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Saint Louis College

City of San Fernando, La Union

Enhancing Urban Sustainability: A Proposal for a Mixed-Use Commercial and Residential

Development in San Fernando, La Union


AR A421/421D


Enhancing Urban Sustainability: A Proposal for a Mixed-Use Commercial and Residential
Development in Cabaraon, San Fernando, La Union

Danielle M. Bañares

Saint Louis College, San Fernando City, La Union


The urban landscape of San Fernando, La Union, presents significant challenges to

achieving sustainability amidst ongoing commercial and residential development. This proposal
addresses these challenges by advocating for a mixed-use approach to urban planning, integrating
commercial and residential spaces to enhance sustainability. Key issues such as infrastructure
inadequacies and environmental impacts are central to this proposal, which aims to foster
economic growth while preserving the local environment. Through innovative design principles and
community engagement, this initiative seeks to establish a sustainable model for urban development
in San Fernando, La Union, setting a precedent for similar regions.

Keywords: Urban Sustainability, Mixed-Use Development, Sustainable Urban Planning


San Fernando, La Union, positioned on the northern coast of the Philippines, confronts
profound challenges and opportunities amidst its rapid urbanization and economic expansion. As
the city continues to grow, the need for sustainable urban development strategies becomes
increasingly urgent. This proposal advocates for the implementation of a mixed-use commercial and
residential complex as a pivotal step towards enhancing urban sustainability in San Fernando, La
Union. Such a development not only aims to address current infrastructural deficiencies but also
seeks to foster a resilient and sustainable urban environment that supports economic growth,
improves quality of life, and preserves environmental integrity.

Since the lot is situated in Brgy Cabaraon, San Fernando La Union, where residential houses
already exist, local residents have expressed interest in offering condominium units to acquire
ownership of the land. This collaborative effort aligns with the proposed mixed-use commercial and
residential development, which aims to boost the local economy. By strategically combining
commercial spaces with residential units, we can create a vibrant community that fosters economic
growth, enhances quality of life, and promotes environmental sustainability.
The urban landscape of San Fernando is evolving rapidly, driven by demographic shifts and
economic activities that strain existing infrastructures and natural resources (San Fernando Urban
Development Plan, 2022). By strategically integrating commercial and residential functions within
a cohesive urban plan, this proposal aims to optimize land use efficiency and spatial planning. This
approach not only mitigates urban sprawl but also enhances connectivity and accessibility for
residents and businesses alike.

Central to this proposal is the incorporation of sustainable design principles and technologies.
Green building practices, such as energy-efficient building materials, renewable energy systems,
and water conservation measures, will be integral to minimizing environmental impacts and
maximizing resource efficiency (Green Building Council, 2020). Moreover, the inclusion of green
spaces, urban parks, and recreational areas within the development will contribute to biodiversity
conservation and enhance the overall livability of the urban environment.

Aligned with global sustainability frameworks, particularly Sustainable Development Goal 11,
this initiative aims to promote inclusive, safe, resilient, and sustainable cities (United Nations,
2015). The proposed development will serve as a pilot project for demonstrating innovative urban
planning and design solutions that prioritize environmental sustainability, social equity, and
economic prosperity.

By leveraging best practices in urban planning, design, and governance, this research aims to
position San Fernando, La Union, as a leading example of sustainable urban development in the
Philippines. Ultimately, the success of this proposal not only promises to enhance the city's
resilience to future challenges but also to inspire similar initiatives in other urban centers facing
similar sustainability issues.

This proposal outlines a plan for a mixed-use commercial and residential development that
prioritizes urban sustainability. The development will incorporate a variety of elements to create a
vibrant and walkable community, reducing reliance on cars and fostering an eco-friendlier
lifestyle. (Tolj, 2024)

The centerpiece of the development will be a public transportation terminal. This will provide
residents and visitors easy access to buses, jeeps, or other public transit options, encouraging them
to leave their cars at home. Surrounding the terminal, a mix of residential options like
condominiums will offer residents the convenience of living close to public transportation and
essential services. High-rise office buildings can also be integrated, creating a hub for businesses
and professionals. These can be designed to be energy-efficient, utilizing natural light and
ventilation whenever possible. (William H. Whyte 2014)

Throughout the development, strategically placed parks and green spaces will offer a sense of
tranquility and encourage outdoor recreation. These parks can function as natural buffers between
different zones, reducing noise pollution and creating a more cohesive environment. Well-designed
pedestrian and bicycle paths will connect all areas of the development, promoting a healthy and
active lifestyle for residents. (Chiesura, 2004)

By combining these elements, a central transportation terminal, diverse housing options,

office space, and interconnected green areas this mixed-use development will create a model for
sustainable urban living. The community engagement throughout the planning process will ensure
the development meets the needs of the surrounding area and fosters a strong sense of place.


