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Five Paragraph Essay Outline

Thesis statement: George Orwell was trying to demonstrate how music can have profound effects on
people’s minds, being used as a method of both control and freedom.

Body Paragraph #1

Topic sentence: How the music inspires Winston Smith, freedom and hope

Supporting detail: The passion with which the offspring woman sings while hanging up her clothes.


Body Paragraph #2

Topic sentence: How music reminds Winston of tragedy

Supporting detail: Where he saw the men while the song “Under the Spreading Chestnut Tree, I sold you
and you sold me,” was playing over the telescreens.


Body Paragraph #3

Topic sentence: How music inspires the hate on people

Supporting detail: The Song of Hate, created by the Party solely for the celebration of Hate Week.


Conclusion: (Re-state thesis, bring to a satisfying close) Gather all the ideas previously exposed and
exposing their similarity finally providing a conclusion

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