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FIGs. 1-4, JUNE, 1965


N. C. F L E M M I N G
Pembroke College, Cambridge, England

Distinction is made between form indices which describe the geometry of a particle in terms of its dimensions
and functional indices which describe its behavior as a ratio of the value of a behavioral characteristic to the
value of the same characteristic for a reference body. No single index of either kind can describe a particle
uniquely. Thirteen dimensional parameters are suggested as necessary to describe a particle, and a range of form
indices is derived from these, such that each index partially closes the gap between the previous approximation
and the true form of the particle. The indices are not completely independent of each other, and roundness is
shown to be geometrically dependent on sphericity.
The form of a particle determines its mode of transport, its abrasion, point of deposition, and its effect on the
resulting sedimentary rock. Each behavioral characteristic depends in a different way on each form index
which defines the particle, and a general correlation can only be obtained by successive experiments in which
performance is tested against mass, volume, axial ratio, asymmetry, and indices defining surface irregularities.
This analysis has been carried farthest in the case of settling velocity.
It is proposed that the system outlined here provides a basis for correlation of other behavioral character-
istics with form.

INTRODUCTION To achieve this it is necessary to develop

Most of the concepts of analysis of particles concepts, such as skew ellipsoids a n d second-
by shape, a n d the theory a n d practice of so order corners, which m a y n o t be of i m m e d i a t e
doing, can be traced back to the work of Wadell practical use to geologists, b u t which are needed
(1932, 1934). These methods h a v e been devel- to show the shortcomings of the present meth-
oped with success by K r u m b e i n (1941a, 1941b, ods, a n d to indicate practical improvements. In
and 1942) a n d Cailleux (194,5, 1946, 1947, a n d developing the system several axiomatic as-
1952). N u m e r o u s a l t e r n a t i v e shape a n d round- sumptions of the present literature are shown to
ness factors proposed by various a u t h o r s h a v e be misleading, a n d it is suggested t h a t these
failed to reveal a n y simple and precise relation assumptions h a v e h a d a dragging effect on
between the geometry of a particle and its practical progress. T h e y include the assumption
dynamic behavior, or the significance of its t h a t a particle can be defined by a small n u m b e r
of indices which are geometrically i n d e p e n d e n t
occurrence in a s e d i m e n t a r y rock. Recent effort
has been concentrated on derivation of tables of each other; t h a t sphericity and roundness are
and techniques for rapid evaluation of sphericity geometrically i n d e p e n d e n t of each other; t h a t
and roundness for large n u m b e r s of particles, d y n a m i c b e h a v i o r is in simple relationship to
b u t the meaning of the factors being measured one or two shape factors; and t h a t a cylinder
is still not clear. capped b y hemispheres is as r o u n d as a sphere.
T h e first task is to d e t e r m i n e how m a n y
The purpose of the present work is to outline
a system of shape a n d b e h a v i o r classification m e a s u r e m e n t s of a particle are needed to define
which shall have the following properties: its geometry; t h e n to derive functions of the
m e a s u r e m e n t s to help visualize the geometry
1) The geometrical form of a particle can be and specify analytic forms; and finally to ana-
described to a n y required degree of completeness lyze the relationship between geometry and
by specification of a sutficient n u m b e r of indices behavior.
derived from the system.
2) All presently existing indices shall be in- DEFINITIONS
cluded in the system a n d the relationships be- The term 'shape' will be avoided since it has
tween t h e m made explicit. been given various defined meanings at different
3) The difference between, and the connection times. The word 'form' will be used to include all
between, geometry" of a particle and its d y n a m i c aspects of the geometry of a particle, including
behavior must be i n h e r e n t in the system. such concepts as shape, roundness, angularity,
Manuscript received June 1, 1964; revised Novem- roughness, and others.
ber 4, 1964. T h e word ' p a r a m e t e r ' will be used for the
382 N. C. F L E M M I N G