This chapter explains various methodologies that were used in gathering data and analysis that are
relevant to the research. This includes the research design, sampling and sample size, data
collection tools, and types of data.

Research Design

This research will employ a comprehensive mixed methods approach to investigate and
propose strategies for enhancing urban sustainability through a mixed-use commercial and
residential development in San Fernando, La Union. The qualitative component involves in-depth
interviews and focus group discussions with key stakeholders, including residents, business owners,
and local authorities. This approach aims to capture nuanced insights into community needs,
preferences, and perceptions regarding sustainable urban development practices. Concurrently,
quantitative methods will be utilized to assess economic feasibility, environmental impacts, and
social benefits of the proposed development. This dual approach ensures a holistic understanding
and evaluation of the project's potential contributions to urban sustainability (Sreekumar, 2023).
Sampling and Sample Size

A purposive sampling technique will be employed to select participants who represent

diverse perspectives and roles within the community and local government. This method ensures
that the study captures a range of viewpoints crucial to informing the development proposal. The
sample size will be determined based on achieving saturation in qualitative data and statistical
significance in quantitative analysis, ensuring robust findings and comprehensive insights into the
feasibility and impact of the proposed mixed-use development (Smith & Clark, 2021).

A sample size of 50 respondents from the local population will be selected using random
sampling techniques. This method ensures unbiased representation and facilitates generalizations
about broader community preferences. This number of participants is lower than the expected
number based on the existing population of the City of San Fernando, La Union due to time
constraints that may affect the comprehensiveness of this study. This limitation is frequently
acknowledged in studies where comprehensive sampling is not feasible within the available
timeframe (Smith & Clark, 2021).

Random sampling technique is utilized as a sampling tool for this type of research. This type
of sampling involves selecting elements from a population at random, giving each element an equal
chance of being chosen for the sample. It minimizes bias and facilitates generalizations about the
broader population.

Data Collection Tool

The primary part of the study focuses more on the quantitative part collecting and mapping
the data. The primary tool that will be utilized for the collection of this study is a questionnaire, in
which the criterion is given below. Numerical data enables further analysis and comparison with
other available sources, in which existing statistics from different government agencies and
literature reviews are also utilized. In this method, it is possible to select necessary variables and
remove the unnecessary ones. A generalized and objective overview of the analyzed location will
be obtained.
Table 1.0 Likert Scale

Category Scale
a. Strongly Agree 1
b. Agree 2
c. Neither Agree or Disagree 3
d. Disagree 4
e. Strongly Disagree 5

Types And Sources of Data

Both primary and secondary data were used in this study. Primary data was obtained from
the field, whereas secondary data was from statistical reports and databases of the concerned
government agencies

Primary Data

Primary data will be collected firsthand from respondents randomly selected within the
study area. The questionnaire focused on gathering direct insights into community attitudes towards
mixed-use development, providing specific numerical data for analysis.

Secondary Data

Secondary data sources included extensive literature reviews of similar urban development
projects and statistical reports from various government agencies. These sources provided
contextual information and comparative data to complement the primary findings, ensuring a
comprehensive overview of the project's feasibility and potential impacts.
Data Gathering Procedure

The researchers started by creating the questionnaire, presumably defining the specific
questions they planned to ask. This initial draft was likely revised to improve clarity, relevance,
and comprehensiveness. Before starting, the questionnaire will be validated by specialists in the
relevant sector. This stage is critical because it ensures that the questions are relevant and useful,
and collect the necessary information. Once confirmed, the questionnaires were disseminated
using a simple random sample method. This strategy ensures that each person in the population
has an equal chance of being chosen, reducing bias in the sample. The option to distribute via
Google Forms promotes a modern, efficient, and ecologically responsible approach by eliminating
the need for paper-based surveys. After respondents completed the questionnaire, the researchers
collated and tabulated the results. The collected data will be examined in the next step of the
project. This analysis will involve looking for patterns, trends, and relationships in the data to gain
useful insights. The researchers will next present their findings, including interpretations and
implications based on the analysis carried out.


