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Контрольна робота

Перевірити та оцінити :
- засвоєння студентами матеріалу, передбаченого програмою (ЛО по
темі, умовні речення нульового, першого та другого типів)
- сформованість навичок користування англійською мовою (вміння
сриймати англійську мову на слух, вміння читати специфічні тексти -
рецепти страв, вміння читати текст для отримання інформації)
Task 1. Listening
Listen to a minute speech and mark True (T) or false (F) sentences
Salad is important. I reckon most of us don’t eat enough salad. We prefer other
things. I’m a bit lazy when it comes to salad. I can’t be bothered to make one. If
I’m at the salad bar of a restaurant, I will make the effort. I’ll pile as much stuff on
my plate as I can. Eating salad is so healthy. I really must try to have some kind of
salad two or three times a day. I think if everyone did this, the whole world would
be healthier. There are so many delicious salad vegetables. And then you put salad
dressing on top to make it extra yummy. Salads just look so healthy, and you feel
healthy after eating them. I like all kinds of salad. There are so many, from pasta
salads to potato salad to a simple green salad. They’re all tasty and healthy.
True (T) or false (F)
1. Salad is not important.
2. Eating salad is good for health.
3. The speaker doesn’t advice to eat salad some times a day.
4. Dressing makes a salad extra yummy.
5. There are pasta salads as well as green salads.
Task 2. Vocabulary ‘Recipe’. Match words with their Ukrainian equivalents.
1. Boiled sausage/ bologna b) Дві столові ложки
2 . Carrots c) Консервований зелений
3. Spring onions горошок
4. Potatoes d) Сіль
5. Pickled cucumbers e) Солоні огірки
6. Canned peas f) Зелена цибуля
7. Hardboiled eggs g) Яйця зварені круто
8. Mayonnaise h) Майонез
9. Salt i) За смаком
10. dice j) Нарізати кубиками
11. 2 tbls k) Варена ковбаса
12. to taste. l) Морква
a) Картопля
Task 3. Put the steps of the recipe in order.
Write only numbers in one line (0123)
1. Boil the carrots, potatoes and the eggs.
Let them cool down and then peel them.
2. Now, dice all ingredients into small cubes.
Focus on the size of the green pea.
3. Enjoy!
4. Add mayo to the salad exactly before the serving.
Garnish with dill.
5. Place all sliced ingredients into a bowl, mix them well.
Season with salt to taste.
Task 4. Translate into Ukrainian:
1. If I have enough time, I always cook something tasty.
2. If a guest gets a ‘treasure’ in his piece of Christmas pudding , he will be
lucky next year.
3. You would read the text about National cuisine without problems if you
learned new words.
Task 4. Read the text. Find the correct answer. Write down the KEYS
The New Year is coming. We cannot imagine its celebration without traditional
things – New Year Tree, Jingle Bell song, firework, Home Alone film, champagne
and Olivier salad. It is a very popular dish in Ukrainian cuisine as well as in
other post-Soviet countries, many European countries, Iran, Israel, Mongolia and
also throughout Latin America.
In many countries, the dish is known as Russian salad. A variation called stolichny
salad - "capital city salad" exists.
The original version of the salad was invented in the 1860s by a cook of Belgian
origin, Lucien Olivier, the chef of the Hermitage, one of Moscow's most celebrated
restaurants. Olivier's salad quickly became popular with Hermitage regulars.
The exact recipe—particularly that of the dressing—was a guarded secret, but it is
known that the salad contained grouse, veal tongue, caviar, lettuce, crayfish
tails, capers, and smoked duck, although it is possible that the recipe varied
seasonally. The original Olivier dressing was a type of mayonnaise, made with
French wine vinegar, mustard, and Provençal olive oil; its exact recipe, however,
remains unknown.
At the turn of the 20th century, one of Olivier's sous-chefs, Ivan Ivanov, attempted
to steal the recipe. While preparing the dressing one evening, Olivier was suddenly
called away on some emergency. Taking the opportunity, Ivanov sneaked into
Olivier's private kitchen and observed his mise en place, which allowed him to
make reasonable assumptions about the recipe of Olivier's famed dressing. Ivanov
then left Olivier's employ and went to work as a chef for a different restaurant,
where he began to serve a suspiciously similar salad under the name "capital salad"
(Russian: столичный, tr. stolichny). It was reported by the gourmands of the time,
however, that the dressing on the stolichny salad was of a lower quality than
Olivier's, meaning that it was "missing something."
Later, Ivanov sold the recipe for the salad to various publishing houses, which
further contributed to its popularization. Due to the closure of the Hermitage
restaurant in 1905, and the Olivier family's subsequent departure from Russia, the
salad could now be referred to as "Olivier."
In different modern recipes, it is usually made with diced boiled potatoes, carrots,
brined dill pickles (or cucumber), green peas, eggs, celeriac, onions, diced
boiled chicken or bologna sausage (sometimes ham or hot dogs), and tart apples,
with salt, pepper, and mustard added to enhance flavor, dressed with mayonnaise.
You can can find versions of this dish everywhere, from the Dutch Potato
Salad with apples, New Zealand’s version with bacon and sweet potatoes, and
the Pacific version with bananas and sweet potatoes.

1. The salad has

a) The only name
b) Two well-known names
c) Three names
2. Olivier is
a) A cook’s name
b) The name of the restaurant
c) A cook’s surname
3. The raisin of the original salad was
a) Raisin
b) Dressing
c) Boiled potato
4. The Olivier Salad can be cooked
a) With cabbage
b) With fruit
c) With flour
5. The best title for the text is
a) From the history of a traditional dish
b) Lucien Olivier’s story
c) New Year Celebration

Task 1. Listening
1F 2T 3F 4T 5T
Task 2.
1 k 2l 3f 4a 5e 6c 7g 8h 9d 10j 11b 12i
Task 3. Put the steps of the recipe in order.
1 2 5 4 3
Task 4. Translate
1. Якщо мені вистачає часу, я завжди готую щось смачненьке.
2. Якщо гість отримає «скарб» у своєму шматочку різдвяного пудингу,
йому пощастить наступного року.
3. Ви б без проблем прочитали текст про національну кухню, якби
вивчили нові слова.
Task 4. Read the text. Find the correct answer.
1C 2C 3b 4b 5a

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