MIL Module 4 (Ien)

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2nd Semester Quarter 3
Module 4: Media Evolution and Society

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Media and Information Literacy

Senior High School (Core)
2nd Semester Quarter 3 – Module 4: Media Evolution and Society

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Regional Director: Gilbert T. Sadsad
Assistant Regional Director: Jessie L. Amin

Development Team of the Module

Writers: Ailen S. Laguda, Alvin D. Laban, Isagani E. Nazarrea




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Welcome to this self-learning module: Media Evolution and Society.

In accomplishing this learning material, you have to take first the pre-test,
and you are tasked to study the learning activities and perform the various
practice tasks 1, 2 and 3. After doing so, you may take the post-test to
determine the knowledge and skills you gained from this lesson. To enhance
your competence, you have also to accomplish your assignment found in
this module. Thank you and Goodluck!
Objective: After completing the module, you should be able to…

1. Explain how the evolution of media from traditional to new media

shaped the values and norms of people and society
2. Illustrate how this happen
3. Criticise this influence

Vocabulary List
To have a better understanding of the lesson presented in this
module, you should be familiar with the following terms:
audio n. sound, especially when recorded, transmitted, or reproduced

cassette n. a sealed plastic unit containing a length of audiotape, videotape,

film, etc. wound on a pair of spools, for insertion into a recorder or playback

catalyst n. a person or thing that precipitates an event

cave painting n. a prehistoric picture on the interior of a cave, often

depicting animals

cinema n. a theatre where movies are shown for public entertainment; a

movie theatre

disc, disk n. an information storage device for a computer in the shape of a

round flat plate that can be rotated to give access to all parts of the surface.

expose n. reveal the true, objectionable nature of (someone or something).

information n. stimuli that has meaning in some context for its receiver.

media n. the means of transfer of information.

papyrus n. a material prepared in ancient Egypt from the pithy stem of a

water plant, used in sheets throughout the ancient Mediterranean world for
writing or painting on and also for making rope, sandals, and boats.

phonograph n. an early sound-reproducing machine that used cylinders to

record as well as reproduce sound.

platform n. a raised level surface on which people or things can stand; a

venue or means to operate

record disc n. a thin plastic disk carrying recorded sound, especially music,
in grooves on each surface, for reproduction by a record player.
smartphone n. a mobile phone that performs many of the functions of a
computer, typically having a touch screen interface, Internet access, and an
operating system capable of running downloaded applications

smoke signal n. a column of smoke used as a way of conveying a message

to a distant person

Umalohokan n. refers to the town criers of ancient barangays in the

Philippines. They were responsible for going around and making people
aware of new laws and policies enacted by the Datu or chieftain.

video n. the recording, reproducing, or broadcasting of moving visual

Direction: Read the questions carefully and select the best answer by
writing only the letter of your choice on a separate sheet of paper.
1. _____ n. a theatre where movies are shown for public entertainment; a
movie theatre
a. cinema
b. disc
c. catalyst
d. cassette

2. _____ n. a venue or means to operate

a. media
b. information
c. platform
d. platform

3._____ n. a prehistoric picture on the interior of a cave, often depicting

a. cave painting
b. papyrus
c. smoke signal
d. hieroglyphs
4. _____ n. an information storage device for a computer in the shape of a
round flat plate that can be rotated to give access to all parts of the
a. cinema
b. catalyst
c. disc
d. cassette

5. _____ n. a material prepared in ancient Egypt from the pithy stem of a

water plant, used in sheets throughout the ancient Mediterranean world
for writing or painting on and also for making rope, sandals, and boats.
a. media
b. information
c. papyrus
d. platform

6. _____ n. a thin plastic disk carrying recorded sound, especially music, in

grooves on each surface, for reproduction by a record player.
a. phonograph
b. disk
c. record disc
d. audio
7. _____ n. a sealed plastic unit containing a length of audiotape, videotape,
film, etc. wound on a pair of spools, for insertion into a recorder or
playback device.