dimensional attributes of a particle which can common point, nor in reality need they intersect
be directly measured, and which cannot be at all. In this paper they will be assumed to in-
derived from one another. Parameters are not tersect at a point.
always completely independent of each other. It is necessary to define a standard geometric
If three axial lengths are specified the volume form which is specified uniquely by its axes,
cannot exceed a certain value, though it may be from which deviations of the real form of the
infinitesimally close to zero. If axial lengths particle can be measured. Krumbein (1942)
and volume are specified, the surface area can- proposed the ellipsoid as the reference form,
not be less than a certain value, but it may be while Aschenbrenner (1956) has proposed the
infinitely large. kaidekahedron. The ellipsoid is generally ac-
The word 'index' will be used for a function cepted, and has the advantage that it is a
which is derived from a combination of parame- smooth form enclosing the maximum volume
ters. Krumbein (1942) drew attention to the for minimum surface area for given axial
difference between indices which describe the lengths. The disadvantage is that calculations
geometrical form of a particle and those which involving surface areas of ellipsoids or the cir-
are designed to predict its behavior. Rosfelder cumference of an ellipse require the use of tables
(1960, p. 174) states that an index is only useful of elliptic integrals or graphic methods. The
if it describes the dynamic behavior of a particle, surface area of the kaidekahedron is easily
but much effort has been devoted to deriving calculated, and thus an approximate formula for
indices which merely aid classification and the surface area of a particle is derived from
description of particles (Wentworth; 1922, Wa- axial lengths. As a reference form from which to
dell, 1932, 1934; Zingg, 1935; Heywood, 1937 & measure deviations the kaidekahedron is un-
Pavilion, 1947), and such indices will be called suitable on account of its arbitrary planes and
'form indices.' corners.
Indices which are constructed by comparison Rosfelder (1960, p. 198) considers the hy-
of the behavior of the particle to that of a draulic behavior of particles which are asym-
reference body, or from form indices which can metrical, but does not quantify the property of
be shown to have a precise relation to behavior asymmetry. For the case where the axes inter-
and can thus be measured by measuring behav- sect at a point but not at their mid-polnts there
ior, will be called 'functional indices.' is a convenient solution. Suppose the mid-point
Konzewitsch (1961) has attacked all attempts of the a-axis displaced a from the point of inter-
to describe particles by indices, and has proposed section, and the mid-points of the b- and c-axes
a system of numbers and verbal classes in which displaced fl, and 77, respectively. Further, let
geometrical shape, erosional history, and trans- each octant of the form still be ellipsoidal, (fig.
port properties are all involved. 1), then it follows that the cross-sectional area
in an axial plane is independent of the displace-
ment of the axes, as is the volume of the solid.

In terms of semi=axes,
Area of an ellipse~xab.,
Area of skew ellipse=~r/4, r ( a + a ) ( b + ~ ) + ( a - a ) ( b + ~ ) l
[ + ( a + a ) ( b - 0 ) + ( a - ~ ) ( b --,8)J

Volume of ellipsoid=4/3. ~abc

/ (a +a)(b +~)(c +'r) +(a +Y)(b +~)(c -'Y)I
[ + ( a +~)(b - 8 ) ( c + v) + ( a + a ) ( b - 0 ) ( c - v)|
Volume of skew ellipsoid =4/3.7r/8. [ + ( a - a ) ( b + ~ ) ( c + y ) + ( a - a ) ( b + f l ) ( c - , y ) |
= 4/3. ~rabc

The circumference of an ellipse and the sur-

DESCRIPTION OF THE FORM OF A PARTICLE face area of an ellipsoid are both increased by
increasing axial displacement, but the magni-
Necessary Parameters tudes can only be derived from elliptic integrals
The definition of the principal axes of a or graphically. Skew ellipses fit well to the forms
particle as given by Krumbein (1941b) will be of actual particles, and agree remarkably with
used. The longest axis is designated 'a,' the those which are intuitively seen to be well-
longest axis perpendicular to this, 'b,' and the rounded but not symmetrical (fig. 2). The word
longest axis perpendicular to both, 'c.' The axes ellipsoid will be used to refer to a skew form
need not intersect at their mid-points, nor at a without specifying axial displacement.

FIG. l.--The skew ellipsoid with axial displacements of the mid-points a for the a-axls, fl for the b-axis,
and "r for the c-axis. Each octant of the form is an ellipse drawn on the semi-axes bounding the octant. The
volume is independent of the degree of axial displacement.

