrial Ecosystems
● Forest Ecosystem
Forest Ecosystem
Coniferous Forest (Boreal Forest)
Temperate Deciduous Forest
Temperate Evergreen Forest
Temperate Rain Forests
Tropical Rain Forests
Tropical seasonal forests
Subtropical rainforests
Tropical Wet evergreen forests
Tropical Semi-evergreen forests
Tropical Moist deciduous forests
Littoral and swamp
Tropical Dry deciduous forest
Tropical Thorn forests
Tropical Dry evergreen forest
Sub-tropical Broad-leaved forests
Subtropical Pine forests
Subtropical Dry evergreen forests
Montane Wet temperate forests
Himalayan Moist temperate Forest
Himalayan Dry temperate Forest
Subalpine forest
Moist Alpine scrub PAGE 85
Dry alpine scrub
● Importance of Forest
■ Causes - Shifting cultivation, development project, Fuel Requirements, Raw
Material Requirements, Other Causes.
Indian State of Forest Report

● Grassland Ecosystem
Types of Grasslands
■ Semi-arid zone
■ Dry sub humid zone
■ Moist sub humid zone
■ Humid montane regions
Economic importance of grasslands
Impact of grazing
Role of fire
● Desert Ecosystem
Indian Desert – Thar desert (hot)
■ Flora & Fauna
Cold Desert/ Temperate Desert)
Status of Indian desertification o Control Measure

● Aquatic Ecosystem
Aquatic Organisms
■ Neuston, Periphyton, Plankton, Nekton, Benthos.
■ Factors Limiting the Productivity of Aquatic Habitats
● Sunlight, Photic Zone, Aphotic zone, Dissolved oxygen,
Transparency, Temperature
Lake Ecology
■ Aging of Lakes
■ In India
■ General Characteristics of Oligotrophic and eutrophic Lakes
■ Removal of the nutrients from a lake
● Types – Natural & Manmade
● Sources – Point & Nonpoint Sources Effects – Change in
Ecosystem, Decrease Biodiversity, New Species Invasion, Toxicity,
Mitigation, Policies.
■ Harmful Algal Blooms
Wetland Ecosystem
■ Characteristic
■ Classification PAGE 86
● Inland – Natural & Man made
● Coastal - Natural & Man made
■ Function
■ Reason of Depletion
■ Mitigation
■ Compare with lake
■ Indian Wetland
■ National Wetlands Conservation Programme (NWCP)
■ Criteria for Identification of Wetlands of National Importance
■ Montreux Record & sites in India
■ Ramsar Convention & Sites.
■ Organization.
■ National Wetland Atlas
Marine Ecosystem
Estuary Ecosystem
■ Characteristic, Healthy Estuary, Life in Estuary & Benefits
■ India Estuarine Ecosystem & its Issue.
■ Characteristics & Mangrove profile in India.
■ Role & Threat.
Coral Reefs
■ Cold Water Coral
■ Features, Classification, Function & threats.
■ Triggers
■ Coral Bleaching & its Ecological Causes.
Government Measures to Protect Mangrove Forest and Coral Reefs (Or Coastal
Key Initiatives to Protect Marine and Coastal Environments
■ Coastal Ocean Monitoring and Prediction System (COMAPS)
■ Land Ocean Interactions in the Coastal Zone (LOICZ)
■ Integrated Coastal and Marine Area Management (ICMAM)
■ Society of Integrated Coastal Management (SICOM)
■ Institutions for Coastal Management
● Coastal Regulation Zone (CRZ), 1991
Ganga Action Plan
■ Namami Ganga Program
■ Clean Ganga Fund