a. disc
b. cassette
c. papyrus
d. catalyst

8. _____ n. reveal the true, objectionable nature of someone or something.

a. media
b. information
c. expose
d. platform

9. _____ n. town crier of the olden Philippines

a. hieroglyphs
b. papyrus
c. smoke signal
d. Umalohokan

10. _____ n. the recording, reproducing, or broadcasting of moving visual

a. video
b. audio
c. record disc
d. phonograph
Learning Activities
To Read:
Media Evolution and Society.
Since time immemorial, media has remained an integral part of
human civilization. From the days of Kodigo ni Kalantiyaw, the Umaluhokan
to the modern day’s audio video, print, and online media has always taken a
pivotal role in shaping our society. During the days of freedom struggle
newspapers like La Solidaridad, with Jose Rizal’s Noli Me Tangere and El
Filibusterismo acted as a platform to place the demands of common Indio
and to express with freedom fighters. Philippine media after independence
era has grown phenomenally and today comprises of hundreds of
magazines, newspapers, television and radio channels.
In this era of liberalisation, privatisation and globalisation the world
has reached our drawing room thanks to media. Since the introduction of
radio and television in our country in aural and visual media becomes a very
potential tool in informing the current news to the society, entertaining the
people and shaping up of public opinion. The World Wide Web technologies
have given rise to electronic media where even a common man can express
views through blogs, vlogs, website posts, Facebook and Twitter and other
social media. Coupled with traditional print media all these audio video and
social media caters to a richly diversified media industry in the country.
As the public’s eye, media helps in fighting against corruption,
nepotism, cronyism of institutional machinery and carrying out relentless
campaign against them. Thanks to exposes, it acted as a catalyst to
government action compelling government to swing into action including
suspending officials and putting them into jail. Without media, the news of
government schemes and benefits would have never reached the target

Media Timeline

Time Media Role

ancient cave paintings, writing on convey information

papyrus, smoke signals,
trail markers, sculpture,
town crier
100 years mail, printed materials, convey information,
ago printed newspapers, propaganda, entertainment,
books, phonograph, shaping public opinion
record disc (advertisement), entertainment
50 years ago radio, television, cinema, convey information,
audio-video recording and propaganda, entertainment,
playback machine, shaping public opinion
cassette (advertisement), public’s eye for
40 years ago Betamax, VHS, computer government transactions and
30 years ago CD, VCD, DVD, Internet, demeanor
cellular phone
20 years ago early smartphone, Yahoo
Mail, Yahoo Messenger
10 years ago smartphone, YouTube,
Facebook, Messenger,
recent Twitter, Instagram,
Snapchat, Tik Tok

Contemporary media roles in society

1. Information
2. Education
3. Entertainment
4. Advancement
5. Correlation of parts in society

Influence of media on today’s society

Society is influenced by media in so many ways. It is the media that people

get information about a lot of things and also form opinions and make a
judgment regarding various issues. It is the media, which keep people
updated about what is happening around them and the world .
This is individually performed.
Objective: After completing the module, you should be able to…
1. Explain how the evolution of media from traditional to new media
shaped the values and norms of people and society
2. Illustrate how this happen
3. Criticise this influence

Direction 1: Read PT1 Article attached to this task. Your answer must be in
a separate sheet of paper. Do not fail to submit answer sheet at the end of
1. Explain your understanding of the article in terms of media
evolution. How it influenced values and norms of people and society
of that period?
2. How it influenced values and norms of people and society of that
3. Is the media of the period helping society? Why? Why not? Support
your answer.
Ang umalohókan ay
isang tao na may
tungkuling ibalita sa
madla ang anumang
pangyayari sa
sinaunang lipunan
ng Filipinas.
Mahalaga ang papel
ng umalohokan sa
mga barangay dahil
ang lahat ng
pagpapahayag mula
sa mga namumunò
ng barangay o sa iba
pang karatig na
barangay ay maaari
lamang ipakalat sa
paraang oral.
Kasama sa mga
balitang ito ang mga
bagong alituntunin
na nabubuo ng datu
ng bawat lugar. Ang
umalohokan ang
tumatakbo sa lahat ng sulok ng barangay upang ikalat ang balita o ang utos
ng datu. Ayon sa ilang historyador, ang Umaluhokan ay maaari ding piliin
ng datu kung may kailangang paglilitis. Ang pa-mumunò ng umalohokan sa
paraang ito ay natatapos sa pagpapa-hayag niya ng desisyon sa inihaing
katanungan o hidwaan. Bumabalik na muli ang pa-mumunò sa datu.

