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Karakash, I., Riabokon, I., Popsuienko, L., Babych, I., Zaveriukha, M. /Vol. 8 Núm.

22: 560 - 564/

Septiembre - octubre 2019 560

Artículo de investigación
Singular succession due to inheritance in ancient Roman law
Sucesión singular debido a la herencia en la ley romana antigua

Recibido: 19 de julio del 2019 Aceptado: 25 de agosto del 2019

Written by:
Illya Karakash242
Ievgen Riabokon243
Liudmyla Popsuienko244
Iryna Babych245
Maryna Zaveriukha246

Abstract Анотація

The authors of the article analyzed the hereditary Автори статті проаналізували спадкове
laws of ancient Rome (legatum and законодавство Стародавнього Риму (legatum і
fideicommissum). The object of the study of the fideicommissum). Об’єктом дослідження статті
article is the inheritance (universal or singular) by стали суспільні відносини щодо спадкування
legatum and fideicommissum. Under universal (універсальне та сингулярне) шляхом легатів та
inheritance, all the rights and obligations of the фідеїкомісів. При універсальному спадкуванні
testator were transferred to the heir. The singular до спадкоємця переходили всі права та
inheritance is a transfer of exclusive property and обов’язки, які належали за життя спадкодавцю.
Сингулярна наступність визначається як
property rights, but not duties. The Legatum is
перехід майна і майнових прав, але не
one of the oldest legal institutions that has already
обов’язків. Легат – один із найдавніших
been fixed in the laws of the XII Tables. правових інститутів, який був закріплений вже
Fideicommissum is an assignment of posthumous в законах ХІІ таблиць. Fideicommissum –
commandments, a form of refusal instead of a доручення посмертних заповідальних
legatum. розпоряджень, форма відказів замість легата.
It can be concluded that the Romans divided the Є можливим зробити висновок, згідно з яким
succession into universal and singular since it римляни проводили розподіл
could relate either to the property as a whole, and правонаступництва на універсальне і
as a consequence – to all its constituent parts, or сингулярне, оскільки воно могло стосуватися
only certain parts of the property. або майна як цілого, і як наслідок – всіх його
складових частин, або лише тільки окремих
Keywords: Universal succession, singular частин майна.
succession, legatum, inheritance law, will.
Ключові слова: універсальне
правонаступництво, сингулярне
правонаступництво, легатум, спадкове право,

Doctor of Law science, Professor of Department of Agrarian, Land and Environmental Law of National University «Odesa Law
Academy» ilivkar47@gmail.com
Ph. D., Professor Assistant of Civil law Department of Taras Shevchenko National University of Kyiv
Ph. D., Professor Assistant of Department of History of State and Law of National University «Odesa Law Academy»
Ph. D., Professor Assistant of Civil law Department of National University «Odesa Law Academy»
Ph. D., Professor Assistant of Department of Agrarian, Land and Environmental Law of National University «Odesa Law

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ISSN 2322- 6307
Vol. 8 Núm. 22/Septiembre - octubre 2019 561


Los autores del artículo analizaron las leyes hereditarias de la antigua Roma (legatum y fideicommissum).
El objeto del estudio del artículo es la herencia (universal o singular) por legatum y fideicommissum. En
virtud de la herencia universal, todos los derechos y obligaciones del testador fueron transferidos al
heredero. La herencia singular es una transferencia de propiedad exclusiva y derechos de propiedad, pero
no deberes. El Legatum es una de las instituciones legales más antiguas que ya ha sido fijada en las leyes
de las XII Tablas. Fideicommissum es una asignación de mandamientos póstumos, una forma de rechazo
en lugar de un legatum.
Se puede concluir que los romanos dividieron la sucesión en universal y singular ya que podría relacionarse
con la propiedad como un todo y, como consecuencia, con todas sus partes constituyentes, o solo ciertas
partes de la propiedad.

Palabras clave: Sucesión universal, sucesión singular, legatum, ley de herencia, voluntad.


