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Project no:

Project data
Project name
Project number
Date 08-05-2024
Code IS

Steel E 250 (Fe 410 W) A
Concrete M25, M30

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Project no:

Project item KASHI GOAN

Description BASEPLATE
Analysis Stress, strain/ loads in equilibrium



β – Direction γ - Pitch α - Rotation Offset ex Offset ey Offset ez

Name Cross-section
[°] [°] [°] [mm] [mm] [mm]
COL 2 - RHS270x270 0.0 90.0 0.0 0 0 0

Supports and forces

Name Support Forces in
COL / end Node 0

Name Material
2 - RHS270x270 E 250 (Fe 410 W) A

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Project no:

Diameter fu Gross area
Name Bolt assembly
[mm] [MPa] [mm2]
M32 4.6 M32 4.6 32 400.0 803

Load effects (forces in equilibrium)

N Vy Vz Mx My Mz
Name Member
[kN] [kN] [kN] [kNm] [kNm] [kNm]
LE40 COL / End 132.2 -42.7 9.5 -11.9 -30.5 -49.5
LE41 COL / End 98.8 -36.4 -12.4 9.3 -26.8 47.3
LE42 COL / End 233.8 81.3 0.1 0.1 57.0 -0.2
LE43 COL / End -222.7 -42.2 -10.0 -9.5 -47.3 45.4
LE44 COL / End 201.1 93.9 0.1 0.0 70.1 -0.1
LE45 COL / End 200.3 -93.4 -0.1 0.0 -69.7 -0.1
LE46 COL / End -188.1 86.4 0.0 0.0 76.3 -0.1
LE47 COL / End -183.6 -85.1 0.0 0.0 -76.7 0.0
LE48 COL / End 84.2 -27.4 -9.2 12.7 -19.1 48.9
LE49 COL / End 129.5 -40.1 9.3 -12.7 -27.1 -49.1
LE50 COL / End 135.0 -43.4 -9.4 12.4 -28.8 49.4
LE51 COL / End 140.3 -45.0 9.4 -12.4 -29.8 -49.6

Unbalanced forces
X Y Z Mx My Mz
[kN] [kN] [kN] [kNm] [kNm] [kNm]
LE40 -9.5 -42.7 132.2 49.5 -30.5 -11.9
LE41 12.4 -36.4 98.8 -47.3 -26.8 9.3
LE42 -0.1 81.3 233.8 0.2 57.0 0.1
LE43 10.0 -42.2 -222.7 -45.4 -47.3 -9.5
LE44 0.0 93.9 201.1 0.1 70.1 0.0
LE45 0.1 -93.4 200.3 0.1 -69.7 0.0
LE46 0.0 86.4 -188.1 0.1 76.3 0.0
LE47 0.0 -85.1 -183.6 0.0 -76.7 0.0
LE48 9.2 -27.4 84.2 -48.9 -19.1 12.7
LE49 -9.3 -40.1 129.5 49.1 -27.1 -12.7
LE50 9.4 -43.4 135.0 -49.4 -28.8 12.4
LE51 -9.4 -45.0 140.3 49.6 -29.8 -12.4

Foundation block
Item Value Unit
CB 1
Dimensions 2550 x 310 mm
Depth 2000 mm
Anchor M32 4.6
Anchoring length 1164 mm
Shear force transfer Anchors

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Project no:


Name Value Check status
Analysis 100.0% OK
Plates 0.2 < 5.0% OK
Anchors Not calculated
Welds 0.0 < 100% OK
Concrete block 63.1 < 100% OK
Buckling Not calculated

fyd tp σ εPl σc,Ed
Name Material Loads Status
[MPa] [mm] [MPa] [%] [MPa]
COL-w 1 E 250 (Fe 410 W) A 227.3 16.0 LE51 227.6 0.1 0.0 OK
COL-arc 1 E 250 (Fe 410 W) A 227.3 16.0 LE51 227.7 0.2 0.0 OK
COL-arc 2 E 250 (Fe 410 W) A 227.3 16.0 LE51 227.6 0.1 0.0 OK
COL-arc 3 E 250 (Fe 410 W) A 227.3 16.0 LE51 227.3 0.0 0.0 OK
COL-w 2 E 250 (Fe 410 W) A 227.3 16.0 LE51 135.3 0.0 0.0 OK
COL-arc 4 E 250 (Fe 410 W) A 227.3 16.0 LE51 213.2 0.0 0.0 OK
COL-arc 5 E 250 (Fe 410 W) A 227.3 16.0 LE44 227.4 0.1 0.0 OK
COL-arc 6 E 250 (Fe 410 W) A 227.3 16.0 LE44 227.6 0.1 0.0 OK
COL-w 3 E 250 (Fe 410 W) A 227.3 16.0 LE44 227.5 0.1 0.0 OK
COL-arc 7 E 250 (Fe 410 W) A 227.3 16.0 LE44 227.6 0.1 0.0 OK
COL-arc 8 E 250 (Fe 410 W) A 227.3 16.0 LE44 227.5 0.1 0.0 OK
COL-arc 9 E 250 (Fe 410 W) A 227.3 16.0 LE50 226.1 0.0 0.0 OK
COL-w 4 E 250 (Fe 410 W) A 227.3 16.0 LE50 149.2 0.0 0.0 OK
COL-arc 10 E 250 (Fe 410 W) A 227.3 16.0 LE50 227.3 0.0 0.0 OK
COL-arc 11 E 250 (Fe 410 W) A 227.3 16.0 LE50 227.5 0.1 0.0 OK
COL-arc 12 E 250 (Fe 410 W) A 227.3 16.0 LE50 227.6 0.2 0.0 OK
SP1 E 250 (Fe 410 W) A - 1 218.2 32.0 LE44 218.3 0.0 0.0 OK

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Project no:

Overall check, LE51

Strain check, LE51

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Project no:

Equivalent stress, LE51

Tb Vsb
Shape Item Loads
[kN] [kN]

A1 LE50 146.2 26.2

A2 LE50 159.8 6.6

A3 LE51 147.6 5.2

A4 LE51 162.0 24.5

Detailed result for A1

Anchor checks have not been performed.