● Pollution
■ Non-Degradable Pollution
● Persistent organic Pollutant (POPS)
■ Degradable Pollution
Air Pollution
■ Impact, toxic Metal, Suspended Particulate Matter, Fly Ash
■ Ozone, Smog Acid Precipitation – Source & Impact PAGE 87
■ Heat Island Effect
■ Indoor Air Pollution – Causes, Effect & Control Measure
■ Prevention & Control of Industrial Pollution
● Liquefied Natural gas (LNG), Filters, Electrostatic Precipitators
(ESP), Inertial Collectors, Scrubbers
■ Control of Vehicular Pollution
■ Government Initiative
● National Clean Air Programme
○ Augmenting Air Quality Monitoring Network
○ Air Quality management plan for 100 Non-Attainment Cities
○ Indoor Air Pollution Monitoring & Management
○ National Emission Inventory
○ Network of Technical Institutions
○ Technology Assessment Cell
○ Extending Source Apportionment Studies to all
Non-attainment cities
○ Institutional Framework
● National Ambient Air Quality Standards (NAAQS)
● National Air Quality Index
● Fly Ash Utilization Policy
● Bharat Stage Norms
● Biofuels – First, Second, Third & Fourth Generation.
○ Ethanol Blending Program
○ Pradhan Mantri JI-Van Yojana, 2019
○ National Policy on Biofuel, 2018
● GOBAR (Galvanizing Organic Bio-Agro Resources) DHAN Scheme,
● LiDAR (Monitor Air Pollution)
● Dust Mitigation Plan
● Comprehensive Environmental Pollution Index
● Delhi Air Pollution
● Environmental Compensation Charge
● Graded Response Action Plan
Noise Pollution
■ Indoor and Outdoor Source & Impact
■ Prevention & Control of Noise Pollution
Water Pollution
■ Sources & Effects
● Eutrophication – Causes & Effects
● Algal Blooms
○ Causes & Effects.
○ Algal Blooms in India
○ Monitoring algal Bloom
■ Water Quality Parameter
● Dissolved Oxygen (DO), Biological Oxygen Demand (BOD),
Chemical Oxygen Demand (COD), Most Probable Number (MPN),
Total Dissolved Solids, Oxidation-Reduction Potential PAGE 88
■ Control Water Pollution – Sedimentation, Coagulation/Flocculation,
Filtration, Disinfection, Softening & Aeration.
■ Water Recycling
Thermal Pollution
■ Ecological Effects – Warm & Cold water
■ Control Measure
Soil Pollution
■ Source, Types & Effects.
■ Cause – Loss of Biodiversity, Soil Erosion, Acidity & Alkalinity, Land
Pollution by Waste Deposition.
■ Control Measure
Radiation Pollution
■ Types – Ionizing & Non-Ionizing Radiation
■ Sources – Natural & Man Made.
■ Radiation Damage – Somatic & Genetic
■ Radiation Dose – Effects
Solid Waste Management
■ Source & Effects
■ Types - Municipal, Electronic, Biomedical waste
■ Issues in Solid Waste Management
■ Treatment for Waste Management
■ Solid Waste Management Rules
● Segregation at Sources
● Collection & Disposal of Sanitary waste
● Collection Back scheme for packaging waste
● User fees for collection
● Waste Processing & Treatment
● Promoting use of compost
● Promoting use of waste to energy
● Constitutional of central Monitoring Committee
■ Waste Minimization Circles (WMC)
Plastic Pollution
■ Marine & Land Environment
■ Ex-Situ Bioremediation Techniques
● Biopile, Bioreactor, Land farming, Windrow
■ In-Situ Bioremediation Techniques
● Bioventing, Bio-augmentation, Biosparging, Bio-slurping
● Phytoremediation (Genetic engineering approach)
○ Bioremediation of oil
○ Rhizofiltration
E- Waste
■ E-Waste in India
Environmental Pollution & Health
Acid Rain
■ Types & Source
■ World & India scenario PAGE 89
■ Impact, Trigger Effect of Acid Rain
Categorization of Industrial Sectors

● Renewable Energy
Solar Energy
■ International Solar Alliance
■ Luminescent Solar Concentrators
Wind Energy
Hydro Power
Ocean Thermal Energy
Waste to Energy
Geothermal Energy
Fuel Cells

