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Practice I

1. Load data from Web (GDP per Capita from Wikipedia)
2. Rename query (GDP Per Capita) and add description
3. Promote Headers, clean up and remove first row after that
4. Change data types for the numerical columns and keep them despite the
errors (Pay attention to Years columns where it says: [n 2])
5. Now let’s reduce data to Top 25 Countries/Territories for World Bank
6. World Bank Est. tends to exclude territories and only list countries, plus the
data is relatively new in comparison with the rest
7. Remove IMF and CIA data
8. Remove Errors
9. Sort Descending by the estimates
10. Keep to 25 rows
11. Change column name to “Country” only and cleanup the countries names
(remove (*))
12. Highlight the use of using extract vs replace values and its best to copy the

Practice II
1. Load “US Pop…” from “Transform Census.xlsx”
2. Promote first row as headers
3. In column “Admitted” remove the non-state entries (empty). This will leave
50 states remaining
4. Remove empty rows from column “1860”
5. Unpivot the years columns (Make a new “Key” column)
6. Rename to “Census Year” and “Population”
7. Change data type for “Census Year”
Practice III
1. Use “CountryPops.xlsx”
2. We have “Population by Country” and we would like to group population by
3. We could merge data in Excel but it would be prone to errors and perhaps
the data source should remain as it is since someone else needs it that way.
We can modify the data in Power BI without corrupting the original source.
4. Load all the continents from Excel Data
5. Remove columns “Flag” and “Status”, move “Key” to beginning and add a
“Continent” Column using Add Custom Column
6. Combine Tab --> Append Queries
7. Fix the “Key” column and rename to “ID”
8. Add 2 more data sources in “GrowthRates.xlsx” namely “Population by
Country” and “Population Growth Rate”
9. Fix Date in “Population by Country” query
10. Fix “Population Growth Rate” column with the hyphen issue. And change its
data type to Decimal (if you choose percentage, you need to create a new
column to demonstrate that)
11. Build the relationship model
12. Hide the continents tables from the Visuals View
13. Merge “All Countries” with “Population by Country” into a new Query
14. Then merge “GrowthRates.xlsx” into the newly merged query
15. Remove empty rows

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