The respect for human rights is today the main methods, help to clarify the essence of the
task of any country at any stage of its universal succession and singular succession.
development. Every member of society must
have the opportunity to live, work, accumulate Moreover, the use of the comparative-legal
property with the idea that, in case of his death, method helps to explore the ancient Rome
all property will go to his relatives in experience of regulating the relations of
accordance with his will or under the law. inheritance.
Nevertheless, not in all countries the institution
of inheritance works properly. Furthermore, the formal legal method shows the
legal norms of ancient Rome legislation which
This problem arose a long time ago. Even at the regulates the problems of inheritance.
time of the formation and development of
Roman private law as such, the same problems Analysis of recent research
existed in Roman society. These factors
determine the relevance of the research topic. The problems of inheritance in Roman law were
The significance of the transfer of property in explored by domestic and foreign specialists in
the manner of inheritance found its the field of Roman law, for example Yakovlev,
manifestation in the legal sources of those days. V. (2005), Novitskyi, I. (n.d.), Vyndshejd
The main principle of the transfer of rights and (1874), Khvostov, V. (1907), Borysova, V.,
responsibilities from one person to other Baranova, L., Brockhaus, F. (2010),
persons (heirs - successors) should be the Goncharenko, V. (2007), Leshhenko, V. (2004),
principle of universality. However, the legal Kharytonov, Y. (2008), Grymm, D. (1916),
norms of those times regulated the social Kalyuzhnyj, R. (2005).
relations, and that social relation gave rise to a
singular succession, which arose as a result of Presentation of key research findings
inheritance and was characterized by the
transition of exclusively property benefits to The foundations of the inheritance institute
individuals - legatee (beneficiaries) by separate existed even in the time of the original
orders of the heir. organization of society. The transfer of the
deceased person's property was based on
Methodology centuries-old customs and ethnic traditions that
existed in the inhabitants of certain territories.
The methodology of the study were general The emergence of law as a regulator of relations
scientific and special methods of knowledge of created the basis for consolidating the
legal phenomena. The dialectical method as a provisions on the transfer of property, property
general method of scientific knowledge and rights and obligations of the deceased to the
historical method allowed to study the heirs.
inheritance by legatum and fideicommissum. In
addition, the method of system analysis, as well At different times, the law has undergone
as the system-structural and formal-logical numerous modifications concerning the
development of morality, society, and

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ISSN 2322- 6307

statehood. The legal tradition, in this particular not recognize the existence of the will if it did
area of legal regulation of any country, has not have two testamentary orders: the named
developed on the foundations laid in ancient heir and the distribution of hereditary property.
Rome, which were based on the ideas of natural In the foreground, the will indicated the specific
law, the principles of justice, and integrity. heir, to whom the inheritance should be
transferred. The "named heir" meant "the
Classical and Byzantine variants of Roman law beginning and basis of the whole testament" -
were of great importance for the formation and "caput et fundamentum totius testamenti" and
further development of all legal systems. should be carried out in a solemn and order
Moreover, the highest level of reception is in forms (Yakovlev, 2005). If the will contained
private law. exhaustive instructions (to whom and by what
portion the property should pass after the death
Roman private law was reflected in the of this person), but no one was named as heir,
settlement of hereditary relations. then the will was invalid (Novitskyi, I. (n.d.).

There were four stages in the development of The next step of the testator after the indication
Roman law: of the heir was the act of distribution of
hereditary property. Romans distinguished
a) Inheritance for jus civile; several ways of distribution of hereditary
b) Inheritance by the praetorian edict; property. For example, in the will one could
c) Inheritance under Imperial legislation; appoint one heir to the property – "heres ex
d) Inheritance in " Justinian Law" asse" or several persons ("heres ex partibus")
(actually "after" Roman law). without determining the shares in advance.
Accordingly, if the will did not indicate all the
Each of these periods is marked by the property owned by the testator, "heres ex asse"
emergence, development or limitation of certain received all the property, and "heres ex
principles on which the inheritance law of the partibus" was entitled to a proportional increase
Roman Empire was built. in the inheritance.

In ancient Rome, inheritance could occur in one When the testator distributed less property than
of two ways that determined the amount of he had between the heirs, then the heirs' (heres
inheritance: universal or singular. Under ex partibus) part of the heritage increased
universal inheritance, all the rights and proportionally. Conversely, when the testator
obligations ща the testator were transferred to distributed more property than testator had
the heir. Along with the property and privileges, between the heirs (heres ex partibus), in this
the heir also received responsibility for the case, their shares decreased proportionally.
debts and obligations of the deceased.
One way of distributing hereditary property
The concept of the distribution of succession to among the Romans was called institutio "ex re
universal and singular succession is borrowed certa" and "ex certa re". At "ex re certa", the
by the legislation of a number of states testator ordered that a certain thing mast be
belonging to the Romano-Germanic legal excluded from the succession of the heir, and at
family, in particular, Ukraine, Poland, and "ex certa re" the succession took place
Lithuania, from the traditions of Roman private concerning a certain thing. At the same time, the
law (Tsybulska, Voronina, Fomichova, question regarding the debts of the heir
Tokareva, & Matiiko, 2019). remained unresolved, which was contrary to the
universal nature of the hereditary succession.
There was also a singular inheritance (as a Therefore, this method of indication of the heir
transfer of exclusive property and property was declared invalid and the will must be
rights, but not duties). This inheritance was in destroyed (i.e. declared invalid). To avoid such
two historical forms: the civil form of a singular consequences, Roman law assumed that such a
succession called «legatum», and the will can be considered as valid, and Roman law
nationwide form – «fideicommissum». The offered three possible ways out of this situation:
essence of both of these forms is the order of the
heir, which is beneficial to the third party and • If the testator indicated one heir as "ex
must be done by the heir. re certa", then such heir can inherit the
whole inheritance. And then the words
The wills content was made by the testator, of the "re certa" were considered as
however, it should be noted that the Romans did unwritten;

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ISSN 2322- 6307
Vol. 8 Núm. 22/Septiembre - octubre 2019 563

