Training Scheme

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arevat 7) NALCO NATIONAL ALUMINIUM COMPANY LIMITED (A Government of India Enterprises) HRD Centre of Excellence, Bhubaneswar ‘SCHEME FOR SELECTION OF INDUSTRIAL TRAINEES Ref. No. HCE/IT/ 1242/2017 Date: 31.07.2017 [five INDUSTRIAL TRAINEE SCHEME | ‘Approved by "| Chairman = Cum = Managing Director | exive Date "28.07.3017 3 This scheme supersedes earlier scheme Issued per Reference No. Ref. No HCE/IT/ 377 /2016, Dated: 13.07.2016 ys ‘This issues with the approval of Competent Authority. (Sanjay Kumar Mishra) General Manager (H8A) Distribution: + SM(HRD)-Tra-S8P / SM (HRD)-Trg.-M@R #GM(A, CSR, Law & Contract/¢, CO/GMUIE,PC,PRECC)I/c, CO/DGM(HBA)-IR,CO/ AGM(HRD)RAP,CO DGM(H8A)S8°/DGM(H8A)Hines/OGM(HAA)AR/AGM(HRD)CPP/AGM(HRD), Smelter ED(F/ED(Malts)I/c, GM(H8A)MBR/GM(HBA)SEP/GM(H&A)-L,CO/GMMkty), COP GM(Tech)/GM(CP&SM),CO/Company Secretary TS to D(HR) = For kind information of (HR) - Gb ' scHel INDUS! ec ‘kot of students after graduating from colleges and professional instusions look fr 39 Ae ot sanG undergo tang in Nap inorder to equip themselves with necessary skils anc opportunity fo omer public Secor Undertaking has ois equal obligations towards Society rowledge: Nalco po Paty to the Youth of the Society for their self-devlopment throug” {ot atoning ar oreerne ove, te’ students undergoing Mestar of Comuter Applications, Tan tee ccourtaney, Company Secretarship Courses and thelr respective Institutions CostCharen ne estonried organization for providing training fecity whieh i= 2 part of Fe epee is wil algo erable the organization to meet Rs temporary oF immediate aan oavent of mansewer Ia respective area of disciplines from time to time, The Company wil Fee on to absord the trainees In regular posts after completion of their traning peri ‘A, Sallent Features of the Scheme: ‘SL Na] Saont Features Rmanded Senos Oi. Source of “ay Sponsorship Tram insteute of MCA, CATIGWAT end ICST Engagement et ') Open advertisement for others under the Scheme. SPS presebed for executives et ED level under RAP} ules for Executives by Students undergoing Inter CATCWAI/CS {completion of inter Ghonoredhcosyintermedate (executive) of (Company. Secretarchip} where traning is part of their | GSRRIin may be considered for sponsorship By the fespectve institutes Da Selection Procedure [a] Wetten Test. and/or Interview by @ Selection Commitee to be constituted by the concerned Otretor. | byt) Sponcorsnip for students of MCA, CAMTCWAT etc. by Seoteatve instutes oF Chepters/ Srenches for the| {ratttes (Soection tough assessment interview). (i) For CS students, requests received from the Head | Office at New Delhi/Cnapter Office(s)Directly shell be Considered, Nowaver, student shall commence the Gaining nly after production of sponsorship leter of isi. 6) Wailcin-tntervew for others under the Scheme other than ‘sponcorsh. Ga Pesos af Faning | (a) One year forall category of Industrial Trainees under the Scheme except Indust! Tralee (Company Secretary) oo: - ‘eaning period shal be 25 months. (ip Students reoistered with ICSton or fier ‘oLod.ane- Training period shall be 2 years after passing the Execute Programme. + Training period shal be 1 year after passing the Professional Programme, 1n cate, performance of the trainees is foend unsatisfactory Dr he she is found guity of mor) tuptide or indisciptine, She erining may be terminated earlier at the discretion of the Management, BE yours (33 years for SC/ST Cahdidates and ST yeers for 6c eancicates) Yaa. — | Quaiiieaton 5, | Maximum Age Unit % Aw Bhysical defects. Selected "candidates must fu the | Company's preserbed medical standards [ Rate af Supend Js) €10,000/- per month for the Students oF MCR, CATICWAT | 1.65 a= per ser study cucu | 8) €13500/- per monn forotners, | Inthe event of ein of ates of Stipend wAhin crea o | the Scheme, the stand stall be pad at te vases se fromthe de of “eign B6. | Btar Benatis —T (bung the traning pee The olowing Banani wT be ‘ntonde to the wines, 2) To se ony. The reimorsement of mei! expenses ae ter ea wb inte 0 one mons spend | Traine covered under the Scheme shal be ented | ‘maximum 12 days Casual Leave and 15 days Medical ») Laave | have ton media round ony | (® Industrial Trainee (Company Secretary) (e) Students ceaisteced with ICSI hefore 01.08.2016 - 15 days. Cosual Leaves and 15 doys Medial Leaves Guring the training perad. () Sutonts eaisterad with ICSI on or ster 03.08.2014 + For Trainees whose period is 2 yeers after passing | the Executive Programme 45 days leaves (Casual Leaves of 15 days per year and total 15 days Medical Leaves during the traning period.) + For Trainees whose parted ie 1 year after passing the Professional Programme -"45 days ‘Casual Leaves during the teining pared 09. No. of Trainees Upto 33 per year on diferent areas / disciplines az stated below. 1. HRD & Administration 207 Ti. Corporate Communication 02 1, Commercial (Marketing & Materials) + 04 vs Finance 208 v. Systems 04 Vi. Compony Secretaryship 02 Corp. Soci Responsbity of Corporate Planning mc ws ©. (i) Procedure to be followed to short lst ll Candidates in Wallcin-Interviaw: 1. The qualification ofthe Candidates should be strictly as per the prasenbed qualification as 2.1 Eighty for_applying/salection for walk-in-interview shal! be “Full tine regular in Mea, MEA, et ith not ess than 60% of marks for Unreserved (UR) & Ober Backward Cass (OBC) and 50% af marks for SC/ST/PWD category. The ualfeaions must be for recognized ‘Government Unwversties/Insututions use Fecognized Universities and Insttutes/UGC recognised Tndien deemed Universities oF AICTE approved “Courses from Autonomous Instttes/concemed ‘statutory Councl (wherever applicable). 2.2 The eligibility qualifying marks forthe students of the Intute of Chartered Accountants of fad or the Institute of Cost Accountants of India and Institute of Company Secretaries Of Inda Shall be Intermeaiate/Executive pass ofthe respective Insets, 3. The candidates may be called for personal interview in a ratio of 1:10 depending upon the number of applicants. 4. Offer to join as Industrial Trainees shall be Issued based on the selection ment postion to be drawn by Selection Committee agsinst vacances, S. Presidential directives for reservation shall be impldmented as applicble. 6, Advertisements for the Industral Trainees except for CS students are to be made in two local newspapers (Odia / English) and Company website. /. No TA/ DA shall be applicable forthe candidates to Sppearthe personal interview. ©. Competent Authority. : (Chief executive 1s the Competent Authority to make any change(s) of the Scheme or to ‘amend or cancel these rules or any part thereat at any time wehout notice = may be necessary fam time to time as per the organizational requirement

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