T h e deviations between a cross-section of the p e n d e n t of shape, and this has been followed b y
particle a n d the corresponding section of the K r u m b e i n (1941a, p. 64), Powers (1953, p. 117),
reference ellipsoid could be described as a Andel, Wiggers, a n d Maarleveld (1954), and
fourier-like series, t h o u g h this is impracticable. most other authors. This will be discussed more
Since a particle could be described in this way fully in the section on roundness.
there is no necessity to insist on concepts of form Besides the p a r a m e t e r s a, b, c, a, fl a n d %
which are held to be completely i n d e p e n d e n t of already described, the following p a r a m e t e r s are
one another. Such concepts have been proposed also i n d e p e n d e n t or partially i n d e p e n d e n t of
in the past to distinguish between early a n d late each other: a n y two of mass (M), density (p),
terms in w h a t is really an infinite series. Since a n d true volume (Vt) ; the surface area (At) ; the
each term of the series is limited in value by the circumference in a given section (Ct) ; the area of
preceding terms, a n d since roundness is a con- a given cross-section ( A ' t ) ; the radius of curva-
cept designed to summarize the later t e r m s of ture of a n y corner (r); a n d the n u m b e r of
the series, it is impossible t h a t roundness, in any corners (n).
of its exact definitions, should be completely
Form Indices
i n d e p e n d e n t of the first terms, which are usually
summarized as shape. Wadell (1932, p. 446) F u n c t i o n s of parameters, though not con-
stated t h a t roundness was geometrically inde- taining information which was not i n h e r e n t in


FiG. 2.--A skew ellipse with axial displacements a/a =0.16, B/b=0.45. The curve of each quadrant is an ellipse
on the semi-axes bounding the quadrant. The area is independent of the degree of axial displacement;,
384 N. C. F L E M M I N G

the parameters themselves, help to visualize the 1) For a section,

form of the particle, and aid classification if it is
required. If the thirteen parameters suggested True circumference Ct
above are accepted as sufficient, then any thir- Circumference of ellipse Ce
teen independent indices derived from them will 2) For a section,
define a particle uniquely. In spite of this, Kon-
zewitsch (1961, p. 3) rejects numerical indices on True Area A't
3 -
the grounds that they vary differently with Areaof ellipse A'e
changes in form, and because a single index does
not define a particle. 3) For a solid,
It is proposed that the simplest system of True surface area At
form indices is one in which an analytic geo- Surface area of ellipsoid Ae
metrical form defined by the indices is progres-
sively modified by the addition of further in- 4) For a solid,
dices, so that the defined form approaches that True volume Vt
of the particle.
Volume of ellipsoid Ve
Axial ratios and asymmetry.--From the three
axial lengths six ratios can be made: a/b, a/c, 1) This will be called a perimeter index, and can
b/a, b/c, c/a, and c/b. Any independent pair of be determined by measurements of an enlarged
these define the form of the reference symmetrical projection. The value for an elliptical particle is