Cite this article as: Umalohokan. (2015). In V. Almario (Ed.), Sagisag

Kultura (Vol 1). Manila: National Commission for Culture and the Arts.

Retrieved from

This is individually performed.
Objective: After completing the module, you should be able to…
1. Explain how the evolution of media from traditional to new media
shaped the values and norms of people and society
2. Illustrate how this happen
3. Criticise this influence

Direction 1: Read PT2 Article attached to this task. Your answer must be in
a separate sheet of paper. Do not fail to submit answer sheet at the end of
1. Explain your understanding of the article in terms of media
evolution. How it influenced values and norms of people and society
of that period?
2. How it influenced values and norms of people and society of that
3. Is the media of the period helping society? Why? Why not? Support
your answer.
PT 2
The Maragtas is a work
Pedro Alcantara
Monteclaro titled (in
English translation)
History of Panay
from the first inhabitants
and the Bornean
immigrants, from which
they descended, to the
arrival of the Spaniards.
The work is in
mixed Hiligaynon and Ki
naray-a languages
in Iloilo in 1907. It is an
original work based on
written and oral sources
available to the author.
The Maragtas is an
original work which
purports to be based on
written and oral sources
of which no copy has
survived. The author
makes no claim that the
work contains a
transcription of particu-
lar pre-Hispanic
documents. The work consists of a publisher's introduction by Salvador
Laguda, a foreword by the author, six chapters, and an epilogue. The first
chapter describes the former customs, clothes, dialect, heredity,
organization, etc. of the Aetas of Panay, with special mention of Marikudo,
son of old Chief Polpulan; the second chapter begins a narrative of the
ten datus flight from Borneo and the tyranny of Rajah Makatunaw there,
and their purchase of the island of Panay from Marikudo; the third chapter
tells of the romance of Sumakwel, Kapinangan and her lover Gurung-
garung; the fourth chapter concludes the tale of the ten datus, telling about
their political arrangements and their circumnavigation of the island; the
fifth chapter describes language, commerce, clothing, customs, marriages,
funerals, mourning habits, cockfighting, timekeeping techniques, calendars,
and personal characteristics; the sixth and final chapter gives a list of
Spanish officials between 1637 and 1808; the epilog contains a few
eighteenth-century dates.
This is individually performed.
Objective: After completing the module, you should be able to…
1. Explain how the evolution of media from traditional to new media
shaped the values and norms of people and society
2. Illustrate how this happen
3. Criticise this influence

Direction 1: Read PT3 Article attached to this task. Your answer must be in
a separate sheet of paper. Do not fail to submit answer sheet at the end of
1. Explain your understanding of the article in terms of media
evolution. How it influenced values and norms of people and society
of that period?
2. How it influenced values and norms of people and society of that
3. Is the media of the period helping society? Why? Why not? Support
your answer.
PT 3
La Solidaridad was a newspaper which was
published in Barcelona, Spain on February 15,
1889. It was edited by Graciano López Jaena and
later on by Marcelo H. del Pilar. The social,
cultural, and economic condi-tions of the colonial
Philippines was published in La Solidaridad.
Speeches of the Spanish liberals about the
Philippines was also featured in the news-
paper.La Solidaridad was established to express
the goal of the Propaganda Movement towards
achieving assimilation with Spain. The first issue
of La Solidaridad came out on February 15, 1889.
A fortnightly and a bi-weekly newspaper, La
Solidaridad serves as the principal organ of the
Reform Movement in Spain.
Comite de Propaganda in the Philippines
funded the publication of the La Solidaridad. The
editorship for the newspaper was first offered to
Rizal. However, he refused because during that
time he was annotating Antonio de Morga's Sucesos de las Islas Filipinas in Lon-
don. After Rizal, Graciano López Jaena was offered for the editorship of La Solidari-
dad and he accepted.
On April 25, 1889, La Solidaridad published the letter entitled "The aspira-
tions of the Filipinos" which was written by the Asociación Hispano-Filipina de
Madrid (English: Hispanic Filipino Association of Madrid).[3] It pursued desires for:

