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The Role of Hormones in Female

and Male Reproductive System

 Both the nervous system and endocrine
system are important in enabling the body
to maintain homeostasis.
 Homeostasis is the state reached when
each part of the body functions in
equilibrium with other parts. This is
attained through the regulation of the
bodily functions by the endocrine and
nervous systems.
The primary sex organs (gonads) are those
that produce gametes (sperm and eggs)

Male: testes Female: ovaries

Feedback Mechanisms Involved in
Regulating Processes in the Female
Reproductive System

The Menstrual Cycle

Myths about Menstruation in the

 1. When you get 2. Jump off the

your menarche stairs from three
(your first flow) in steps up so that
your teenage
your period will
years, wash your
face with the blood last for only 3
so you won’t get days
Myths about Menstruation in the

3. Don’t take a 4.

bath during Dysmennorhea
your period, can be cured by
you’ll be marriage
Myths about Menstruation in the

5. Attending a wake during your

period will make your menses
We have learned that, on average, an ovary releases
only one egg every 28 days. Now, what controls this
Hormones control many of the changes in the
reproductive system. Hormones are chemicals that
affect certain body organs.
The monthly changes that take place in the female
reproductive system are called menstruation. This
cycle occurs every month from the first onset which
could happen when a female is between 10 to 13
years old. The monthly cycle continues for about 40
Menstrual Cycle
-a 28-day cycle of sequential
changes caused by shifting patterns of
hormone secretion.
-starts at the first day of
The important events during the
menstrual cycle are as follows

1. The pituitary gland controls and starts the cycle.

2. The pituitary gland releases hormones that cause
the egg in the ovary to mature. The luteinizing
hormone (LH) initiates the maturation of the
follicles, converts ruptured follicles into corpus
luteum and causes the secretion of progesterone.
The follicle stimulating hormone (FSH) assists in the
maturation of the follicles and causes the secretion
of estrogen from the follicles.
The hormonal changes of this phase
are associated with symptoms of
premenstrual syndrome (PMS) such
as pimples, headaches, fatigue,
dizziness, mood changes, bloating,
pain, swelling of the breasts, and
food cravings.
➢positive feedback intensifies a response while
negative feedback reduces the effect of a

➢A negative feedback affects the production and

release of hormones in the menstrual cycle. High
levels of one hormone may inhibit the production
of another hormone. During the cycle, negative
feedback mechanism keeps the levels of
hormones relatively stable
- the cessation of menstruation (45-55 yr)

fewer remaining
follicles and - menopause
less responsive to and life span

less estrogen and

the uterus, vagina,
and breasts atrophy

Determine whether a positive or a negative

feedback mechanism is taking place in each
example. Put a plus (+) sign if it is a positive
feedback mechanism and a negative (-) sign if it is a
negative feedback mechanism.

1. +
2. +
3. -
4. -
Activity 3

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