ellipsoid. Axial ratios have been selected by var- unity, but there is a minimum value less than
ious authors as follows: unit), for a form which consists of straight lines
joining the ends of the axes. If the form is
a/b, a/c, b/a, b/c, c/a, c/b smoothly concave the value increases again
Zingg(1935) x X
Heywood (1937) x x
reaching a value approximately equal to 4(a
Poser & H6ver- + b ) / r ~ ( a ~ + b 2) for a four-pointed star. Since
mann (1952) X X x a finite area can be bounded by an infinite perim-
Valeton (1955) x eter, there is no upper limit to the value of the
L~ttig (1956) x x
Waltz (Hermite, index.
1959) x x
Blenk (1960) X X 2) This is similar to the 'profile factor' defined
by Heywood (1937), as the ratio of the true
No pair of indices is 'more fundamental' than area of an axial section to that of the circum-
any other, but it is convenient to have both in- scribed rectangle. Rosfelder (1960, p. 217) modi-
dices ranging freely from zero to unity, and this fied this to refer to the reference symmetrical
is only fulfilled by the Zingg system. In the ellipse, thus changing the index only by a factor
Blenk system b / a ranges from 0-1, but c / a can- of 7r/4. Since the area of an ellipse is not altered
not exceed b/a, so that a triangular diagram re- by displacement of the axes as long as each seg-
sults on which it is awkward to plot other in- ment remains elliptical, Rosfelder's 'profile
dices. factor' is applicable to the skew ellipse, and is
Zingg (1935), Pavilion (1947), and Rosfelder equal to 4A't/lrab.
(1960, p. 204) divide the Zingg diagram differ- This index ranges from a maximum of about
ently into named zones (shown in Rosfelder, 4/7r for a near-rectangle to almost zero for a
figs. 65, 66, 67). These differences are arbitrary four-pointed star. It indicates whether the form
and not critical, since the numerical indices oc- is on average concave or convex relative to the
cupy less space on paper and are more precise. reference ellipse, but does not limit the sinuosity
The parameters of asymmetry can be made of the perimeter.
dimensionless by ratios such as a/a, fl/b, & If both perimeter index and profile factor are
7/c. Indices of the comparative displacement in given, the mean path of the perimeter is deter-
different planes could be made; such as, B/a, 'y/iS, mined from which it may only deviate in such
or ab/#a, & Bc/~/b. In addition the parameters a way as to include equal areas on each side, and
might be grouped into a single index of total the total length is determined, thus defining a
asymmetry. Any three independent functions of mean ratio of amplitude to wavelength of the de-
a. ~, T, preserve the original information. viations. The size or number of deviations is not
Deviation from the skew ellipsoid.--The devi- determined. Specification of the number of
ation from the reference ellipsoid is not immedi- corners defines the mean wavelength of devi-
ately apparent from the list of parameters, and ations from the mean path, and the solution
indices can be devised to show this more clearly. could be carried further by stating the standard
Consider the ratios: deviation of the wavelength. The next step