● Agriculture
■ Scope & Importance
■ Revolutions
Crops & its Classification
■ Primary & Secondary tillage
Cropping System & Pattern
Farming System
■ Crop Rotation
Sustainable Agriculture
Organic Farming
Integrated Farming System
■ Weeds
Soil Science

● Biodiversity
Biological Diversity
■ Genetic, Species & Ecological
■ Measurement of Diversity
● Species richness, Alpha diversity, Beta diversity, Gamma Diversity,
Species Diversity, Taxonomic or Phylogenetic.
■ Endemism, Keystone Species, Foundation Species, Flagship Species,
Indicator Species.
■ Service provided by biodiversity
■ Nearctic, Palaearctic, Africa Tropical, Indomalayan, Oceania, Australian,
Antarctic, Neotropical Realm.
Biodiversity PAGE 90
■ Hotspot - Eastern Himalayas, Western Ghats & Sri Lanka, Indo-Burma &
■ Coldspot
■ Reason for Biodiversity depletion
● Habitat destruction, Introduction of exotic species, Pollution,
Population growth & poverty, Poaching, Global Warming, Species
extinction, Co-extinctions.
■ Conservation of Biodiversity
● In-situ Method ⸷
○ National Park, Sanctuaries, Community reserve,
Conservation Forest, Coastal or Marine Protection Zone,
Sacred Grooves.
○ Madhav Gadgil Recommendation
○ Kasturirangan Recommendation.
○ Ecological Sensitive Zone ⁃
○ Activities – Prohibited, Regulated, Permitted activities. ⁃
Significance ⁃ Critical Wildlife Habitat
○ Biosphere Reserves - Core Zone, Buffer Zone & Transition
○ Special Orientation Project. Ex: Project Tiger, Project
● Ex-situ Method
○ Botanical Garden, Zoo (Red data book & IUCN list), Gene
Bank, Cryopreservation, Conservation at Molecular level
(DNA level), Translocation, Artificial Insemination,
Reintroduction, Seed Bank, Somatic Cell Cloning.
● Important Legislation
Indian forest Act, 1927.
Prevention of Cruelty to Animal Act, 1960.
■ Animal Welfare Board.
Wildlife Protection Act, 1972 (Amendment at 2003 & 2006).
■ Wildlife Crime Control Bureau (WCCB)
■ National Tiger Conservation Authority
● Central Zoo Authority
Water (Prevention & Control Pollution) Act, 1974.
Water (Prevention & Control Pollution) Cess Act, 1977.
Forest (Conservation) Act, 1980.
■ Compensatory Afforestation Fund Management and Planning Authority
Air (Prevention & Control Pollution) Act, 1981.
Environmental Protection Act, 1986 (Bhopal Gas Tragedy, 1984).
Genetic Engineering Appraisal Committee
Coastal Regulation Zone
The Public Liability Insurance Act, 1991.
Biodiversity Act, 2002.
■ National & Start Biodiversity Board.
■ National & State Biodiversity Fund. PAGE 91
■ Biodiversity Heritage Sites (BHS).
■ Biodiversity Management Committee.
The Scheduled Tribes & Other forest Traditional Forest Dwellers (Recognition of
Forest Rights) Act, 2006.
National Green Tribunal, 2010.
■ National Green Tribunal

