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General Certificate of Secondary Education


Specification 4360


Mark Scheme
Practice Paper Set 1
Mark Schemes
Principal Examiners have prepared these mark schemes for specimen papers. These mark schemes have
not, therefore, been through the normal process of standardising that would take place for live papers.

Further copies of this Mark Scheme are available to download from the AQA Website:

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AQA GCSE Mathematics – Unit 3 Higher Tier - Mark Scheme Practice Paper

Glossary for Mark Schemes

GCSE examinations are marked in such a way as to award positive achievement wherever possible. Thus ,
for GCSE Mathematics papers, marks are awarded under various categories.

M Method marks are awarded for a correct method which could lead
to a correct answer.

A Accuracy marks are awarded when following on from a correct

method. It is not necessary to always see the method. This can be

B Marks awarded independent of method.

Q Mark for Quality of Written Communication (QWC)

M dep A method mark dependent on a previous method mark being


B dep A mark that can only be awarded if a previous independent mark

has been awarded.

ft Follow through marks. Marks awarded following a mistake in an

earlier step.

SC Special case. Marks awarded within the scheme for a common

misinterpretation which has some mathematical worth.

oe Or equivalent. Accept answers that are equivalent.

eg, accept 0.5 as well as

Mark Scheme Practice Paper – Unit 3 Higher Tier - AQA GCSE Mathematics

Unit 3 Higher Tier

Q Answer Mark Comments

1 2 ×  × 4.5 M1 oe

[28.2, 28.3] A1

2 Equation, identity, formula, B3 B2 3 correct, B1 if 2 correct


3(a) Diagram (or words) that show a full B1

circle fits inside a square

3(b)(i) 4S – 2D B2 B1 For a two term expression containing

4Q or –2S

3(b)(ii) S B2 B1 S – 2D +2D

4(a)(i) 180 – 80 – 60 B1

040 Q1 Do not accept 40. Must be 3-figure bearing.

4(a)(ii) 180 + 40 B1

220 B1

4(b) AOC =170, B1

180-170 =10

360 - 10 =350 B1 oe

5 4.2 × 3.1 × 2.4 M1

31.248 A1

Their 31.248  42 M1

1312.416 so Radiator C, £220 A1 Accept D on answer line

Organised approach leading to a Q1 Strand (iii)

conclusion that follows from their

Know how to work out volume and

heat output. Know how to relate this
to table

AQA GCSE Mathematics – Unit 3 Higher Tier - Mark Scheme Practice Paper

6(a) 3 and 15 B2

6(b) Correct plots B1

Smooth curve B1

6(c) 5.2 B1 Must see evidence that graph used

7(a) Intersecting arcs either side of AB M1

equal radii and centred on A and B

Perpendicular bisector within A1


7(b) Equal arcs marked on YX and YZ M1

centred on Y and intersecting arcs
of equal radii centred on the arcs

Angle bisector within tolerance A1

8(a) 105° B1

8(b) (10 + 14) × 7.5 M1
90cm2 A1

8(c) Interior angle 150° or B1

exterior angle 30°

360 ÷ exterior angle M1

12 A1

9 Trial between 3 and 3.65 accurately M1

calculated to 1 dp

Trial between 3.66 and 4 accurately M1

calculated to 1 dp

Trial to prove 3.7 (eg, 3.65) nearest A1

1 dp value and 3.7 given as answer

Demonstration of limits to 2dp Q1

Mark Scheme Practice Paper – Unit 3 Higher Tier - AQA GCSE Mathematics

10 2A =B and B + 30 =C oe

2 ½ B =240 M1

B= 96 A1

A= 48 A1

C = 126 A1

11 Circles drawn centre with A and radii B1

6 cm and 8 cm ( 2 mm)

Bearings of 050 and 060 drawn B1

from B ( 2°)

Correct region identified B1

12 Sight of sine M1
sin (4 ÷ 10) M1

23.6 A1

13 63-18x = 43 –10x M1 oe

4y =21-15 M1 oe

x = 2.5 A1

y = 1.5

14 M1
( 5) ± ( 5)2 ( 4)(2)( 5)

5 ± 65 A1

3.27, –0.77 A1

AQA GCSE Mathematics – Unit 3 Higher Tier - Mark Scheme Practice Paper

15(a) Scale marked from 0 to 16 B3 Deduct a mark for any condition not met
Points at
(0, 1), (1, 2), (2, 4), (3, 8), (4, 16)
Smooth curve

15(b) 2 ^ 12 M1

4096000 A1

4 million, 4 010 000 A1 oe

16 50 M1 oe
× 2 × 40

34.9 to 34.91 A1

Their 34.91 + 80 M1

Their (114.9 to 115) ÷ 3 M1

38 or 39 rolls A1

17(a) 52° B1

17(b) 28° B1

17(c) ADB = 58 B1

BCD = 102 B1

CDB = 44 B1

ABD = 44 so alternate to CDB B1

Original approach leading to their Q1

correct answer. Correct terminology
used throughout explanation

18 AC2 = 72 + 82 – 2(7)(8)cos80 M1

93.55 A1

(AC = ) 9.67 A1

AD = 7.58 B1

0.5  7.58  6 + 0.5  7  8  sin 80 M1

50.2 – 50.4 A1 50 with working

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