could only be to define the actual order a n d A definition of roundness should include such
m a g n i t u d e of the deviations, and it is difficult to pseudo-corners, a n d on this basis the ellipsoid is
see w h a t significance should be a t t a c h e d to the the r o u n d e s t form after a sphere. Its radius of
difference between pebbles which are identical c u r v a t u r e is large relative to its linear dimen-
save t h a t the irregularities occur in a different sions, a n d varies minimally with no discontinu-
order. ities. By the same criteria a form which has un-
equal axes c a n n o t be rounder t h a n a n ellipsoid of
3) This ratio is similar to the original sphericity the same axial ratios, a n d so m u s t be less r o u n d
index proposed by Wadell (1932, p. 445), b u t t h a n a sphere. A skew ellipsoid has discontinu-
refers to the ellipsoid instead of a reference ities of radius of c u r v a t u r e a t the ends, b u t the
sphere. T h e surface area of an ellipsoid is diffi- change is from one finite value to a n o t h e r , sug-
cult to calculate, a n d the ratio appears im- gesting t h a t the form is still rounder t h a n a
practicable. frankfurter.
If the axial ratios of a particle are unknown,
4) T h e ratio of true volume to volume of the then the radii of c u r v a t u r e of corners can only be
reference ellipsoid is relatively easily calculated, compared with a n a r b i t r a r y sphere, the exact
a n d defines a mean surface of the particle choice of which is difficult (see next section). If
larger or smaller t h a n the ellipsoid. If indices (3) the axial ratios are known, a n upper limit is set
a n d (4) were combined they would define the on the radii of curvature, if pseudo-corners are
mean steepness of deviations from the mean sur- to be avoided, a n d thus the comparison should
face, and specification of the n u m b e r of corners be with the reference ellipsoid. T h e radius of
would define their mean size as well. c u r v a t u r e of the end of an ellipse is equal to
F u r t h e r indices m i g h t be generated of the b2/2a, so t h a t the mean three-dlmenslonal
type a r e a / v o l u m e 2/3, as required. radius of c u r v a t u r e of the corners of an ellipsoid
would be a function of b~/2a, c*/2a, a n d c~/2b.
Roundness If the form is skew there is a discontinuity in
Roundness is defined as a dimensionless func- radius of c u r v a t u r e a t the ends, a n d t h o u g h a
tion of the radius of c u r v a t u r e of one or more graphic method would give a value to the m e a n
corners. Each stage in the process of defining the radius of curvature, there is a real discontinuity
form of a particle as outlined a b o v e places fur- in the second derivative of t h e curve, which con-
ther restriction on the m a x i m u m value of radii stitutes a second-order corner, in the same way
of curvature, and hence roundness. t h a t a conventional sharp corner is a discon-
If the axial ratios only are known, the particle t i n u i t y in the first derivative.
c a n n o t have a larger radius of c u r v a t u r e a t its In the case of the frankfurter the radius of
corners t h a n an ellipse of the same proportions, c u r v a t u r e a t the end is greater t h a n t h a t of t h e
a n d the same applies to a skew ellipse. If the pro- ellipsoid with the same axial ratios, a n d it would
file factor a n d perimeter index are added, then a t appear to have a roundness on this scale greater
least one wave of specified a m p l i t u d e m u s t be t h a n unity. This is because the value to be at-
superimposed on the perimeter, a n d this will tached to the discontinuities of radius of curva-
sharpen corners; however, if the n u m b e r of ture is still unknown. Ne-~rertheless, it is clear
corners is specified they will be sharpened still t h a t a short f r a n k f u r t e r will a b r a d e to ellipsoidal
further. There is no m i n i m u m limit placed on form and not vice versa.
the radius of curvature, so t h a t a n y particle cart T h e conventional definitions of roundness
still have roundness zero. h a v e referred radii of c u r v a t u r e to the following
It has been stated by Wadell (1932, p. 446), linear dimensions of the particle: the a r i t h m e t -
and recently b y P e t t i j o h n (1957, p. 57), t h a t ical mean of the axial lengths (Wentworth,
roundness is geometrically i n d e p e n d e n t of shape. 1922); the diameter of the largest inscribed
This claim is supported by the s t a t e m e n t t h a t a circle (Wadell, 1932, p. 448), which is usually
cylinder capped with hemispheres, a frankfurter, equal to the b-axis; the a-axis (Cailleux, 1937;
has roundness u n i t y like a sphere. A sphere has a n d Tricart, 1950); a n d the b-axis (Goguel,
uniform radius of c u r v a t u r e over its entire sur- 1953; and Kuenen, 1956). These indices all have
face b u t a f r a n k f u r t e r does not, nor does the value u n i t y for a sphere, b u t give differing values
radius vary smoothly from point to point. In the for other regular shapes. W e n t w o r t h (1922),
cylindrical section the radius is small in one Kuenen (1956), and Cailleux (1947), measure
direction and infinite in the other, while a t the roundness in terms of the radius of the sharpest
ends it is small in both direct.ions. A t the junc- corner only, and Cailleux (1947) suggests second
tion the radius in the longitudinal plane changes a n d third order indices using the second a n d
discontinuously from infinity to a small value. t h i r d sharpest corners. Wadell (1932, p. 448)
This discontinuity constitutes a pseudo-corner. uses mean radius of c u r v a t u r e of corners, a n d to
386 N. C. F L E M M I N G

