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School of Health Sciences

Master of Occupational Therapy

Level: Two
Semester: Two
Academic year: 2022/ 2023
Title of module: Occupational Therapy Practice-based Learning 2
Descriptor: 02147
Assignment: Preceptor Education Program (PEP) for Health Care Professionals
and Students (formative)


Access and register on-line for the Preceptor Education Program (see overleaf for further

Complete the learning module listed below.

 Fostering Reflective Practice

Download a certificate of completion for each module and upload this to your Practice-based
Learning Passport workbook in ePortfolio. Add this to the workbook with all your PBL1
information in it, do not create a new workbook.

Anticipated on-line learning time: 1 hour

Weighting: Formative assessment
Date/Week Handed Out: Posted to Blackboard Week 1, 5th September 2022
To be completed by: Week 33, Monday 17th April 2023 by 4pm.
Feedback: Week 35
Preceptor Education Program (PEP) for Health Care Professionals and Students

– an e-learning module

Instructions for learners

The PEP program is a compulsory element of the occupational therapy (pre-registration

curriculum). The PEP programme is designed to be self-directed and compliments the
University face-face pre-placement workshops

PEP consists of 9 modules, which take approximately 30-45 minutes each to complete. The
modules have been designed to:

 Help you learn about learn about your role, what will be expected of you and
important questions to ask your practice educator(s).
 Develop learning objectives for your placement that will really help you to focus
your energy where it counts
 Prepare for both receiving and giving feedback to your practice educators that
will ensure you gain the most possible from the placement experience
 Understand and develop your professional reasoning skills
 Become a reflective practitioner
 Learn how to manage conflict with your practice educator, clients and team
 Make the most of the formal evaluation of your performance

The required PEP modules must be completed before starting your second practice

To access and register for the Preceptor Education Program for Health Care Professionals
and Students go to:!pep

Download a certificate of completion for the module and upload this to your Practice
Education Passport workbook in ePortfolio. Add this to the workbook with all your PP1
information in it, do not create a new workbook.

To submit your workbook:

Check the Workbook is in your Asset Store

Go to ‘I Want To’ button

Submit->For Assessment->Highlight your Workspace, click the Agree box and click

It is your responsibility to present your PBL workbook via EPortfolio to your practice
educator(s) on the first day of placement.

You will be credited with 1 practice education hour by the University Professional Practice
Tutor once you have completed the required PEP module for Practice-based Learning 2

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