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Novel Study Test: Robin Hill School: Too Many Valentines

Multiple Choice

Directions: Read the sentence and circle the letter that best answers the questions.

1. All the children at Robin Hill School loved Valentine’s Day except _____________.

a. Ricky
b. Sarah
c. Jimmy
d. Neil

2. __________________ is the teacher of Robin High School.

a. Mrs. Connor
b. Mrs. Johnson
c. Mrs. Lewis
d. Mrs. Smith

3. When Neil got home his sister gave him a ______________.

a. gift
b. envelope
c. letter
d. doll

4. Katie gave Emma a _____________ valentine.

a. pink
b. red
c. cute
d. frilly
Read the sentence and draw a line to the right picture.

1. “ I do not want any more,” said Neil.

2. Katie gave Emma a frilly valentine

3. Nobody gave a valentine to Neil.

True or False

1. The class made valentine cookies. True / False

2. James gave Hannah a pink valentine True / False

3. Violets are red and roses are blue. True/ False

4. The children are in second grade. True/ False

5. Neil talked about his soccer team True/False

but nobody listened.

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