• Representation in the Cortes

• Abolition of censure
• An expressed and definite prohibition of the existing practices of exiling
residents by purely administrative order, and without a writ of execution from
the courts of justice.
On December 15, 1889, Marcelo H. del Pilar replaced Graciano López Jaena
as the editor of La Solidaridad. Under his editorship, the aims of the newspaper
expanded. His articles caught the attention of Spanish leaders and ministers.Using
propaganda, it pursued desires for:

• That the Philippines be a province of Spain

• Representation Filipino priests instead of Spanish friars —
Augustinians, Dominicans, and Franciscans — in parishes and remote sitios
• Freedom of assembly and speech
• Equal rights before the law (for both Filipino and Spanish plaintiffs)
After years of publication from 1889 to 1895, funding of the La
Solidaridad became scarce. Comite de Propaganda's contribution to the newspaper
stopped and del Pilar funded the newspaper almost on his own. Penniless in Spain,
del Pilar stopped the publication of La Solidaridad on November 15, 1895, with 7
volumes and 160 issues.
Direction: Read the questions carefully and select the best answer by
writing only the letter of your choice on a separate sheet of paper.
1. _____ n. an early sound-reproducing machine that used cylinders to
record as well as reproduce sound.
a. disk
b. cassette
c. papyrus
d. phonograph

2. _____ n. a mobile phone that performs many of the functions of a

computer, typically having a touch screen interface, Internet access, and
an operating system capable of running downloaded applications
a. disc
b. papyrus
c. smartphone
d. catalyst

3. _____ n. a venue or means to operate

a. media
b. information
c. platform
d. platform

4. ._____ n. a prehistoric picture on the interior of a cave, often depicting

a. cave painting
b. papyrus
c. smoke signal
d. hieroglyphs

5. _____ n. an information storage device for a computer in the shape of a

round flat plate that can be rotated to give access to all parts of the
a. cinema
b. catalyst
c. disc
d. cassette

6. _____ n. a material prepared in ancient Egypt from the pithy stem of a

water plant, used in sheets throughout the ancient Mediterranean world
for writing or painting on and also for making rope, sandals, and boats.
a. media
b. papyrus
c. information
d. platform
7. _____ n. a column of smoke used as a way of conveying a message to a
distant person
a. cave painting
b. smoke signal
c. papyrus
d. hieroglyphs

8. _____ n. a thin plastic disk carrying recorded sound, especially music, in

grooves on each surface, for reproduction by a record player.
a. record disc
b. phonograph
c. disk
d. audio

9. _____ n. the recording, reproducing, or broadcasting of moving visual

a. video
b. audio
c. record disc
d. phonograph

10. _____ n. a sealed plastic unit containing a length of audiotape,

videotape, film, etc. wound on a pair of spools, for insertion into a
recorder or playback device.

a. cassette
b. disc
c. papyrus
d. catalyst
Direction: Answer the questions provided. Write the answer in your

1. How is an issue presented in different media platform differ?

2. What are their similarities?
3. What do you think is the reason behind?

• Search

Pretest Post test

1. a 1. d
2. c 2. c
3. a 3. c
4. c 4. a
5. c 5. c
6. c 6. b
7. b 7. b
8. c 8. a
9. d 9. a
10. a 10. a

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