• If, from many heirs, some were The diversity of the types of legatum confirms
indicated as "ex re certa", and others the content of Justinian's Digests. They directly
were without it, then only the last were identified the following types of legacies:
considered as heirs; usufruct, income, residence, services,
• If all heirs were indicated as "ex re easements, peculias, wines, oils, food supplies,
certa", they were all considered as gold, silver, jewelry, dresses, statues, debt
indefinite heirs, and then, they were relief, etc.
successors of equal shares. "Certa res"
belonged to each of them as a "pre" The Romans classified the variety of types of
lagatum. This was expressed in the will legatum into separate groups.
as follows: “My heirs should be A, B,
and C; moreover, A should receive this Legatum of special things concerned
heritage, B should receive this individually determined things, which were a
heritage, C should receive this transmission object that should be given to the
heritage» (Yakovlev, 2005). legatee. The specific things were transferred to
the legatee with the easements that lay on or
Thus, the Romans divided the succession into owed to it.
universal and singular, since it may relate either
to the property as a whole, and as a consequence The legatum of things defined by genus
– to all its constituent parts, or only to certain (generis) was carried out by selecting the
parts of the property (Vyndshejd, 1874). legatum of one thing from the whole inheritance
(for example, one horse).
In the era of Puritan law, only the legatum was
known to Roman citizens (Khvostov, 1907). The legatum of the set of things ("universitas").
Legatee was entitled to this set if all things that
The Legatum is one of the oldest legal at the moment of death were part of the whole.
institutions that has already been fixed in the The legatum of the sum of the amount or
laws of the XII Tables. According to the norms quantity. The testator had the right to inherit a
of this institute, the inheritance was given to the sum of some amount without the
wife and children, who were excluded from the individualization; the testator gave the thing of
right of succession inheritance. Legatum were his choice.
widely used in practice (Yakovlev, 2005;
Borysova, & Baranova, 2007). The rent legatum referred to the legatum of
things that were replaced by species, the
Legatum is an order of the testator was carried issuance of which was repeated in known
out by will not to the main heirs, but to another periodic terms (legatum anum, menstruum),
person (Brockhaus. 2010). Legatum recognized which is inherited.
the assignment on the heirs (under the will) any
obligation in favor of one or more persons Property rights legatum. Such legatum
(Roman law, n.d.). The legatum did not apply to conferred on the legatee real rights: the right to
heirs-at-law (Goncharenko, 2007). It was pledge, emphitheism, superficies, or exempt the
impossible to leave such a will, which legatum from the rights that the testator himself
established only the legatum laid on the heir to had for the thing.
"ab intestato". If the testator desired this, he had
to turn the heir "ab intestato" into "heres The "legatum debiti" was recognized when the
testamentarius" in the will. testator assigned his debt to the creditor. The
lender became the legatee.
In the era of national Roman law, one of the
changes in the institute of inheritance concerned The "legatum liberationionis" – the legatum of
the act by which legatum could be left. Until debt relief provided the legatee the right to
then, these orders could be implemented only in demand from the heir to be released from debt,
the will. To facilitate the testator's abandonment or to be protected by the acceptance against the
of legatum, the jurisprudence of that time claim by the heir for that debt.
recognized that the legatum could be left not
only in the will but also in the codicill The legatum of claims ("legatum nominis")
(composed without any formalities in writing by obliged the heir to file a lawsuit against the
the testator in case of death, which did not debtor of the testator ("actio utilis").
include the indication of the heir) (Khvostov,

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The alimony legatum consisted of clothing, and and as a consequence – to all its constituent
housing. This legatum could be obtained in parts, or only certain parts of the property
some cases before the death of the testator. (Vyndshejd, 1874). These principles in
Certain legatum of this kind were intended to hereditary law, formed in that day and were
reach adulthood: 18 years for men and 14 for reflected by a reception in all modern countries.
women. These principles apply to both the Romano-
Germanic (continental) and the Anglo-Saxon
The alternate legatum provided the legatee with legal system. Therefore, the problem outlined is
the right to choose things from the testator. relevant for the study of the further influence of
Persons subject to the "legatum optionis sen the norms of the hereditary right of the Roman
electionis" also used the right to choose. era on the development and functioning of the
system of law of both the individual country of
Thus, although the legatum acquired the right to the named legal family and the legal system as
legatum with the death of the testator ("dies a whole.
legati cedit"), he used his right to legatum from
the moment of acceptance of the inheritance References
("dies legati venit"), except the cases where the
refusal was appointed under a suspensive period Borysova, V. & Baranova, L. (2007).
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the event of the death of the legatee before the Ukraine. Modern problems of the state and law,
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In addition to the legatum, as noted above, the Private Law. Kharkiv: Odyssey.
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or written requests by the testator at the time of http://partnerstvo.ru/lib/pravo/node/302.
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action in favor of third parties. Tokareva, V., & Matiiko, M. (2019). Influence of
Roman private law on the basic principles of
In the era of codified law, legatum and singular succession in the inheritance law of
fideicommissum were united by essence and Ukraine, Poland and Lithuania. Amazonia
form (Kalyuzhnyj, 2005), henceforth they could Investiga, 8(20), 144-154. Retrieved from
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