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Changes in Genetic Code

Mutations are changes to a DNA sequence. Just
like the information in DNA as a group of
sentences, mutations are mistakes in spelling of
the words that form those sentences.

Mutagens are agents that cause alteration in the

DNA and can lead to permanent mutations in
the DNA sequence depending on the ability of an
organism to repair the damage.
•Examples of mutagens are radioactive substances,
x-rays, ultraviolet radiation, and certain chemicals
or drugs.

•Gene mutations affect health and development by

preventing one or more proteins from working
properly. By changing a gene’s instructions for
making a protein, a mutation can cause the protein
to malfunction or to be missing entirely.
•Mutations can occur in two different types of
cells: reproductive cells and body cells. Only
mutations in sex cells pass on to offspring.

•Mutations affect the reproductive cells of an

organism by changing the sequence of
nucleotides within a gene in a sperm or an egg
cell. If these cells are fertilized, then the
mutated gene becomes a part of the genetic
makeup of the offspring.
•There are two types of mutations that can occur
in gamete cells:
1. Gene mutation is a permanent change in the
DNA sequence that makes up a gene.

2. Chromosomal mutation occurs at the

chromosome level resulting in gene deletion,
duplication or rearrangement that may occur during
the cell cycle and meiosis. It maybe caused by parts
of chromosomes breaking off or rejoining
• Most mutations are harmful. Some mutations in a
body cell are known to cause cancer, while mutations
in sex cells can cause birth defects.

• A severe mutation may lead to cell death and may

have no effect on the body.

• Sometimes mutations may be useful for the species.

For example, a mutation in blood proteins prevents
viruses or parasites to thrive in host organisms.
• Mutation may be passed from one generation to the
next if present in gametes.
The following are kinds of chromosomal
1. Deletion- happens when a base is deleted from
the nitrogen base sequence.
2. Duplication – occurs when a part of a chromosome is
copied (duplicated) too many times. This type of
chromosomal change results in extra copies of genetic
material from the duplicated segment.
3. Inversion
- when a
segment of
me is
end to end.
4. Insertion- the addition of one or more
nucleotide base pairs into a DNA sequence.
segments of
are exchanged.
Is there any advantage of

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