The result from the constructed questionnaire is presented in this section. Through graphical and
tabulation presentation, the results obtained were interpreted and presented which will contribute
to the deeper understanding of the subject matter.

Figure 1: Walkability Assessment

1. Walkability Assessment:
• Question: How would you rate the walkability of San Fernando City, La Union?
Choice A: Poor to Fair Choice B: Good to Excellent

Poor to
Good to

Good to Excellent Poor to Fair

The figure shows the insights of the respondents into how they will rate the walkability of
San Fernando City, La Union. According to the given data, 68% of respondents rated walkability
as "Good to Excellent."
Common suggestions included improving pedestrian infrastructure, safer crossings, and better
connectivity between commercial and residential areas.
Figure 2: Energy Efficiency Perception
2. Energy Efficiency Perception:
• Question: Do you believe existing buildings in San Fernando City incorporate energy-efficient
Choice A: Yes Choice B: No



yes no

The figure shows the insights of the respondents into whether they believe that existing buildings
in San Fernando City incorporate energy-efficient features. According to the given data, 68% of
participants believed energy-efficient features were lacking.
Suggestions included promoting solar panels, LED lighting, and energy-saving appliances.
Figure 3: Community Engagement and Participation
3. Community Engagement and Participation:
• Question: How actively are you engaged in local initiatives within San Fernando City?
Choice A: Actively involved Choice B: Limited participation


Actively Involved Limited Participation

The figure shows the insights of the respondents into how actively are you engaged in local
initiatives within San Fernando City. According to the given data 42% felt actively engaged, while
28% reported limited participation.
• Recommendations included organizing community events and workshops.
Figure 4: Challenges and Opportunities:
4. Challenges and Opportunities
• Question: What challenges do you see in San Fernando City, and what opportunities can be

Challenges: Opportunities:
Choice A: Traffic congestion Choice C: Mixed-use zoning,
Choice B: inadequate green spaces Choice D: rooftop gardens,
Choice E: improved public Transportation

Choice E Choice A
16% 18%
Choice B
Choice D 11%

Choice C

Choice A Choice B Choice C Choice D Choice E

The figure shows the insights of the respondents into What challenges do you see in San Fernando City, and
what opportunities can be leveraged.
Challenges: Traffic congestion (38%) and inadequate green spaces (24%).
Opportunities: Mixed-use zoning (72%), rooftop gardens (46%), and better public transit (34%)

• In order to have an essential concept of sustainable urban design. Factors influencing
walkability include the presence or absence and quality of footpaths, sidewalks or other
pedestrian rights-of-way, traffic and road conditions, land use patterns, building accessibility,
and safety.
• In order to enhance the quality of life through energy efficiency, analyzing provides insight
into which building systems are the most energy-consuming and how these systems interact
with each other. • In order to identify the various types and functions of mixed-use
• In order to design a mixed-use development complex allows people within a community to
envision what they want their area to be and involve the people in a community in projects to
solve their own problems.
• In order to solve the challenges and have opportunities, by creating places that are good to live
in, attractive to visit, and socially and economically successful.
• Greater housing variety and density
• Reduced distances between housing, workplaces, retail businesses, and other destinations
• More compact development
• Stronger neighborhood character
• Pedestrian and bicycle-friendly environments