Detailed result for A2

Anchor checks have not been performed.

Detailed result for A3

Anchor checks have not been performed.

Detailed result for A4

Anchor checks have not been performed.

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Project no:

Weld sections
tt lj lje fe fwd Ut
Item Edge Electrode Loads Status
[mm] [mm] [mm] [MPa] [MPa] [%]
SP1 COL-w 1 E 250 (Fe 410 W) A - 236 - - - - - OK
SP1 COL-arc 1 E 250 (Fe 410 W) A - 5 - - - - - OK
SP1 COL-arc 2 E 250 (Fe 410 W) A - 5 - - - - - OK
SP1 COL-arc 3 E 250 (Fe 410 W) A - 5 - - - - - OK
SP1 COL-w 2 E 250 (Fe 410 W) A - 236 - - - - - OK
SP1 COL-arc 4 E 250 (Fe 410 W) A - 5 - - - - - OK
SP1 COL-arc 5 E 250 (Fe 410 W) A - 5 - - - - - OK
SP1 COL-arc 6 E 250 (Fe 410 W) A - 5 - - - - - OK
SP1 COL-w 3 E 250 (Fe 410 W) A - 236 - - - - - OK
SP1 COL-arc 7 E 250 (Fe 410 W) A - 5 - - - - - OK
SP1 COL-arc 8 E 250 (Fe 410 W) A - 5 - - - - - OK
SP1 COL-arc 9 E 250 (Fe 410 W) A - 5 - - - - - OK
SP1 COL-w 4 E 250 (Fe 410 W) A - 236 - - - - - OK
SP1 COL-arc 10 E 250 (Fe 410 W) A - 5 - - - - - OK
SP1 COL-arc 11 E 250 (Fe 410 W) A - 5 - - - - - OK
SP1 COL-arc 12 E 250 (Fe 410 W) A - 5 - - - - - OK

Detailed result for SP1 / COL-w 1

Butt welds are not checked. Their resistance is assumed to be the same as that of the welded member.

Concrete block
c Nc Aeff σc ω Ut
Item Concrete Loads Status
[mm] [kN] [mm2] [MPa] [MPa] [%]
CB 1 M30 LE50 72 288.7 25434 11.4 18.0 63.1 OK

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Project no:

Detailed result for CB 1

Concrete block bearing resistance check (IS 800:2007 – 7.4.)
Nc ω=
σc = =

​ ​
11.4 MPa ≥ 18.0 MPa
Aef f ​

Nc = 288.7 kN
​ – compressive force

Aef f = 25434 mm2 – effective area in compression

ω = 18.0 MPa – bearing resistance of the concrete

ω = 0.6 ⋅ fck , where: ​

fck = 30.0 MPa – characteristic cube strength of concrete

c = 72 mm – overlap of the column base over the column

c = ts ⋅ , where:

1.5 ⋅ fck ⋅ γm0

​ ​ ​

​ ​

ts = 32 mm – base plate thickness

fy = 250.0 MPa – yield strength of the column base

γm0 = 1.10 – partial safety factor for resistance governed by yielding

Buckling analysis was not calculated.

Bill of material

Manufacturing operations
Plates Welds Length
Name Shape Nr. Bolts Nr.
[mm] [mm] [mm]

SP1 P32.0x550.0-290.0 (E 250 (Fe 410 W) A) 1 M32 4.6 4

Throat thickness Leg size Length
Type Material
[mm] [mm] [mm]
Butt E 250 (Fe 410 W) A - - 999.9

Length Drill length
Name Count
[mm] [mm]
M32 4.6 1196 1164 4

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Project no:



P32.0x290-550 (E 250 (Fe 410 W) A)

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Project no:

Symbol explanation
Symbol Symbol explanation
fyd Design yield strength
tp Plate thickness
σ Equivalent stress
εPl Plastic strain
σc,Ed Contact stress
Tb Factored tensile force
Vsb Factored shear force
tt Fillet weld throat thickness
lj Weld length
lje Weld element length
fe Equivalent stress in the weld
fwd Design strength of a fillet weld
Ut Utilization
c Overlap of the column base over the column
Nc Compressive force
Aeff Effective area in coompression
σc Compressive stress on the effective area
ω Compressive resistance

Code settings
Item Value Unit Reference
Friction coefficient - concrete 0.45 - IS 800:2007 – 7.4.1
Friction coefficient in slip-resistance 0.30 - IS 800:2007 – 10.4.3
Limit plastic strain 0.05 -
Detailing No
Distance between bolts [d] 2.50 - IS 800:2007 – 10.2.2
Distance between bolts and edge [d] 1.50 - IS 800:2007 – 10.2.4
Limit grip length of bolts as a multiple of bolt diameter - IS 800,
Bolt maximum grip length [d] 37.00 -
Local deformation check Yes
Local deformation limit 0.03 - CIDECT DG 1, 3 - 1.1
Geometrical nonlinearity (GMNA) Yes Analysis with large deformations for hollow section joints
IS800, Cl
Concrete in compression check
Braced system (EC stiffness
No EN 1993-1-8 –

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