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° for knowledge: study definitions like: globalization (1.1), organization (1.1) collective talent (use it
for telling the definition of organization), intellectual capital (1.1) collective brainpower (use it for
telling the definition of intellectual capital), division of labor (1.1) was created by adam smith (toca
iniciar la oracion con esa frase), portable skills (1.1). sara 10 puntos

° for thinking define what is a manager and hierarchy (10 puntos), importance of QWL(1.2) what is,
why do managers needs to follow this. Ways to do it like a fair pay( 4 puntos), importance of
knowledge management(1.1)( 4 puntos) what is division of knowledge, created by Hayek, discuss
leadership ideas of the mother of management, name who created it, how do you make your
employees empower( 2 puntos), explain why Max Weber believes that bureaucracy is important in
organization, using the words power and punishment (efficiency) and the negative aspects( 5
puntos), explain the importance of psychology contract(1.4), (2 puntos), what is the Hawthorne
effect?( is the behavior change when people think they are being observed(1.4), (3 puntos).

° for application explain theory X and Y and give and applying and why you choose it as a
manager( 6 puntos), you ascended in a company, what is contingency(plan B), why is it important
and what is your plan B( 6 puntos), What is ethical dilema, dilemma t work place, whether being a
whistleblower explanation (4 puntos)(1.6)

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