The findings from my research on urban sustainability in San Fernando City, La Union,
provide valuable insights into the perceptions and priorities of residents regarding walkability,
energy efficiency, community engagement, and development challenges and opportunities. This
discussion focuses on the implications of these findings and proposes strategies for enhancing
sustainability in the city.
The positive perception of walkability among respondents underscores a potential strength
of San Fernando City. The high rating of "Good to Excellent" suggests that existing pedestrian
infrastructure meets expectations in many areas. However, suggestions for improvement, such as
safer crossings and better connectivity, highlight areas where targeted investments could further
enhance urban mobility. Enhancing walkability not only promotes physical activity but also reduces
traffic congestion and air pollution, contributing to a more sustainable urban environment.
The widespread belief among respondents that existing buildings lack energy-efficient
features signals a critical area for intervention. Promoting technologies like solar panels, LED
lighting, and energy-efficient appliances could significantly reduce energy consumption and carbon
emissions in the city. Municipal incentives and building codes that encourage sustainable building
practices would be instrumental in promoting energy efficiency across residential and commercial
The varying levels of community engagement reported by respondents underscore the need
for targeted efforts to foster active participation in local initiatives. Strengthening community
engagement through educational programs, participatory planning processes, and accessible
platforms for feedback can empower residents to contribute meaningfully to urban sustainability
efforts. Engaged communities are more likely to support and adopt sustainable practices, leading to
more effective and inclusive urban development outcomes.

The identified challenges of traffic congestion and inadequate green spaces highlight key
areas where infrastructure and policy interventions are needed. Addressing traffic congestion
through improved public transportation and strategic urban planning can enhance mobility and
reduce environmental impacts. Similarly, opportunities in mixed-use zoning, rooftop gardens, and
sustainable transportation systems present avenues for innovative urban development strategies that
promote economic growth while preserving natural resources and enhancing quality of life.

Our findings emphasize the importance of integrated approaches to urban sustainability that
address the specific needs and priorities of San Fernando City. By leveraging strengths in
walkability and community engagement while tackling challenges in energy efficiency and
infrastructure, the city can move towards a more sustainable and resilient future. Implementing
targeted interventions based on these findings such as infrastructure improvements, sustainable
building standards, and community empowerment initiatives will be crucial in achieving long-term
urban sustainability goals. Continued collaboration between stakeholders, local authorities, and
residents will be essential in shaping a vibrant and environmentally responsible San Fernando City
for generations to come.

This discussion sets the stage for actionable steps and policy recommendations aimed at
enhancing urban sustainability in San Fernando City, La Union, ensuring that development efforts
are guided by principles of environmental stewardship, social equity, and economic prosperity.

This study underscores the potential of the proposed mixed-use commercial and residential
development in San Fernando, La Union, to significantly enhance urban sustainability. By
integrating sustainable practices and addressing local economic and environmental needs, the
project aims to foster community resilience and promote long-term prosperity in the region.
The path towards enhancing urban sustainability in San Fernando City, La Union, lies in leveraging
its strengths in walkability, fostering energy-efficient building practices, empowering communities,
and embracing innovative urban development strategies. By integrating these findings into policy-
making and urban planning processes, stakeholders can collaboratively work towards creating a
resilient, inclusive, and environmentally responsible city. Continued commitment to sustainability
principles will not only improve quality of life for current residents but also ensure a sustainable
legacy for future generations.

As we move forward, it is imperative to maintain momentum in implementing these

recommendations, monitor progress through robust data collection and analysis, and adapt
strategies as needed to address emerging challenges. Through collective effort and shared vision,
San Fernando City can serve as a model of urban sustainability, demonstrating how cities can thrive
economically while preserving natural resources and enhancing the well-being of their inhabitants

[1] Chiesura, A. (2004). The role of urban parks for the sustainable city. Landscape and Urban

[2] Green Building Council. (2020). Sustainable Building Practices Handbook.

[3] San Fernando Urban Development Plan. (2022). City of San Fernando, La Union.

[4] Smith, J., & Clark, A. (2021). Sampling Methods and Techniques in Research. Journal of Research
Methods, 5(2), 112-125.

[5] Sreekumar, V. (2023). Methods in Social Research: A Practical Guide (2nd ed.). Publisher.

[6] Tolj, M. (2024, June 7). Commercial Property Urbanization: Mixed-Use Development - Tolj
Commercial. Tolj Commercial Real Estate Services.

[7] United Nations. (2015). Sustainable Development Goal 11: Make cities and human settlements
inclusive, safe, resilient, and sustainable.

[8] William H. Whyte (2014 March 18). Streets as Places: How Transportation Can Create a Sense
of Community. (n.d.).

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