● Environmental Related Institution & National Organisation

Ministry of Environment, Forest & Climate Change (MOEFCC)
Central Pollution Control Board
■ National Ambient Air Quality Monitoring (NAAQM)
■ Water Quality Monitoring (WQM)
NAMAMI Ganga Programme (NGP)
■ Across the River Survey.
■ River Ganga (Rejuvenation, Protection & Management) Authorities Order,
■ Ecological Task Force
Zoological Survey of India (ZSI)
Botanical Survey of India (BSI)
Wildlife Institute of India (WII)
National Tiger Conservation Authority (NCTA)
Animal Welfare Board of India (AWBI)
International Crops Research Institution for the Semi-Arid-Tropics (ICRISAT)
Indian Council of Agriculture Research (ICAR)
Central Water Commission (CWC)
National Green Tribunal
Indian Council of Forestry Research & Education (ICFRE)
Wildlife Crime Control Bureau (WCCB)
Bombay Natural History Society (BHNS)
National Biodiversity Authority
Wildlife Trust of India (WTI)
Central Zoo Authority
The Energy & Resources Institute
National Wildlife Action Plan
National Green Highway Mission
National Electric Mobility Mission Plan
National Mission on Bio economy
National Afforestation & Eco-Development Board
National Centre for Sustainable Coastal Management
Genetic Engineering Appraisal Committee
National Plan for Conservation of Aquatic Ecosystem
Centre for Science & Environment (CSE)

● Environmental Related Institution & International Organisation PAGE 92
United National Environmental Programme (UNEP)
United Nations Conference on Environment and Development or Earth Summit
Convention on Biological Diversity
Cartagena Protocol
Nagoya Protocol
■ Core, Access, Benefit-Sharing & Compliance
Birdlife International
Wetland International
World Wild Fund for Nature
International Union for Conservation of Nature
Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change
Coalition Action Against Wildlife Trafficking
Ramsar Convention
Montreux Record
Convention on International Trade Endangered Species of Wildlife Fauna & Flora
Convention on Migratory Species
United National Convention to Combat Desertification
Global Tiger Initiative
Commission for the conservation of Antarctic Marine Living Resources (CCAMLR)
World Meteorological Organisation (WMO)
Globally Important Agricultural Heritage System (GIAHS)
■ Kuttanad & Koraput, Odisha States
Food & Agriculture Organisation (FAO)

● Species Specific Conservation Effect

Indian Rhino Vision 2020
UNDP Sea Turtle Project
Project Tiger
■ Special Thrust on Tiger Protection and Anti-Poaching Operation
■ White Tiger
Snow Leopard
■ Community Conservation Act
■ Global Snow Leopard Forum
■ Global Snow Leopard & Ecosystem Protection Program
Project Elephant
■ Monitoring of Illegal Killing of Elephant (MIKE) Programme
Project Hangul
Protection of Vulture in India
■ Vulture in India, Cascading Effect
■ Ex-situ & In-situ Conservation initiative
A Sustainable Plan for Future 2014-2025 PAGE 93
Crocodile Conservation in India
Coastal Regulation Zone
Gangetic Dolphin

● Climate Change
Weather, Climate, Climate Variability, Climate Change
Global Warming
■ Global Warming Potential (GWP)
■ Greenhouse Effect
■ Atmospheric Aerosols
■ Land Use Change
■ Albedo
■ Five Critical Global Environment Changes
■ Radiative Forcing – Positive & Negative radiative forcing
■ Carbon Dioxide Equivalent
■ Carbon Dioxide Fertilization
■ Carbon Footprint
■ Carbon Sequestration
■ Carbon Capture & Sequestration
■ Carbon Sink
■ Carbon Credit
■ Carbon Offsetting
■ Carbon Tax
■ Carbon Neutrality
■ Black carbon, Brown Carbon
■ Impact of Climate Change – Agriculture & Food Security, Water Stress &
Water insecurity, Rise in Sea level, Ecosystem & Biodiversity,
Synergies between Adaptation & Mitigation Measures
■ Forest & Mitigation
■ United Nation Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC)
● Kyoto Protocol – Annex I & Annex II.
○ International Emission Trading
○ Clean Development Mechanism
○ Joint Implementation
■ Bail Road Map – COP 13
■ Copenhagen Summit
■ Cancun Agreement
● Green Climate Fund – COP 16
○ Transitional Committee
○ COP 19 – Independence GCF Secretariat ⸷
○ COP 21 – Paris Agreement
● Technology Mechanism
● Adaptation Framework
○ Fast-start Finance
○ Adaptation Fund
● Registry
■ Durban Summit PAGE 94
● Doha Amendment
Paris Climate Agreement
■ National Determined Contribution
● Essential Elements, Long-Term temperature Goal, Global Peaking,
Mitigation, Sinks & Reservoirs,
● Voluntary Co-operation/Market & Non-Market Based Approaches,
Adaptation, Loss & Damage,
● Financial, Technology & Capacity-Building support.
● Transparency, Implementation & Compliance.
● Global Stocktake
India’s INDC
COP 24 in Katowice
India’s Plan for Climate Change Mitigation
India Plan for Adaptation to Climate Change
Indian Perspective on Climate Justice
Important Mechanisms of UNFCCC
Land Use, Land Use Change & Forestry (LULUCF)
Global Environmental Facility
Forest Carbon Partnership Facility