aid estimation of this a visual chart has been functional indices are derived from form indices
made by Powers (1953). or parameters and then correlated with be-
Rosfelder (1960, p. 297) suggests that both havior.
smallest and mean radius should be measured, Size.--A particle has a volume and a form, but
and the ratio between them called differential its size, if defined as a linear dimension, is arbi-
angularity. This, and the next logical step of trary. Particles are usually categorized for size
measuring mean and standard deviation of radius by sieving, and hence size is a functional prop-
of corners, can only be justifiable in exceptional erty determined by the way in which different
cases. forms pass through sieves (Flemming, 1964, p.
For descriptive purposes there is nothing to 117). If size is defined by measuring settling
choose between these indices save simplicity, velocity it is also a functional property, since the
but the elliptical or skew-elliptical roundness has formulae for converting settling velocity to di-
special significance as a functional index. mensions do not take account of form.
An index used to approximate the behavior of
FUNCTIONAL INDICES a particle is the diameter of a sphere of the same
Introduction volume,

A sufficient number of functional indices de-

fine a particle uniquely, since only one particle Dt = _ _ - ~ - = nominal diameter
form could be found which would have the spec-
ified values of the different functional indices. If it is assumed that the particle is ellipsoidal,
The form could not be calculated, as opposed to the volume is r . a b c / 6 , even if the axes are dis-
being discovered experimentally, unless the re- placed, and the approximate nominal diameter is
lationship between form and function were then,
known for each behavior characteristic. If the
relationships were all known, form indices and De = ¢tabc
functional indices would cease to be independent
as groups, and any combination of a sufficient The nominal diameter states simply the ap-
number of either type, provided that they were proximate volume of the particle, and hence the
individually independent of each other, would gravitational force on it. Thus the cross-sectional
define the particle uniquely. area, circumference, and surface area, of the
Form indices such as axial ratios are simple to nominal sphere become factors with which the
measure, but functional indices such as that con- corresponding values for a particle are com-
cerning settling velocity are simpler to measure pared to account for the difference in behavior
than the form index involving true surface area. between the particle and a sphere.
Thus a practical system for defining particles Sphericity.--Wadeil (1932, p, 445) defined
might include both types of index. true sphericity as the ratio of the true surface
Rosfelder (1960, p. 281) suggests that the area of the particle to the surface area of the
form of a particle effects its behavior in two nominal sphere, in order to determine the effect
ways; firstly, by determining interaction with of form on settling velocity.
fluids, and hence settling velocity, permeability At
of aggregates, entrainment velocity, and so Wadell area sphericity = ~at = - -
forth, and secondly, by determining the most
likely points of abrasion, and hence subsequent This is the comparison of the surface area to
forms of the particle. The initial form deter- the two-thirds power of the volume as suggested
mines the initial mode and rate of transport above. In view of the difficulty of measuring
under known conditions, which determines the surface area, Wadell (1934) redefined sphericity
type of abrasion. For a short interval the rate of as the cube root of the ratio of the true volume
movement and the change of form could be of the particle to the volume of the circum-
calculated, and in the next short interval a new scribed sphere. This is the same as the ratio of
rate of transport will be determined by the new the diameter of the nominal sphere to the longest
form. Such a progression could be integrated on axis of the particle. Krumbein (1942, p. 624)
a computer to give the final position and form of assumes the particle to be an ellipsoid, and de-
the particle after a known time. rives an approximation to the Wadell volume
Suggested Functional Indices
Since relatively few experiments have been v aa ram
made to compare behavior of particles with that
of spheres, except for settling velocity, most Elliptical volume sphericity.

