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Microsoft Dynamics

365 solutions
Ecosystem map
What is Dynamics 365?

Dynamics 365 is a suite of powerful software applications created by

Microsoft to help businesses manage various aspects of their operations
more efficiently. It's like a toolkit that includes different tools for tasks like
keeping customers satisfied, planning resources, and analysing data.
These tools are split into smaller apps that can work on their own or
together as needed. So, whether a business wants to handle customer
relationships better, organise finances, or improve how things flow in the
company, Dynamics 365 offers solutions to make it all happen smoothly.
It's like having an intelligent helper that understands what businesses
need to succeed.
Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP) :
Enterprise Resource Planning in Dynamics 365 focuses on optimising internal processes. It covers
various aspects of business operations:

a) Financial Management: The financial module handles accounting, budgeting, and financial
reporting. It helps businesses manage their finances, track income and expenses, and ensure
compliance with accounting standards. Features include ledger management, invoicing, and financial

b) Supply Chain Management: Supply Chain Management tools streamline the flow of goods and
services. From procurement to distribution, the module helps optimise inventory levels, reduce lead
times, and collaborate effectively with suppliers. It also assists in demand forecasting and order

c) Human Resources (HR): The HR module supports Personnel Management tasks. It covers employee
records, benefits administration, payroll processing, and performance evaluations. It helps businesses
keep track of their workforce, ensure compliance, and enhance employee satisfaction.
Customer Relationship Management (CRM) :

At the core of Dynamics 365's functionalities lies Customer Relationship Management. This
involves overseeing customer interactions and connections, aiming to enhance contentment
and allegiance. Here's an overview of the features encompassed within CRM:
a) Sales Management: The sales module of Dynamics 365 assists sales teams in overseeing the
complete sales procedure. It covers everything from generating potential leads to finalising
agreements, it furnishes utilities for monitoring customer engagements, handling contacts, and
predicting sales outcomes.

b) Marketing automation: The Marketing module assists in creating and executing marketing
campaigns. It includes tools for email marketing, social media, and lead nurturing.

c) Customer service: This module empowers customer support teams to provide exceptional service.
Case management tools allow agents to track and resolve customer inquiries efficiently.
Cloud-based accessibility :

Dynamics 365 operates in the cloud, offering a range of benefits:

a) Remote access: Users can access the system from anywhere with an internet connection. This
promotes remote work and facilitates collaboration between teams working from different

b) Automatic updates: Microsoft manages system updates and maintenance in the cloud. This
guarantees that companies consistently possess the most up-to-date features, solutions to
glitches, and security improvements, all without the inconvenience of manual updates.

c) Scalability: Cloud infrastructure allows businesses to scale up or down based on changing

requirements easily. This elasticity ensures that businesses pay only for the resources they need
at any given time.
Microsoft Cloud for Industry
platform :

Dynamics 365's platform brings applications together for seamless operation:

a) Data sharing: With a shared database, data entered in one module can be used across others.
For instance, customer data from the CRM module can be used in the ERP module for accurate
invoicing and financial analysis.

b) Collaboration: Departments can collaborate effectively because they're working within the
same ecosystem. The availability of shared data enhances communication and coordination
among the sales, finance, and customer service departments.

c) Centralised management: Administrators can manage user access, security settings, and
application configurations from a single interface. This simplifies administration and ensures
consistency in user permissions.
Microsoft Dynamics 365 Artificial Intelligence :

allows your teams to discover insights, make informed decisions, and improve client
experiences by leveraging the power of AI.

a) Customized transformation
Implement AI at your pace and simplify the usage with intuitive interfaces, detailed guidance, and
applications that create a streamlined experience by integrating together.

b)Eliminate siloed business models

Integrate processes and data across all applications to gain a better understanding of your clients
and organization.

c)Insightful analysis and insights

Add value to all your touchpoints by making them relevant with proactive, data-driven insights
into client needs and behaviors.
Microsoft 365 :
brings together the best collaboration solutions for
you to work together with others to get things done.
Whether you’re using a laptop or your mobile device,
you can easily attend meetings online, reply to a
chat, share files or information, co-author in real time,
network, and collaborate with anyone from
Collaboration Solutions
Microsoft Copilots

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