● National Action Plan on Climate Change

● National Solar Mission
Green Energy Corridor
Need for Synchronisation
Renewable Energy Certificates
Renewable Purchase Obligation
International Solar Alliance

● National Mission on Enhanced Energy Efficiency

Perform Achieve & Trade (PAT)
Market Transformation for Energy Efficiency (MTEE)
Energy Efficiency Finance Platform (EEFP)
Framework for energy efficiency Economic Development (FEEED)

● National Mission on Sustainable Habitat

● National Water Mission
Capacity Building & Exploring new sources
National Bureau of Water Use Efficiency (NBWUE)
National Water Policy, 2012

● National Mission for Sustaining the by Himalayan Ecosystem 6.

● National Mission for a Green India
● National Mission for Sustainable Agriculture PAGE 95
Focus Area – Dryland Agriculture, Risk Management, Access to Information, Use
of Biotechnology.

● National Mission on Strategic Knowledge for Climate Change

National Adaptation Fund for Climate Change
Carbon Tax
National Bio Energy Mission

Science & Technology

● Biotechnology
GM Crop
DNA Technology Regulation Bill, 2019
Ethanol blending programme in India

● Space Technology
Milestones in India’s Space Programme
What is an Orbit?
■ Basics of Orbit
■ Types of Orbit Geostationary orbit (GEO) Low Earth orbit (LEO) Medium
Earth orbit (MEO) Polar orbit and Sun-synchronous orbit (SSO) Transfer
orbits and geostationary transfer orbit (GTO)
Lagrange points
List of Earth Observation Satellites
Satellite Launching Vehicles
Recent launches
■ PSLV-C51 launch
■ CMS-01 satellite
■ GSAT 30
■ EOS-01
■ Cartosat-3
■ GSAT 29
■ GSAT- 11
Project NETRA
Mission Shakti
Seven mega missions by ISRO

● Nuclear Technology
Benefits of Nuclear Energy
Nuclear Energy in India
Components of a nuclear power plant
Types of Reactors
■ Light-water reactors
■ Pressurized-water reactor
■ CANDU reactors (pressurized heavy water reactor)
■ Pressurized-water reactor
■ Sodium Cooled Fast Reactor
India three stage nuclear programme
Evolution of India’s nuclear policy
Civil Nuclear Liability Act
NPT (Nuclear Non-Proliferation Treaty)
Nuclear Suppliers Group

● Defence Technology
The Integrated Guided Missile Development Programme
Nuclear Command Authority
India’s Nuclear Triad
Ship Biographies
INS Vikrant
INS Vikramaditya
Anti-Ballistic Missile Defence System
Iron Dome
Bilateral and Multilateral Military Exercises
Defence Indigenization

● Communication and Information Technology PAGE 97
Digital Signature Certificate
New IT rules
QUANTUM Cryptography
Central bank digital currency (CBDC)
Blockchain Technology
Cellular Networks
■ 1G Technology
■ 2G Technology
■ 3G Technology
■ 4G Technology
■ 5G Technology
Cloud Computing
IOT – Internet Of Things
Internet Governance
Digital Divide
Space Internet
Public Wi-Fi plan ‘PM Wani’
Quantum Computing



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