If t w o particles have identical volumes and The following table shows that most possible
elliptical sphericity this stipulates that they ratios and combinations of the axial lengths have
must have identical long axes and cross-sec- been studied :
tional area in the b-c plane. If b = c the surface
area of the particle is a minimum, while if b = a (Constants omitted)
the surface area is a maximum. Thus the ellip- abc nominal sphere (Krumbein, 1942,
p. 624)
tical volume sphericity has very different proper- a+b+c mean diameter (Wentworth, 1922)
ties from the Wadell true area sphericity. This ab/c ~ portance (Rosfelder, 1960;
difference may account for the conclusion of Corey, 1949; Sneed
Krumbein (1942, p. 625) that elliptical volume and Folk, 1958).
sphericity did not determine settling velocity. It bc/a * sphericity (Krumbein, 1942)
ac/b 2 shape factor (Aschenbrenner, 1955)
is possible that * ve, which describes that part (a+b)/c flatness (Wentworth, 1922;
of the 'sphere of influence' of the particle which Cailleux, 1945)
is actually occupied by material, might be (a+c)/b isometry (Wentworth, cited by
relevant to porosity and permeability studies. Konzewitsch, 1961,
p. I.)
As already shown the area of an ellipse is in- (b +c)/a ?
dependent of the displacement of the axes, and (a-b)/(a-c) ? (Sneed and Folk,
thus the elliptical volume sphericity of a par- 1958).
ticle is independent of its skewness. Sphericity is
therefore an insensitive measure of the progress It appears that the only demonstration that
of abrasion of a particle. an index is precisely related to function is
Assuming a kaidekahedron reference form Rosfelder's correlation between portance and
Aschenbrenner (1956) derives a sphericity index settling velocity.
which is the reciprocal of the square root of Krumbein (1942, p. 630) defined a form co-
Wadell's area sphericity. Because of the as- efficient, which, in the terms of the present
sumptions made in its calculation it is difficult work is a real functional index, as the ratio of the
to relate this index to others, but Rosfelder (1960 settling velocity of a particle to that of the
fig. 71) has plotted its values on a Zingg diagram. nominal sphere. Briggs, McCulloch, and Moser
Rosfelder (1960, p. 210) adapts an index de- (1962) defined a 'dynamic shape factor' as the
vised by Durand and de Lara (1953), which he square of Krumbein's form coefficient, and
defines as 'the ratio of the maximum cross-sec- plotted this against Wentworth flatness ratio,
tional area of the reference ellipsoid to the elliptical sphericity, portance, and Aschenbren-
cross-sectional area of the nominal sphere.' This ner shape factor, for a large number of particles.
is called 'portance,' designated 0J. Roundness.--Roundness as a functional index
is intended to correlate with the severity of abra-
sion. Since the inscribed sphere is the largest
= ab/(abc)21a = tc , sphere to which an irregular particle could be
abraded, WadelI roundness, mean radius of
This index has been put forward previously as curvature/radius of inscribed sphere, is most
c / C a b by Corey (1949), and as the reciprocal of logical. As already shown the radius of curva-
portance by Sneed and Folk (1958). Rosfelder ture of the end of an ellipse is b*/2a in terms of
(1960, p. 222) shows that portance governs axial lengths. If we take the radius of the corner
settling velocity because particles settle with of an ellipsoid as the sharpest curvature, it is
their maximum areas across the direction of equal to cZ/2a, and since the radius of the in-
movement, whereas the elliptical sphericity scribed sphere is c/2, the Wadell roundness of
would apply to particles falling with their small- the ellipsoid is c/a. This is equal to b / a X c / b ,
est areas across the flow. Rosfelder plots settling and hence lines of constant roundness for ellip-
velocity on a Zingg diagram (1960, fig. 77) and soids plot on a Zingg diagram as hyperbolae
portance on a similar diagram (fig. 72), and the of the type xy = k (fig. 3).
agreement is excellent. The figures agree with From the lines of constant sphericity plotted
those of the present author (Flemming, 1964, p. on figure 3 it is clear that there is a correlation
119). with roundness. The range of maximum round-
Other functions of axial lengths. - - T h e flatness ness for a given sphericity is given by the round-
ratio devised by Wentworth (1922) and used by ness values at each end of the sphericity line,
Cailleux (1945) is defined as ( a + b ) / 2 c , and al- that is, for b / a ~ 1, and c / b = 1. The range is
though it is difficult to show that this is specifi- plotted against sphericity in figure 4. The lines
cally related to a mode of behavior, it has been ex- limit only the maximum roundness for a par-
tensively used as a means of investigating trans- ticle, and any particle can have a lower round-
port and abrasional histories of particles. ness. An approximate linear equation for the
388 N. C. F L E M M I N G


\ \ ~-~ \1
\ ,,\\ ~' ,\ '\ ',~',

\ \ ,, \ ".,



,4 \


i I I I I I I I I
*1 "~- "3 4 "5 "6 "7 .8 .q I,o
c /B

FIG. &--The sphericity and roundness of a smooth ellipsoid compared on a Zingg diagram. The solid lines
are those of constant sphericity with the formula 6=3,~/(b/a)~.(c/b). The pecked lines are those of constant
roundness with the formula R =(b/a). (c/b). For a given sphericity roundness is a maximum if c/b= l, and a
minimum b/a = I.

