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Honourable chairman sir-- members of the managing committie , respected principal mam,

teachers and dear friends

I consider it a great privilege and honour to speak to you today as one of the first students of
this school. Lets just say I’m very proud to be standing here right now

Let me say it with great joy. It’s a new day in my life. It’s a new school, new teachers, new
friends, a new future. I’m excited about my life and every thing in it.

The school has a great campus, great classrooms and great labs. It gives opportunities for the
full development of students.

This great school which I joined will help me become all that I dream of. It is my firm belief that
I shall succeed and shall become successful and famous person .

SSVV is going to be a good place for great learning and great achievements. Here children’s
dreams shall blossom. Thankyou everyone who supported and will support SSVV to become the
best it can be.

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