case b / a = l is R = 2 ¢ , - 1 . 0 , and for c / b = l ,

R = 1 . 2 5 ~ - 0.25.
Though roundness and sphericity have been
held to be geometrically independent it has been
recognized that they are in practice closely re-
lated, by what is termed a functional relation-
ship. Figure 3 includes several experimental plots
of roundness against sphericity, from Pettijohn
(1957, p. 60). The slopes of the lines are similar
,/ to those for a smooth ellipsoid, implying that the
variation of roundness within the samples is
governed by the geometrical dependence on
axial ratios. However, the actual value of round-
.3 ness is less than that for a smooth ellipsoid, im-
plying many small deviations from that form.
The ratio of the mean radius of curvature to
that of the reference ellipsoid produces a defini-
/ tion of roundness which is geometrically inde-
-q I.o
pendent of axial ratios, is a true measure of the
deviation from the smooth ellipsoid, and hence a
better measure of abrasional properties.
FIG. 4.--A plot of roundness against sphericity for Kuenen (1956, p. 355) found that in erosional
smooth ellipsoids. For any smooth ellipsoid of known experiments all particles tended towards ellip-
sphericity the roundness will lie between the two solid soids. Krumbein (1941a, p. 498-499) produced
curves. The straight pecked lines are experimentally
derived relationships for sands, from Pettijohn experimental evidence to show that Wadell
(1957, fig. 29). roundness and elliptical sphericity both decrease

exponentially during c o n s t a n t abrasion. The Settling velocity has been related to spheres b y
roundness changed very rapidly a t first, b u t Stokes (1850), to axial ratios by K r u m b e i n
later a t the same rate as sphericity. This sug- (1942), a n d Rosfelder (1960), who started to
gests t h a t the particles had reached near ellip- analyze the effect of a s y m m e t r y . T h u s eight of
soidal form, after which roundness was a function the thirteen p a r a m e t e r s have been related to the
of sphericity. function of settling velocity.
In the course of abrasion a particle first loses A complete relationship between form indices
the irregularities by which its form deviates from a n d functional indices requires the experimental
a skew-ellipsoid, this becomes symmetrical, a n d derivation of thirteen equations, each with thir-
finally becomes a sphere. Although a function of teen variables; hence, the inversion of a 13 × 13
the radius of c u r v a t u r e of corners gives a meas- matrix. Since the indices would p r o b a b l y be
sure of t h e d e g r e e of abrasion at the beginning of multiplied, the matrix would be constructed in
a particle's abrasional history, the skewness t e r m s of logarithms.
should be a sensitive indicator later on, and It has been shown t h a t Wadell roundness is
finally sphericity must be used, or snme other not geometrically i n d e p e n d e n t of axial ratio,
function of axial ratios alone. a n d a new index, the ratio of the mean radius of
c u r v a t u r e to t h a t of the reference ellipsoid, is
The form of a particle can conveniently be de- T h e case of settling velocity shows t h a t the
scribed by thirteen partially i n d e p e n d e n t param- quest for greater accuracy inevitably leads suc-
eters, which m a y be combined to form indices cessive researchers to extend the set of indices
which are usually dimensionless. T h e indices describing the form of a particle. S t u d y of the
bring out geometric properties of the particle, relationships between permeability, porosity,
aid classification, a n d help to i n t e r p r e t function. fabric orientation, bed roughness, rolling veloc-
An index conveys no information t h a t was not ity, sliding velocity, a n d rate of abrasion u n d e r
i n h e r e n t in the parameters, a n d a universally different conditions of transport, depends on
significant index which will define a particle precise numerical description of the form of par-
uniquely is impossible. ticles, and it is hoped t h a t the system proposed
T h e suggested p a r a m e t e r s are the axial a b o v e will facilitate the task.
lengths, a, b, c, the axial displacements a,/~, T,
the true volume, the true surface area, cross-
sectional area, perimeter of a section, density or ACKNOWLEDGMENTS
mass, n u m b e r of corners, a n d radius of c u r v a t u r e M y t h a n k s are due to M. J. Kirkby, a n d
of corners. J. R. L. Allen for discussion a n d criticism of the
The only generally accepted functional index manuscript. T h e work was carried o u t while I
is the ratio of the settling velocity of a particle was on a D e p a r t m e n t of Scientific a n d Industrial
to t h a t of a sphere of the same volume a n d mass. Research studentship.

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